You Had Me From Hello

Donald R Ewing Ii, Kenneth A. Chesney

Testi Traduzione

One word, that's all you said
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Your smile just captured me
And you were in my future, far as I could see
And I don't know how it happened, but it happened still
You ask me if I love you, if I always will

Well, you had me from "Hello"
And I felt love start to grow
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
It was over from the start
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
I never even had a chance you know?
You had me from "Hello"

Inside I built a wall so high around my heart
I thought I'd never fall
One touch, you brought it down
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
And I swore to me I wasn't gon' to love again
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in

But you had me from "Hello"
And I felt love start to grow
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
It was over from the start
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
I never even had a chance you know?
You had me from "Hello"

That's all you said
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
You had me from "Hello"
You had me from "Hello"
Girl, I've loved you from "Hello"

One word, that's all you said
Una parola, è tutto quello che hai detto
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Qualcosa nella tua voce mi ha fatto girare la testa
Your smile just captured me
Il tuo sorriso mi ha catturato
And you were in my future, far as I could see
E tu eri nel mio futuro, per quanto potevo vedere
And I don't know how it happened, but it happened still
E non so come sia successo, ma è successo lo stesso
You ask me if I love you, if I always will
Mi chiedi se ti amo, se lo farò sempre
Well, you had me from "Hello"
Beh, mi hai conquistato dal "Ciao"
And I felt love start to grow
E ho sentito l'amore iniziare a crescere
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
Dal momento in cui ti ho guardato negli occhi, mi hai conquistato
It was over from the start
Era finita dall'inizio
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Mi hai completamente rubato il cuore e ora non mi lasci andare
I never even had a chance you know?
Non ho mai avuto nemmeno una possibilità sai?
You had me from "Hello"
Mi hai conquistato dal "Ciao"
Inside I built a wall so high around my heart
Dentro di me ho costruito un muro così alto attorno al mio cuore
I thought I'd never fall
Pensavo che non sarei mai caduto
One touch, you brought it down
Un tocco, l'hai fatto cadere
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
I mattoni delle mie difese sparsi per terra
And I swore to me I wasn't gon' to love again
E ho giurato a me stesso che non avrei amato di nuovo
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in
L'ultima volta è stata l'ultima volta che ho fatto entrare qualcuno
But you had me from "Hello"
Ma mi hai conquistato dal "Ciao"
And I felt love start to grow
E ho sentito l'amore iniziare a crescere
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
Dal momento in cui ti ho guardato negli occhi, mi hai conquistato
It was over from the start
Era finita dall'inizio
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Mi hai completamente rubato il cuore e ora non mi lasci andare
I never even had a chance you know?
Non ho mai avuto nemmeno una possibilità sai?
You had me from "Hello"
Mi hai conquistato dal "Ciao"
That's all you said
Questo è tutto quello che hai detto
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Qualcosa nella tua voce mi ha fatto girare la testa
You had me from "Hello"
Mi hai conquistato dal "Ciao"
You had me from "Hello"
Mi hai conquistato dal "Ciao"
Girl, I've loved you from "Hello"
Ragazza, ti ho amato dal "Ciao"
One word, that's all you said
Uma só palavra, foi tudo o que você disse
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Alguma coisa na sua voz me fez virar a cabeça
Your smile just captured me
Seu sorriso me cativou
And you were in my future, far as I could see
E até onde eu podia enxergar, você estava no meu futuro
And I don't know how it happened, but it happened still
E eu não sei como isso aconteceu, mas aconteceu mesmo assim
You ask me if I love you, if I always will
Você me pergunta se eu te amo, se eu sempre vou te amar
Well, you had me from "Hello"
Bem, você me teve na mão com um simples "olá"
And I felt love start to grow
Então eu senti o amor crescer
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
A partir do momento que olhei nos seus olhos, você me conquistou
It was over from the start
Era uma batalha perdida desde o princípio
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Você roubou o meu coração por completo, e agora você não me deixa partir
I never even had a chance you know?
Eu nunca tive uma chance, sabia disso?
You had me from "Hello"
Você me teve na mão com um simples "olá"
Inside I built a wall so high around my heart
Dentro eu construí uma parede tão alta em volta do meu coração
I thought I'd never fall
Eu pensei que nunca ia cair
One touch, you brought it down
Um toque apenas, e você trouxe abaixo
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
Os tijolos das minhas defesas espalhados pelo chão
And I swore to me I wasn't gon' to love again
E eu jurei pra mim mesmo que eu não ia amar novamente
