Good morning world, how do you feel?
You look so tired
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop
Turning 'round
Who's to blame but us
When half the planet caught on fire
And one more spark seems enough
To burn it down
Good morning world, how do you feel?
You look so sad
The clock is ticking and precious time will fade away
Oh, the cyberwar
A dirty ocean, the climate change
When tomorrow comes we'll pay the price
For today
See the writing on the wall
(The future calls)
Can I trust fate anymore?
(The world is yours)
Young is old and old is young
(You are the ones)
Call me when tomorrow comes
When tomorrow comes (when tomorrow comes, when tomorrow comes)
Good morning world, how do you feel?
You look so angry
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop turning 'round
Who's to blame but us?
When half the planet's shut down
When the number of the dead
Still explodes
See the writing on the wall
(The future calls)
Can I trust fate anymore?
(The world is yours)
Young is old and old is young
(You are the ones)
Call me when tomorrow comes
(When tomorrow comes)
When tomorrow comes
When tomorrow comes
When tomorrow comes
When tomorrow comes
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Buongiorno mondo, come ti senti?
You look so tired
Sembri così stanco
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop
A volte penso che tu stia per fermarti
Turning 'round
Girando intorno
Who's to blame but us
Chi è da biasimare se non noi
When half the planet caught on fire
Quando metà del pianeta ha preso fuoco
And one more spark seems enough
E una scintilla in più sembra sufficiente
To burn it down
Per bruciarlo tutto
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Buongiorno mondo, come ti senti?
You look so sad
Sembri così triste
The clock is ticking and precious time will fade away
L'orologio sta ticchettando e il tempo prezioso svanirà
Oh, the cyberwar
Oh, la guerra cibernetica
A dirty ocean, the climate change
Un oceano sporco, il cambiamento climatico
When tomorrow comes we'll pay the price
Quando arriverà domani pagheremo il prezzo
For today
Per oggi
See the writing on the wall
Vedi la scrittura sul muro
(The future calls)
(Il futuro chiama)
Can I trust fate anymore?
Posso ancora fidarmi del destino?
(The world is yours)
(Il mondo è tuo)
Young is old and old is young
Giovane è vecchio e vecchio è giovane
(You are the ones)
(Voi siete quelli)
Call me when tomorrow comes
Chiamami quando arriva domani
When tomorrow comes (when tomorrow comes, when tomorrow comes)
Quando arriva domani (quando arriva domani, quando arriva domani)
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Buongiorno mondo, come ti senti?
You look so angry
Sembri così arrabbiato
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop turning 'round
A volte penso che tu stia per fermarti a girare
Who's to blame but us?
Chi è da biasimare se non noi?
When half the planet's shut down
Quando metà del pianeta è chiuso
When the number of the dead
Quando il numero dei morti
Still explodes
Continua a esplodere
See the writing on the wall
Vedi la scrittura sul muro
(The future calls)
(Il futuro chiama)
Can I trust fate anymore?
Posso ancora fidarmi del destino?
(The world is yours)
(Il mondo è tuo)
Young is old and old is young
Giovane è vecchio e vecchio è giovane
(You are the ones)
(Voi siete quelli)
Call me when tomorrow comes
Chiamami quando arriva domani
(When tomorrow comes)
(Quando arriva domani)
When tomorrow comes
Quando arriva domani
When tomorrow comes
Quando arriva domani
When tomorrow comes
Quando arriva domani
When tomorrow comes
Quando arriva domani
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Bom dia mundo, como você se sente?
You look so tired
Você parece tão cansado
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop
Às vezes eu acho que você vai parar
Turning 'round
De girar
Who's to blame but us
Quem é o culpado senão nós
When half the planet caught on fire
Quando metade do planeta pegou fogo
And one more spark seems enough
E uma faísca a mais parece suficiente
To burn it down
Para queimá-lo
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Bom dia mundo, como você se sente?
You look so sad
Você parece tão triste
The clock is ticking and precious time will fade away
O relógio está correndo e o tempo precioso vai desaparecer
Oh, the cyberwar
Ah, a guerra cibernética
A dirty ocean, the climate change
Um oceano sujo, a mudança climática
When tomorrow comes we'll pay the price
Quando o amanhã chegar, pagaremos o preço
For today
Por hoje
See the writing on the wall
Veja a escrita na parede
(The future calls)
(O futuro chama)
Can I trust fate anymore?
Posso confiar no destino mais uma vez?
