The Mountain

Neil Sanderson, Brad Walst, Barry Stock, Gavin Brown, Matt Walst, Johnny Andrews

Testi Traduzione

Every day I'm just survivin'
Keep climbin' the mountain
Even when I feel like dyin'
Keep climbin' the mountain

Another night I'm barely holdin' on
One step away from being dead and gone
Am I alive to die another day?
Is this life that I've been livin'
All that's meant for me?

Every day I'm just survivin'
Keep climbin' the mountain
Even when I feel like dyin'
Keep climbin' the mountain

Every time I think I'm over it
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
I'm still survivin', keep climbin'
Keep climbin' the mountain

The higher I go, the harder I fall
So I don't look down, I don't look back at all
And when I wish it all would turn to black
I try to see the light and push the darkness back

Every day I'm just survivin'
Keep climbin' the mountain
Even when I feel like dyin'
Keep climbin' the mountain

Every time I think I'm over it
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
I'm still survivin', I keep climbin'
Keep climbin' the mountain

So If I'm numb, already too far gone
And If I feel a pulsin', I can carry on
When I'm lost and wanna fade away
I tell myself to live to die another day, yeah

Every day I'm just survivin'
Keep climbin' the mountain
Even when I feel like dyin'
Keep climbin' the mountain

Every time I think I'm over it
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
I'm still alive and keep climbin'
Keep climbin' the mountain, the mountain

