I Hate Myself and Want to Die

Kurt Cobain

Testi Traduzione

Runny nose and runny yolk
Even if you have a cold still
You can cough on me again
I still haven't had my full fill

In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?

Broken heart and broken bones
Finger plaster cast and horse pills
One more quirky cliché phrase
You're the one I wanna refill

In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?

Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral
Which have been painted brown and attached to the skull with common wood screws
Can make a child look like a deer

In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?

Runny nose and runny yolk
Even if you have a cold still
You can cough on me again
I still haven't had my full fill

In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?

Runny nose and runny yolk
Naso che cola e tuorlo che cola
Even if you have a cold still
Anche se hai ancora il raffreddore
You can cough on me again
Puoi tossire su di me di nuovo
I still haven't had my full fill
Non ho ancora avuto la mia piena sazietà
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
Broken heart and broken bones
Cuore spezzato e ossa rotte
Finger plaster cast and horse pills
Gesso sul dito e pillole per cavalli
One more quirky cliché phrase
Un'altra frase cliché stravagante
You're the one I wanna refill
Sei tu quello che voglio riempire
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral
La maggior parte delle persone non si rende conto che grandi pezzi di corallo
Which have been painted brown and attached to the skull with common wood screws
Che sono stati dipinti di marrone e attaccati al cranio con comuni viti di legno
Can make a child look like a deer
Possono far sembrare un bambino un cervo
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Naso che cola e tuorlo che cola
Even if you have a cold still
Anche se hai ancora il raffreddore
You can cough on me again
Puoi tossire su di me di nuovo
I still haven't had my full fill
Non ho ancora avuto la mia piena sazietà
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
In the someday
Nel qualche giorno
What's that sound?
Qual è quel suono?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Nariz escorrendo e gema escorrendo
Even if you have a cold still
Mesmo que você ainda esteja resfriado
You can cough on me again
Você pode tossir em mim de novo
I still haven't had my full fill
Eu ainda não estou satisfeito
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
Broken heart and broken bones
Coração partido e ossos quebrados
Finger plaster cast and horse pills
Gesso no dedo e pílulas para cavalos
One more quirky cliché phrase
Mais uma frase clichê peculiar
You're the one I wanna refill
Você é o único que eu quero recarregar
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral
A maioria das pessoas não percebe que grandes pedaços de coral
Which have been painted brown and attached to the skull with common wood screws
Que foram pintados de marrom e fixados no crânio com parafusos de madeira comuns
Can make a child look like a deer
Podem fazer uma criança parecer um veado
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Nariz escorrendo e gema escorrendo
Even if you have a cold still
Mesmo que você ainda esteja resfriado
You can cough on me again
Você pode tossir em mim de novo
I still haven't had my full fill
Eu ainda não estou satisfeito
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
In the someday
No algum dia
What's that sound?
Qual é esse som?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Nariz mocosa y yema líquida
Even if you have a cold still
Incluso si todavía tienes un resfriado
You can cough on me again
Puedes toserme de nuevo
I still haven't had my full fill
Todavía no he tenido suficiente
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
Broken heart and broken bones
Corazón roto y huesos rotos
Finger plaster cast and horse pills
Yeso en el dedo y pastillas para caballos
One more quirky cliché phrase
Una frase cliché más peculiar
You're the one I wanna refill
Eres a quien quiero volver a llenar
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral
La mayoría de la gente no se da cuenta de que grandes piezas de coral
Which have been painted brown and attached to the skull with common wood screws
Que han sido pintadas de marrón y unidas al cráneo con tornillos de madera comunes
Can make a child look like a deer
Pueden hacer que un niño parezca un ciervo
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Nariz mocosa y yema líquida
Even if you have a cold still
Incluso si todavía tienes un resfriado
You can cough on me again
Puedes toserme de nuevo
I still haven't had my full fill
Todavía no he tenido suficiente
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
In the someday
En algún día
What's that sound?
¿Qué es ese sonido?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Nez qui coule et jaune d'oeuf qui coule
Even if you have a cold still
Même si tu as encore un rhume
You can cough on me again
Tu peux encore tousser sur moi
I still haven't had my full fill
Je n'en ai toujours pas eu assez
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
Broken heart and broken bones
Cœur brisé et os brisés
Finger plaster cast and horse pills
Plâtre pour doigt et pilules pour cheval
One more quirky cliché phrase
Encore une phrase cliché excentrique
