Limbo No More

Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth

Testi Traduzione

My house, my role
My friends, my man
My devotion to God
All the more feels indefinite

Nothing's been clear
Nothing's been in
Nothing's felt true
And I've never had both feet in

Nothing's belonged
Nothing's been yes
Nowhere's been home
And I'm ready to be limbo no more

My taste, my peers
My identity, my affiliation
All the more feels indefinite

Nothing's been clear
Nothing's been in
Nothing's felt true
And I've never had both feet in

Nothing's been long
Nothing's been yes
Nowhere's been home
And I'm ready to be limbo no more

I sit with filled frames
And my books and my dogs at my feet
My friends by my side
My past in a heap

Thrown out most of my things
Only kept what I need to carve
Something consistent and notably me

Tattoo on my skin
My teacher's in heart
My house is a home
Something at last I can feel a part of

Sense of myself
My purpose is clear
My roots in the ground
Something at last I can feel a part of

Something aligned
To finally commit
Somewhere I belong
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more

My wisdom applied
A firm foundation
A vow to myself
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more

My house, my role
La mia casa, il mio ruolo
My friends, my man
I miei amici, il mio uomo
My devotion to God
La mia devozione a Dio
All the more feels indefinite
Tutto sembra sempre più indefinito
Nothing's been clear
Niente è stato chiaro
Nothing's been in
Niente è stato dentro
Nothing's felt true
Niente è sembrato vero
And I've never had both feet in
E non ho mai avuto entrambi i piedi dentro
Nothing's belonged
Niente è appartenuto
Nothing's been yes
Niente è stato sì
Nowhere's been home
Nessun posto è stato casa
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
E sono pronta a non essere più in limbo
My taste, my peers
Il mio gusto, i miei pari
My identity, my affiliation
La mia identità, la mia affiliazione
All the more feels indefinite
Tutto sembra sempre più indefinito
Nothing's been clear
Niente è stato chiaro
Nothing's been in
Niente è stato dentro
Nothing's felt true
Niente è sembrato vero
And I've never had both feet in
E non ho mai avuto entrambi i piedi dentro
Nothing's been long
Niente è durato a lungo
Nothing's been yes
Niente è stato sì
Nowhere's been home
Nessun posto è stato casa
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
E sono pronta a non essere più in limbo
I sit with filled frames
Siedo con cornici piene
And my books and my dogs at my feet
E i miei libri e i miei cani ai miei piedi
My friends by my side
I miei amici al mio fianco
My past in a heap
Il mio passato in un mucchio
Thrown out most of my things
Ho buttato via la maggior parte delle mie cose
Only kept what I need to carve
Ho tenuto solo ciò di cui ho bisogno per scolpire
Something consistent and notably me
Qualcosa di coerente e notevolmente me
Tattoo on my skin
Tatuaggio sulla mia pelle
My teacher's in heart
I miei insegnanti nel cuore
My house is a home
La mia casa è una casa
Something at last I can feel a part of
Qualcosa finalmente di cui posso sentirmi parte
Sense of myself
Senso di me stessa
My purpose is clear
Il mio scopo è chiaro
My roots in the ground
Le mie radici nel terreno
Something at last I can feel a part of
Qualcosa finalmente di cui posso sentirmi parte
Something aligned
Qualcosa allineato
To finally commit
Per impegnarmi finalmente
Somewhere I belong
Un posto dove appartengo
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Perché sono pronta a non essere più in limbo
My wisdom applied
La mia saggezza applicata
A firm foundation
Una solida fondazione
A vow to myself
Un voto a me stessa
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Perché sono pronta a non essere più in limbo
My house, my role
Minha casa, meu papel
My friends, my man
