Only a Fool Would Say That

Donald Fagen, Walter Carl Becker

Testi Traduzione

A world become one of salads and sun
Only a fool would say that
A boy with a plan, a natural man
Wearing a white Stetson hat

Unhand that gun begone
There's no one to fire upon
If he's holding it high
He's telling a lie

I heard it was you
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that

The man in the street dragging his feet
Don't wanna hear the bad news
Imagine your face there is his place
Standing inside his brown shoes

You do his nine to five
Drag yourself home half alive
And there on the screen
A man with a dream

I heard it was you
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that

Anybody on the street
Has murder in his eyes
You feel no pain
And you're younger than you realize
Only a fool would say that
Only a fool

I heard it was you
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that

Only a fool would say that
Only a fool would say that

A world become one of salads and sun
Un mondo diventato uno di insalate e sole
Only a fool would say that
Solo un pazzo direbbe quello
A boy with a plan, a natural man
Un ragazzo con un piano, un uomo naturale
Wearing a white Stetson hat
Indossando un cappello Stetson bianco
Unhand that gun begone
Lascia quella pistola, sparisci
There's no one to fire upon
Non c'è nessuno su cui sparare
If he's holding it high
Se la tiene alta
He's telling a lie
Sta dicendo una bugia
I heard it was you
Ho sentito che eri tu
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Parlando di un mondo dove tutto è gratuito
It just couldn't be
Non potrebbe proprio essere
And only a fool would say that
E solo un pazzo direbbe quello
The man in the street dragging his feet
L'uomo in strada che trascina i piedi
Don't wanna hear the bad news
Non vuole sentire le brutte notizie
Imagine your face there is his place
Immagina il tuo volto al suo posto
Standing inside his brown shoes
In piedi dentro le sue scarpe marroni
You do his nine to five
Fai il suo orario dalle nove alle cinque
Drag yourself home half alive
Trascinati a casa mezzo vivo
And there on the screen
E lì sullo schermo
A man with a dream
Un uomo con un sogno
I heard it was you
Ho sentito che eri tu
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Parlando di un mondo dove tutto è gratuito
It just couldn't be
Non potrebbe proprio essere
And only a fool would say that
E solo un pazzo direbbe quello
Anybody on the street
Chiunque per strada
Has murder in his eyes
Ha l'omicidio negli occhi
You feel no pain
Non senti dolore
And you're younger than you realize
E sei più giovane di quanto ti rendi conto
Only a fool would say that
Solo un pazzo direbbe quello
Only a fool
Solo un pazzo
I heard it was you
Ho sentito che eri tu
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Parlando di un mondo dove tutto è gratuito
It just couldn't be
Non potrebbe proprio essere
And only a fool would say that
E solo un pazzo direbbe quello
Only a fool would say that
Solo un pazzo direbbe quello
Only a fool would say that
Solo un pazzo direbbe quello
A world become one of salads and sun
Um mundo se torna um de saladas e sol
Only a fool would say that
Só um tolo diria isso
A boy with a plan, a natural man
Um garoto com um plano, um homem natural
Wearing a white Stetson hat
Vestindo um chapéu Stetson branco
Unhand that gun begone
Solte essa arma, desapareça
There's no one to fire upon
Não há ninguém para atirar
If he's holding it high
Se ele está segurando-a alto
He's telling a lie
Ele está contando uma mentira
I heard it was you
Ouvi dizer que era você
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Falando sobre um mundo onde tudo é livre
It just couldn't be
Isso simplesmente não poderia ser
And only a fool would say that
E só um tolo diria isso
The man in the street dragging his feet
O homem na rua arrastando os pés
Don't wanna hear the bad news
Não quer ouvir as más notícias
Imagine your face there is his place
Imagine seu rosto no lugar dele
Standing inside his brown shoes
De pé dentro de seus sapatos marrons
You do his nine to five
Você faz o seu nove às cinco
