Goodnight Lovers

Martin Gore

Testi Traduzione


Here, somewhere in the heart of me
There is still a part of me that cares

And I'll, I'll still take the best you've got
Even though I'm sure it's not the best for me

When you're born a lover
Born to suffer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers

I, I can see the danger signs
They only help to underline your beauty

I'm not looking for an easy ride
True happiness cannot be tried so easily

When you're born a lover
You're born to suffer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers

You can take your time
I'll be waitin' in line
You don't even have to give me the time of day

When you're born a lover
You're born to suffer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers


Here, somewhere in the heart of me
Qui, da qualche parte nel profondo di me
There is still a part of me that cares
C'è ancora una parte di me che si preoccupa
And I'll, I'll still take the best you've got
E io, io prenderò ancora il meglio che hai
Even though I'm sure it's not the best for me
Anche se sono sicuro che non è il meglio per me
When you're born a lover
Quando nasci un amante
Born to suffer
Nato per soffrire
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Come tutte le sorelle e fratelli dell'anima
I, I can see the danger signs
Io, io riesco a vedere i segnali di pericolo
They only help to underline your beauty
Servono solo ad evidenziare la tua bellezza
I'm not looking for an easy ride
Non sto cercando un viaggio facile
True happiness cannot be tried so easily
La vera felicità non può essere provata così facilmente
When you're born a lover
Quando nasci un amante
You're born to suffer
Sei nato per soffrire
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Come tutte le sorelle e fratelli dell'anima
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Come tutte le sorelle e fratelli dell'anima
You can take your time
Puoi prenderti il tuo tempo
I'll be waitin' in line
Io starò aspettando in fila
You don't even have to give me the time of day
Non devi nemmeno darmi l'ora del giorno
When you're born a lover
Quando nasci un amante
You're born to suffer
Sei nato per soffrire
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Come tutte le sorelle e fratelli dell'anima
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Come tutte le sorelle e fratelli dell'anima
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Come tutte le sorelle e fratelli dell'anima
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Come tutte le sorelle e fratelli dell'anima
Here, somewhere in the heart of me
Aqui, em algum lugar no meu coração
There is still a part of me that cares
Ainda há uma parte de mim que se importa
And I'll, I'll still take the best you've got
E eu, eu ainda aceitarei o melhor que você tem
Even though I'm sure it's not the best for me
Mesmo sabendo que não é o melhor para mim
When you're born a lover
Quando você nasce um amante
Born to suffer
Nasce para sofrer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas as irmãs e irmãos de alma
I, I can see the danger signs
Eu, eu posso ver os sinais de perigo
They only help to underline your beauty
Eles apenas ajudam a sublinhar sua beleza
I'm not looking for an easy ride
Não estou procurando um caminho fácil
True happiness cannot be tried so easily
A verdadeira felicidade não pode ser tentada tão facilmente
When you're born a lover
Quando você nasce um amante
You're born to suffer
Você nasce para sofrer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas as irmãs e irmãos de alma
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas as irmãs e irmãos de alma
You can take your time
Você pode levar o seu tempo
I'll be waitin' in line
Eu estarei esperando na fila
You don't even have to give me the time of day
Você nem mesmo precisa me dar atenção
When you're born a lover
Quando você nasce um amante
You're born to suffer
Você nasce para sofrer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas as irmãs e irmãos de alma
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas as irmãs e irmãos de alma
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas as irmãs e irmãos de alma
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas as irmãs e irmãos de alma
Here, somewhere in the heart of me
Aquí, en algún lugar en mi corazón
There is still a part of me that cares
Aún hay una parte de mí que se preocupa
And I'll, I'll still take the best you've got
Y, y aún aceptaré lo mejor que tienes
Even though I'm sure it's not the best for me
Aunque estoy seguro de que no es lo mejor para mí