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in
A última vez foi a última vez que eu deixei alguém entrar
But you had me from "Hello"
Mas você me teve na mão com um simples "olá"
And I felt love start to grow
Então eu senti o amor crescer
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
A partir do momento que olhei nos seus olhos, você me conquistou
It was over from the start
Era uma batalha perdida desde o princípio
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Você roubou o meu coração por completo, e agora você não me deixa partir
I never even had a chance you know?
Eu nunca tive uma chance, sabia disso?
You had me from "Hello"
Você me teve na mão com um simples "olá"
That's all you said
Isso foi tudo o que eu disse
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Alguma coisa na sua voz me fez virar a cabeça
You had me from "Hello"
Você me teve na mão com um simples "olá"
You had me from "Hello"
Você me teve na mão com um simples "olá"
Girl, I've loved you from "Hello"
Garota, você me teve na mão com um simples "olá"
One word, that's all you said
Una palabra, eso es todo lo que dijiste
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Algo en tu voz me hizo girar la cabeza
Your smile just captured me
Tu sonrisa simplemente me cautivó
And you were in my future, far as I could see
Y estabas en mi futuro, tan lejos como podía ver
And I don't know how it happened, but it happened still
Y no sé cómo sucedió, pero aún así sucedió
You ask me if I love you, if I always will
Me preguntas si te amo, si siempre lo haré
Well, you had me from "Hello"
Bueno, me tenías desde "Hola"
And I felt love start to grow
Y sentí que el amor empezaba a crecer
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
En el momento en que miré tus ojos, me ganaste
It was over from the start
Fue el final desde el principio
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Completamente robaste mi corazón, y ahora no lo dejas ir
I never even had a chance you know?
¿Nunca tuve una oportunidad, sabes?
You had me from "Hello"
Me tenías desde "Hola"
Inside I built a wall so high around my heart
Por dentro construí un muro tan alto alrededor de mi corazón
I thought I'd never fall
Pensé que nunca caería
One touch, you brought it down
Un toque, lo derribaste
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
Los ladrillos de mis defensas esparcidos por el suelo
And I swore to me I wasn't gon' to love again
Y me juré a mí mismo que no iba a amar de nuevo
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in
La última vez fue la última vez que dejaría entrar a alguien
But you had me from "Hello"
Pero me tenías desde "Hola"
And I felt love start to grow
Y sentí que el amor empezaba a crecer
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
En el momento en que miré tus ojos, me ganaste
It was over from the start
Fue el final desde el principio
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Completamente robaste mi corazón, y ahora no lo dejas ir
I never even had a chance you know?
¿Nunca tuve una oportunidad, sabes?
You had me from "Hello"
Me tenías desde "Hola"
That's all you said
Eso es todo lo que dijiste
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Algo en tu voz me hizo girar la cabeza
You had me from "Hello"
Me tenías desde "Hola"
You had me from "Hello"
Me tenías desde "Hola"
Girl, I've loved you from "Hello"
Chica, te he amado desde "Hola"
One word, that's all you said
Un mot, c'est tout ce que tu as dit
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Quelque chose dans ta voix m'a fait tourner la tête
Your smile just captured me
Ton sourire m'a juste capturé
And you were in my future, far as I could see
Et tu étais dans mon futur, aussi loin que je pouvais voir
And I don't know how it happened, but it happened still
Et je ne sais pas comment c'est arrivé, mais c'est quand même arrivé
You ask me if I love you, if I always will
Tu me demandes si je t'aime, si je t'aimerai toujours
Well, you had me from "Hello"
Eh bien, tu m'avais dès "Bonjour"
And I felt love start to grow
Et j'ai senti l'amour commencer à grandir
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
L'instant où j'ai regardé dans tes yeux, tu m'as conquis
It was over from the start
C'était fini dès le début
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Tu as complètement volé mon cœur, et maintenant tu ne le lâches pas
I never even had a chance you know?
Je n'ai même jamais eu une chance tu sais?
You had me from "Hello"
Tu m'avais dès "Bonjour"
Inside I built a wall so high around my heart
À l'intérieur, j'ai construit un mur si haut autour de mon cœur
I thought I'd never fall
Je pensais que je ne tomberais jamais
One touch, you brought it down
Un toucher, tu l'as abattu
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
Les briques de mes défenses éparpillées sur le sol
And I swore to me I wasn't gon' to love again
Et je me suis juré que je n'allais plus aimer
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in
La dernière fois était la dernière fois que je laisserais quelqu'un entrer
But you had me from "Hello"
Mais tu m'avais dès "Bonjour"
And I felt love start to grow
Et j'ai senti l'amour commencer à grandir
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
