Desperate Things

Brandon Flowers, Jonathan Rado

Testi Traduzione

She was doing sixty in a thirty-five
I hit the lights and pulled her over
When I reached the window of the driver side
There was blood from her mouth, dry on her shoulder
I've never had much patience for guys that hit
For more than just obvious reasons
I asked if she wanted me to take him in
She laughed it off like lemonade

When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
And when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
People do desperate things

I've been taking lunch breaks at her work
When the restaurant ain't too crowded
She knows me and my wife got a little girl
We don't talk too much about it
The other night she met me way out west
Things went further than they should have
When she undid the buttons of her dress
I didn't stop her, but I could have

When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
People do desperate things

I know where he drinks most every night
It's our local hero sports bar
I've got him cuffed and sweating cold
In the back of my patrol car
You forget how dark the canyon gets
It's a real uneasy feeling
I've never had much patience for guys who hit
For more than just obvious reasons

When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
People do desperate things

She was doing sixty in a thirty-five
Stava andando a sessanta in una trentacinque
I hit the lights and pulled her over
Ho acceso le luci e l'ho fermata
When I reached the window of the driver side
Quando ho raggiunto il finestrino del lato conducente
There was blood from her mouth, dry on her shoulder
C'era sangue dalla sua bocca, secco sulla sua spalla
I've never had much patience for guys that hit
Non ho mai avuto molta pazienza per i ragazzi che colpiscono
For more than just obvious reasons
Per più di solo ovvi motivi
I asked if she wanted me to take him in
Le ho chiesto se voleva che lo prendessi
She laughed it off like lemonade
Ha riso come se fosse limonata
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Quando sei innamorato, puoi essere accecato dal tuo stesso cuore
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Piegherai la tua stessa verità, così contorta che potresti giustificare il peccato
And when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
E quando le persone innamorate sono abbastanza disperate da abbandonare i loro sogni
People do desperate things
Le persone fanno cose disperate
I've been taking lunch breaks at her work
Ho fatto le pause pranzo al suo lavoro
When the restaurant ain't too crowded
Quando il ristorante non è troppo affollato
She knows me and my wife got a little girl
Sa che io e mia moglie abbiamo una bambina
We don't talk too much about it
Non ne parliamo troppo
The other night she met me way out west
L'altra notte mi ha incontrato molto a ovest
Things went further than they should have
Le cose sono andate oltre quanto avrebbero dovuto
When she undid the buttons of her dress
Quando ha sbottonato i bottoni del suo vestito
I didn't stop her, but I could have
Non l'ho fermata, ma avrei potuto
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Quando sei innamorato, puoi essere accecato dal tuo stesso cuore
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Piegherai la tua stessa verità, così contorta che potresti giustificare il peccato
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Ma quando le persone innamorate sono abbastanza disperate da abbandonare i loro sogni
People do desperate things
Le persone fanno cose disperate
I know where he drinks most every night
So dove beve quasi tutte le notti
It's our local hero sports bar
È il nostro bar sportivo eroe locale
I've got him cuffed and sweating cold
L'ho ammanettato e sudato freddo
In the back of my patrol car
Nel retro della mia macchina di pattuglia
You forget how dark the canyon gets
Dimentichi quanto il canyon diventa buio
It's a real uneasy feeling
È una sensazione davvero inquietante
I've never had much patience for guys who hit
Non ho mai avuto molta pazienza per i ragazzi che colpiscono
For more than just obvious reasons
Per più di solo ovvi motivi
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Quando sei innamorato, puoi essere accecato dal tuo stesso cuore
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Piegherai la tua stessa verità, così contorta che potresti giustificare il peccato
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Ma quando le persone innamorate sono abbastanza disperate da abbandonare i loro sogni
People do desperate things
Le persone fanno cose disperate