You're the one I wanna refill
Tu es celle que je veux remplir
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral
La plupart des gens ne réalisent pas que de gros morceaux de corail
Which have been painted brown and attached to the skull with common wood screws
Qui ont été peints en brun et fixés au crâne avec des vis en bois ordinaires
Can make a child look like a deer
Peuvent faire ressembler un enfant à un cerf
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Nez qui coule et jaune d'oeuf qui coule
Even if you have a cold still
Même si tu as encore un rhume
You can cough on me again
Tu peux encore tousser sur moi
I still haven't had my full fill
Je n'en ai toujours pas eu assez
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
In the someday
Dans un jour quelconque
What's that sound?
Quel est ce bruit?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Laufende Nase und flüssiges Eigelb
Even if you have a cold still
Auch wenn du immer noch eine Erkältung hast
You can cough on me again
Du kannst wieder auf mich husten
I still haven't had my full fill
Ich habe immer noch nicht genug
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
Broken heart and broken bones
Gebrochenes Herz und gebrochene Knochen
Finger plaster cast and horse pills
Finger Gipsverband und Pferdepillen
One more quirky cliché phrase
Noch eine skurrile Klischee-Phrase
You're the one I wanna refill
Du bist derjenige, den ich nachfüllen möchte
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral
Die meisten Menschen erkennen nicht, dass große Stücke von Korallen
Which have been painted brown and attached to the skull with common wood screws
Die braun angemalt und mit gewöhnlichen Holzschrauben am Schädel befestigt wurden
Can make a child look like a deer
Ein Kind wie ein Hirsch aussehen lassen können
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Laufende Nase und flüssiges Eigelb
Even if you have a cold still
Auch wenn du immer noch eine Erkältung hast
You can cough on me again
Du kannst wieder auf mich husten
I still haven't had my full fill
Ich habe immer noch nicht genug
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
In the someday
In dem eines Tages
What's that sound?
Was ist das für ein Geräusch?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Hidung meler dan kuning telur yang cair
Even if you have a cold still
Meskipun kamu masih pilek
You can cough on me again
Kamu bisa batuk padaku lagi
I still haven't had my full fill
Aku masih belum puas
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
Broken heart and broken bones
Hati yang hancur dan tulang yang patah
Finger plaster cast and horse pills
Perban jari dan pil besar
One more quirky cliché phrase
Satu frasa klise yang aneh lagi
You're the one I wanna refill
Kamu adalah orang yang ingin aku isi kembali
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral
Kebanyakan orang tidak menyadari bahwa potongan besar karang
Which have been painted brown and attached to the skull with common wood screws
Yang telah dicat coklat dan dipasang di tengkorak dengan sekrup kayu biasa
Can make a child look like a deer
Dapat membuat anak terlihat seperti rusa
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Hidung meler dan kuning telur yang cair
Even if you have a cold still
Meskipun kamu masih pilek
You can cough on me again
Kamu bisa batuk padaku lagi
I still haven't had my full fill
Aku masih belum puas
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
In the someday
Di suatu hari nanti
What's that sound?
Apa suara itu?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Even if you have a cold still
You can cough on me again
I still haven't had my full fill
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
Broken heart and broken bones
Finger plaster cast and horse pills
One more quirky cliché phrase
You're the one I wanna refill
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral
Which have been painted brown and attached to the skull with common wood screws
Can make a child look like a deer
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Even if you have a cold still
You can cough on me again
I still haven't had my full fill
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Even if you have a cold still
You can cough on me again
I still haven't had my full fill
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
Broken heart and broken bones
Finger plaster cast and horse pills
One more quirky cliché phrase
You're the one I wanna refill
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral
Which have been painted brown and attached to the skull with common wood screws
Can make a child look like a deer
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
Runny nose and runny yolk
Even if you have a cold still
You can cough on me again
I still haven't had my full fill
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?
In the someday
What's that sound?

Curiosità sulla canzone I Hate Myself and Want to Die di Nirvana

Quando è stata rilasciata la canzone “I Hate Myself and Want to Die” di Nirvana?
La canzone I Hate Myself and Want to Die è stata rilasciata nel 2004, nell’album “With The Lights Out”.
Chi ha composto la canzone “I Hate Myself and Want to Die” di di Nirvana?
La canzone “I Hate Myself and Want to Die” di di Nirvana è stata composta da Kurt Cobain.

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