Meus amigos, meu homem
My devotion to God
Minha devoção a Deus
All the more feels indefinite
Tudo parece cada vez mais indefinido
Nothing's been clear
Nada tem sido claro
Nothing's been in
Nada tem estado dentro
Nothing's felt true
Nada tem parecido verdadeiro
And I've never had both feet in
E eu nunca estive com ambos os pés dentro
Nothing's belonged
Nada tem pertencido
Nothing's been yes
Nada tem sido sim
Nowhere's been home
Nenhum lugar tem sido lar
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
E eu estou pronta para não estar mais em limbo
My taste, my peers
Meu gosto, meus pares
My identity, my affiliation
Minha identidade, minha afiliação
All the more feels indefinite
Tudo parece cada vez mais indefinido
Nothing's been clear
Nada tem sido claro
Nothing's been in
Nada tem estado dentro
Nothing's felt true
Nada tem parecido verdadeiro
And I've never had both feet in
E eu nunca estive com ambos os pés dentro
Nothing's been long
Nada tem sido longo
Nothing's been yes
Nada tem sido sim
Nowhere's been home
Nenhum lugar tem sido lar
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
E eu estou pronta para não estar mais em limbo
I sit with filled frames
Eu sento com quadros preenchidos
And my books and my dogs at my feet
E meus livros e meus cães aos meus pés
My friends by my side
Meus amigos ao meu lado
My past in a heap
Meu passado em uma pilha
Thrown out most of my things
Joguei fora a maioria das minhas coisas
Only kept what I need to carve
Só guardei o que preciso para esculpir
Something consistent and notably me
Algo consistente e notavelmente eu
Tattoo on my skin
Tatuagem na minha pele
My teacher's in heart
Meus professores no coração
My house is a home
Minha casa é um lar
Something at last I can feel a part of
Algo finalmente que posso me sentir parte
Sense of myself
Senso de mim mesma
My purpose is clear
Meu propósito é claro
My roots in the ground
Minhas raízes no chão
Something at last I can feel a part of
Algo finalmente que posso me sentir parte
Something aligned
Algo alinhado
To finally commit
Para finalmente me comprometer
Somewhere I belong
Em algum lugar que eu pertenço
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Porque estou pronta para não estar mais em limbo
My wisdom applied
Minha sabedoria aplicada
A firm foundation
Uma base sólida
A vow to myself
Um voto para mim mesma
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Porque estou pronta para não estar mais em limbo
My house, my role
Mi casa, mi papel
My friends, my man
Mis amigos, mi hombre
My devotion to God
Mi devoción a Dios
All the more feels indefinite
Todo parece más indefinido
Nothing's been clear
Nada ha estado claro
Nothing's been in
Nada ha estado dentro
Nothing's felt true
Nada se ha sentido verdadero
And I've never had both feet in
Y nunca he tenido ambos pies dentro
Nothing's belonged
Nada ha pertenecido
Nothing's been yes
Nada ha sido sí
Nowhere's been home
Ningún lugar ha sido hogar
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
Y estoy lista para no estar más en el limbo
My taste, my peers
Mi gusto, mis pares
My identity, my affiliation
Mi identidad, mi afiliación
All the more feels indefinite
Todo parece más indefinido
Nothing's been clear
Nada ha estado claro
Nothing's been in
Nada ha estado dentro
Nothing's felt true
Nada se ha sentido verdadero
And I've never had both feet in
Y nunca he tenido ambos pies dentro
Nothing's been long
Nada ha sido largo
Nothing's been yes
Nada ha sido sí
Nowhere's been home
Ningún lugar ha sido hogar
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
Y estoy lista para no estar más en el limbo
I sit with filled frames
Me siento con marcos llenos
And my books and my dogs at my feet
Y mis libros y mis perros a mis pies
My friends by my side
Mis amigos a mi lado
My past in a heap
Mi pasado en un montón
Thrown out most of my things
