Too Much To Ask


Testi Traduzione

The smiles as she walked in the room
Have all turned into frowns am I too quick to assume
That the love is no longer in bloom?
The tantrums and the tears play a very different tune

To what they did before, her heads red raw
And the ending doesn't sound like they're happiest around
When you sobbed before it felt much more like the product of a squabble
Now there's reason for it to be something more

And no would be, oh, it's uncertain
Whether the curtain has shut for good
She says, "see if it's still raining
I'm not dressed for it and if you loved me"
And I interrupt to receive the scowl and stare
But still decided to stop her there

Would it be outrageous to say
We're either shouting or we're shagging?
Locked in tempestuous phase
At least that's how we felt yesterday
The eyes are getting heavier and whether you're asleep or awake is a mystery

Would a kiss be too much to ask?
When you fit me as sunday's frozen pitch
Fits the thermos flask
It's a pity, it just hit me, we can't go back
To the chest touching on the back

The smiles as she walked in the room
I sorrisi mentre entrava nella stanza
Have all turned into frowns am I too quick to assume
Si sono tutti trasformati in smorfie, sono troppo veloce nell'assumere
That the love is no longer in bloom?
Che l'amore non è più in fiore?
The tantrums and the tears play a very different tune
I capricci e le lacrime suonano una melodia molto diversa
To what they did before, her heads red raw
Da quello che facevano prima, la sua testa è rossa cruda
And the ending doesn't sound like they're happiest around
E la fine non sembra che siano i più felici in giro
When you sobbed before it felt much more like the product of a squabble
Quando hai pianto prima sembrava molto più il prodotto di una lite
Now there's reason for it to be something more
Ora c'è un motivo per essere qualcosa di più
And no would be, oh, it's uncertain
E no sarebbe, oh, è incerto
Whether the curtain has shut for good
Se il sipario si è chiuso per sempre
She says, "see if it's still raining
Lei dice, "vedi se sta ancora piovendo
I'm not dressed for it and if you loved me"
Non sono vestita per questo e se mi amassi"
And I interrupt to receive the scowl and stare
E io interrompo per ricevere il broncio e lo sguardo
But still decided to stop her there
Ma ho ancora deciso di fermarla lì
Would it be outrageous to say
Sarebbe oltraggioso dire
We're either shouting or we're shagging?
Che stiamo o urlando o facendo l'amore?
Locked in tempestuous phase
Bloccati in una fase tempestosa
At least that's how we felt yesterday
Almeno così ci siamo sentiti ieri
The eyes are getting heavier and whether you're asleep or awake is a mystery
Gli occhi stanno diventando più pesanti e se stai dormendo o sveglio è un mistero
Would a kiss be too much to ask?
Un bacio sarebbe troppo da chiedere?
When you fit me as sunday's frozen pitch
Quando mi stai bene come il campo ghiacciato della domenica
Fits the thermos flask
Si adatta al thermos
It's a pity, it just hit me, we can't go back
È un peccato, mi ha appena colpito, non possiamo tornare indietro
To the chest touching on the back
Al petto che tocca sulla schiena
The smiles as she walked in the room
Os sorrisos quando ela entrou na sala
Have all turned into frowns am I too quick to assume
Se transformaram em carrancas, estou sendo rápido demais para assumir
That the love is no longer in bloom?
Que o amor não está mais em flor?
The tantrums and the tears play a very different tune
As birras e as lágrimas tocam uma melodia muito diferente
To what they did before, her heads red raw
Do que faziam antes, a cabeça dela está vermelha de raiva
And the ending doesn't sound like they're happiest around
E o final não parece que eles estão mais felizes por perto
When you sobbed before it felt much more like the product of a squabble
Quando você chorou antes, parecia mais o produto de uma briga
Now there's reason for it to be something more
Agora há motivo para ser algo mais
And no would be, oh, it's uncertain
E não seria, oh, é incerto
Whether the curtain has shut for good
Se a cortina fechou de vez
She says, "see if it's still raining
Ela diz, "veja se ainda está chovendo
I'm not dressed for it and if you loved me"