She was doing sixty in a thirty-five
Ela estava a sessenta numa de trinta e cinco
I hit the lights and pulled her over
Acendi as luzes e a parei
When I reached the window of the driver side
Quando cheguei à janela do lado do motorista
There was blood from her mouth, dry on her shoulder
Havia sangue de sua boca, seco em seu ombro
I've never had much patience for guys that hit
Nunca tive muita paciência para caras que batem
For more than just obvious reasons
Por mais do que apenas razões óbvias
I asked if she wanted me to take him in
Perguntei se ela queria que eu o prendesse
She laughed it off like lemonade
Ela riu como se fosse limonada
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Quando você está apaixonado, pode ser cegado pelo seu próprio coração
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Você vai distorcer sua própria verdade, tão torcida que poderia justificar o pecado
And when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
E quando as pessoas apaixonadas estão desesperadas o suficiente para abandonar seus sonhos
People do desperate things
As pessoas fazem coisas desesperadas
I've been taking lunch breaks at her work
Tenho almoçado no trabalho dela
When the restaurant ain't too crowded
Quando o restaurante não está muito cheio
She knows me and my wife got a little girl
Ela sabe que eu e minha esposa temos uma menina
We don't talk too much about it
Não falamos muito sobre isso
The other night she met me way out west
Na outra noite ela me encontrou bem ao oeste
Things went further than they should have
As coisas foram mais longe do que deveriam
When she undid the buttons of her dress
Quando ela desabotoou os botões de seu vestido
I didn't stop her, but I could have
Eu não a impedi, mas poderia ter
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Quando você está apaixonado, pode ser cegado pelo seu próprio coração
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Você vai distorcer sua própria verdade, tão torcida que poderia justificar o pecado
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Mas quando as pessoas apaixonadas estão desesperadas o suficiente para abandonar seus sonhos
People do desperate things
As pessoas fazem coisas desesperadas
I know where he drinks most every night
Sei onde ele bebe quase todas as noites
It's our local hero sports bar
É o nosso bar esportivo herói local
I've got him cuffed and sweating cold
Eu o tenho algemado e suando frio
In the back of my patrol car
No banco de trás do meu carro de patrulha
You forget how dark the canyon gets
Você esquece o quão escuro o cânion fica
It's a real uneasy feeling
É uma sensação realmente desconfortável
I've never had much patience for guys who hit
Nunca tive muita paciência para caras que batem
For more than just obvious reasons
Por mais do que apenas razões óbvias
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Quando você está apaixonado, pode ser cegado pelo seu próprio coração
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Você vai distorcer sua própria verdade, tão torcida que poderia justificar o pecado
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Mas quando as pessoas apaixonadas estão desesperadas o suficiente para abandonar seus sonhos
People do desperate things
As pessoas fazem coisas desesperadas
She was doing sixty in a thirty-five
Iba a sesenta en una de treinta y cinco
I hit the lights and pulled her over
Encendí las luces y la detuve
When I reached the window of the driver side
Cuando llegué a la ventana del lado del conductor
There was blood from her mouth, dry on her shoulder
Había sangre de su boca, seca en su hombro
I've never had much patience for guys that hit
Nunca he tenido mucha paciencia para los chicos que golpean
For more than just obvious reasons
Por más que solo razones obvias
I asked if she wanted me to take him in
Le pregunté si quería que lo detuviera
She laughed it off like lemonade
Se lo tomó a risa como si fuera limonada
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Cuando estás enamorado, puedes ser cegado por tu propio corazón
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Torcerás tu propia verdad, tan retorcida que podrías justificar el pecado
And when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Y cuando las personas enamoradas están lo suficientemente desesperadas como para abandonar sus sueños
People do desperate things
Las personas hacen cosas desesperadas
I've been taking lunch breaks at her work
He estado tomando descansos para almorzar en su trabajo
When the restaurant ain't too crowded
Cuando el restaurante no está demasiado lleno