Drag yourself home half alive
Arrasta-se para casa meio vivo
And there on the screen
E lá na tela
A man with a dream
Um homem com um sonho
I heard it was you
Ouvi dizer que era você
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Falando sobre um mundo onde tudo é livre
It just couldn't be
Isso simplesmente não poderia ser
And only a fool would say that
E só um tolo diria isso
Anybody on the street
Qualquer pessoa na rua
Has murder in his eyes
Tem assassinato em seus olhos
You feel no pain
Você não sente dor
And you're younger than you realize
E você é mais jovem do que percebe
Only a fool would say that
Só um tolo diria isso
Only a fool
Só um tolo
I heard it was you
Ouvi dizer que era você
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Falando sobre um mundo onde tudo é livre
It just couldn't be
Isso simplesmente não poderia ser
And only a fool would say that
E só um tolo diria isso
Only a fool would say that
Só um tolo diria isso
Only a fool would say that
Só um tolo diria isso
A world become one of salads and sun
Un mundo convertido en uno de ensaladas y sol
Only a fool would say that
Solo un tonto diría eso
A boy with a plan, a natural man
Un chico con un plan, un hombre natural
Wearing a white Stetson hat
Vistiendo un sombrero Stetson blanco
Unhand that gun begone
Suelta esa pistola, vete
There's no one to fire upon
No hay nadie a quien disparar
If he's holding it high
Si la sostiene en alto
He's telling a lie
Está diciendo una mentira
I heard it was you
Oí que eras tú
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Hablando de un mundo donde todo es gratis
It just couldn't be
Simplemente no podría ser
And only a fool would say that
Y solo un tonto diría eso
The man in the street dragging his feet
El hombre en la calle arrastrando sus pies
Don't wanna hear the bad news
No quiere escuchar las malas noticias
Imagine your face there is his place
Imagina tu rostro en su lugar
Standing inside his brown shoes
De pie dentro de sus zapatos marrones
You do his nine to five
Haces su horario de nueve a cinco
Drag yourself home half alive
Arrastrándote a casa medio vivo
And there on the screen
Y allí en la pantalla
A man with a dream
Un hombre con un sueño
I heard it was you
Oí que eras tú
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Hablando de un mundo donde todo es gratis
It just couldn't be
Simplemente no podría ser
And only a fool would say that
Y solo un tonto diría eso
Anybody on the street
Cualquiera en la calle
Has murder in his eyes
Tiene asesinato en sus ojos
You feel no pain
No sientes dolor
And you're younger than you realize
Y eres más joven de lo que te das cuenta
Only a fool would say that
Solo un tonto diría eso
Only a fool
Solo un tonto
I heard it was you
Oí que eras tú
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Hablando de un mundo donde todo es gratis
It just couldn't be
Simplemente no podría ser
And only a fool would say that
Y solo un tonto diría eso
Only a fool would say that
Solo un tonto diría eso
Only a fool would say that
Solo un tonto diría eso
A world become one of salads and sun
Un monde devenu un de salades et de soleil
Only a fool would say that
Seul un imbécile dirait cela
A boy with a plan, a natural man
Un garçon avec un plan, un homme naturel
Wearing a white Stetson hat
Portant un chapeau Stetson blanc
Unhand that gun begone
Lâche ce pistolet, disparais
There's no one to fire upon
Il n'y a personne sur qui tirer
If he's holding it high
S'il le tient haut
He's telling a lie
Il raconte un mensonge
I heard it was you
J'ai entendu dire que c'était toi
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Parlant d'un monde où tout est gratuit
It just couldn't be
Cela ne pourrait tout simplement pas être
And only a fool would say that
Et seul un imbécile dirait cela
The man in the street dragging his feet
L'homme dans la rue traînant ses pieds
Don't wanna hear the bad news
Ne veut pas entendre les mauvaises nouvelles
Imagine your face there is his place
Imagine ton visage à sa place
Standing inside his brown shoes
Debout dans ses chaussures marron
You do his nine to five