(The world is yours)
(O mundo é seu)
Young is old and old is young
Jovem é velho e velho é jovem
(You are the ones)
(Vocês são os únicos)
Call me when tomorrow comes
Me chame quando o amanhã chegar
When tomorrow comes (when tomorrow comes, when tomorrow comes)
Quando o amanhã chegar (quando o amanhã chegar, quando o amanhã chegar)
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Bom dia mundo, como você se sente?
You look so angry
Você parece tão bravo
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop turning 'round
Às vezes eu acho que você vai parar de girar
Who's to blame but us?
Quem é o culpado senão nós?
When half the planet's shut down
Quando metade do planeta está desligada
When the number of the dead
Quando o número de mortos
Still explodes
Ainda explode
See the writing on the wall
Veja a escrita na parede
(The future calls)
(O futuro chama)
Can I trust fate anymore?
Posso confiar no destino mais uma vez?
(The world is yours)
(O mundo é seu)
Young is old and old is young
Jovem é velho e velho é jovem
(You are the ones)
(Vocês são os únicos)
Call me when tomorrow comes
Me chame quando o amanhã chegar
(When tomorrow comes)
(Quando o amanhã chegar)
When tomorrow comes
Quando o amanhã chegar
When tomorrow comes
Quando o amanhã chegar
When tomorrow comes
Quando o amanhã chegar
When tomorrow comes
Quando o amanhã chegar
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Buenos días mundo, ¿cómo te sientes?
You look so tired
Pareces tan cansado
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop
A veces pienso que vas a dejar de
Turning 'round
Who's to blame but us
¿A quién culpar sino a nosotros?
When half the planet caught on fire
Cuando la mitad del planeta se incendió
And one more spark seems enough
Y una chispa más parece suficiente
To burn it down
Para quemarlo todo
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Buenos días mundo, ¿cómo te sientes?
You look so sad
Pareces tan triste
The clock is ticking and precious time will fade away
El reloj está corriendo y el precioso tiempo se desvanecerá
Oh, the cyberwar
Oh, la ciberguerra
A dirty ocean, the climate change
Un océano sucio, el cambio climático
When tomorrow comes we'll pay the price
Cuando llegue el mañana pagaremos el precio
For today
Por hoy
See the writing on the wall
Ve la escritura en la pared
(The future calls)
(El futuro llama)
Can I trust fate anymore?
¿Puedo confiar en el destino alguna vez más?
(The world is yours)
(El mundo es tuyo)
Young is old and old is young
Joven es viejo y viejo es joven
(You are the ones)
(Son ustedes)
Call me when tomorrow comes
Llámame cuando llegue el mañana
When tomorrow comes (when tomorrow comes, when tomorrow comes)
Cuando llegue el mañana (cuando llegue el mañana, cuando llegue el mañana)
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Buenos días mundo, ¿cómo te sientes?
You look so angry
Pareces tan enfadado
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop turning 'round
A veces pienso que vas a dejar de girar
Who's to blame but us?
¿A quién culpar sino a nosotros?
When half the planet's shut down
Cuando la mitad del planeta está cerrada
When the number of the dead
Cuando el número de los muertos
Still explodes
Todavía explota
See the writing on the wall
Ve la escritura en la pared
(The future calls)
(El futuro llama)
Can I trust fate anymore?
¿Puedo confiar en el destino alguna vez más?
(The world is yours)
(El mundo es tuyo)
Young is old and old is young
Joven es viejo y viejo es joven
(You are the ones)
(Son ustedes)
Call me when tomorrow comes
Llámame cuando llegue el mañana
(When tomorrow comes)
(Cuando llegue el mañana)
When tomorrow comes
Cuando llegue el mañana
When tomorrow comes
Cuando llegue el mañana
When tomorrow comes
Cuando llegue el mañana
When tomorrow comes
Cuando llegue el mañana
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Bonjour monde, comment te sens-tu ?
You look so tired
Tu as l'air si fatigué
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop
Parfois, je pense que tu vas t'arrêter
Turning 'round
De tourner
Who's to blame but us
Qui est à blâmer sinon nous
When half the planet caught on fire
Quand la moitié de la planète a pris feu
And one more spark seems enough
Et une étincelle de plus semble suffisante
To burn it down
Pour la brûler
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Bonjour monde, comment te sens-tu ?
