Boys In The Street

Greg Holden

Testi Traduzione

When I was younger, my daddy told me I would never
Never amount to nothing special
He'd come at me from every angle
He'd say, you're the last thing I wanted
The last thing I need
How am I gonna answer when my friends tell me
My son was kissing boys in the street?
My son was kissing boys in the street

Tried to change me
Say I'm embarrassing my country
How could I do this to my family?
Do I wanna grow up being lonely?
He'd say, we've worked for our money, we put you in school
Is this how you repay us? Do you think this is cool?
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
My son, stop kissing boys in the street

Now that I'm older
My daddy's heart's a little warmer
But he still won't hold me like my brother
And he still won't kiss me like my mother
He'd say, you're a part of this family, I made you myself
But the way that you act isn't good for your health
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
My son, stop kissing boys in the street

My daddy's dying
And he's finally realized I'm not lying
We sit in silence but we're smiling
Because for once we are not fighting
He'd say, there was no way of knowing 'cause all I was taught
Is men only love women, but now I'm not sure
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
And when I'm gone, keep kissing boys in the street

When I was younger, my daddy told me I would never
Quando ero più giovane, mio padre mi diceva che non sarei mai
Never amount to nothing special
Mai diventato niente di speciale
He'd come at me from every angle
Mi attaccava da ogni angolo
He'd say, you're the last thing I wanted
Diceva, sei l'ultima cosa che volevo
The last thing I need
L'ultima cosa di cui ho bisogno
How am I gonna answer when my friends tell me
Come risponderò quando i miei amici mi diranno
My son was kissing boys in the street?
Mio figlio baciava ragazzi per strada?
My son was kissing boys in the street
Mio figlio baciava ragazzi per strada
Tried to change me
Ha cercato di cambiarmi
Say I'm embarrassing my country
Dice che sto imbarazzando il mio paese
How could I do this to my family?
Come ho potuto fare questo alla mia famiglia?
Do I wanna grow up being lonely?
Voglio crescere sentendomi solo?
He'd say, we've worked for our money, we put you in school
Diceva, abbiamo lavorato per i nostri soldi, ti abbiamo messo a scuola
Is this how you repay us? Do you think this is cool?
È così che ci ripaghi? Pensi che sia figo?
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mio figlio, smetti di baciare ragazzi per strada
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mio figlio, smetti di baciare ragazzi per strada
Now that I'm older
Ora che sono più grande
My daddy's heart's a little warmer
Il cuore di mio padre è un po' più caldo
But he still won't hold me like my brother
Ma lui ancora non mi abbraccia come mio fratello
And he still won't kiss me like my mother
E ancora non mi bacia come mia madre
He'd say, you're a part of this family, I made you myself
Diceva, fai parte di questa famiglia, ti ho fatto io
But the way that you act isn't good for your health
Ma il modo in cui ti comporti non è buono per la tua salute
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mio figlio, smetti di baciare ragazzi per strada
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mio figlio, smetti di baciare ragazzi per strada
My daddy's dying
Mio padre sta morendo
And he's finally realized I'm not lying
E finalmente ha capito che non sto mentendo
We sit in silence but we're smiling
Stiamo in silenzio ma stiamo sorridendo
Because for once we are not fighting
Perché per una volta non stiamo litigando
He'd say, there was no way of knowing 'cause all I was taught
Diceva, non c'era modo di saperlo perché tutto quello che mi è stato insegnato
Is men only love women, but now I'm not sure
È che gli uomini amano solo le donne, ma ora non ne sono più sicuro
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
Mio figlio, continua a baciare ragazzi per strada
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
Mio figlio, continua a baciare ragazzi per strada
And when I'm gone, keep kissing boys in the street
E quando non ci sarò più, continua a baciare ragazzi per strada
When I was younger, my daddy told me I would never
Quando eu era mais jovem, meu pai me disse que eu nunca
Never amount to nothing special
Nunca seria nada especial
He'd come at me from every angle
Ele vinha até mim de todos os ângulos
He'd say, you're the last thing I wanted
Ele dizia, você é a última coisa que eu queria
The last thing I need
A última coisa que eu preciso
How am I gonna answer when my friends tell me
Como vou responder quando meus amigos me disserem
My son was kissing boys in the street?
Meu filho estava beijando garotos na rua?
My son was kissing boys in the street
Meu filho estava beijando garotos na rua
Tried to change me
Tentou me mudar
Say I'm embarrassing my country
Diz que estou envergonhando meu país
How could I do this to my family?
Como pude fazer isso com minha família?
Do I wanna grow up being lonely?
Eu quero crescer sendo solitário?
He'd say, we've worked for our money, we put you in school
Ele diria, trabalhamos pelo nosso dinheiro, te colocamos na escola
Is this how you repay us? Do you think this is cool?
É assim que você nos retribui? Você acha isso legal?
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Meu filho, pare de beijar garotos na rua