She knows me and my wife got a little girl
Ella sabe que mi esposa y yo tenemos una niña
We don't talk too much about it
No hablamos mucho de eso
The other night she met me way out west
La otra noche me encontró muy al oeste
Things went further than they should have
Las cosas fueron más lejos de lo que deberían
When she undid the buttons of her dress
Cuando desabrochó los botones de su vestido
I didn't stop her, but I could have
No la detuve, pero podría haberlo hecho
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Cuando estás enamorado, puedes ser cegado por tu propio corazón
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Torcerás tu propia verdad, tan retorcida que podrías justificar el pecado
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Pero cuando las personas enamoradas están lo suficientemente desesperadas como para abandonar sus sueños
People do desperate things
Las personas hacen cosas desesperadas
I know where he drinks most every night
Sé dónde bebe casi todas las noches
It's our local hero sports bar
Es nuestro bar deportivo local de héroes
I've got him cuffed and sweating cold
Lo tengo esposado y sudando frío
In the back of my patrol car
En la parte trasera de mi coche patrulla
You forget how dark the canyon gets
Olvidas lo oscuro que se pone el cañón
It's a real uneasy feeling
Es una sensación realmente inquietante
I've never had much patience for guys who hit
Nunca he tenido mucha paciencia para los chicos que golpean
For more than just obvious reasons
Por más que solo razones obvias
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Cuando estás enamorado, puedes ser cegado por tu propio corazón
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Torcerás tu propia verdad, tan retorcida que podrías justificar el pecado
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Pero cuando las personas enamoradas están lo suficientemente desesperadas como para abandonar sus sueños
People do desperate things
Las personas hacen cosas desesperadas
She was doing sixty in a thirty-five
Elle roulait à soixante dans une zone à trente-cinq
I hit the lights and pulled her over
J'ai allumé les feux et l'ai arrêtée
When I reached the window of the driver side
Quand j'ai atteint la fenêtre du côté conducteur
There was blood from her mouth, dry on her shoulder
Il y avait du sang de sa bouche, sec sur son épaule
I've never had much patience for guys that hit
Je n'ai jamais eu beaucoup de patience pour les gars qui frappent
For more than just obvious reasons
Pour plus que de simples raisons évidentes
I asked if she wanted me to take him in
Je lui ai demandé si elle voulait que je l'emmène
She laughed it off like lemonade
Elle a ri comme si c'était de la limonade
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Quand tu es amoureux, tu peux être aveuglé par ton propre cœur
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Tu tordras ta propre vérité, si tordue que tu pourrais justifier le péché
And when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Et quand les gens amoureux sont assez désespérés pour abandonner leurs rêves
People do desperate things
Les gens font des choses désespérées
I've been taking lunch breaks at her work
Je prends mes pauses déjeuner à son travail
When the restaurant ain't too crowded
Quand le restaurant n'est pas trop bondé
She knows me and my wife got a little girl
Elle sait que ma femme et moi avons une petite fille
We don't talk too much about it
On n'en parle pas trop
The other night she met me way out west
L'autre nuit, elle m'a rencontré loin à l'ouest
Things went further than they should have
Les choses sont allées plus loin qu'elles n'auraient dû
When she undid the buttons of her dress
Quand elle a déboutonné sa robe
I didn't stop her, but I could have
Je ne l'ai pas arrêtée, mais j'aurais pu
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Quand tu es amoureux, tu peux être aveuglé par ton propre cœur
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Tu tordras ta propre vérité, si tordue que tu pourrais justifier le péché
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Mais quand les gens amoureux sont assez désespérés pour abandonner leurs rêves
People do desperate things
Les gens font des choses désespérées
I know where he drinks most every night
Je sais où il boit presque tous les soirs
It's our local hero sports bar
C'est notre bar sportif local
I've got him cuffed and sweating cold
Je l'ai menotté et il transpire de froid
In the back of my patrol car
À l'arrière de ma voiture de patrouille
You forget how dark the canyon gets