He tirado la mayoría de mis cosas
Only kept what I need to carve
Solo he guardado lo que necesito para tallar
Something consistent and notably me
Algo consistente y notablemente yo
Tattoo on my skin
Tatuaje en mi piel
My teacher's in heart
Mis maestros en el corazón
My house is a home
Mi casa es un hogar
Something at last I can feel a part of
Algo al fin puedo sentir que soy parte de
Sense of myself
Sentido de mí misma
My purpose is clear
Mi propósito es claro
My roots in the ground
Mis raíces en el suelo
Something at last I can feel a part of
Algo al fin puedo sentir que soy parte de
Something aligned
Algo alineado
To finally commit
Para finalmente comprometerme
Somewhere I belong
Algún lugar al que pertenezco
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Porque estoy lista para no estar más en el limbo
My wisdom applied
Mi sabiduría aplicada
A firm foundation
Una base firme
A vow to myself
Un voto a mí misma
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Porque estoy lista para no estar más en el limbo
My house, my role
Ma maison, mon rôle
My friends, my man
Mes amis, mon homme
My devotion to God
Ma dévotion à Dieu
All the more feels indefinite
Tout semble d'autant plus indéfini
Nothing's been clear
Rien n'a été clair
Nothing's been in
Rien n'a été dedans
Nothing's felt true
Rien ne s'est senti vrai
And I've never had both feet in
Et je n'ai jamais eu les deux pieds dedans
Nothing's belonged
Rien n'a appartenu
Nothing's been yes
Rien n'a été oui
Nowhere's been home
Nulle part a été chez moi
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
Et je suis prêt à ne plus être en limbo
My taste, my peers
Mon goût, mes pairs
My identity, my affiliation
Mon identité, mon affiliation
All the more feels indefinite
Tout semble d'autant plus indéfini
Nothing's been clear
Rien n'a été clair
Nothing's been in
Rien n'a été dedans
Nothing's felt true
Rien ne s'est senti vrai
And I've never had both feet in
Et je n'ai jamais eu les deux pieds dedans
Nothing's been long
Rien n'a été long
Nothing's been yes
Rien n'a été oui
Nowhere's been home
Nulle part a été chez moi
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
Et je suis prêt à ne plus être en limbo
I sit with filled frames
Je m'assois avec des cadres remplis
And my books and my dogs at my feet
Et mes livres et mes chiens à mes pieds
My friends by my side
Mes amis à mes côtés
My past in a heap
Mon passé dans un tas
Thrown out most of my things
J'ai jeté la plupart de mes choses
Only kept what I need to carve
N'a gardé que ce dont j'ai besoin pour sculpter
Something consistent and notably me
Quelque chose de cohérent et notablement moi
Tattoo on my skin
Tatouage sur ma peau
My teacher's in heart
Mes enseignants dans le cœur
My house is a home
Ma maison est un foyer
Something at last I can feel a part of
Quelque chose enfin dont je peux me sentir une partie
Sense of myself
Sens de moi-même
My purpose is clear
Mon but est clair
My roots in the ground
Mes racines dans le sol
Something at last I can feel a part of
Quelque chose enfin dont je peux me sentir une partie
Something aligned
Quelque chose aligné
To finally commit
Pour enfin m'engager
Somewhere I belong
Quelque part où j'appartiens
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Parce que je suis prêt à ne plus être en limbo
My wisdom applied
Ma sagesse appliquée
A firm foundation
Une base solide
A vow to myself
Un vœu à moi-même
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Parce que je suis prêt à ne plus être en limbo
My house, my role
Mein Haus, meine Rolle
My friends, my man
Meine Freunde, mein Mann
My devotion to God
Meine Hingabe an Gott
All the more feels indefinite
Alles fühlt sich umso unbestimmter an
Nothing's been clear
Nichts war klar
Nothing's been in
Nichts war drin
Nothing's felt true
Nichts fühlte sich wahr an
