Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
A force deployed from overseas
A war in foreign land await the eager recruits
And in their midst, among the men
A soldier with a different past return to his roots
Into battle, the gas has them pinned
Then this soldier invoke the spirits of the wind
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
And on the fields of Passchendaele
A guiding light for reinforcements finding their way
And in the Battle of the Scarpe
Bring ammo over no man's land and fire away
In the battle, the gas had them pinned
Pegahmagabow invoked the spirits of the wind
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Under fire, a ghost that
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Francis stayed and fought throughout the war, made his way until the end alive
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Muovi tra le linee, un soldato che rompe i confini
A force deployed from overseas
Una forza dispiegata dall'estero
A war in foreign land await the eager recruits
Una guerra in terra straniera attende i reclute impazienti
And in their midst, among the men
E in mezzo a loro, tra gli uomini
A soldier with a different past return to his roots
Un soldato con un passato diverso ritorna alle sue radici
Into battle, the gas has them pinned
Nella battaglia, il gas li ha intrappolati
Then this soldier invoke the spirits of the wind
Poi questo soldato invoca gli spiriti del vento
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Sotto il fuoco, un fantasma che vaga sul campo di battaglia
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Muovi tra le linee, un soldato che rompe i confini
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Solo un altro) uomo e fucile, un tiratore scelto e un esploratore rivelati
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Fa la sua strada da trincea a trincea da solo, muovendosi inosservato
And on the fields of Passchendaele
E sui campi di Passchendaele
A guiding light for reinforcements finding their way
Una luce guida per i rinforzi che trovano la loro strada
And in the Battle of the Scarpe
E nella Battaglia di Scarpe
Bring ammo over no man's land and fire away
Porta munizioni oltre la terra di nessuno e spara
In the battle, the gas had them pinned
Nella battaglia, il gas li aveva intrappolati
Pegahmagabow invoked the spirits of the wind
Pegahmagabow invocò gli spiriti del vento
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Sotto il fuoco, un fantasma che vaga sul campo di battaglia
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Muovi tra le linee, un soldato che rompe i confini
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Solo un altro) uomo e fucile, un tiratore scelto e un esploratore rivelati
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Fa la sua strada da trincea a trincea da solo, muovendosi inosservato
Under fire, a ghost that
Sotto il fuoco, un fantasma che
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Sotto il fuoco, un fantasma che vaga sul campo di battaglia
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Muovi tra le linee, un soldato che rompe i confini
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Solo un altro) uomo e fucile, un tiratore scelto e un esploratore rivelati
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Fa la sua strada da trincea a trincea da solo, muovendosi inosservato
Francis stayed and fought throughout the war, made his way until the end alive
Francis rimase e combatté per tutta la guerra, fece la sua strada fino alla fine vivo
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Mova-se entre as linhas, um soldado rompendo os limites
A force deployed from overseas
Uma força enviada do exterior
A war in foreign land await the eager recruits
Uma guerra em terra estrangeira aguarda os recrutas ansiosos
And in their midst, among the men
E em seu meio, entre os homens
A soldier with a different past return to his roots
Um soldado com um passado diferente retorna às suas raízes
Into battle, the gas has them pinned
Na batalha, o gás os prendeu
Then this soldier invoke the spirits of the wind
Então este soldado invoca os espíritos do vento
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Sob fogo, um fantasma que perambula pelo campo de batalha
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Mova-se entre as linhas, um soldado rompendo os limites
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Apenas mais um) homem e rifle, um atirador e um batedor revelados
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Faz seu caminho de trincheira em trincheira sozinho, movendo-se sem ser detectado
And on the fields of Passchendaele
E nos campos de Passchendaele
A guiding light for reinforcements finding their way
Uma luz orientadora para reforços encontrando seu caminho
And in the Battle of the Scarpe
E na Batalha de Scarpe
Bring ammo over no man's land and fire away
