Easy On Me

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, Gregory Allen Kurstin

Testi Traduzione

There ain't no gold in this river
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
I know there is hope in these waters
But I can't bring myself to swim
When I am drowning in this silence
Baby, let me in

Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
Didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
I had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me

There ain't no room for things to change
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
You can't deny how hard I've tried
I changed who I was to put you both first
But now I give up

Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
Didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
Had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me

I had good intentions
And the highest hopes
But I know right now
It probably doesn't even show

Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
I didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
I had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me

There ain't no gold in this river
Non c'è oro in questo fiume
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
Che sto lavando le mie mani per sempre
I know there is hope in these waters
So che c'è speranza in quelle acque
But I can't bring myself to swim
Ma non posso potere me stessa a nuotare
When I am drowning in this silence
Quando sto annegando in questo silenzio
Baby, let me in
Piccolo, lasciami entrare
Go easy on me, baby
Vacci piano con me, piccolo
I was still a child
Ero ancora una bambina
Didn't get the chance to
Non ho mai avuto l'opportunità di
Feel the world around me
Sentire il mondo attorno a me
I had no time to choose
Non ho avuto tempo per decidere
What I chose to do
Cosa ho deciso di fare
So go easy on me
Allora vacci piano con me
There ain't no room for things to change
Non c'è spazio per le cose che cambiano
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
Quando entrambi siamo così profondamente bloccati nei nostri modi
You can't deny how hard I've tried
Non puoi negare quanto sia stato difficile per me tentare
I changed who I was to put you both first
Ho cambiato chi sono per mettere entrambi al primo posto
But now I give up
Ma ora mi arrendo
Go easy on me, baby
Vacci piano con me, piccolo
I was still a child
Ero ancora una bambina
Didn't get the chance to
Non ho mai avuto l'opportunità di
Feel the world around me
Sentire il mondo attorno a me
Had no time to choose
Non ho avuto tempo per decidere
What I chose to do
Cosa ho deciso di fare
So go easy on me
Allora vacci piano con me
I had good intentions
Avevo buone intenzioni
And the highest hopes
E le speranze più alte
But I know right now
Ma so proprio adesso
It probably doesn't even show
Che probabilmente nemmeno si mostra
Go easy on me, baby
Vacci piano con me, piccolo
I was still a child
Ero ancora una bambina
I didn't get the chance to
Non ho mai avuto l'opportunità di
Feel the world around me
Sentire il mondo attorno a me
I had no time to choose
Non ho avuto tempo per decidere
What I chose to do
Cosa ho deciso di fare
So go easy on me
Allora vacci piano con me
There ain't no gold in this river
Não há ouro nesse rio
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
Que tenho lavado minhas mãos desde sempre
I know there is hope in these waters
Eu sei que há esperança nessas águas
But I can't bring myself to swim
Mas eu não posso me fazer nadar
When I am drowning in this silence
Quando estou me afogando nesse silêncio
Baby, let me in
Bebê, deixe me entrar
Go easy on me, baby
Pega leve comigo
I was still a child
Eu ainda era uma criança
Didn't get the chance to
Não tive a chance de
Feel the world around me
Sentir o mundo ao redor
I had no time to choose
Não tive tempo de escolher
What I chose to do
O que escolhi fazer
So go easy on me
Pega leve comigo
There ain't no room for things to change
Não há espaço para coisas mudarem
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
Quando nós dois estamos profundamente presos nos nossos jeitos
You can't deny how hard I've tried
Você não pode negar quanto eu tentei
I changed who I was to put you both first
Eu mudei quem eu era para colocar vocês em primeiro
But now I give up
Mas agora eu desisto
Go easy on me, baby
Pega leve comigo, bebê
I was still a child
Eu ainda era uma criança
Didn't get the chance to
Não tive a chance de
Feel the world around me
Sentir o mundo ao redor
Had no time to choose
Não tive tempo de escolher
What I chose to do
