In Praise of the Vulnerable Man

Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth

Testi Traduzione

You are the bravest man I've ever met
You unreluctant at treacherous ledge

Only you are the sexiest man I've ever been with
Oh, you, never hotter than with armor spent

When you do what you do to provide
How you land in the soft as you fortify

This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home

You, with your eyes mix strength with abandon
You, with your new kind of heroism

And I bow and I bow down to you
To the grace that it takes to melt on through

This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why don't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
This is a thank you for letting me in
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man

You are the greatest man I've ever met
You, the stealth setter of new precedents

And I vow and I vow to be true
And I vow and I vow not to take advantage

This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
This is a thank you for letting me in
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man

You are the bravest man I've ever met
Sei l'uomo più coraggioso che abbia mai incontrato
You unreluctant at treacherous ledge
Tu, non riluttante al bordo insidioso
Only you are the sexiest man I've ever been with
Solo tu sei l'uomo più sexy con cui sono mai stata
Oh, you, never hotter than with armor spent
Oh, tu, mai più caldo che con l'armatura spesa
When you do what you do to provide
Quando fai quello che fai per provvedere
How you land in the soft as you fortify
Come atterri dolcemente mentre ti fortifichi
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Questo è in lode dell'uomo vulnerabile
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Perché non guidi il resto della tua cavalleria a casa
You, with your eyes mix strength with abandon
Tu, con i tuoi occhi mescoli forza con abbandono
You, with your new kind of heroism
Tu, con il tuo nuovo tipo di eroismo
And I bow and I bow down to you
E io mi inchino e mi inchino a te
To the grace that it takes to melt on through
Per la grazia che ci vuole per sciogliersi
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Questo è in lode dell'uomo vulnerabile
Why don't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Perché non guidi il resto della tua cavalleria a casa
This is a thank you for letting me in
Questo è un ringraziamento per avermi fatto entrare
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
Infatti in lode dell'uomo vulnerabile
You are the greatest man I've ever met
Sei il più grande uomo che abbia mai incontrato
You, the stealth setter of new precedents
Tu, l'astuto creatore di nuovi precedenti
And I vow and I vow to be true
E io prometto e prometto di essere sincera
And I vow and I vow not to take advantage
E io prometto e prometto di non approfittare
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Questo è in lode dell'uomo vulnerabile
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Perché non guidi il resto della tua cavalleria a casa
This is a thank you for letting me in
Questo è un ringraziamento per avermi fatto entrare
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
Infatti in lode dell'uomo vulnerabile
You are the bravest man I've ever met
Você é o homem mais corajoso que já conheci
You unreluctant at treacherous ledge
Você, inabalável à beira traiçoeira
Only you are the sexiest man I've ever been with
Só você é o homem mais sexy com quem já estive
Oh, you, never hotter than with armor spent
Ah, você, nunca mais quente do que com a armadura gasta
When you do what you do to provide
Quando você faz o que faz para prover
How you land in the soft as you fortify
Como você aterrissa suavemente enquanto fortalece
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Isso é em louvor ao homem vulnerável
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Por que você não lidera o resto de sua cavalaria para casa
You, with your eyes mix strength with abandon
Você, com seus olhos mistura força com abandono
You, with your new kind of heroism
Você, com seu novo tipo de heroísmo
And I bow and I bow down to you
E eu me curvo e me curvo a você
To the grace that it takes to melt on through
Para a graça que é preciso para derreter
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Isso é em louvor ao homem vulnerável
Why don't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Por que você não lidera o resto de sua cavalaria para casa
This is a thank you for letting me in
Este é um agradecimento por me deixar entrar
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
De fato, em louvor ao homem vulnerável
You are the greatest man I've ever met
Você é o maior homem que já conheci
You, the stealth setter of new precedents
Você, o estabelecedor furtivo de novos precedentes
And I vow and I vow to be true
E eu juro e juro ser verdadeira
And I vow and I vow not to take advantage
E eu juro e juro não tirar vantagem
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Isso é em louvor ao homem vulnerável
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Por que você não lidera o resto de sua cavalaria para casa
This is a thank you for letting me in
Este é um agradecimento por me deixar entrar
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
De fato, em louvor ao homem vulnerável
You are the bravest man I've ever met
Eres el hombre más valiente que he conocido
You unreluctant at treacherous ledge
Tú sin vacilar en el borde traicionero
Only you are the sexiest man I've ever been with
Solo tú eres el hombre más sexy con el que he estado
Oh, you, never hotter than with armor spent
Oh, tú, nunca más caliente que con la armadura gastada