Eu não estou vestida para isso e se você me amasse"
And I interrupt to receive the scowl and stare
E eu interrompo para receber o olhar carrancudo
But still decided to stop her there
Mas ainda decidi pará-la ali
Would it be outrageous to say
Seria ultrajante dizer
We're either shouting or we're shagging?
Que estamos ou gritando ou nos amando?
Locked in tempestuous phase
Presos em uma fase tempestuosa
At least that's how we felt yesterday
Pelo menos foi assim que nos sentimos ontem
The eyes are getting heavier and whether you're asleep or awake is a mystery
Os olhos estão ficando mais pesados e se você está dormindo ou acordado é um mistério
Would a kiss be too much to ask?
Seria um beijo demais para pedir?
When you fit me as sunday's frozen pitch
Quando você me encaixa como o campo congelado de domingo
Fits the thermos flask
Se encaixa na garrafa térmica
It's a pity, it just hit me, we can't go back
É uma pena, acabei de perceber, não podemos voltar
To the chest touching on the back
Para o peito tocando nas costas
The smiles as she walked in the room
Las sonrisas cuando ella entró en la habitación
Have all turned into frowns am I too quick to assume
Se han convertido todas en ceños fruncidos, ¿soy demasiado rápido para asumir
That the love is no longer in bloom?
Que el amor ya no está en flor?
The tantrums and the tears play a very different tune
Los berrinches y las lágrimas tocan una melodía muy diferente
To what they did before, her heads red raw
A lo que hacían antes, su cabeza está roja cruda
And the ending doesn't sound like they're happiest around
Y el final no suena como si estuvieran más felices alrededor
When you sobbed before it felt much more like the product of a squabble
Cuando sollozaste antes, parecía mucho más el producto de una pelea
Now there's reason for it to be something more
Ahora hay razón para que sea algo más
And no would be, oh, it's uncertain
Y no sería, oh, es incierto
Whether the curtain has shut for good
Si el telón ha cerrado para siempre
She says, "see if it's still raining
Ella dice, "mira si todavía está lloviendo
I'm not dressed for it and if you loved me"
No estoy vestida para eso y si me amaras"
And I interrupt to receive the scowl and stare
Y yo interrumpo para recibir el ceño fruncido y la mirada
But still decided to stop her there
Pero aún así decidí detenerla allí
Would it be outrageous to say
¿Sería escandaloso decir
We're either shouting or we're shagging?
Que estamos gritando o estamos haciendo el amor?
Locked in tempestuous phase
Encerrados en una fase tempestuosa
At least that's how we felt yesterday
Al menos así es como nos sentimos ayer
The eyes are getting heavier and whether you're asleep or awake is a mystery
Los ojos se están volviendo más pesados y si estás dormido o despierto es un misterio
Would a kiss be too much to ask?
¿Sería demasiado pedir un beso?
When you fit me as sunday's frozen pitch
Cuando me ajustas como el campo congelado del domingo
Fits the thermos flask
Se ajusta al termo
It's a pity, it just hit me, we can't go back
Es una lástima, acabo de darme cuenta, no podemos volver
To the chest touching on the back
Al pecho tocando la espalda
The smiles as she walked in the room
Les sourires alors qu'elle entrait dans la pièce
Have all turned into frowns am I too quick to assume
Se sont tous transformés en froncements de sourcils, suis-je trop rapide à supposer
That the love is no longer in bloom?
Que l'amour n'est plus en fleur ?
The tantrums and the tears play a very different tune
Les crises de colère et les larmes jouent une mélodie très différente
To what they did before, her heads red raw
De ce qu'elles faisaient avant, sa tête est rouge vif
And the ending doesn't sound like they're happiest around
Et la fin ne semble pas être la plus heureuse
When you sobbed before it felt much more like the product of a squabble
Quand tu as sangloté avant, cela ressemblait beaucoup plus au produit d'une querelle
Now there's reason for it to be something more
Maintenant, il y a une raison pour que ce soit quelque chose de plus
And no would be, oh, it's uncertain
Et non ce serait, oh, c'est incertain
Whether the curtain has shut for good
Si le rideau s'est fermé pour de bon
She says, "see if it's still raining