O que escolhi fazer
So go easy on me
Pega leve comigo
I had good intentions
Eu tive boas intenções
And the highest hopes
E as maiores esperanças
But I know right now
Mas agora, bem agora
It probably doesn't even show
Isso provavelmente nem aparece
Go easy on me, baby
Pega leve comigo, bebê
I was still a child
Eu ainda era uma criança
I didn't get the chance to
Eu não tive a chance de
Feel the world around me
Sentir o mundo ao redor
I had no time to choose
Não tive tempo de escolher
What I chose to do
O que escolhi fazer
So go easy on me
Pega leve comigo
There ain't no gold in this river
No hay oro en este río
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
En el que he estado siempre lavando mis manos
I know there is hope in these waters
Sé que hay esperanza en estas aguas
But I can't bring myself to swim
Pero no puedo hacerme nadar
When I am drowning in this silence
Cuando me estoy ahogando en este silencio
Baby, let me in
Bebé, déjame entrar
Go easy on me, baby
Sé paciente conmigo, bebé
I was still a child
Yo aún era una niña
Didn't get the chance to
No tuve la oportunidad de
Feel the world around me
Sentir el mundo a mi alrededor
I had no time to choose
No tuve tiempo de elegir
What I chose to do
Lo que elegí hacer
So go easy on me
Así que sé paciente conmigo
There ain't no room for things to change
No hay espacio para que las cosas cambien
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
Cuando ambos estamos tan profundamente metidos en nuestros hábitos
You can't deny how hard I've tried
No puedes negar lo mucho que lo he intentado
I changed who I was to put you both first
Cambié quien era para ponerlos a ustedes dos primero
But now I give up
Pero ahora me rindo
Go easy on me, baby
Sé paciente conmigo, bebé
I was still a child
Yo aún era una niña
Didn't get the chance to
No tuve la oportunidad de
Feel the world around me
Sentir el mundo a mi alrededor
Had no time to choose
No tuve tiempo de elegir
What I chose to do
Lo que elegí hacer
So go easy on me
Así que sé paciente conmigo
I had good intentions
Tenía buenas intenciones
And the highest hopes
Y las más altas expectativas
But I know right now
Pero sé que ahora mismo
It probably doesn't even show
Probablemente ni siquiera se nota
Go easy on me, baby
Sé paciente conmigo, bebé
I was still a child
Yo aún era una niña
I didn't get the chance to
No tuve la oportunidad de
Feel the world around me
Sentir el mundo a mi alrededor
I had no time to choose
No tuve tiempo de elegir
What I chose to do
Lo que elegí hacer
So go easy on me
Así que sé paciente conmigo
There ain't no gold in this river
Il n'y a pas d'or dans cette rivière
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
Dans laquelle je me lave les mains depuis toujours
I know there is hope in these waters
Je sais qu'il y a de l'espoir dans ces eaux
But I can't bring myself to swim
Mais je n'arrive pas à nager
When I am drowning in this silence
Quand je me noie dans ce silence
Baby, let me in
Bébé, laisse moi passer
Go easy on me, baby
Sois gentil avec moi, bébé
I was still a child
J'étais toujours une enfant
Didn't get the chance to
Je n'ai pas eu la chance de
Feel the world around me
Sentir le monde autour de moi
I had no time to choose
Je n'ai pas eu le temps de choisir
What I chose to do
Ce que j'ai choisi de faire
So go easy on me
Sois gentil avec moi
There ain't no room for things to change
Il n'y a pas de place pour le changement
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
Quand on est tous les deux si profondément coincés dans nos habitudes
You can't deny how hard I've tried
Tu peux pas nier à quel point j'ai essayé
I changed who I was to put you both first
J'ai changé qui j'étais pour vous faire passer en premier
But now I give up
Mais maintenant j'abandonne
Go easy on me, baby
Sois gentil avec moi, bébé
I was still a child
J'étais toujours une enfant
Didn't get the chance to
Je n'ai pas eu la chance de
Feel the world around me
Sentir le monde autour de moi
Had no time to choose
Je n'ai pas eu le temps de choisir
What I chose to do
Ce que j'ai choisi de faire
So go easy on me
Sois gentil avec moi
I had good intentions
J'avais de bonnes attentions
And the highest hopes
Et les plus grands espoirs
But I know right now
Mais je sais que maintenant
It probably doesn't even show
Ça se voit probablement pas
Go easy on me, baby
Sois gentil avec moi, bébé
I was still a child
J'étais toujours une enfant
I didn't get the chance to
Je n'ai pas eu la chance de
Feel the world around me
Sentir le monde autour de moi
I had no time to choose
Je n'ai pas eu le temps de choisir
