To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you
Well I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth
In the shadowplay acting out your own death, knowing no more
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor
And with cold steel, odor on their bodies made a move to connect
I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left
I did everything, everything I wanted to
I let them use you for their own ends
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you
Al centro della città dove tutte le strade si incontrano, aspettando te
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you
Nelle profondità dell'oceano dove tutte le speranze sono affondate, cercando te
Well I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you
Ebbene, mi stavo muovendo attraverso il silenzio senza movimento, aspettando te
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth
In una stanza con una finestra nell'angolo ho trovato la verità
In the shadowplay acting out your own death, knowing no more
Nel gioco d'ombre recitando la tua stessa morte, non sapendo più nulla
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor
Mentre gli assassini tutti raggruppati in quattro file, ballavano sul pavimento
And with cold steel, odor on their bodies made a move to connect
E con l'acciaio freddo, l'odore sui loro corpi ha fatto un movimento per connettersi
I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left
Potevo solo guardare con incredulità mentre tutte le folle se ne andavano
I did everything, everything I wanted to
Ho fatto tutto, tutto quello che volevo
I let them use you for their own ends
Li ho lasciati usare te per i loro scopi
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
Al centro della città nella notte, aspettando te
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
Al centro della città nella notte, aspettando te
To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you
Para o centro da cidade onde todos os caminhos se encontram, esperando por você
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you
Para as profundezas do oceano onde todas as esperanças afundaram, procurando por você
Well I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you
Bem, eu estava me movendo pelo silêncio sem movimento, esperando por você
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth
Em um quarto com uma janela no canto, eu encontrei a verdade
In the shadowplay acting out your own death, knowing no more
Na sombra agindo a sua própria morte, não sabendo mais
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor
Enquanto os assassinos todos agrupados em quatro linhas, dançando no chão
And with cold steel, odor on their bodies made a move to connect
E com o aço frio, o odor em seus corpos fez um movimento para conectar
I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left
Eu só podia olhar em descrença enquanto as multidões todas saíam
I did everything, everything I wanted to
Eu fiz tudo, tudo o que eu queria fazer
I let them use you for their own ends
Eu os deixei usar você para seus próprios fins
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
Para o centro da cidade à noite, esperando por você
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
Para o centro da cidade à noite, esperando por você
To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you
Al centro de la ciudad donde todas las calles se encuentran, esperándote
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you
A las profundidades del océano donde todas las esperanzas se hundieron, buscándote
Well I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you
Bueno, me estaba moviendo a través del silencio sin movimiento, esperándote
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth
En una habitación con una ventana en la esquina encontré la verdad
In the shadowplay acting out your own death, knowing no more
En el juego de sombras actuando tu propia muerte, sin saber más
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor
Mientras los asesinos se agrupaban en cuatro líneas, bailando en el suelo
And with cold steel, odor on their bodies made a move to connect
Y con acero frío, el olor en sus cuerpos hizo un movimiento para conectar
I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left
Solo pude mirar con incredulidad mientras las multitudes se iban
I did everything, everything I wanted to
Hice todo, todo lo que quería hacer
I let them use you for their own ends
Los dejé usarte para sus propios fines
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
Al centro de la ciudad en la noche, esperándote
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
Al centro de la ciudad en la noche, esperándote
To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you
Au centre de la ville où toutes les routes se rencontrent, t'attendant
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you
Dans les profondeurs de l'océan où tous les espoirs ont sombré, te cherchant
Well I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you
Eh bien, je me déplaçais dans le silence sans mouvement, t'attendant
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth
Dans une pièce avec une fenêtre dans le coin, j'ai trouvé la vérité
In the shadowplay acting out your own death, knowing no more
Dans le jeu d'ombres jouant ta propre mort, ne sachant plus rien