Elle dit : "regarde si il pleut encore
I'm not dressed for it and if you loved me"
Je ne suis pas habillée pour ça et si tu m'aimais"
And I interrupt to receive the scowl and stare
Et j'interromps pour recevoir le regard furieux
But still decided to stop her there
Mais j'ai quand même décidé de l'arrêter là
Would it be outrageous to say
Serait-il scandaleux de dire
We're either shouting or we're shagging?
Que nous sommes soit en train de crier, soit en train de faire l'amour ?
Locked in tempestuous phase
Enfermés dans une phase tumultueuse
At least that's how we felt yesterday
C'est du moins ce que nous ressentions hier
The eyes are getting heavier and whether you're asleep or awake is a mystery
Les yeux deviennent de plus en plus lourds et il est mystérieux de savoir si tu dors ou si tu es éveillé
Would a kiss be too much to ask?
Un baiser serait-il trop demander ?
When you fit me as sunday's frozen pitch
Quand tu me conviens comme le terrain gelé du dimanche
Fits the thermos flask
Convient à la bouteille thermos
It's a pity, it just hit me, we can't go back
C'est dommage, ça vient de me frapper, nous ne pouvons pas revenir
To the chest touching on the back
À la poitrine touchant le dos
The smiles as she walked in the room
Die Lächeln, als sie den Raum betrat
Have all turned into frowns am I too quick to assume
Haben sich alle in Stirnrunzeln verwandelt, nehme ich zu schnell an
That the love is no longer in bloom?
Dass die Liebe nicht mehr blüht?
The tantrums and the tears play a very different tune
Die Wutanfälle und die Tränen spielen eine ganz andere Melodie
To what they did before, her heads red raw
Als sie es vorher taten, ihr Kopf ist roh rot
And the ending doesn't sound like they're happiest around
Und das Ende klingt nicht so, als wären sie am glücklichsten
When you sobbed before it felt much more like the product of a squabble
Als du vorher schluchztest, fühlte es sich mehr wie das Produkt eines Streits an
Now there's reason for it to be something more
Jetzt gibt es einen Grund dafür, etwas mehr zu sein
And no would be, oh, it's uncertain
Und nein wäre, oh, es ist unsicher
Whether the curtain has shut for good
Ob der Vorhang für immer geschlossen ist
She says, "see if it's still raining
Sie sagt: „Sieh nach, ob es noch regnet
I'm not dressed for it and if you loved me"
Ich bin nicht dafür angezogen und wenn du mich liebst“
And I interrupt to receive the scowl and stare
Und ich unterbreche, um den finsteren Blick zu empfangen
But still decided to stop her there
Aber entschied mich trotzdem, sie dort zu stoppen
Would it be outrageous to say
Wäre es unverschämt zu sagen
We're either shouting or we're shagging?
Wir schreien entweder oder wir schlafen miteinander?
Locked in tempestuous phase
Gefangen in einer stürmischen Phase
At least that's how we felt yesterday
Zumindest so fühlten wir uns gestern
The eyes are getting heavier and whether you're asleep or awake is a mystery
Die Augen werden schwerer und ob du schläfst oder wach bist, ist ein Rätsel
Would a kiss be too much to ask?
Wäre ein Kuss zu viel verlangt?
When you fit me as sunday's frozen pitch
Wenn du zu mir passt wie der gefrorene Sonntagsplatz
Fits the thermos flask
Passt zur Thermoskanne
It's a pity, it just hit me, we can't go back
Es ist schade, es ist mir gerade eingefallen, wir können nicht zurück
To the chest touching on the back
Zum Brustberühren auf dem Rücken
The smiles as she walked in the room
Senyumannya saat dia masuk ke ruangan
Have all turned into frowns am I too quick to assume
Semua berubah menjadi cemberut, apakah saya terlalu cepat berasumsi
That the love is no longer in bloom?
Bahwa cinta tidak lagi bersemi?
The tantrums and the tears play a very different tune
Amarah dan air mata memainkan melodi yang sangat berbeda
To what they did before, her heads red raw
Dari apa yang mereka lakukan sebelumnya, kepalanya merah membara
And the ending doesn't sound like they're happiest around
Dan akhirnya tidak terdengar seperti mereka paling bahagia di sekitar
When you sobbed before it felt much more like the product of a squabble
Ketika kamu menangis sebelumnya, itu terasa lebih seperti hasil dari pertengkaran
Now there's reason for it to be something more