Traga munição sobre a terra de ninguém e dispare
In the battle, the gas had them pinned
Na batalha, o gás os prendeu
Pegahmagabow invoked the spirits of the wind
Pegahmagabow invocou os espíritos do vento
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Sob fogo, um fantasma que perambula pelo campo de batalha
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Mova-se entre as linhas, um soldado rompendo os limites
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Apenas mais um) homem e rifle, um atirador e um batedor revelados
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Faz seu caminho de trincheira em trincheira sozinho, movendo-se sem ser detectado
Under fire, a ghost that
Sob fogo, um fantasma que
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Sob fogo, um fantasma que perambula pelo campo de batalha
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Mova-se entre as linhas, um soldado rompendo os limites
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Apenas mais um) homem e rifle, um atirador e um batedor revelados
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Faz seu caminho de trincheira em trincheira sozinho, movendo-se sem ser detectado
Francis stayed and fought throughout the war, made his way until the end alive
Francis permaneceu e lutou durante toda a guerra, fez seu caminho até o fim vivo
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Muévete entre las líneas, un soldado rompiendo los confines
A force deployed from overseas
Una fuerza desplegada desde ultramar
A war in foreign land await the eager recruits
Una guerra en tierra extranjera espera a los reclutas ansiosos
And in their midst, among the men
Y en medio de ellos, entre los hombres
A soldier with a different past return to his roots
Un soldado con un pasado diferente vuelve a sus raíces
Into battle, the gas has them pinned
En la batalla, el gas los tiene acorralados
Then this soldier invoke the spirits of the wind
Entonces este soldado invoca a los espíritus del viento
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Bajo fuego, un fantasma que recorre el campo de batalla
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Muévete entre las líneas, un soldado rompiendo los confines
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Solo otro) hombre y rifle, un tirador y un explorador revelados
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Se abre camino de trinchera en trinchera solo, moviéndose sin ser detectado
And on the fields of Passchendaele
Y en los campos de Passchendaele
A guiding light for reinforcements finding their way
Una luz guía para las refuerzos que encuentran su camino
And in the Battle of the Scarpe
Y en la Batalla de Scarpe
Bring ammo over no man's land and fire away
Trae municiones a través de la tierra de nadie y dispara a discreción
In the battle, the gas had them pinned
En la batalla, el gas los tenía acorralados
Pegahmagabow invoked the spirits of the wind
Pegahmagabow invocó a los espíritus del viento
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Bajo fuego, un fantasma que recorre el campo de batalla
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Muévete entre las líneas, un soldado rompiendo los confines
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Solo otro) hombre y rifle, un tirador y un explorador revelados
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Se abre camino de trinchera en trinchera solo, moviéndose sin ser detectado
Under fire, a ghost that
Bajo fuego, un fantasma que
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Bajo fuego, un fantasma que recorre el campo de batalla
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Muévete entre las líneas, un soldado rompiendo los confines
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Solo otro) hombre y rifle, un tirador y un explorador revelados
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Se abre camino de trinchera en trinchera solo, moviéndose sin ser detectado
Francis stayed and fought throughout the war, made his way until the end alive
Francis se quedó y luchó durante toda la guerra, se abrió camino hasta el final vivo
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Bouge entre les lignes, un soldat brisant les limites
A force deployed from overseas
Une force déployée de l'étranger
A war in foreign land await the eager recruits
Une guerre en terre étrangère attend les recrues impatientes
And in their midst, among the men
Et au milieu d'eux, parmi les hommes
A soldier with a different past return to his roots
Un soldat avec un passé différent retourne à ses racines
Into battle, the gas has them pinned
Dans la bataille, le gaz les a coincés
Then this soldier invoke the spirits of the wind
Alors ce soldat invoque les esprits du vent
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Sous le feu, un fantôme qui erre sur le champ de bataille