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Meu filho, pare de beijar garotos na rua
Now that I'm older
Agora que sou mais velho
My daddy's heart's a little warmer
O coração do meu pai está um pouco mais quente
But he still won't hold me like my brother
Mas ele ainda não me abraça como meu irmão
And he still won't kiss me like my mother
E ele ainda não me beija como minha mãe
He'd say, you're a part of this family, I made you myself
Ele diria, você é parte desta família, eu te fiz
But the way that you act isn't good for your health
Mas a maneira como você age não é boa para sua saúde
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Meu filho, pare de beijar garotos na rua
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Meu filho, pare de beijar garotos na rua
My daddy's dying
Meu pai está morrendo
And he's finally realized I'm not lying
E ele finalmente percebeu que eu não estou mentindo
We sit in silence but we're smiling
Nós nos sentamos em silêncio, mas estamos sorrindo
Because for once we are not fighting
Porque pela primeira vez não estamos brigando
He'd say, there was no way of knowing 'cause all I was taught
Ele diria, não havia como saber, porque tudo que me ensinaram
Is men only love women, but now I'm not sure
É que homens só amam mulheres, mas agora não tenho certeza
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
Meu filho, continue beijando garotos na rua
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
Meu filho, continue beijando garotos na rua
And when I'm gone, keep kissing boys in the street
E quando eu partir, continue beijando garotos na rua
When I was younger, my daddy told me I would never
Cuando era más joven, mi papá me decía que nunca
Never amount to nothing special
Nunca llegaría a ser nada especial
He'd come at me from every angle
Me atacaba desde todos los ángulos
He'd say, you're the last thing I wanted
Decía, eres lo último que quería
The last thing I need
Lo último que necesito
How am I gonna answer when my friends tell me
¿Cómo voy a responder cuando mis amigos me digan
My son was kissing boys in the street?
Mi hijo estaba besando chicos en la calle?
My son was kissing boys in the street
Mi hijo estaba besando chicos en la calle
Tried to change me
Intentó cambiarme
Say I'm embarrassing my country
Decía que estoy avergonzando a mi país
How could I do this to my family?
¿Cómo pude hacerle esto a mi familia?
Do I wanna grow up being lonely?
¿Quiero crecer siendo solitario?
He'd say, we've worked for our money, we put you in school
Decía, hemos trabajado por nuestro dinero, te pusimos en la escuela
Is this how you repay us? Do you think this is cool?
¿Es así como nos pagas? ¿Crees que esto es genial?
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Hijo mío, deja de besar chicos en la calle
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Hijo mío, deja de besar chicos en la calle
Now that I'm older
Ahora que soy mayor
My daddy's heart's a little warmer
El corazón de mi papá es un poco más cálido
But he still won't hold me like my brother
Pero aún no me abraza como a mi hermano
And he still won't kiss me like my mother
Y aún no me besa como mi madre
He'd say, you're a part of this family, I made you myself
Decía, eres parte de esta familia, te hice yo mismo
But the way that you act isn't good for your health
Pero la forma en que actúas no es buena para tu salud
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Hijo mío, deja de besar chicos en la calle
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Hijo mío, deja de besar chicos en la calle
My daddy's dying
Mi papá se está muriendo
And he's finally realized I'm not lying
Y finalmente se ha dado cuenta de que no estoy mintiendo
We sit in silence but we're smiling
Nos sentamos en silencio pero estamos sonriendo
Because for once we are not fighting
Porque por una vez no estamos peleando
He'd say, there was no way of knowing 'cause all I was taught
Decía, no había forma de saberlo porque todo lo que me enseñaron
Is men only love women, but now I'm not sure
Es que los hombres solo aman a las mujeres, pero ahora no estoy seguro
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
Hijo mío, sigue besando chicos en la calle
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
Hijo mío, sigue besando chicos en la calle
And when I'm gone, keep kissing boys in the street
Y cuando me haya ido, sigue besando chicos en la calle
When I was younger, my daddy told me I would never
Quand j'étais plus jeune, mon père me disait que je ne serais jamais
Never amount to nothing special
Jamais rien de spécial
He'd come at me from every angle
Il m'attaquait de tous les côtés
He'd say, you're the last thing I wanted
Il disait, tu es la dernière chose que je voulais
The last thing I need
La dernière chose dont j'ai besoin
How am I gonna answer when my friends tell me
Comment vais-je répondre quand mes amis me diront
My son was kissing boys in the street?
Mon fils embrassait des garçons dans la rue?
My son was kissing boys in the street
Mon fils embrassait des garçons dans la rue
Tried to change me
Il a essayé de me changer
Say I'm embarrassing my country
Il dit que j'embarrasse mon pays
How could I do this to my family?
Comment pourrais-je faire ça à ma famille?
Do I wanna grow up being lonely?
Est-ce que je veux grandir en étant seul?
He'd say, we've worked for our money, we put you in school