When you're born a lover
Cuando naces amante
Born to suffer
Nacido para sufrir
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas las hermanas y hermanos del alma
I, I can see the danger signs
Puedo ver las señales de peligro
They only help to underline your beauty
Solo ayudan a resaltar tu belleza
I'm not looking for an easy ride
No busco un camino fácil
True happiness cannot be tried so easily
La verdadera felicidad no puede ser intentada tan fácilmente
When you're born a lover
Cuando naces amante
You're born to suffer
Naces para sufrir
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas las hermanas y hermanos del alma
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas las hermanas y hermanos del alma
You can take your time
Puedes tomarte tu tiempo
I'll be waitin' in line
Estaré esperando en la fila
You don't even have to give me the time of day
Ni siquiera tienes que darme ni un segundo del día
When you're born a lover
Cuando naces amante
You're born to suffer
Naces para sufrir
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas las hermanas y hermanos del alma
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas las hermanas y hermanos del alma
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas las hermanas y hermanos del alma
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Como todas las hermanas y hermanos del alma
Here, somewhere in the heart of me
Ici, quelque part au fond de moi
There is still a part of me that cares
Il y a encore une partie de moi qui se soucie
And I'll, I'll still take the best you've got
Et je, je prendrai toujours le meilleur de toi
Even though I'm sure it's not the best for me
Même si je suis sûr que ce n'est pas le meilleur pour moi
When you're born a lover
Quand tu es né un amoureux
Born to suffer
Né pour souffrir
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Comme toutes les sœurs et frères d'âme
I, I can see the danger signs
Je, je peux voir les signes de danger
They only help to underline your beauty
Ils ne font qu'accentuer ta beauté
I'm not looking for an easy ride
Je ne cherche pas un chemin facile
True happiness cannot be tried so easily
Le vrai bonheur ne peut pas être essayé si facilement
When you're born a lover
Quand tu es né un amoureux
You're born to suffer
Tu es né pour souffrir
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Comme toutes les sœurs et frères d'âme
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Comme toutes les sœurs et frères d'âme
You can take your time
Tu peux prendre ton temps
I'll be waitin' in line
Je serai en attente dans la file
You don't even have to give me the time of day
Tu n'as même pas à me donner l'heure du jour
When you're born a lover
Quand tu es né un amoureux
You're born to suffer
Tu es né pour souffrir
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Comme toutes les sœurs et frères d'âme
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Comme toutes les sœurs et frères d'âme
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Comme toutes les sœurs et frères d'âme
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Comme toutes les sœurs et frères d'âme
Here, somewhere in the heart of me
Hier, irgendwo tief in mir
There is still a part of me that cares
Gibt es immer noch einen Teil von mir, der sich kümmert
And I'll, I'll still take the best you've got
Und ich, ich werde immer noch das Beste nehmen, was du hast
Even though I'm sure it's not the best for me
Auch wenn ich sicher bin, dass es nicht das Beste für mich ist
When you're born a lover
Wenn du als Liebender geboren wirst
Born to suffer
Geboren um zu leiden
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Wie alle Seelenschwestern und Seelenbrüder
I, I can see the danger signs
Ich, ich kann die Warnzeichen sehen
They only help to underline your beauty
Sie helfen nur, deine Schönheit zu unterstreichen
I'm not looking for an easy ride
Ich suche keine leichte Fahrt
True happiness cannot be tried so easily
Wahres Glück kann nicht so leicht versucht werden
When you're born a lover
Wenn du als Liebender geboren wirst
You're born to suffer
Bist du geboren um zu leiden
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Wie alle Seelenschwestern und Seelenbrüder
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Wie alle Seelenschwestern und Seelenbrüder
You can take your time
Du kannst dir Zeit nehmen
I'll be waitin' in line
Ich werde in der Schlange warten
You don't even have to give me the time of day
Du musst mir nicht einmal die Tageszeit geben
When you're born a lover