L'instant où j'ai regardé dans tes yeux, tu m'as conquis
It was over from the start
C'était fini dès le début
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Tu as complètement volé mon cœur, et maintenant tu ne le lâches pas
I never even had a chance you know?
Je n'ai même jamais eu une chance tu sais?
You had me from "Hello"
Tu m'avais dès "Bonjour"
That's all you said
C'est tout ce que tu as dit
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Quelque chose dans ta voix m'a fait tourner la tête
You had me from "Hello"
Tu m'avais dès "Bonjour"
You had me from "Hello"
Tu m'avais dès "Bonjour"
Girl, I've loved you from "Hello"
Fille, je t'ai aimée dès "Bonjour"
One word, that's all you said
Ein Wort, das ist alles, was du gesagt hast
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Etwas in deiner Stimme ließ mich meinen Kopf drehen
Your smile just captured me
Dein Lächeln hat mich einfach gefangen genommen
And you were in my future, far as I could see
Und du warst in meiner Zukunft, so weit ich sehen konnte
And I don't know how it happened, but it happened still
Und ich weiß nicht, wie es passiert ist, aber es ist trotzdem passiert
You ask me if I love you, if I always will
Du fragst mich, ob ich dich liebe, ob ich es immer tun werde
Well, you had me from "Hello"
Nun, du hattest mich schon bei „Hallo“
And I felt love start to grow
Und ich spürte, wie die Liebe zu wachsen begann
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
In dem Moment, als ich in deine Augen schaute, hast du mich gewonnen
It was over from the start
Es war von Anfang an vorbei
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Du hast mein Herz komplett gestohlen, und jetzt lässt du nicht los
I never even had a chance you know?
Ich hatte nie eine Chance, weißt du?
You had me from "Hello"
Du hattest mich schon bei „Hallo“
Inside I built a wall so high around my heart
Innen baute ich eine so hohe Mauer um mein Herz
I thought I'd never fall
Ich dachte, ich würde nie fallen
One touch, you brought it down
Eine Berührung, du hast sie niedergerissen
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
Die Steine meiner Verteidigung lagen verstreut auf dem Boden
And I swore to me I wasn't gon' to love again
Und ich schwor mir, ich würde mich nicht wieder verlieben
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in
Das letzte Mal war das letzte Mal, dass ich jemanden hereinlassen würde
But you had me from "Hello"
Aber du hattest mich schon bei „Hallo“
And I felt love start to grow
Und ich spürte, wie die Liebe zu wachsen begann
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
In dem Moment, als ich in deine Augen schaute, hast du mich gewonnen
It was over from the start
Es war von Anfang an vorbei
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Du hast mein Herz komplett gestohlen, und jetzt lässt du nicht los
I never even had a chance you know?
Ich hatte nie eine Chance, weißt du?
You had me from "Hello"
Du hattest mich schon bei „Hallo“
That's all you said
Das ist alles, was du gesagt hast
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Etwas in deiner Stimme ließ mich meinen Kopf drehen
You had me from "Hello"
Du hattest mich schon bei „Hallo“
You had me from "Hello"
Du hattest mich schon bei „Hallo“
Girl, I've loved you from "Hello"
Mädchen, ich habe dich geliebt seit „Hallo“
One word, that's all you said
Satu kata, itu saja yang kau ucapkan
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Sesuatu dalam suaramu membuatku menoleh
Your smile just captured me
Senyummu benar-benar memikatku
And you were in my future, far as I could see
Dan kau ada di masa depanku, sejauh yang bisa kulihat
And I don't know how it happened, but it happened still
Dan aku tidak tahu bagaimana ini terjadi, tapi ini terjadi juga
You ask me if I love you, if I always will
Kau bertanya apakah aku mencintaimu, apakah aku akan selalu
Well, you had me from "Hello"
Nah, kau telah memikatku sejak "Halo"
And I felt love start to grow
Dan aku merasakan cinta mulai tumbuh
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
Saat itu juga ketika aku menatap matamu, kau memenangkanku
It was over from the start
Ini sudah berakhir sejak awal
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Kau benar-benar mencuri hatiku, dan sekarang kau tidak akan melepaskannya
I never even had a chance you know?
Aku bahkan tidak pernah memiliki kesempatan tahu?
You had me from "Hello"
Kau telah memikatku sejak "Halo"
Inside I built a wall so high around my heart
Di dalam diri, aku membangun tembok yang tinggi di sekeliling hatiku
I thought I'd never fall
Aku pikir aku tidak akan pernah jatuh
One touch, you brought it down
Satu sentuhan, kau meruntuhkannya
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
Batu pertahananku berserakan di tanah
And I swore to me I wasn't gon' to love again
Dan aku bersumpah pada diriku sendiri bahwa aku tidak akan mencintai lagi
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in
Terakhir kali adalah terakhir kali aku membiarkan seseorang masuk
But you had me from "Hello"
Tapi kau telah memikatku sejak "Halo"
And I felt love start to grow
Dan aku merasakan cinta mulai tumbuh
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
Saat itu juga ketika aku menatap matamu, kau memenangkanku
It was over from the start
Ini sudah berakhir sejak awal