And I've never had both feet in
Und ich hatte nie beide Füße drin
Nothing's belonged
Nichts hat gehört
Nothing's been yes
Nichts war ja
Nowhere's been home
Nirgendwo war Zuhause
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
Und ich bin bereit, nicht mehr in der Schwebe zu sein
My taste, my peers
Mein Geschmack, meine Kollegen
My identity, my affiliation
Meine Identität, meine Zugehörigkeit
All the more feels indefinite
Alles fühlt sich umso unbestimmter an
Nothing's been clear
Nichts war klar
Nothing's been in
Nichts war drin
Nothing's felt true
Nichts fühlte sich wahr an
And I've never had both feet in
Und ich hatte nie beide Füße drin
Nothing's been long
Nichts war lange
Nothing's been yes
Nichts war ja
Nowhere's been home
Nirgendwo war Zuhause
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
Und ich bin bereit, nicht mehr in der Schwebe zu sein
I sit with filled frames
Ich sitze mit gefüllten Rahmen
And my books and my dogs at my feet
Und meine Bücher und meine Hunde zu meinen Füßen
My friends by my side
Meine Freunde an meiner Seite
My past in a heap
Meine Vergangenheit in einem Haufen
Thrown out most of my things
Die meisten meiner Sachen weggeworfen
Only kept what I need to carve
Nur behalten, was ich brauche, um zu schnitzen
Something consistent and notably me
Etwas Beständiges und bemerkenswert ich
Tattoo on my skin
Tattoo auf meiner Haut
My teacher's in heart
Meine Lehrer im Herzen
My house is a home
Mein Haus ist ein Zuhause
Something at last I can feel a part of
Endlich etwas, von dem ich mich ein Teil fühlen kann
Sense of myself
Gefühl von mir selbst
My purpose is clear
Mein Zweck ist klar
My roots in the ground
Meine Wurzeln im Boden
Something at last I can feel a part of
Endlich etwas, von dem ich mich ein Teil fühlen kann
Something aligned
Etwas ausgerichtet
To finally commit
Endlich zu verpflichten
Somewhere I belong
Irgendwo gehöre ich hin
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Denn ich bin bereit, nicht mehr in der Schwebe zu sein
My wisdom applied
Meine Weisheit angewendet
A firm foundation
Eine feste Grundlage
A vow to myself
Ein Gelübde an mich selbst
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Denn ich bin bereit, nicht mehr in der Schwebe zu sein
My house, my role
Rumahku, peranku
My friends, my man
Teman-temanku, lelakiku
My devotion to God
Kesetiaanku pada Tuhan
All the more feels indefinite
Semakin terasa tidak pasti
Nothing's been clear
Tak ada yang jelas
Nothing's been in
Tak ada yang masuk
Nothing's felt true
Tak ada yang terasa benar
And I've never had both feet in
Dan aku belum pernah benar-benar masuk
Nothing's belonged
Tak ada yang menjadi milik
Nothing's been yes
Tak ada yang menjadi ya
Nowhere's been home
Tak ada tempat yang menjadi rumah
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
Dan aku siap untuk tidak lagi berada di antara
My taste, my peers
Selera ku, teman sebaya ku
My identity, my affiliation
Identitasku, afiliasiku
All the more feels indefinite
Semakin terasa tidak pasti
Nothing's been clear
Tak ada yang jelas
Nothing's been in
Tak ada yang masuk
Nothing's felt true
Tak ada yang terasa benar
And I've never had both feet in
Dan aku belum pernah benar-benar masuk
Nothing's been long
Tak ada yang lama
Nothing's been yes
Tak ada yang menjadi ya
Nowhere's been home
Tak ada tempat yang menjadi rumah
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
Dan aku siap untuk tidak lagi berada di antara
I sit with filled frames
Aku duduk dengan bingkai yang penuh
And my books and my dogs at my feet
Dan buku-bukuku dan anjing-anjingku di kakiku
My friends by my side
Teman-temanku di sisiku
My past in a heap
Masa laluku dalam tumpukan
Thrown out most of my things
Membuang sebagian besar barang-barangku
Only kept what I need to carve
Hanya menyimpan apa yang aku butuhkan untuk mengukir
Something consistent and notably me