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Bouge entre les lignes, un soldat brisant les limites
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Juste un autre) homme et fusil, un tireur d'élite et un éclaireur révélés
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Fait son chemin de tranchée en tranchée seul, se déplaçant sans être détecté
And on the fields of Passchendaele
Et sur les champs de Passchendaele
A guiding light for reinforcements finding their way
Une lumière guide pour les renforts trouvant leur chemin
And in the Battle of the Scarpe
Et dans la bataille de la Scarpe
Bring ammo over no man's land and fire away
Apporte des munitions par-dessus le no man's land et tire à volonté
In the battle, the gas had them pinned
Dans la bataille, le gaz les avait coincés
Pegahmagabow invoked the spirits of the wind
Pegahmagabow a invoqué les esprits du vent
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Sous le feu, un fantôme qui erre sur le champ de bataille
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Bouge entre les lignes, un soldat brisant les limites
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Juste un autre) homme et fusil, un tireur d'élite et un éclaireur révélés
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Fait son chemin de tranchée en tranchée seul, se déplaçant sans être détecté
Under fire, a ghost that
Sous le feu, un fantôme qui
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Sous le feu, un fantôme qui erre sur le champ de bataille
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Bouge entre les lignes, un soldat brisant les limites
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Juste un autre) homme et fusil, un tireur d'élite et un éclaireur révélés
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Fait son chemin de tranchée en tranchée seul, se déplaçant sans être détecté
Francis stayed and fought throughout the war, made his way until the end alive
Francis est resté et a combattu tout au long de la guerre, a fait son chemin jusqu'à la fin en vie
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Beweg dich zwischen den Linien, ein Soldat durchbricht die Grenzen
A force deployed from overseas
Eine Truppe aus Übersee eingesetzt
A war in foreign land await the eager recruits
Ein Krieg in fremdem Land erwartet die eifrigen Rekruten
And in their midst, among the men
Und in ihrer Mitte, unter den Männern
A soldier with a different past return to his roots
Ein Soldat mit einer anderen Vergangenheit kehrt zu seinen Wurzeln zurück
Into battle, the gas has them pinned
In die Schlacht, das Gas hat sie in der Falle
Then this soldier invoke the spirits of the wind
Dann beschwört dieser Soldat die Geister des Windes
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Unter Beschuss, ein Geist, der das Schlachtfeld durchstreift
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Beweg dich zwischen den Linien, ein Soldat durchbricht die Grenzen
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Nur ein weiterer) Mann und Gewehr, ein Scharfschütze und ein Späher enthüllt
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Macht seinen Weg von Schützengraben zu Schützengraben allein, unbemerkt bewegend
And on the fields of Passchendaele
Und auf den Feldern von Passchendaele
A guiding light for reinforcements finding their way
Ein Leitlicht für Verstärkungen, die ihren Weg finden
And in the Battle of the Scarpe
Und in der Schlacht von Scarpe
Bring ammo over no man's land and fire away
Bring Munition über Niemandsland und feuere los
In the battle, the gas had them pinned
In der Schlacht hatte das Gas sie in der Falle
Pegahmagabow invoked the spirits of the wind
Pegahmagabow beschwor die Geister des Windes
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Unter Beschuss, ein Geist, der das Schlachtfeld durchstreift
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Beweg dich zwischen den Linien, ein Soldat durchbricht die Grenzen
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Nur ein weiterer) Mann und Gewehr, ein Scharfschütze und ein Späher enthüllt
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Macht seinen Weg von Schützengraben zu Schützengraben allein, unbemerkt bewegend
Under fire, a ghost that
Unter Beschuss, ein Geist, der
Under fire, a ghost that roams the battlefield
Unter Beschuss, ein Geist, der das Schlachtfeld durchstreift
Move between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
Beweg dich zwischen den Linien, ein Soldat durchbricht die Grenzen
(Just another) man and rifle, a marksman and a scout revealed
(Nur ein weiterer) Mann und Gewehr, ein Scharfschütze und ein Späher enthüllt
Makes his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected
Macht seinen Weg von Schützengraben zu Schützengraben allein, unbemerkt bewegend
Francis stayed and fought throughout the war, made his way until the end alive
Francis blieb und kämpfte den ganzen Krieg, machte seinen Weg bis zum Ende lebendig