What I chose to do
Ce que j'ai choisi de faire
So go easy on me
Sois gentil avec moi
There ain't no gold in this river
Es gibt kein Gold in diesem Fluss
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
In dem ich mir ewig die Hände drin gewaschen habe
I know there is hope in these waters
Ich weiß, es gibt Hoffnung in diesen Gewässern
But I can't bring myself to swim
Aber ich kann mich nicht überwinden zu schwimmen
When I am drowning in this silence
Wenn ich in dieser Stille ertrinke
Baby, let me in
Baby, lass mich rein
Go easy on me, baby
Sei nicht so streng mit mir, Baby
I was still a child
Ich war noch ein Kind
Didn't get the chance to
Hatte nicht die Chance
Feel the world around me
Die Welt um mich herum zu spüren
I had no time to choose
Ich hatte keine Zeit zu wählen
What I chose to do
Was ich wählte zu tun
So go easy on me
Also seid nicht so streng mit mir
There ain't no room for things to change
Es gibt keinen Raum für Veränderungen
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
Wenn wir beide so tief in unseren Gewohnheiten verhaftet sind
You can't deny how hard I've tried
Du kannst nicht leugnen, wie sehr ich es versucht habe
I changed who I was to put you both first
Ich änderte, wer ich war, um euch beide an die erste Stelle zu setzen
But now I give up
Aber jetzt gebe ich auf
Go easy on me, baby
Sei nicht so streng mit mir, Baby
I was still a child
Ich war noch ein Kind
Didn't get the chance to
Hatte nicht die Chance
Feel the world around me
Die Welt um mich herum zu spüren
Had no time to choose
Ich hatte keine Zeit zu wählen
What I chose to do
Was ich wählte zu tun
So go easy on me
Also seid nicht so streng mit mir
I had good intentions
Ich hatte gute Absichten
And the highest hopes
Und die größten Hoffnungen
But I know right now
Aber ich weiß schon jetzt, dass
It probably doesn't even show
Wahrscheinlich sieht man das nicht einmal
Go easy on me, baby
Sei nicht so streng mit mir, Baby
I was still a child
Ich war noch ein Kind
I didn't get the chance to
Hatte nicht die Chance
Feel the world around me
Die Welt um mich herum zu spüren
I had no time to choose
Ich hatte keine Zeit zu wählen
What I chose to do
Was ich wählte zu tun
So go easy on me
Also seid nicht so streng mit mir
There ain't no gold in this river
Tidak ada emas di sungai ini
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
Yang telah kucuci tangan di dalamnya selamanya
I know there is hope in these waters
Aku tahu ada harapan di air ini
But I can't bring myself to swim
Tapi aku tidak bisa membawa diriku untuk berenang
When I am drowning in this silence
Ketika aku tenggelam dalam keheningan ini
Baby, let me in
Sayang, biarkan aku masuk
Go easy on me, baby
Pergilah dengan lembut padaku, sayang
I was still a child
Aku masih seorang anak
Didn't get the chance to
Tidak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk
Feel the world around me
Merasakan dunia di sekitarku
I had no time to choose
Aku tidak punya waktu untuk memilih
What I chose to do
Apa yang aku pilih untuk lakukan
So go easy on me
Jadi pergilah dengan lembut padaku
There ain't no room for things to change
Tidak ada ruang untuk hal-hal berubah
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
Ketika kita berdua begitu sangat terjebak dalam cara kita
You can't deny how hard I've tried
Kamu tidak bisa menyangkal betapa kerasnya aku mencoba
I changed who I was to put you both first
Aku mengubah siapa aku untuk mengutamakan kalian berdua
But now I give up
Tapi sekarang aku menyerah
Go easy on me, baby
Pergilah dengan lembut padaku, sayang
I was still a child
Aku masih seorang anak
Didn't get the chance to
Tidak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk
Feel the world around me
Merasakan dunia di sekitarku
Had no time to choose
Tidak punya waktu untuk memilih
What I chose to do
Apa yang aku pilih untuk lakukan
So go easy on me
Jadi pergilah dengan lembut padaku
I had good intentions
Aku memiliki niat baik
And the highest hopes
Dan harapan tertinggi
But I know right now
Tapi aku tahu sekarang
It probably doesn't even show
Mungkin itu bahkan tidak terlihat
Go easy on me, baby
Pergilah dengan lembut padaku, sayang
I was still a child
Aku masih seorang anak
I didn't get the chance to
Aku tidak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk
Feel the world around me
Merasakan dunia di sekitarku
I had no time to choose
Aku tidak punya waktu untuk memilih
What I chose to do
Apa yang aku pilih untuk lakukan
So go easy on me
Jadi pergilah dengan lembut padaku
There ain't no gold in this river
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
