Back to Limmeridge

(Mr fairlie's study glyde is there in front
Of Mr Fairlie is a document)

Here use this pen
Sign here and here and we'll be done

(Mr fairlie takes the pen and signs)

There is just the small question of my future


Limmeridge House has been my
Home for many years
You have no plans to sell, sir?

No immediate plans

Then my future here is assured?
I am old, sir and infirm

I am well aware of that

So you have no plans?

I leave straight from here for
A long sojourn on the
Continent my seat on the train is booked sir
Your signature

Her estate is your spend it wisely, Glyde

Thank you kindly, sir

Tragic that she died stay and have one drink
In memory of my niece

I have to catch my train

May she rest in peace

But sir, I can't miss the train

(Glyde picks up the documents, smiles
Then leaves fairlie is left alone a moment he
Looks at the portrait of his brother)

Don't haunt me in this way, brother!
I have done your dirty work for far too long
For years, I've kept your secrets
I brought up your children
They weren't mine!
This has brought me ill health, unhappiness
That's your legacy!

I wanted no part of this!

(off stage) you can't go in there!

(There is the sound of a kerfuffle outside
And suddenly Hartright and Marian enter
With a servant)

We have some pressing questions!

Explain this rude intrusion!

You must tell us, who's Anne Catherick?

Uncle, you have got to help us!

I don't know what you speak of!

There's no more time for secrets

Long ago, her mother worked here

We won't leave without an answer!

What presumption! Know your place, sir!

All along you've known the truth-

Good God! Anne Catherick's dead, sir!

She lies in Laura's grave!

What nonsense are you speaking? It
Is Laura who is dead
God rest her soul my niece is dead

(Suddenly there is the sound of Laura
Playing the piano mr fairlie listens)


(Marian wheels him round and Laura
Is revealed to him)

Believe your eyes, Uncle


I was placed in the asylum anne want to
My grave if you ever loved me, Uncle
Tell me who she was!

Your father loved the ladies
Anne's mother was a pretty one
And you can guess the rest

Though you and Anne were born a year apart
You could easily have passed for twins
Save you were wanted and she was not

She was my sister?


And Glyde killed her


He won't get away with this

I'm afraid he already has he's on
His way to the continent your
Estate has already passed to him he
Left just before you arrived

What is the secret my sister spoke of? Uncle
Do you know?

I assure you, I know nothing more

I'm sorry

Then it is over glyde has won

We can catch him we can head him off
He'll need to take the London train

I'll go with you! Laura, you rest here

No, I'll never rest again we can stop him
I have a plan! Anne shall haunt him
One last time!

(They exit in haste mr fairlie is left alone)

Canzoni più popolari di Andrew Lloyd Webber

Altri artisti di Classical Symphonic