When you do what you do to provide
Cuando haces lo que haces para proveer
How you land in the soft as you fortify
Cómo aterrizas suavemente mientras te fortaleces
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Esto es en alabanza al hombre vulnerable
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
¿Por qué no llevas al resto de tu caballería a casa?
You, with your eyes mix strength with abandon
Tú, con tus ojos mezclas fuerza con abandono
You, with your new kind of heroism
Tú, con tu nuevo tipo de heroísmo
And I bow and I bow down to you
Y me inclino y me inclino ante ti
To the grace that it takes to melt on through
Por la gracia que se necesita para derretirse
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Esto es en alabanza al hombre vulnerable
Why don't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
¿Por qué no llevas al resto de tu caballería a casa?
This is a thank you for letting me in
Esto es un agradecimiento por dejarme entrar
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
En efecto, en alabanza al hombre vulnerable
You are the greatest man I've ever met
Eres el hombre más grande que he conocido
You, the stealth setter of new precedents
Tú, el sigiloso establecedor de nuevos precedentes
And I vow and I vow to be true
Y prometo y prometo ser fiel
And I vow and I vow not to take advantage
Y prometo y prometo no aprovecharme
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Esto es en alabanza al hombre vulnerable
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
¿Por qué no llevas al resto de tu caballería a casa?
This is a thank you for letting me in
Esto es un agradecimiento por dejarme entrar
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
En efecto, en alabanza al hombre vulnerable
You are the bravest man I've ever met
Tu es l'homme le plus courageux que j'aie jamais rencontré
You unreluctant at treacherous ledge
Toi, sans hésitation au bord du précipice traître
Only you are the sexiest man I've ever been with
Seul toi es l'homme le plus sexy avec qui j'ai jamais été
Oh, you, never hotter than with armor spent
Oh, toi, jamais plus chaud qu'avec une armure épuisée
When you do what you do to provide
Quand tu fais ce que tu fais pour subvenir
How you land in the soft as you fortify
Comment tu atterris en douceur alors que tu fortifies
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Ceci est à la louange de l'homme vulnérable
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Pourquoi ne ramènes-tu pas le reste de ta cavalerie à la maison
You, with your eyes mix strength with abandon
Toi, avec tes yeux mélange force avec abandon
You, with your new kind of heroism
Toi, avec ton nouveau genre d'héroïsme
And I bow and I bow down to you
Et je m'incline et je m'incline devant toi
To the grace that it takes to melt on through
Pour la grâce qu'il faut pour fondre à travers
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Ceci est à la louange de l'homme vulnérable
Why don't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Pourquoi ne ramènes-tu pas le reste de ta cavalerie à la maison
This is a thank you for letting me in
Ceci est un merci de m'avoir laissé entrer
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
En effet à la louange de l'homme vulnérable
You are the greatest man I've ever met
Tu es le plus grand homme que j'aie jamais rencontré
You, the stealth setter of new precedents
Toi, l'instigateur furtif de nouveaux précédents
And I vow and I vow to be true
Et je promets et je promets d'être fidèle
And I vow and I vow not to take advantage
Et je promets et je promets de ne pas profiter
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Ceci est à la louange de l'homme vulnérable
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Pourquoi ne ramènes-tu pas le reste de ta cavalerie à la maison
This is a thank you for letting me in
Ceci est un merci de m'avoir laissé entrer
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
En effet à la louange de l'homme vulnérable
You are the bravest man I've ever met
Du bist der mutigste Mann, den ich je getroffen habe
You unreluctant at treacherous ledge
Du zögerst nicht an gefährlichen Abgründen
Only you are the sexiest man I've ever been with
Nur du bist der attraktivste Mann, mit dem ich je zusammen war
Oh, you, never hotter than with armor spent
Oh, du, nie heißer als mit verbrauchter Rüstung
When you do what you do to provide
Wenn du tust, was du tust, um zu versorgen
How you land in the soft as you fortify
Wie du sanft landest, während du stärkst
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Dies ist ein Loblied auf den verletzlichen Mann
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Warum führst du nicht den Rest deiner Kavallerie nach Hause
You, with your eyes mix strength with abandon
Du, mit deinen Augen mischst Stärke mit Hingabe
You, with your new kind of heroism
Du, mit deiner neuen Art von Heldentum
And I bow and I bow down to you
Und ich verneige mich und verneige mich vor dir
To the grace that it takes to melt on through
Für die Anmut, die es braucht, um durchzuschmelzen
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Dies ist ein Loblied auf den verletzlichen Mann
Why don't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Warum führst du nicht den Rest deiner Kavallerie nach Hause
This is a thank you for letting me in
Dies ist ein Dankeschön dafür, dass du mich hereingelassen hast
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
Tatsächlich ein Loblied auf den verletzlichen Mann
You are the greatest man I've ever met
Du bist der großartigste Mann, den ich je getroffen habe
You, the stealth setter of new precedents
Du, der heimliche Setzer neuer Präzedenzfälle