I know there is hope in these waters
But I can't bring myself to swim
When I am drowning in this silence
Baby, let me in
Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
Didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
I had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me
There ain't no room for things to change
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
You can't deny how hard I've tried
I changed who I was to put you both first
But now I give up
Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
Didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
Had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me
I had good intentions
And the highest hopes
But I know right now
It probably doesn't even show
Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
I didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
I had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me
There ain't no gold in this river
이 강에는 더 이상 가치가 없어
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
이곳에서 계속 손을 씻어 왔는데 말이야
I know there is hope in these waters
이 물속에 희망이 있다는 걸 알지만
But I can't bring myself to swim
차마 수영할 용기가 나질 않아
When I am drowning in this silence
내가 이 침묵 속에 빠져들 땐
Baby, let me in
베이비, 날 들여보내 줄래
Go easy on me, baby
엄마를 이해해 주겠니
I was still a child
나는 아직 어린애였어
Didn't get the chance to
기회조차 없었어
Feel the world around me
세상을 느껴볼
I had no time to choose
선택할 시간이 없었어
What I chose to do
내가 무엇을 선택할지
So go easy on me
그러니 부디 엄마를 이해해주렴
There ain't no room for things to change
변화를 기대할 수 있는 곳은 어디에도 없어
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
우리가 서로의 방식에만 갇혀있었을 때
You can't deny how hard I've tried
내가 노력했었다는 걸 당신은 부정할 수 없을 거야
I changed who I was to put you both first
두 사람을 최우선으로 두기 위해 나 스스로를 바꿨지
But now I give up
하지만 이젠 포기하려 해
Go easy on me, baby
엄마를 이해해 주겠니
I was still a child
나는 아직 어린애였어
Didn't get the chance to
기회조차 없었어
Feel the world around me
세상을 느껴볼
Had no time to choose
선택할 시간이 없었어
What I chose to do
내가 무엇을 선택할지
So go easy on me
그러니 부디 엄마를 이해해주렴
I had good intentions
나는 좋은 의도가 있었어
And the highest hopes
그리고 가장 높은 희망을 가졌어
But I know right now
하지만 지금은 아마
It probably doesn't even show
그게 전혀 보이지 않을 거야
Go easy on me, baby
엄마를 이해해 주겠니
I was still a child
나는 아직 어린애였어
I didn't get the chance to
기회조차 없었어
Feel the world around me
세상을 느껴볼
I had no time to choose
선택할 시간이 없었어
What I chose to do
내가 무엇을 선택할지
So go easy on me
그러니 부디 엄마를 이해해주렴
There ain't no gold in this river
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
I know there is hope in these waters
But I can't bring myself to swim
When I am drowning in this silence
Baby, let me in
ที่รัก, ปล่อยฉันเข้าไป
Go easy on me, baby
รักฉันอย่างนุ่มนวล, ที่รัก
I was still a child
Didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
I had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me
ดังนั้น รักฉันอย่างนุ่มนวล
There ain't no room for things to change
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
You can't deny how hard I've tried
I changed who I was to put you both first
But now I give up
Go easy on me, baby
รักฉันอย่างนุ่มนวล, ที่รัก
I was still a child
Didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
Had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me
ดังนั้น รักฉันอย่างนุ่มนวล
I had good intentions
And the highest hopes
But I know right now
It probably doesn't even show
Go easy on me, baby
รักฉันอย่างนุ่มนวล, ที่รัก
I was still a child
I didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
I had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me
ดังนั้น รักฉันอย่างนุ่มนวล
There ain't no gold in this river
That I've been washin' my hands in forever
I know there is hope in these waters
But I can't bring myself to swim
When I am drowning in this silence
Baby, let me in
Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
Didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
I had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me
There ain't no room for things to change
When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways
You can't deny how hard I've tried
I changed who I was to put you both first
But now I give up
Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
Didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
Had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me
I had good intentions
And the highest hopes
But I know right now
It probably doesn't even show
Go easy on me, baby
I was still a child
I didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
I had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me