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor
Alors que les assassins tous regroupés en quatre lignes, dansaient sur le sol
And with cold steel, odor on their bodies made a move to connect
Et avec de l'acier froid, l'odeur sur leurs corps a fait un mouvement pour se connecter
I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left
Je ne pouvais que regarder incrédule alors que la foule partait
I did everything, everything I wanted to
J'ai tout fait, tout ce que je voulais faire
I let them use you for their own ends
Je les ai laissé t'utiliser pour leurs propres fins
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
Au centre de la ville dans la nuit, t'attendant
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
Au centre de la ville dans la nuit, t'attendant
To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you
In die Mitte der Stadt, wo sich alle Straßen treffen, warte ich auf dich
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you
In die Tiefen des Ozeans, wo alle Hoffnungen sanken, suche ich nach dir
Well I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you
Nun, ich bewegte mich durch die Stille ohne Bewegung, wartend auf dich
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth
In einem Raum mit einem Fenster in der Ecke fand ich die Wahrheit
In the shadowplay acting out your own death, knowing no more
Im Schattenspiel deinen eigenen Tod darstellend, nichts mehr wissend
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor
Als die Attentäter alle in vier Reihen gruppiert waren, tanzend auf dem Boden
And with cold steel, odor on their bodies made a move to connect
Und mit kaltem Stahl, Geruch auf ihren Körpern machten sie einen Schritt zur Verbindung
I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left
Ich konnte nur in Unglauben starren, als die Massen alle gingen
I did everything, everything I wanted to
Ich habe alles getan, alles, was ich wollte
I let them use you for their own ends
Ich ließ sie dich für ihre eigenen Zwecke benutzen
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
In die Mitte der Stadt in der Nacht, warte ich auf dich
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
In die Mitte der Stadt in der Nacht, warte ich auf dich
To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you
Ke pusat kota di mana semua jalan bertemu, menunggu untukmu
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you
Ke kedalaman lautan di mana semua harapan tenggelam, mencari untukmu
Well I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you
Nah, aku bergerak melalui keheningan tanpa gerakan, menunggu untukmu
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth
Di sebuah ruangan dengan jendela di sudut, aku menemukan kebenaran
In the shadowplay acting out your own death, knowing no more
Dalam bayangan bermain memerankan kematianmu sendiri, tidak tahu lagi
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor
Saat para pembunuh semua berkumpul dalam empat baris, menari di lantai
And with cold steel, odor on their bodies made a move to connect
Dan dengan baja dingin, bau di tubuh mereka membuat gerakan untuk terhubung
I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left
Aku hanya bisa menatap dengan tak percaya saat semua kerumunan pergi
I did everything, everything I wanted to
Aku melakukan segalanya, segala yang aku inginkan
I let them use you for their own ends
Aku membiarkan mereka menggunakanmu untuk tujuan mereka sendiri
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
Ke pusat kota di malam hari, menunggu untukmu
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
Ke pusat kota di malam hari, menunggu untukmu
To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you
ไปยังศูนย์กลางของเมืองที่ทุกทางถนนพบกัน รอคอยคุณ
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you
ไปยังความลึกของมหาสมุทรที่ทุกความหวังจมลง ค้นหาคุณ
Well I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you
เอาล่ะ ฉันกำลังเคลื่อนไหวผ่านความเงียบโดยไม่มีการเคลื่อนไหว รอคอยคุณ
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth
ในห้องที่มีหน้าต่างอยู่ที่มุม ฉันพบความจริง
In the shadowplay acting out your own death, knowing no more
ในการแสดงเงาที่แสดงการตายของคุณเอง ไม่รู้อะไรเพิ่มเติม
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor
เมื่อนักฆ่าทั้งหมดรวมกลุ่มเป็นสี่แถว รำวงบนพื้น
And with cold steel, odor on their bodies made a move to connect
และด้วยเหล็กเย็น กลิ่นบนร่างกายของพวกเขาทำการเชื่อมต่อ
I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left
I did everything, everything I wanted to
ฉันทำทุกอย่าง ทุกอย่างที่ฉันต้องการทำ
I let them use you for their own ends
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
ไปยังศูนย์กลางของเมืองในเวลากลางคืน รอคอยคุณ
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
ไปยังศูนย์กลางของเมืองในเวลากลางคืน รอคอยคุณ
To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you
Well I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth
In the shadowplay acting out your own death, knowing no more
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor
And with cold steel, odor on their bodies made a move to connect
I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left
I did everything, everything I wanted to
I let them use you for their own ends
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you