Il disait, nous avons travaillé pour notre argent, nous t'avons mis à l'école
Is this how you repay us? Do you think this is cool?
Est-ce ainsi que tu nous rembourses? Penses-tu que c'est cool?
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mon fils, arrête d'embrasser des garçons dans la rue
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mon fils, arrête d'embrasser des garçons dans la rue
Now that I'm older
Maintenant que je suis plus âgé
My daddy's heart's a little warmer
Le cœur de mon père est un peu plus chaud
But he still won't hold me like my brother
Mais il ne me tiendra toujours pas comme mon frère
And he still won't kiss me like my mother
Et il ne m'embrassera toujours pas comme ma mère
He'd say, you're a part of this family, I made you myself
Il disait, tu fais partie de cette famille, je t'ai fait moi-même
But the way that you act isn't good for your health
Mais la façon dont tu agis n'est pas bonne pour ta santé
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mon fils, arrête d'embrasser des garçons dans la rue
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mon fils, arrête d'embrasser des garçons dans la rue
My daddy's dying
Mon père est en train de mourir
And he's finally realized I'm not lying
Et il a enfin réalisé que je ne mentais pas
We sit in silence but we're smiling
Nous restons en silence mais nous sourions
Because for once we are not fighting
Parce que pour une fois nous ne nous battons pas
He'd say, there was no way of knowing 'cause all I was taught
Il disait, il n'y avait aucun moyen de savoir car tout ce qu'on m'a appris
Is men only love women, but now I'm not sure
C'est que les hommes n'aiment que les femmes, mais maintenant je ne suis pas sûr
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
Mon fils, continue d'embrasser des garçons dans la rue
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
Mon fils, continue d'embrasser des garçons dans la rue
And when I'm gone, keep kissing boys in the street
Et quand je serai parti, continue d'embrasser des garçons dans la rue
When I was younger, my daddy told me I would never
Als ich jünger war, sagte mir mein Vater, ich würde nie
Never amount to nothing special
Nie etwas Besonderes erreichen
He'd come at me from every angle
Er würde mich aus jedem Winkel angreifen
He'd say, you're the last thing I wanted
Er würde sagen, du bist das Letzte, was ich wollte
The last thing I need
Das Letzte, was ich brauche
How am I gonna answer when my friends tell me
Wie soll ich antworten, wenn meine Freunde mir sagen
My son was kissing boys in the street?
Mein Sohn küsst Jungs auf der Straße?
My son was kissing boys in the street
Mein Sohn küsst Jungs auf der Straße
Tried to change me
Er versuchte, mich zu ändern
Say I'm embarrassing my country
Sagt, ich würde mein Land blamieren
How could I do this to my family?
Wie konnte ich das meiner Familie antun?
Do I wanna grow up being lonely?
Will ich einsam aufwachsen?
He'd say, we've worked for our money, we put you in school
Er würde sagen, wir haben für unser Geld gearbeitet, wir haben dich in die Schule geschickt
Is this how you repay us? Do you think this is cool?
Ist das deine Art, uns zu danken? Denkst du, das ist cool?
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mein Sohn, hör auf, Jungs auf der Straße zu küssen
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mein Sohn, hör auf, Jungs auf der Straße zu küssen
Now that I'm older
Jetzt, wo ich älter bin
My daddy's heart's a little warmer
Ist das Herz meines Vaters ein wenig wärmer
But he still won't hold me like my brother
Aber er hält mich immer noch nicht wie meinen Bruder
And he still won't kiss me like my mother
Und er küsst mich immer noch nicht wie meine Mutter
He'd say, you're a part of this family, I made you myself
Er würde sagen, du bist ein Teil dieser Familie, ich habe dich selbst gemacht
But the way that you act isn't good for your health
Aber die Art, wie du dich verhältst, ist nicht gut für deine Gesundheit
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mein Sohn, hör auf, Jungs auf der Straße zu küssen
My son, stop kissing boys in the street
Mein Sohn, hör auf, Jungs auf der Straße zu küssen
My daddy's dying
Mein Vater stirbt
And he's finally realized I'm not lying
Und er hat endlich erkannt, dass ich nicht lüge
We sit in silence but we're smiling
Wir sitzen in Stille, aber wir lächeln
Because for once we are not fighting
Denn zum ersten Mal streiten wir uns nicht
He'd say, there was no way of knowing 'cause all I was taught
Er würde sagen, es gab keine Möglichkeit zu wissen, denn alles, was ich gelernt habe
Is men only love women, but now I'm not sure
Ist, dass Männer nur Frauen lieben, aber jetzt bin ich mir nicht sicher
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
Mein Sohn, küsse weiter Jungs auf der Straße
My son, keep kissing boys in the street
Mein Sohn, küsse weiter Jungs auf der Straße
And when I'm gone, keep kissing boys in the street
Und wenn ich weg bin, küsse weiter Jungs auf der Straße

Curiosità sulla canzone Boys In The Street di Calum Scott

Quando è stata rilasciata la canzone “Boys In The Street” di Calum Scott?
La canzone Boys In The Street è stata rilasciata nel 2022, nell’album “Bridges”.
Chi ha composto la canzone “Boys In The Street” di di Calum Scott?
La canzone “Boys In The Street” di di Calum Scott è stata composta da Greg Holden.

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