You look so sad
Tu as l'air si triste
The clock is ticking and precious time will fade away
L'horloge tourne et le temps précieux s'évanouit
Oh, the cyberwar
Oh, la cyber-guerre
A dirty ocean, the climate change
Un océan sale, le changement climatique
When tomorrow comes we'll pay the price
Quand demain viendra, nous paierons le prix
For today
Pour aujourd'hui
See the writing on the wall
Voir l'écriture sur le mur
(The future calls)
(L'avenir appelle)
Can I trust fate anymore?
Puis-je encore faire confiance au destin ?
(The world is yours)
(Le monde est à vous)
Young is old and old is young
Jeune est vieux et vieux est jeune
(You are the ones)
(Vous êtes les élus)
Call me when tomorrow comes
Appelez-moi quand demain viendra
When tomorrow comes (when tomorrow comes, when tomorrow comes)
Quand demain viendra (quand demain viendra, quand demain viendra)
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Bonjour monde, comment te sens-tu ?
You look so angry
Tu as l'air si en colère
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop turning 'round
Parfois, je pense que tu vas t'arrêter de tourner
Who's to blame but us?
Qui est à blâmer sinon nous ?
When half the planet's shut down
Quand la moitié de la planète est fermée
When the number of the dead
Quand le nombre de morts
Still explodes
Explose toujours
See the writing on the wall
Voir l'écriture sur le mur
(The future calls)
(L'avenir appelle)
Can I trust fate anymore?
Puis-je encore faire confiance au destin ?
(The world is yours)
(Le monde est à vous)
Young is old and old is young
Jeune est vieux et vieux est jeune
(You are the ones)
(Vous êtes les élus)
Call me when tomorrow comes
Appelez-moi quand demain viendra
(When tomorrow comes)
(Quand demain viendra)
When tomorrow comes
Quand demain viendra
When tomorrow comes
Quand demain viendra
When tomorrow comes
Quand demain viendra
When tomorrow comes
Quand demain viendra
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Guten Morgen Welt, wie fühlst du dich?
You look so tired
Du siehst so müde aus
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop
Manchmal denke ich, du wirst aufhören
Turning 'round
Dich zu drehen
Who's to blame but us
Wer ist schuld, wenn nicht wir
When half the planet caught on fire
Wenn der halbe Planet in Flammen steht
And one more spark seems enough
Und ein weiterer Funke scheint genug
To burn it down
Um ihn niederzubrennen
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Guten Morgen Welt, wie fühlst du dich?
You look so sad
Du siehst so traurig aus
The clock is ticking and precious time will fade away
Die Uhr tickt und kostbare Zeit wird vergehen
Oh, the cyberwar
Oh, der Cyberkrieg
A dirty ocean, the climate change
Ein schmutziger Ozean, der Klimawandel
When tomorrow comes we'll pay the price
Wenn morgen kommt, werden wir den Preis zahlen
For today
Für heute
See the writing on the wall
Sieh die Schrift an der Wand
(The future calls)
(Die Zukunft ruft)
Can I trust fate anymore?
Kann ich dem Schicksal noch vertrauen?
(The world is yours)
(Die Welt gehört dir)
Young is old and old is young
Jung ist alt und alt ist jung
(You are the ones)
(Ihr seid diejenigen)
Call me when tomorrow comes
Ruf mich an, wenn morgen kommt
When tomorrow comes (when tomorrow comes, when tomorrow comes)
Wenn morgen kommt (wenn morgen kommt, wenn morgen kommt)
Good morning world, how do you feel?
Guten Morgen Welt, wie fühlst du dich?
You look so angry
Du siehst so wütend aus
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop turning 'round
Manchmal denke ich, du wirst aufhören dich zu drehen
Who's to blame but us?
Wer ist schuld, wenn nicht wir?
When half the planet's shut down
Wenn der halbe Planet stillgelegt ist
When the number of the dead
Wenn die Zahl der Toten
Still explodes
Immer noch explodiert
See the writing on the wall
Sieh die Schrift an der Wand
(The future calls)
(Die Zukunft ruft)
Can I trust fate anymore?
Kann ich dem Schicksal noch vertrauen?
(The world is yours)
(Die Welt gehört dir)
Young is old and old is young
Jung ist alt und alt ist jung
(You are the ones)
(Ihr seid diejenigen)
Call me when tomorrow comes
Ruf mich an, wenn morgen kommt
(When tomorrow comes)
(Wenn morgen kommt)
When tomorrow comes
Wenn morgen kommt
When tomorrow comes
Wenn morgen kommt
When tomorrow comes
Wenn morgen kommt
When tomorrow comes
Wenn morgen kommt