Tu fais ses neuf à cinq
Drag yourself home half alive
Tu te traînes à la maison à moitié vivant
And there on the screen
Et là sur l'écran
A man with a dream
Un homme avec un rêve
I heard it was you
J'ai entendu dire que c'était toi
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Parlant d'un monde où tout est gratuit
It just couldn't be
Cela ne pourrait tout simplement pas être
And only a fool would say that
Et seul un imbécile dirait cela
Anybody on the street
N'importe qui dans la rue
Has murder in his eyes
A du meurtre dans les yeux
You feel no pain
Tu ne ressens aucune douleur
And you're younger than you realize
Et tu es plus jeune que tu ne le réalises
Only a fool would say that
Seul un imbécile dirait cela
Only a fool
Seul un imbécile
I heard it was you
J'ai entendu dire que c'était toi
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Parlant d'un monde où tout est gratuit
It just couldn't be
Cela ne pourrait tout simplement pas être
And only a fool would say that
Et seul un imbécile dirait cela
Only a fool would say that
Seul un imbécile dirait cela
Only a fool would say that
Seul un imbécile dirait cela
A world become one of salads and sun
Eine Welt, die zu einer aus Salaten und Sonne wird
Only a fool would say that
Nur ein Narr würde das sagen
A boy with a plan, a natural man
Ein Junge mit einem Plan, ein natürlicher Mann
Wearing a white Stetson hat
Trägt einen weißen Stetson-Hut
Unhand that gun begone
Lass diese Waffe los, verschwinde
There's no one to fire upon
Es gibt niemanden, auf den man schießen könnte
If he's holding it high
Wenn er sie hoch hält
He's telling a lie
Erzählt er eine Lüge
I heard it was you
Ich hörte, du warst es
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Redend von einer Welt, in der alles frei ist
It just couldn't be
Das könnte einfach nicht sein
And only a fool would say that
Und nur ein Narr würde das sagen
The man in the street dragging his feet
Der Mann auf der Straße, der seine Füße schleift
Don't wanna hear the bad news
Will die schlechten Nachrichten nicht hören
Imagine your face there is his place
Stell dir dein Gesicht an seiner Stelle vor
Standing inside his brown shoes
Stehend in seinen braunen Schuhen
You do his nine to five
Du machst seine Neun-bis-Fünf
Drag yourself home half alive
Schlepp dich halb lebendig nach Hause
And there on the screen
Und dort auf dem Bildschirm
A man with a dream
Ein Mann mit einem Traum
I heard it was you
Ich hörte, du warst es
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Redend von einer Welt, in der alles frei ist
It just couldn't be
Das könnte einfach nicht sein
And only a fool would say that
Und nur ein Narr würde das sagen
Anybody on the street
Jeder auf der Straße
Has murder in his eyes
Hat Mord in seinen Augen
You feel no pain
Du fühlst keinen Schmerz
And you're younger than you realize
Und du bist jünger, als du realisierst
Only a fool would say that
Nur ein Narr würde das sagen
Only a fool
Nur ein Narr
I heard it was you
Ich hörte, du warst es
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Redend von einer Welt, in der alles frei ist
It just couldn't be
Das könnte einfach nicht sein
And only a fool would say that
Und nur ein Narr würde das sagen
Only a fool would say that
Nur ein Narr würde das sagen
Only a fool would say that
Nur ein Narr würde das sagen
A world become one of salads and sun
Dunia menjadi satu dari salad dan matahari
Only a fool would say that
Hanya seorang bodoh yang akan mengatakannya
A boy with a plan, a natural man
Seorang anak dengan rencana, seorang pria alami
Wearing a white Stetson hat
Mengenakan topi Stetson putih
Unhand that gun begone
Lepaskan pistol itu pergi
There's no one to fire upon
Tidak ada yang bisa ditembak
If he's holding it high
Jika dia mengangkatnya tinggi
He's telling a lie
Dia sedang berbohong
I heard it was you
Aku mendengar itu kamu
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Berbicara tentang dunia di mana semua bebas
It just couldn't be
Itu tidak mungkin
And only a fool would say that
Dan hanya seorang bodoh yang akan mengatakannya
The man in the street dragging his feet