And I vow and I vow to be true
Und ich gelobe und gelobe, treu zu sein
And I vow and I vow not to take advantage
Und ich gelobe und gelobe, keinen Vorteil zu nehmen
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Dies ist ein Loblied auf den verletzlichen Mann
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Warum führst du nicht den Rest deiner Kavallerie nach Hause
This is a thank you for letting me in
Dies ist ein Dankeschön dafür, dass du mich hereingelassen hast
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
Tatsächlich ein Loblied auf den verletzlichen Mann
You are the bravest man I've ever met
Kamu adalah pria paling berani yang pernah saya temui
You unreluctant at treacherous ledge
Kamu tak ragu di tepi jurang yang berbahaya
Only you are the sexiest man I've ever been with
Hanya kamu adalah pria paling seksi yang pernah saya temui
Oh, you, never hotter than with armor spent
Oh, kamu, tidak pernah lebih panas daripada dengan baju zirah yang terpakai
When you do what you do to provide
Ketika kamu melakukan apa yang kamu lakukan untuk menyediakan
How you land in the soft as you fortify
Bagaimana kamu mendarat dengan lembut saat kamu memperkuat
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Ini adalah pujian untuk pria yang rentan
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Mengapa kamu tidak memimpin sisa pasukan kavalerimu pulang
You, with your eyes mix strength with abandon
Kamu, dengan matamu mencampur kekuatan dengan penyerahan
You, with your new kind of heroism
Kamu, dengan heroisme jenis baru
And I bow and I bow down to you
Dan saya membungkuk dan saya membungkuk kepada kamu
To the grace that it takes to melt on through
Untuk anugerah yang dibutuhkan untuk meleleh melewati
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Ini adalah pujian untuk pria yang rentan
Why don't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Mengapa kamu tidak memimpin sisa pasukan kavalerimu pulang
This is a thank you for letting me in
Ini adalah ucapan terima kasih karena telah membiarkan saya masuk
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
Memang pujian untuk pria yang rentan
You are the greatest man I've ever met
Kamu adalah pria terhebat yang pernah saya temui
You, the stealth setter of new precedents
Kamu, penentu diam-diam dari preseden baru
And I vow and I vow to be true
Dan saya berjanji dan saya berjanji untuk setia
And I vow and I vow not to take advantage
Dan saya berjanji dan saya berjanji untuk tidak memanfaatkan
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Ini adalah pujian untuk pria yang rentan
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
Mengapa kamu tidak memimpin sisa pasukan kavalerimu pulang
This is a thank you for letting me in
Ini adalah ucapan terima kasih karena telah membiarkan saya masuk
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
Memang pujian untuk pria yang rentan
You are the bravest man I've ever met
You unreluctant at treacherous ledge
Only you are the sexiest man I've ever been with
Oh, you, never hotter than with armor spent
โอ้ คุณ ไม่มีอะไรร้อนกว่าเมื่อคุณเหนื่อยล้า
When you do what you do to provide
How you land in the soft as you fortify
วิธีที่คุณล landed ในสิ่งที่นุ่มนวลเมื่อคุณเสริมแข็ง
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
You, with your eyes mix strength with abandon
คุณ ด้วยดวงตาของคุณผสมกำลังกับการละทิ้ง
You, with your new kind of heroism
คุณ ด้วยการเป็นวีรบุรุษแบบใหม่ของคุณ
And I bow and I bow down to you
To the grace that it takes to melt on through
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why don't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
This is a thank you for letting me in
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
You are the greatest man I've ever met
You, the stealth setter of new precedents
คุณ ผู้ตั้งค่าเงาที่ใหม่
And I vow and I vow to be true
And I vow and I vow not to take advantage
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
This is a thank you for letting me in
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
You are the bravest man I've ever met
You unreluctant at treacherous ledge
Only you are the sexiest man I've ever been with
Oh, you, never hotter than with armor spent
When you do what you do to provide
How you land in the soft as you fortify
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
You, with your eyes mix strength with abandon
You, with your new kind of heroism
And I bow and I bow down to you
To the grace that it takes to melt on through
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why don't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
This is a thank you for letting me in
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man
You are the greatest man I've ever met
You, the stealth setter of new precedents
And I vow and I vow to be true
And I vow and I vow not to take advantage
This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why won't you lead the rest of your cavalry home
This is a thank you for letting me in
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man

Curiosità sulla canzone In Praise of the Vulnerable Man di Alanis Morissette

In quali album è stata rilasciata la canzone “In Praise of the Vulnerable Man” di Alanis Morissette?
Alanis Morissette ha rilasciato la canzone negli album “Flavors Of Entanglement” nel 2008 e “In Praise of the Vulnerable Man - Single” nel 2008.
Chi ha composto la canzone “In Praise of the Vulnerable Man” di di Alanis Morissette?
La canzone “In Praise of the Vulnerable Man” di di Alanis Morissette è stata composta da Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth.

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