[„Easy On Me” magyarul]

[1. verze]
Nincs arany ebben a folyóban
Amiben a kezemet mosom egy örökkévalóság óta
Tudom, hogy van remény ezekben a vizekben
De nem tudom rávenni magamat, hogy ússzak
Amikor fuldoklok ebben a csendben
Engedj be!

Kímélj meg!
Gyerek voltam még
Nem volt alkalmam
Érezni a világot körülöttem
Nem volt időm választani, amit választottam
Szóval kímélj meg!

[2. verze]
Nincs hely a változásoknak
Amikor mindketten ugyanolyanok maradunk
Nem tagadhatod le, hogy mennyire próbálkoztam
Megváltoztam, hogy előtérbe helyezzеm minkettőtöket
De már fеladom

Kímélj meg!
Gyerek voltam még
Nem volt alkalmam
Érezni a világot körülöttem
Nem volt időm választani, amit választottam
Szóval kímélj meg!

Jó szándékom volt
És nagy reményem
De most tudom
Hogy valószínűleg nem is látszik

Kímélj meg!
Gyerek voltam még
Nem volt alkalmam
Érezni a világot körülöttem
Nem volt időm választani, amit választottam
Szóval kímélj meg!

[قسمت 1]
هیچ طلایی در این رودخونه ای که همیشه دستامو توش میشُستم نیست
میدونم که در این آب ها امید هست
ولی من نمیتونم خودمو به شنا کردن وا دارم
وقتی دارم در این سکوت غرق میشم
عزیزم منو به دلت راه بده(باهام حرف بزن)

با من با ملایمت رفتار کن عزیزم
من فقط یه بچه بودم
هنوز فرصت نکرده بودم دنیای اطرافو تجربه کنم و بشناسم
وقت نداشتم چیزی که انتخاب کردم انجام بدم رو انتخاب کنم
پس انقدر به من سخت نگیر

[قسمت 2]
هیچ جایی برای این که اوضاع تغییر کنه باقی نمونده
وقتی هردوی ما در راه های خودمون شدیدا گیر افتادیم
نمیتونی منکر بشی که چقدر سخت تلاش کردم
من خودمو عوض کردم تا شما دوتا رو در اولویت بذارم
ولی الان دیگه بیخیال میشم

با من با ملایمت رفتار کن عزیزم
من فقط یه بچه بودم
هنوز فرصت نکرده بودم دنیای اطرافو تجربه کنم و بشناسم
وقت نداشتم چیزی که انتخاب کردم انجام بدم رو انتخاب کنم
پس انقدر به من سخت نگیر

من اهداف خوبی داشتم
و امید خیلی زیادی داشتم
ولی الان میدونم که
احتمالا اصلا اینجوری به نظر نمیاد

با من با ملایمت رفتار کن عزیزم
من فقط یه بچه بودم
هنوز فرصت نکرده بودم دنیای اطرافو تجربه کنم و بشناسم
وقت نداشتم چیزی که انتخاب کردم انجام بدم رو انتخاب کنم
پس انقدر به من سخت نگیر

[Перевод песни Adele — «Easy On Me»]