Every day I'm just survivin'
Ogni giorno sto solo sopravvivendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo a scalare la montagna
Even when I feel like dyin'
Anche quando mi sento come se stessi morendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo a scalare la montagna
Another night I'm barely holdin' on
Un'altra notte sto a malapena resistendo
One step away from being dead and gone
Un passo dal essere morto e sparito
Am I alive to die another day?
Sono vivo per morire un altro giorno?
Is this life that I've been livin'
È questa vita che ho vissuto
All that's meant for me?
Tutto ciò che è destinato a me?
Every day I'm just survivin'
Ogni giorno sto solo sopravvivendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo a scalare la montagna
Even when I feel like dyin'
Anche quando mi sento come se stessi morendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo a scalare la montagna
Every time I think I'm over it
Ogni volta che penso di aver superato
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Mi sveglio in fondo a tutto di nuovo
I'm still survivin', keep climbin'
Sto ancora sopravvivendo, continuo a scalare
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo a scalare la montagna
The higher I go, the harder I fall
Più vado in alto, più cado duramente
So I don't look down, I don't look back at all
Quindi non guardo giù, non guardo indietro affatto
And when I wish it all would turn to black
E quando vorrei che tutto diventasse nero
I try to see the light and push the darkness back
Cerco di vedere la luce e respingere l'oscurità
Every day I'm just survivin'
Ogni giorno sto solo sopravvivendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo a scalare la montagna
Even when I feel like dyin'
Anche quando mi sento come se stessi morendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo a scalare la montagna
Every time I think I'm over it
Ogni volta che penso di aver superato
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Mi sveglio in fondo a tutto di nuovo
I'm still survivin', I keep climbin'
Sto ancora sopravvivendo, continuo a scalare
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo a scalare la montagna
So If I'm numb, already too far gone
Quindi se sono intorpidito, già troppo lontano
And If I feel a pulsin', I can carry on
E se sento un pulsare, posso andare avanti
When I'm lost and wanna fade away
Quando sono perso e voglio svanire
I tell myself to live to die another day, yeah
Mi dico di vivere per morire un altro giorno, sì
Every day I'm just survivin'
Ogni giorno sto solo sopravvivendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo a scalare la montagna
Even when I feel like dyin'
Anche quando mi sento come se stessi morendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo a scalare la montagna
Every time I think I'm over it
Ogni volta che penso di aver superato
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Mi sveglio in fondo a tutto di nuovo
I'm still alive and keep climbin'
Sono ancora vivo e continuo a scalare
Keep climbin' the mountain, the mountain
Continuo a scalare la montagna, la montagna
Every day I'm just survivin'
Todos os dias eu apenas sobrevivo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo escalando a montanha
Even when I feel like dyin'
Mesmo quando me sinto como se estivesse morrendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo escalando a montanha
Another night I'm barely holdin' on
Outra noite mal consigo me aguentar
One step away from being dead and gone
A um passo de estar morto e acabado
Am I alive to die another day?
Estou vivo para morrer outro dia?
Is this life that I've been livin'
É essa vida que eu tenho vivido
All that's meant for me?
Tudo o que foi destinado para mim?
Every day I'm just survivin'
Todos os dias eu apenas sobrevivo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo escalando a montanha
Even when I feel like dyin'
Mesmo quando me sinto como se estivesse morrendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo escalando a montanha
Every time I think I'm over it
Toda vez que penso que superei
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Acordo no fundo de tudo novamente
I'm still survivin', keep climbin'
Ainda estou sobrevivendo, continuo escalando
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo escalando a montanha
The higher I go, the harder I fall
Quanto mais alto eu vou, mais duro eu caio
So I don't look down, I don't look back at all
Então eu não olho para baixo, não olho para trás de jeito nenhum
And when I wish it all would turn to black
E quando desejo que tudo se transforme em escuridão
I try to see the light and push the darkness back
Tento ver a luz e afastar a escuridão
Every day I'm just survivin'
Todos os dias eu apenas sobrevivo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo escalando a montanha
Even when I feel like dyin'
Mesmo quando me sinto como se estivesse morrendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo escalando a montanha
Every time I think I'm over it
Toda vez que penso que superei
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Acordo no fundo de tudo novamente
I'm still survivin', I keep climbin'
Ainda estou vivo e continuo escalando
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo escalando a montanha
So If I'm numb, already too far gone