Pria di jalan menyeret kakinya
Don't wanna hear the bad news
Tidak ingin mendengar berita buruk
Imagine your face there is his place
Bayangkan wajahmu ada di tempatnya
Standing inside his brown shoes
Berdiri di dalam sepatunya coklat
You do his nine to five
Kamu melakukan pekerjaan dari jam sembilan sampai lima
Drag yourself home half alive
Menyeret dirimu pulang setengah hidup
And there on the screen
Dan di layar itu
A man with a dream
Seorang pria dengan mimpi
I heard it was you
Aku mendengar itu kamu
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Berbicara tentang dunia di mana semua bebas
It just couldn't be
Itu tidak mungkin
And only a fool would say that
Dan hanya seorang bodoh yang akan mengatakannya
Anybody on the street
Siapa saja di jalan
Has murder in his eyes
Memiliki pembunuhan di matanya
You feel no pain
Kamu tidak merasakan sakit
And you're younger than you realize
Dan kamu lebih muda dari yang kamu sadari
Only a fool would say that
Hanya seorang bodoh yang akan mengatakannya
Only a fool
Hanya seorang bodoh
I heard it was you
Aku mendengar itu kamu
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
Berbicara tentang dunia di mana semua bebas
It just couldn't be
Itu tidak mungkin
And only a fool would say that
Dan hanya seorang bodoh yang akan mengatakannya
Only a fool would say that
Hanya seorang bodoh yang akan mengatakannya
Only a fool would say that
Hanya seorang bodoh yang akan mengatakannya
A world become one of salads and sun
Only a fool would say that
A boy with a plan, a natural man
เด็กผู้ชายที่มีแผน คนธรรมชาติ
Wearing a white Stetson hat
สวมหมวก Stetson สีขาว
Unhand that gun begone
There's no one to fire upon
If he's holding it high
He's telling a lie
I heard it was you
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that
The man in the street dragging his feet
Don't wanna hear the bad news
Imagine your face there is his place
Standing inside his brown shoes
You do his nine to five
Drag yourself home half alive
And there on the screen
A man with a dream
I heard it was you
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that
Anybody on the street
Has murder in his eyes
You feel no pain
And you're younger than you realize
Only a fool would say that
Only a fool
I heard it was you
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that
Only a fool would say that
Only a fool would say that
A world become one of salads and sun
Only a fool would say that
A boy with a plan, a natural man
Wearing a white Stetson hat
Unhand that gun begone
There's no one to fire upon
If he's holding it high
He's telling a lie
I heard it was you
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that
The man in the street dragging his feet
Don't wanna hear the bad news
Imagine your face there is his place
Standing inside his brown shoes
You do his nine to five
Drag yourself home half alive
And there on the screen
A man with a dream
I heard it was you
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that
Anybody on the street
Has murder in his eyes
You feel no pain
And you're younger than you realize
Only a fool would say that
Only a fool
I heard it was you
Talking 'bout a world where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that
Only a fool would say that
Only a fool would say that

Curiosità sulla canzone Only a Fool Would Say That di Steely Dan

In quali album è stata rilasciata la canzone “Only a Fool Would Say That” di Steely Dan?
Steely Dan ha rilasciato la canzone negli album “Can't Buy a Thrill” nel 1972, “Citizen 1972-1980” nel 1993, “Showbiz Kids: The Steely Dan Story 1972 - 1980” nel 2000, “The Best Of Steely Dan 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection” nel 2007, “The Very Best of Steely Dan” nel 2009, “Can’t Buy a Thrill / Gaucho” nel 2010, e “20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Steely Dan” nel 2012.
Chi ha composto la canzone “Only a Fool Would Say That” di di Steely Dan?
La canzone “Only a Fool Would Say That” di di Steely Dan è stata composta da Donald Fagen, Walter Carl Becker.

Canzoni più popolari di Steely Dan

Altri artisti di Rock'n'roll