[Куплет 1]
Нет никакого золота в этой реке
Где я целую вечность омывала руки
Я знаю, что в этих водах есть надежда
Но я не могу заставить себя плыть
Когда я тону в тишине
Малыш, впусти меня

Пойми меня, малыш
Я была ещё ребёнком
Не было возможности
Ощутить мир вокруг себя
У меня не было времени решать, что делать
Так что пойми меня

[Куплет 2]
Уже поздно что-то менять
Когда мы оба так глубоко увязли в своих путях
Ты не можешь отрицать то, как сильно я старалась
Я изменила себя, поставив вас на первое место
Но теперь я смирилась

Пойми меня, малыш
Я была ещё ребёнком
Не было возможности
Ощутить мир вокруг себя
У меня не было времени решать, что делать
Так что пойми меня

У меня были благие намерения
И самые большие надежды
Но я понимаю, что сейчас
Это, вероятно, останется незамеченным

Пойми меня, малыш
Я была ещё ребёнком
У меня не было возможности
Ощутить мир вокруг себя
У меня не было времени решать, что делать
Так что пойми меня

[Vers 1]
Det finns inget guld i den här floden
Som jag alltid har tvättat mina händer i
Jag vet att det finns hopp i dessa vatten
Men jag orkar inte simma
När jag drunknar i denna tystnad
Älskling, låt mig komma in

Ta det lugnt med mig, älskling
Jag var fortfarande ett barn
Fick inte chansen att
Lära känna världen runtom mig
Jag hade inte tid att välja vad jag valde att göra
Så ta det lugnt med mig

[Vers 2]
Det finns inget utrymme för förändring
När vi båda är så djupt fastna i våra sätt
Du kan inte förneka hur hårt jag har försökt
Jag ändrade vem jag var för att sätta er båda först
Men nu ger jag upp

Ta det lugnt med mig, älskling
Jag var fortfarande ett barn
Fick inte chansen att
Lära känna världen runtom mig
Jag hade inte tid att välja vad jag valde att göra
Så ta det lugnt med mig

Jag hade goda avsikter
Och de högsta förhoppningarna
Men jag vet just nu
Att det förmodligen inte ens syns

Ta det lugnt med mig, älskling
Jag var fortfarande ett barn
Fick inte chansen att
Lära känna världen runtom mig
Jag hade inte tid att välja vad jag valde att göra
Så ta det lugnt med mig

[Στροφή 1]
Δεν εχει χρυσο αυτο το ποταμι
Διοτι επλυνα τα χερια μου μεσα σε αυτο, για παντα
Ξερω οτι υπαρχει ελπιδα μεσα σε αυτα τα νερα
Αλλα δεν μπορω να πεισω το εαυτο μου να κολυμπησει οταν πνιγομαι
Μεσα σε αυτην την σιωπη μωρο μου
Ασε με μεσα

Καντο πιο ευκολο μωρο μου
Παρεμενα ακομη παιδι
Δεν ειχα την επιλογη να
Αισθανθω το κοσμο γυρω μου
Δεν ειχα τον χρονο να επιλεξω
Αυτο που ηθελα να ακολουθησω
Για αυτο καντο πιο ευκολο για μενα

[Στροφή 2]
Δεν υπαρχει χωρος για αλλαγγες
Οταν ειμαστε μαζι τοσο κολλημενοι στους τροπους μας
Δεν μπορεις να με διαψευσεις ειχα προσπαθησει σκληρα
Αλλαξα και τον εαυτο μου για να σε βαλω πιο μπροστα απο εμενα
Αλλα τωρα τα παραταω

Καντο πιο ευκολο μωρο μου
Παρεμενα ακομη παιδι
Δεν ειχα την επιλογη
Να αισθανθω τον κοσμο γυρω μου
Δεν ειχα τον χρονο να επιλεξω
Αυτο που διαλεξα να κανω
Για αυτο καντο πιο ευκολο

Ειχα τις καλυτερες προθεσεις
Και τις υψηλοτερες ελπιδες
Αλλα τωρα ξερω
Οτι αυτο προφανως δεν απεδωσε