Sekarang ada alasan untuk itu menjadi sesuatu yang lebih
And no would be, oh, it's uncertain
Dan tidak akan ada, oh, itu tidak pasti
Whether the curtain has shut for good
Apakah tirai telah tertutup untuk selamanya
She says, "see if it's still raining
Dia berkata, "lihat apakah masih hujan
I'm not dressed for it and if you loved me"
Saya tidak berpakaian untuk itu dan jika kamu mencintaiku"
And I interrupt to receive the scowl and stare
Dan saya memotong untuk menerima cemberut dan tatapan
But still decided to stop her there
Tapi masih memutuskan untuk menghentikannya di sana
Would it be outrageous to say
Apakah akan terlalu berlebihan untuk mengatakan
We're either shouting or we're shagging?
Kita entah berteriak atau bercinta?
Locked in tempestuous phase
Terjebak dalam fase badai
At least that's how we felt yesterday
Setidaknya itulah yang kita rasakan kemarin
The eyes are getting heavier and whether you're asleep or awake is a mystery
Mata semakin berat dan apakah kamu tidur atau terjaga adalah misteri
Would a kiss be too much to ask?
Apakah ciuman akan terlalu banyak untuk diminta?
When you fit me as sunday's frozen pitch
Ketika kamu cocok dengan saya seperti lapangan beku hari Minggu
Fits the thermos flask
Cocok dengan termos
It's a pity, it just hit me, we can't go back
Sayang sekali, baru saja terpikir olehku, kita tidak bisa kembali
To the chest touching on the back
Ke dada yang menyentuh punggung
The smiles as she walked in the room
Have all turned into frowns am I too quick to assume
ทุกอย่างกลายเป็นหน้าบึ้ง ฉันคิดเร็วเกินไปหรือไม่
That the love is no longer in bloom?
The tantrums and the tears play a very different tune
To what they did before, her heads red raw
กับสิ่งที่เธอทำมาก่อนหน้านี้, หัวของเธอแดงและเจ็บ
And the ending doesn't sound like they're happiest around
When you sobbed before it felt much more like the product of a squabble
เมื่อคุณร้องไห้ก่อนหน้านี้ มันดูเหมือนจะเป็นผลสรุปของการทะเลาะกัน
Now there's reason for it to be something more
And no would be, oh, it's uncertain
Whether the curtain has shut for good
She says, "see if it's still raining
เธอบอกว่า "ดูว่ายังฝนอยู่หรือไม่
I'm not dressed for it and if you loved me"
ฉันไม่ได้แต่งตัวมาเพื่อมัน และถ้าคุณรักฉัน"
And I interrupt to receive the scowl and stare
But still decided to stop her there
Would it be outrageous to say
We're either shouting or we're shagging?
Locked in tempestuous phase
At least that's how we felt yesterday
The eyes are getting heavier and whether you're asleep or awake is a mystery
Would a kiss be too much to ask?
When you fit me as sunday's frozen pitch
Fits the thermos flask
It's a pity, it just hit me, we can't go back
เป็นเรื่องน่าเสียดาย, มันเพิ่งมากระทบฉัน, เราไม่สามารถกลับไป
To the chest touching on the back
The smiles as she walked in the room
Have all turned into frowns am I too quick to assume
That the love is no longer in bloom?
The tantrums and the tears play a very different tune
To what they did before, her heads red raw
And the ending doesn't sound like they're happiest around
When you sobbed before it felt much more like the product of a squabble
Now there's reason for it to be something more
And no would be, oh, it's uncertain
Whether the curtain has shut for good
She says, "see if it's still raining
I'm not dressed for it and if you loved me"
And I interrupt to receive the scowl and stare
But still decided to stop her there
Would it be outrageous to say
We're either shouting or we're shagging?
Locked in tempestuous phase
At least that's how we felt yesterday
The eyes are getting heavier and whether you're asleep or awake is a mystery
Would a kiss be too much to ask?
When you fit me as sunday's frozen pitch
Fits the thermos flask
It's a pity, it just hit me, we can't go back
To the chest touching on the back

Curiosità sulla canzone Too Much To Ask di Arctic Monkeys

Quando è stata rilasciata la canzone “Too Much To Ask” di Arctic Monkeys?
La canzone Too Much To Ask è stata rilasciata nel 2007, nell’album “Fluorescent Adolescent”.
Chi ha composto la canzone “Too Much To Ask” di di Arctic Monkeys?
La canzone “Too Much To Ask” di di Arctic Monkeys è stata composta da ALEX TURNER.

Canzoni più popolari di Arctic Monkeys

Altri artisti di Alternative rock