On oublie à quel point le canyon devient sombre
It's a real uneasy feeling
C'est une sensation vraiment inconfortable
I've never had much patience for guys who hit
Je n'ai jamais eu beaucoup de patience pour les gars qui frappent
For more than just obvious reasons
Pour plus que de simples raisons évidentes
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Quand tu es amoureux, tu peux être aveuglé par ton propre cœur
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Tu tordras ta propre vérité, si tordue que tu pourrais justifier le péché
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Mais quand les gens amoureux sont assez désespérés pour abandonner leurs rêves
People do desperate things
Les gens font des choses désespérées
She was doing sixty in a thirty-five
Sie fuhr sechzig in einer Fünfunddreißigerzone
I hit the lights and pulled her over
Ich schaltete die Lichter ein und hielt sie an
When I reached the window of the driver side
Als ich das Fenster auf der Fahrerseite erreichte
There was blood from her mouth, dry on her shoulder
War Blut aus ihrem Mund, trocken auf ihrer Schulter
I've never had much patience for guys that hit
Ich hatte nie viel Geduld mit Typen, die schlagen
For more than just obvious reasons
Aus mehr als nur offensichtlichen Gründen
I asked if she wanted me to take him in
Ich fragte, ob sie wollte, dass ich ihn reinnehme
She laughed it off like lemonade
Sie lachte es weg wie Limonade
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Wenn du verliebt bist, kannst du von deinem eigenen Herzen geblendet werden
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Du wirst deine eigene Wahrheit verbiegen, so verdreht, dass du Sünde rechtfertigen könntest
And when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Und wenn Menschen in der Liebe verzweifelt genug sind, ihre Träume aufzugeben
People do desperate things
Menschen tun verzweifelte Dinge
I've been taking lunch breaks at her work
Ich mache Mittagspausen bei ihrer Arbeit
When the restaurant ain't too crowded
Wenn das Restaurant nicht zu voll ist
She knows me and my wife got a little girl
Sie weiß, dass ich und meine Frau ein kleines Mädchen haben
We don't talk too much about it
Wir reden nicht zu viel darüber
The other night she met me way out west
Die andere Nacht traf sie mich weit im Westen
Things went further than they should have
Dinge gingen weiter als sie hätten sollen
When she undid the buttons of her dress
Als sie die Knöpfe ihres Kleides öffnete
I didn't stop her, but I could have
Ich habe sie nicht gestoppt, aber ich hätte es gekonnt
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Wenn du verliebt bist, kannst du von deinem eigenen Herzen geblendet werden
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Du wirst deine eigene Wahrheit verbiegen, so verdreht, dass du Sünde rechtfertigen könntest
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Aber wenn Menschen in der Liebe verzweifelt genug sind, ihre Träume aufzugeben
People do desperate things
Menschen tun verzweifelte Dinge
I know where he drinks most every night
Ich weiß, wo er fast jede Nacht trinkt
It's our local hero sports bar
Es ist unsere lokale Helden-Sportbar
I've got him cuffed and sweating cold
Ich habe ihn gefesselt und kalt schwitzend
In the back of my patrol car
Im hinteren Teil meines Streifenwagens
You forget how dark the canyon gets
Man vergisst, wie dunkel die Schlucht wird
It's a real uneasy feeling
Es ist ein wirklich unangenehmes Gefühl
I've never had much patience for guys who hit
Ich hatte nie viel Geduld mit Typen, die schlagen
For more than just obvious reasons
Aus mehr als nur offensichtlichen Gründen
When you're in love, you can be blinded by your own heart
Wenn du verliebt bist, kannst du von deinem eigenen Herzen geblendet werden
You'll bend your own truth, so twisted up you could justify sin
Du wirst deine eigene Wahrheit verbiegen, so verdreht, dass du Sünde rechtfertigen könntest
But when people in love are desperate enough to abandon their dreams
Aber wenn Menschen in der Liebe verzweifelt genug sind, ihre Träume aufzugeben
People do desperate things
Menschen tun verzweifelte Dinge

Curiosità sulla canzone Desperate Things di The Killers

Quando è stata rilasciata la canzone “Desperate Things” di The Killers?
La canzone Desperate Things è stata rilasciata nel 2021, nell’album “Pressure Machine”.
Chi ha composto la canzone “Desperate Things” di di The Killers?
La canzone “Desperate Things” di di The Killers è stata composta da Brandon Flowers, Jonathan Rado.

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