Για αυτο καντο πιο ευκολο μωρο μου
Παρεμενα ακομη παιδι
Ποτε δεν ειχα την επιλογη
Να αισθανθω τον κοσμο γυρω μου
Δεν ειχα τον χρονο να επιλεξω
Αυτο που ηθελα να ακολουθησω
Για αυτο καντο πιο ευκολο για εμενα

[Zwrotka 1]
W tej rzece nie ma złota
W tej, w której od zawsze myję ręce
Wiem, że w tych wodach jest nadzieja
Ale nie mogę się zmusić do pływania
Kiedy tonę w ciszy
Kochanie, wpuść mnie

Traktuj mnie łagodnie, kochanie
Byłam jeszcze dzieckiem
Nie miałam szansy
Poczuć świata wokół mnie
Nie miałam czasu by wybrać to, co chciałam robić
Więc traktuj mnie łagodnie

[Zwrotka 2]
Nie ma miejsca na zmianę naszych rzeczy
Kiedy oboje tak głęboko utknęliśmy na naszych drogach
Nie możesz zaprzeczyć, jak bardzo się starałam
Zmieniłam to, kim byłam, żebyście oboje byli pierwsi na pierwszym miejscu
Ale teraz się poddaję

Traktuj mnie łagodnie, kochanie
Byłam jeszcze dzieckiem
Nie miałam szansy
Poczuć świata wokół mnie
Nie miałam czasu by wybrać to, co chciałam robić
Więc traktuj mnie łagodnie

Miałam dobre intencje
I wielkie nadzieje
Ale teraz wiem
Prawdopodobnie nawet tego nie było widać

Traktuj mnie łagodnie, kochanie
Byłam jeszcze dzieckiem
Nie miałam szansy
Poczuć świata wokół mnie
Nie miałam czasu by wybrać to, co chciałam robić
Więc traktuj mnie łagodnie

[Bölüm 1]
Kendimi bildim bileli ellerimi yıkadığım
Bu nehirde altın yok
Bu sularda umut olduğunu biliyorum
Bu sessizlikte boğulurken
Yüzemem ki
Bebeğim, izin ver gireyim

Bebeğim, üstüme gelme
Yine de bir çocuktum
Etrafımdaki dünyayı anlama
Şansım olmadı
Yapmak istediğim şeyi yapmaya zamanım olmadı
O yüzden üstüme gelme

[Bölüm 2]
İkimiz de kendi yolumuzda öylece saplanıp kalmışken
Bir şeylerin değişme ihtimali yok
Ne kadar denediğimi inkar edemеzsin
Sizi öncelemek için dеğişmiştim
Ama artık vazgeçtim

Bebeğim, üstüme gelme
Yine de bir çocuktum
Etrafımdaki dünyayı anlama
Şansım olmadı
Yapmak istediğim şeyi yapmaya zamanım olmadı
O yüzden üstüme gelme

Bir gayem
Ve büyük umutlarım vardı
Ama şimdi anlıyorum ki
Bunun önemi bile yok

Bebeğim, üstüme gelme
Yine de bir çocuktum
Etrafımdaki dünyayı anlama
Şansım olmadı
Yapmak istediğim şeyi yapmaya zamanım olmadı
O yüzden üstüme gelme

[Talata 1]
Walang ginto sa ilog na 'to
Kung saan ako naghuhugas ako ng mga kamay magpakailanman
Alam kong may pag-asa sa tubig na 'to
Pero hindi ko kayang dalhin ang aking sarili na lumangoy
Ngayon at nalulunod ako sa katahimikang ito
Mahal, papasukin mo ako

Humayo ka sa 'kin, mahal
Bata pa ako noon
Hindi nakuha ang pagkakataon na
Pakiramdaman ang mundo sa paligid ko
Hindi ako nagkaroon ng oras na piliin ang pinili kong gawin
Kaya't humayo ka sa 'kin

[Talata 2]
Walang lugar para magbago ang mga bagay
Kapag pareho tayong malalim na ayaw magparaya
Hindi mo maitatanggi kung gaano kahirap kong sinubukan
Binago ko kung sino ako para unahin ko kayong dalawa
Ngunit ngayo'y suko na ako