Wenn du als Liebender geboren wirst
You're born to suffer
Bist du geboren um zu leiden
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Wie alle Seelenschwestern und Seelenbrüder
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Wie alle Seelenschwestern und Seelenbrüder
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Wie alle Seelenschwestern und Seelenbrüder
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Wie alle Seelenschwestern und Seelenbrüder
Here, somewhere in the heart of me
Di sini, di suatu tempat di dalam hatiku
There is still a part of me that cares
Masih ada bagian dariku yang peduli
And I'll, I'll still take the best you've got
Dan aku, aku masih akan menerima yang terbaik darimu
Even though I'm sure it's not the best for me
Meskipun aku yakin itu bukan yang terbaik untukku
When you're born a lover
Ketika kamu dilahirkan sebagai seorang pencinta
Born to suffer
Lahir untuk menderita
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Seperti semua saudara perempuan dan laki-laki sejiwa
I, I can see the danger signs
Aku, aku bisa melihat tanda-tanda bahaya
They only help to underline your beauty
Mereka hanya membantu untuk menggarisbawahi kecantikanmu
I'm not looking for an easy ride
Aku tidak mencari jalan yang mudah
True happiness cannot be tried so easily
Kebahagiaan sejati tidak bisa dicoba begitu saja
When you're born a lover
Ketika kamu dilahirkan sebagai seorang pencinta
You're born to suffer
Kamu lahir untuk menderita
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Seperti semua saudara perempuan dan laki-laki sejiwa
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Seperti semua saudara perempuan dan laki-laki sejiwa
You can take your time
Kamu bisa menggunakan waktumu
I'll be waitin' in line
Aku akan menunggu di garis
You don't even have to give me the time of day
Kamu bahkan tidak perlu memberiku waktu sehari
When you're born a lover
Ketika kamu dilahirkan sebagai seorang pencinta
You're born to suffer
Kamu lahir untuk menderita
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Seperti semua saudara perempuan dan laki-laki sejiwa
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Seperti semua saudara perempuan dan laki-laki sejiwa
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Seperti semua saudara perempuan dan laki-laki sejiwa
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Seperti semua saudara perempuan dan laki-laki sejiwa
Here, somewhere in the heart of me
ที่นี่ ท somewhere ในหัวใจของฉัน
There is still a part of me that cares
And I'll, I'll still take the best you've got
และฉัน, ฉันยังคงรับที่ดีที่สุดที่คุณมี
Even though I'm sure it's not the best for me
When you're born a lover
Born to suffer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
I, I can see the danger signs
ฉัน, ฉันสามารถเห็นสัญญาณอันตราย
They only help to underline your beauty
I'm not looking for an easy ride
True happiness cannot be tried so easily
When you're born a lover
You're born to suffer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
You can take your time
I'll be waitin' in line
You don't even have to give me the time of day
When you're born a lover
You're born to suffer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Here, somewhere in the heart of me
There is still a part of me that cares
And I'll, I'll still take the best you've got
Even though I'm sure it's not the best for me
When you're born a lover
Born to suffer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
I, I can see the danger signs
They only help to underline your beauty
I'm not looking for an easy ride
True happiness cannot be tried so easily
When you're born a lover
You're born to suffer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
You can take your time
I'll be waitin' in line
You don't even have to give me the time of day
When you're born a lover
You're born to suffer
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers
Like all soul sisters and soul brothers

Curiosità sulla canzone Goodnight Lovers di Depeche Mode

In quali album è stata rilasciata la canzone “Goodnight Lovers” di Depeche Mode?
Depeche Mode ha rilasciato la canzone negli album “Exciter” nel 2001, “Touring the Angel: Live in Milan” nel 2006, “Previously Unreleased Rehearsal Recordings and Rare Acoustic Performances” nel 2006, e “Video Singles Collection” nel 2016.
Chi ha composto la canzone “Goodnight Lovers” di di Depeche Mode?
La canzone “Goodnight Lovers” di di Depeche Mode è stata composta da Martin Gore.

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