Freak Street
I was zero to her
she was fateful to me
I became a hero to her
then she was grateful to me
then Emperor Nero to her
and she was hateful to me
It happened on Freak Street
It happened on Freak Street
I floated with her
I drifted with her
showboated with her
and grifted with her
was misquoted by her
and uplifted by her
It happened on Freak Street
It happened on Freak Street
- ""She was the most beautiful girl
in a radius of six miles""
- ""Man I used to see her
dressed in such elegant clothes""
I no longer cared
but I was still keeping score
like a rat in a snare
I came back for more
bewitched by her hair
and the perfume she wore
She left me standing there
in a second-hand store
It happened on Freak Street
It happened on Freak Street