Então, se estou insensível, já fui longe demais
And If I feel a pulsin', I can carry on
E se sinto uma pulsação, posso continuar
When I'm lost and wanna fade away
Quando estou perdido e quero desaparecer
I tell myself to live to die another day, yeah
Digo a mim mesmo para viver para morrer outro dia, sim
Every day I'm just survivin'
Todos os dias eu apenas sobrevivo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo escalando a montanha
Even when I feel like dyin'
Mesmo quando me sinto como se estivesse morrendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Continuo escalando a montanha
Every time I think I'm over it
Toda vez que penso que superei
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Acordo no fundo de tudo novamente
I'm still alive and keep climbin'
Ainda estou vivo e continuo escalando
Keep climbin' the mountain, the mountain
Continuo escalando a montanha, a montanha
Every day I'm just survivin'
Cada día solo estoy sobreviviendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Sigo escalando la montaña
Even when I feel like dyin'
Incluso cuando siento que me estoy muriendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Sigo escalando la montaña
Another night I'm barely holdin' on
Otra noche apenas me mantengo en pie
One step away from being dead and gone
A un paso de estar muerto y desaparecido
Am I alive to die another day?
¿Estoy vivo para morir otro día?
Is this life that I've been livin'
¿Es esta vida que he estado viviendo
All that's meant for me?
Todo lo que está destinado para mí?
Every day I'm just survivin'
Cada día solo estoy sobreviviendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Sigo escalando la montaña
Even when I feel like dyin'
Incluso cuando siento que me estoy muriendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Sigo escalando la montaña
Every time I think I'm over it
Cada vez que pienso que lo he superado
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Me despierto en el fondo de todo de nuevo
I'm still survivin', keep climbin'
Todavía estoy sobreviviendo, sigo escalando
Keep climbin' the mountain
Sigo escalando la montaña
The higher I go, the harder I fall
Cuanto más alto voy, más duro caigo
So I don't look down, I don't look back at all
Así que no miro hacia abajo, no miro atrás en absoluto
And when I wish it all would turn to black
Y cuando deseo que todo se vuelva negro
I try to see the light and push the darkness back
Intento ver la luz y alejar la oscuridad
Every day I'm just survivin'
Cada día solo estoy sobreviviendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Sigo escalando la montaña
Even when I feel like dyin'
Incluso cuando siento que me estoy muriendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Sigo escalando la montaña
Every time I think I'm over it
Cada vez que pienso que lo he superado
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Me despierto en el fondo de todo de nuevo
I'm still survivin', I keep climbin'
Todavía estoy vivo y sigo escalando
Keep climbin' the mountain
Sigo escalando la montaña
So If I'm numb, already too far gone
Así que si estoy entumecido, ya demasiado lejos
And If I feel a pulsin', I can carry on
Y si siento un latido, puedo seguir adelante
When I'm lost and wanna fade away
Cuando estoy perdido y quiero desaparecer
I tell myself to live to die another day, yeah
Me digo a mí mismo que vivo para morir otro día, sí
Every day I'm just survivin'
Cada día solo estoy sobreviviendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Sigo escalando la montaña
Even when I feel like dyin'
Incluso cuando siento que me estoy muriendo
Keep climbin' the mountain
Sigo escalando la montaña
Every time I think I'm over it
Cada vez que pienso que lo he superado
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Me despierto en el fondo de todo de nuevo
I'm still alive and keep climbin'
Todavía estoy vivo y sigo escalando
Keep climbin' the mountain, the mountain
Sigo escalando la montaña, la montaña
Every day I'm just survivin'
Chaque jour, je ne fais que survivre
Keep climbin' the mountain
Je continue à grimper la montagne
Even when I feel like dyin'
Même quand j'ai l'impression de mourir
Keep climbin' the mountain
Je continue à grimper la montagne
Another night I'm barely holdin' on
Une autre nuit, je tiens à peine le coup
One step away from being dead and gone
À un pas d'être mort et parti
Am I alive to die another day?
Suis-je en vie pour mourir un autre jour ?
Is this life that I've been livin'
Est-ce la vie que j'ai vécue
All that's meant for me?
Tout ce qui était prévu pour moi ?
Every day I'm just survivin'
Chaque jour, je ne fais que survivre
Keep climbin' the mountain
Je continue à grimper la montagne
Even when I feel like dyin'
Même quand j'ai l'impression de mourir
Keep climbin' the mountain
Je continue à grimper la montagne
Every time I think I'm over it
Chaque fois que je pense en avoir fini
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Je me réveille au fond de tout ça encore une fois
I'm still survivin', keep climbin'
Je survie toujours, je continue à grimper
Keep climbin' the mountain
Je continue à grimper la montagne
The higher I go, the harder I fall
Plus je monte, plus je tombe dur
So I don't look down, I don't look back at all
Alors je ne regarde pas en bas, je ne regarde pas du tout en arrière