Humayo ka sa 'kin, mahal
Bata pa ako noon
Hindi nakuha ang pagkakataon na
Pakiramdaman ang mundo sa paligid ko
Hindi ako nagkaroon ng oras na piliin ang pinili kong gawin
Kaya't humayo ka sa 'kin

Mabuti ang mga naging balak ko
At ang pinakamataas na mga pag-asa
Ngunit alam ko na ngayon
Malamang hindi ito halata

Humayo ka sa 'kin, mahal
Bata pa ako noon
Hindi nakuha ang pagkakataon na
Pakiramdaman ang mundo sa paligid ko
Hindi ako nagkaroon ng oras na piliin ang pinili kong gawin
Kaya't humayo ka sa 'kin

[Prevod pesme "Easy On Me" od Adele]

[Strofa 1]
Nema zlata u ovoj reci
U kojoj sam oduvek prala svoje ruke
Znam da postoji nada u ovim vodama
Ali se ne mogu naterati da plivam
Kada se davim u ovoj tišini
Dušo, pusti me unutra

Polako sa mnom, dušo
Bila sam još dete
Nisam imala priliku da
Osetim svet oko sebe
Nisam imala vremena da odlučim šta da radim
Pa polako sa mnom

[Strofa 2]
Nema mesta za promene
Kada smo oboje duboko zaglavljeni u svojim mislima
Ne možeš da poričeš koliko sam jako pokušavala
Promenila sam se kako bih te stavila na prvo mesto
Ali sada odustajem

Polako sa mnom, dušo
Bila sam još dete
Nisam imala priliku da
Osetim svet oko sebe
Nisam imala vremena da odlučim šta da radim
Pa polako sa mnom

Imala sam dobre namerе
I najveće nade
Ali sada znam šta jе ispravno
To se verovatno ne primećuje

Polako sa mnom, dušo
Bila sam još dete
Nisam imala priliku da
Osetim svet oko sebe
Nisam imala vremena da odlučim šta da radim
Pa polako sa mnom

[Verse 1]
Chẳng còn vàng ngọc dưới dòng sông kia
Mà em đã rửa tay dưới đó đến tận ngàn thu
Em biết rằng có tia hy vọng dưới làn nước ấy
Nhưng em không thể đem thân xác mình bơi xuống đó
Khi em đang chìm giữa tĩnh lặng
Người hỡi, hãy để em thấu hiểu người

[Điệp Khúc]
Hãy đối xử nhẹ nhàng với em
Em vẫn còn ngây thơ
Chưa có cơ hội để
Cảm nhận được thế giới quanh mình
Em đã không có thời gian chọn lựa điều để làm
Nên hãy nhẹ nhàng với em thôi

[Verse 2]
Chẳng còn thay đổi gì được nữa
Khi chúng ta đã chìm vào vũng lầy của chính ta
Anh không thể phủ nhận chúng ta đã cố sức đến nhường nào
Em đã thay đổi chính bản thân để đặt cả hai lên trước tiên
Nhưng bây giờ em từ bỏ rồi

[Điệp Khúc]
Hãy đối xử nhẹ nhàng với em
Em vẫn còn ngây thơ
Chưa có cơ hội để
Cảm nhận được thế giới quanh mình
Em đã không có thời gian chọn lựa điều để làm
Nên hãy nhẹ nhàng với em thôi

Em đã có chủ đích tốt đẹp
Và niềm hi vọng lớn lao nhất
Nhưng giờ đây em biết rằng
Nó thậm chí còn không thể hiện ra được

[Điệp Khúc]
Hãy đối xử nhẹ nhàng với em
Em vẫn còn ngây thơ
Chưa có cơ hội để
Cảm nhận được thế giới quanh mình
Em đã không có thời gian chọn lựa điều để làm
Nên hãy nhẹ nhàng với em thôi

Curiosità sulla canzone Easy On Me di Adele

Chi ha composto la canzone “Easy On Me” di di Adele?
La canzone “Easy On Me” di di Adele è stata composta da Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, Gregory Allen Kurstin.

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