Sesuatu yang konsisten dan mencolok aku
Tattoo on my skin
Tato di kulitku
My teacher's in heart
Guru-guruku di hati
My house is a home
Rumahku adalah rumah
Something at last I can feel a part of
Sesuatu akhirnya yang bisa aku rasakan bagian dari
Sense of myself
Rasa diriku
My purpose is clear
Tujuanku jelas
My roots in the ground
Akar-akarku di tanah
Something at last I can feel a part of
Sesuatu akhirnya yang bisa aku rasakan bagian dari
Something aligned
Sesuatu yang sejajar
To finally commit
Untuk akhirnya berkomitmen
Somewhere I belong
Tempat aku merasa berada
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Karena aku siap untuk tidak lagi berada di antara
My wisdom applied
Kebijaksanaanku diterapkan
A firm foundation
Fondasi yang kuat
A vow to myself
Sumpah kepada diriku sendiri
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
Karena aku siap untuk tidak lagi berada di antara
My house, my role
บ้านของฉัน, บทบาทของฉัน
My friends, my man
เพื่อนของฉัน, ผู้ชายของฉัน
My devotion to God
All the more feels indefinite
Nothing's been clear
Nothing's been in
Nothing's felt true
And I've never had both feet in
Nothing's belonged
Nothing's been yes
Nowhere's been home
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
My taste, my peers
รสชาติของฉัน, เพื่อนร่วมวัยของฉัน
My identity, my affiliation
ตัวตนของฉัน, ความสัมพันธ์ของฉัน
All the more feels indefinite
Nothing's been clear
Nothing's been in
Nothing's felt true
And I've never had both feet in
Nothing's been long
Nothing's been yes
Nowhere's been home
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
I sit with filled frames
And my books and my dogs at my feet
My friends by my side
My past in a heap
Thrown out most of my things
Only kept what I need to carve
Something consistent and notably me
Tattoo on my skin
My teacher's in heart
My house is a home
Something at last I can feel a part of
Sense of myself
My purpose is clear
My roots in the ground
Something at last I can feel a part of
Something aligned
To finally commit
Somewhere I belong
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
My wisdom applied
A firm foundation
A vow to myself
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
My house, my role
My friends, my man
My devotion to God
All the more feels indefinite
Nothing's been clear
Nothing's been in
Nothing's felt true
And I've never had both feet in
Nothing's belonged
Nothing's been yes
Nowhere's been home
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
My taste, my peers
My identity, my affiliation
All the more feels indefinite
Nothing's been clear
Nothing's been in
Nothing's felt true
And I've never had both feet in
Nothing's been long
Nothing's been yes
Nowhere's been home
And I'm ready to be limbo no more
I sit with filled frames
And my books and my dogs at my feet
My friends by my side
My past in a heap
Thrown out most of my things
Only kept what I need to carve
Something consistent and notably me
Tattoo on my skin
My teacher's in heart
My house is a home
Something at last I can feel a part of
Sense of myself
My purpose is clear
My roots in the ground
Something at last I can feel a part of
Something aligned
To finally commit
Somewhere I belong
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more
My wisdom applied
A firm foundation
A vow to myself
'Cause I'm ready to be limbo no more

Curiosità sulla canzone Limbo No More di Alanis Morissette

Quando è stata rilasciata la canzone “Limbo No More” di Alanis Morissette?
La canzone Limbo No More è stata rilasciata nel 2008, nell’album “Flavors Of Entanglement”.
Chi ha composto la canzone “Limbo No More” di di Alanis Morissette?
La canzone “Limbo No More” di di Alanis Morissette è stata composta da Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth.

Canzoni più popolari di Alanis Morissette

Altri artisti di Pop rock