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
Kau benar-benar mencuri hatiku, dan sekarang kau tidak akan melepaskannya
I never even had a chance you know?
Aku bahkan tidak pernah memiliki kesempatan tahu?
You had me from "Hello"
Kau telah memikatku sejak "Halo"
That's all you said
Itu saja yang kau ucapkan
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Sesuatu dalam suaramu membuatku menoleh
You had me from "Hello"
Kau telah memikatku sejak "Halo"
You had me from "Hello"
Kau telah memikatku sejak "Halo"
Girl, I've loved you from "Hello"
Sayang, aku telah mencintaimu sejak "Halo"
One word, that's all you said
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Your smile just captured me
And you were in my future, far as I could see
And I don't know how it happened, but it happened still
You ask me if I love you, if I always will
Well, you had me from "Hello"
And I felt love start to grow
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
It was over from the start
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
I never even had a chance you know?
You had me from "Hello"
Inside I built a wall so high around my heart
I thought I'd never fall
One touch, you brought it down
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
And I swore to me I wasn't gon' to love again
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in
But you had me from "Hello"
And I felt love start to grow
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
It was over from the start
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
I never even had a chance you know?
You had me from "Hello"
That's all you said
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
You had me from "Hello"
You had me from "Hello"
Girl, I've loved you from "Hello"
One word, that's all you said
คำเดียว นั่นคือทั้งหมดที่คุณพูด
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Your smile just captured me
And you were in my future, far as I could see
และคุณอยู่ในอนาคตของฉัน ตราบเท่าที่ฉันมองเห็น
And I don't know how it happened, but it happened still
และฉันไม่รู้ว่ามันเกิดขึ้นได้อย่างไร แต่มันก็ยังเกิดขึ้น
You ask me if I love you, if I always will
คุณถามฉันว่าฉันรักคุณหรือไม่ ถ้าฉันจะรักคุณตลอดไป
Well, you had me from "Hello"
เอาล่ะ คุณได้ฉันตั้งแต่ "สวัสดี"
And I felt love start to grow
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
ในชั่วขณะที่ฉันมองเข้าไปในดวงตาของคุณ คุณได้ใจฉัน
It was over from the start
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
คุณขโมยหัวใจฉันไปอย่างสมบูรณ์ และตอนนี้คุณไม่ยอมปล่อยไป
I never even had a chance you know?
You had me from "Hello"
คุณได้ฉันตั้งแต่ "สวัสดี"
Inside I built a wall so high around my heart
ข้างในฉันสร้างกำแพงสูงๆ รอบหัวใจของฉัน
I thought I'd never fall
One touch, you brought it down
แต่เพียงสัมผัสเดียว คุณทำให้มันล่มสลาย
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
And I swore to me I wasn't gon' to love again
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in
But you had me from "Hello"
แต่คุณได้ฉันตั้งแต่ "สวัสดี"
And I felt love start to grow
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
ในชั่วขณะที่ฉันมองเข้าไปในดวงตาของคุณ คุณได้ใจฉัน
It was over from the start
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
คุณขโมยหัวใจฉันไปอย่างสมบูรณ์ และตอนนี้คุณไม่ยอมปล่อยไป
I never even had a chance you know?
You had me from "Hello"
คุณได้ฉันตั้งแต่ "สวัสดี"
That's all you said
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
You had me from "Hello"
คุณได้ฉันตั้งแต่ "สวัสดี"
You had me from "Hello"
คุณได้ฉันตั้งแต่ "สวัสดี"
Girl, I've loved you from "Hello"
ที่รัก ฉันรักคุณตั้งแต่ "สวัสดี"
One word, that's all you said
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Your smile just captured me
And you were in my future, far as I could see
And I don't know how it happened, but it happened still
You ask me if I love you, if I always will
Well, you had me from "Hello"
And I felt love start to grow
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
It was over from the start
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
I never even had a chance you know?
You had me from "Hello"
Inside I built a wall so high around my heart
I thought I'd never fall
One touch, you brought it down
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
And I swore to me I wasn't gon' to love again
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in
But you had me from "Hello"
And I felt love start to grow
The moment that I looked into your eyes, you won me
It was over from the start
You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go
I never even had a chance you know?
You had me from "Hello"
That's all you said
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
You had me from "Hello"
You had me from "Hello"
Girl, I've loved you from "Hello"

Curiosità sulla canzone You Had Me From Hello di Kenny Chesney

In quali album è stata rilasciata la canzone “You Had Me From Hello” di Kenny Chesney?
Kenny Chesney ha rilasciato la canzone negli album “Everywhere We Go” nel 1999 e “Greatest Hits” nel 2000.
Chi ha composto la canzone “You Had Me From Hello” di di Kenny Chesney?
La canzone “You Had Me From Hello” di di Kenny Chesney è stata composta da Donald R Ewing Ii, Kenneth A. Chesney.

Canzoni più popolari di Kenny Chesney

Altri artisti di Country & western