And when I wish it all would turn to black
Et quand je souhaite que tout devienne noir
I try to see the light and push the darkness back
J'essaie de voir la lumière et de repousser l'obscurité
Every day I'm just survivin'
Chaque jour, je ne fais que survivre
Keep climbin' the mountain
Je continue à grimper la montagne
Even when I feel like dyin'
Même quand j'ai l'impression de mourir
Keep climbin' the mountain
Je continue à grimper la montagne
Every time I think I'm over it
Chaque fois que je pense en avoir fini
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Je me réveille au fond de tout ça encore une fois
I'm still survivin', I keep climbin'
Je suis toujours en vie, je continue à grimper
Keep climbin' the mountain
Je continue à grimper la montagne
So If I'm numb, already too far gone
Donc si je suis engourdi, déjà trop loin
And If I feel a pulsin', I can carry on
Et si je ressens un battement, je peux continuer
When I'm lost and wanna fade away
Quand je suis perdu et que je veux disparaître
I tell myself to live to die another day, yeah
Je me dis de vivre pour mourir un autre jour, ouais
Every day I'm just survivin'
Chaque jour, je ne fais que survivre
Keep climbin' the mountain
Je continue à grimper la montagne
Even when I feel like dyin'
Même quand j'ai l'impression de mourir
Keep climbin' the mountain
Je continue à grimper la montagne
Every time I think I'm over it
Chaque fois que je pense en avoir fini
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Je me réveille au fond de tout ça encore une fois
I'm still alive and keep climbin'
Je suis toujours en vie et je continue à grimper
Keep climbin' the mountain, the mountain
Je continue à grimper la montagne, la montagne
Every day I'm just survivin'
Jeden Tag überlebe ich nur
Keep climbin' the mountain
Klettere weiter den Berg hinauf
Even when I feel like dyin'
Auch wenn ich mich fühle, als würde ich sterben
Keep climbin' the mountain
Klettere weiter den Berg hinauf
Another night I'm barely holdin' on
Eine weitere Nacht, in der ich kaum durchhalte
One step away from being dead and gone
Nur einen Schritt entfernt vom Tod und Vergessen
Am I alive to die another day?
Lebe ich, um einen weiteren Tag zu sterben?
Is this life that I've been livin'
Ist dieses Leben, das ich gelebt habe
All that's meant for me?
Alles, was für mich bestimmt ist?
Every day I'm just survivin'
Jeden Tag überlebe ich nur
Keep climbin' the mountain
Klettere weiter den Berg hinauf
Even when I feel like dyin'
Auch wenn ich mich fühle, als würde ich sterben
Keep climbin' the mountain
Klettere weiter den Berg hinauf
Every time I think I'm over it
Jedes Mal, wenn ich denke, dass ich darüber hinweg bin
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Wache ich wieder ganz unten auf
I'm still survivin', keep climbin'
Ich überlebe immer noch, ich klettere weiter
Keep climbin' the mountain
Klettere weiter den Berg hinauf
The higher I go, the harder I fall
Je höher ich gehe, desto härter falle ich
So I don't look down, I don't look back at all
Also schaue ich nicht nach unten, ich schaue überhaupt nicht zurück
And when I wish it all would turn to black
Und wenn ich mir wünsche, dass alles schwarz wird
I try to see the light and push the darkness back
Versuche ich, das Licht zu sehen und die Dunkelheit zurückzudrängen
Every day I'm just survivin'
Jeden Tag überlebe ich nur
Keep climbin' the mountain
Klettere weiter den Berg hinauf
Even when I feel like dyin'
Auch wenn ich mich fühle, als würde ich sterben
Keep climbin' the mountain
Klettere weiter den Berg hinauf
Every time I think I'm over it
Jedes Mal, wenn ich denke, dass ich darüber hinweg bin
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Wache ich wieder ganz unten auf
I'm still survivin', I keep climbin'
Ich überlebe immer noch, ich klettere weiter
Keep climbin' the mountain
Klettere weiter den Berg hinauf
So If I'm numb, already too far gone
Also, wenn ich taub bin, schon zu weit fort
And If I feel a pulsin', I can carry on
Und wenn ich einen Puls spüre, kann ich weitermachen
When I'm lost and wanna fade away
Wenn ich verloren bin und verschwinden will
I tell myself to live to die another day, yeah
Sage ich mir, dass ich lebe, um einen weiteren Tag zu sterben, ja
Every day I'm just survivin'
Jeden Tag überlebe ich nur
Keep climbin' the mountain
Klettere weiter den Berg hinauf
Even when I feel like dyin'
Auch wenn ich mich fühle, als würde ich sterben
Keep climbin' the mountain
Klettere weiter den Berg hinauf
Every time I think I'm over it
Jedes Mal, wenn ich denke, dass ich darüber hinweg bin
I wake up in the bottom of it all again
Wache ich wieder ganz unten auf
I'm still alive and keep climbin'
Ich lebe immer noch und klettere weiter
Keep climbin' the mountain, the mountain
Klettere weiter den Berg hinauf, den Berg hinauf

Curiosità sulla canzone The Mountain di Three Days Grace

In quali album è stata rilasciata la canzone “The Mountain” di Three Days Grace?
Three Days Grace ha rilasciato la canzone negli album “Outsider” nel 2018, “The Mountain” nel 2018, e “Somebody That I Used To Know EP” nel 2020.
Chi ha composto la canzone “The Mountain” di di Three Days Grace?
La canzone “The Mountain” di di Three Days Grace è stata composta da Neil Sanderson, Brad Walst, Barry Stock, Gavin Brown, Matt Walst, Johnny Andrews.

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