Little Bones

Gordon Downie, Gordon Sinclair, Johnny Fay, Paul Langlois, Robert Baker

Testi Traduzione

It gets so sticky down here
Better butter your cue finger up
It's the start of another new year
Better call the newspaper up
Two fifty for a high ball
And a buck and a half for a beer
Happy hour, happy hour
Happy hour's here

The long days of Shockley are gone
So is football Kennedy style
Famous last words taken all wrong
Wind up on the very same pile
Two fifty for a decade
And a buck and half for a year
Happy hour, happy hour
Happy hour's here

I can cry, beg and whine
To every rebel I find
Just to give me a line
I could use to describe

They'd say, "Baby, eat this chicken slow
It's full of all them little bones"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
It's full of all them little bones"

So regal and decadent here
Coffin cheaters dance on their graves
Music all it's delicate fear
Is the only thing that don't change
Two fifty for an eyeball
And a buck and a half for an ear
Happy hour, happy hour
Happy hour's here

Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired

"Baby, eat this chicken slow
It's full of all them little bones"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
It's full of all them little bones"
Little bones
Full of all them little bones
Little bones

It gets so sticky down here
Diventa così appiccicoso qui sotto
Better butter your cue finger up
Meglio imburrare il tuo dito della stecca
It's the start of another new year
È l'inizio di un altro nuovo anno
Better call the newspaper up
Meglio chiamare il giornale
Two fifty for a high ball
Due cinquanta per un highball
And a buck and a half for a beer
E un dollaro e mezzo per una birra
Happy hour, happy hour
Ora felice, ora felice
Happy hour's here
L'ora felice è qui
The long days of Shockley are gone
I lunghi giorni di Shockley sono finiti
So is football Kennedy style
Così come il football stile Kennedy
Famous last words taken all wrong
Famose ultime parole prese tutte male
Wind up on the very same pile
Finiscono sullo stesso mucchio
Two fifty for a decade
Due cinquanta per un decennio
And a buck and half for a year
E un dollaro e mezzo per un anno
Happy hour, happy hour
Ora felice, ora felice
Happy hour's here
L'ora felice è qui
I can cry, beg and whine
Posso piangere, supplicare e lamentarmi
To every rebel I find
A ogni ribelle che trovo
Just to give me a line
Solo per darmi una linea
I could use to describe
Che potrei usare per descrivere
They'd say, "Baby, eat this chicken slow
Direbbero, "Baby, mangia questo pollo lentamente
It's full of all them little bones"
È pieno di tutte quelle piccole ossa"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Baby, mangia questo pollo lentamente
It's full of all them little bones"
È pieno di tutte quelle piccole ossa"
So regal and decadent here
Così regale e decadente qui
Coffin cheaters dance on their graves
I barare della bara danzano sulle loro tombe
Music all it's delicate fear
La musica con tutto il suo delicato timore
Is the only thing that don't change
È l'unica cosa che non cambia
Two fifty for an eyeball
Due cinquanta per un occhio
And a buck and a half for an ear
E un dollaro e mezzo per un orecchio
Happy hour, happy hour
Ora felice, ora felice
Happy hour's here
L'ora felice è qui
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Beh, niente è morto qui sotto, è solo un po' stanco
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Niente è morto qui sotto, è solo un po' stanco
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Beh, niente è morto qui sotto, è solo un po' stanco
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Niente è morto qui sotto, è solo un po' stanco
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Baby, mangia questo pollo lentamente
It's full of all them little bones"
È pieno di tutte quelle piccole ossa"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Baby, mangia questo pollo lentamente
It's full of all them little bones"
È pieno di tutte quelle piccole ossa"
Little bones
Piccole ossa
Full of all them little bones
Pieno di tutte quelle piccole ossa
Little bones
Piccole ossa
It gets so sticky down here
Fica tão pegajoso aqui embaixo
Better butter your cue finger up
Melhor passar manteiga no dedo da sinuca
It's the start of another new year
É o começo de outro novo ano
Better call the newspaper up
Melhor ligar para o jornal
Two fifty for a high ball
Dois e cinquenta por um highball
And a buck and a half for a beer
E um dólar e meio por uma cerveja
Happy hour, happy hour
Hora feliz, hora feliz
Happy hour's here
A hora feliz chegou
The long days of Shockley are gone
Os longos dias de Shockley se foram
So is football Kennedy style
Assim como o futebol ao estilo Kennedy
Famous last words taken all wrong
Famosas últimas palavras entendidas de forma errada
Wind up on the very same pile
Acabam na mesma pilha
Two fifty for a decade
Dois e cinquenta por uma década
And a buck and half for a year
E um dólar e meio por um ano
Happy hour, happy hour
Hora feliz, hora feliz
Happy hour's here
A hora feliz chegou
I can cry, beg and whine
Eu posso chorar, implorar e reclamar
To every rebel I find
Para cada rebelde que eu encontrar
Just to give me a line
Só para me dar uma linha
I could use to describe
Que eu possa usar para descrever
They'd say, "Baby, eat this chicken slow
Eles diriam, "Baby, coma este frango devagar
It's full of all them little bones"
Está cheio de todos esses pequenos ossos"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Baby, coma este frango devagar
It's full of all them little bones"
Está cheio de todos esses pequenos ossos"
So regal and decadent here
Tão regal e decadente aqui
Coffin cheaters dance on their graves
Trapaceiros de caixão dançam em seus túmulos
Music all it's delicate fear
A música com todo o seu delicado medo
Is the only thing that don't change
É a única coisa que não muda
Two fifty for an eyeball
Dois e cinquenta por um olho
And a buck and a half for an ear
E um dólar e meio por uma orelha
Happy hour, happy hour
Hora feliz, hora feliz
Happy hour's here
A hora feliz chegou
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Bem, nada está morto aqui embaixo, só está um pouco cansado
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Nada está morto aqui embaixo, só está um pouco cansado
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Bem, nada está morto aqui embaixo, só está um pouco cansado
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Nada está morto aqui embaixo, só está um pouco cansado
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Baby, coma este frango devagar
It's full of all them little bones"
Está cheio de todos esses pequenos ossos"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Baby, coma este frango devagar
It's full of all them little bones"
Está cheio de todos esses pequenos ossos"
Little bones
Pequenos ossos
Full of all them little bones
Cheio de todos esses pequenos ossos
Little bones
Pequenos ossos
It gets so sticky down here
Se pone tan pegajoso aquí abajo
Better butter your cue finger up
Mejor unta tu dedo de señalar
It's the start of another new year
Es el comienzo de otro nuevo año
Better call the newspaper up
Mejor llama al periódico
Two fifty for a high ball
Dos cincuenta por un trago fuerte
And a buck and a half for a beer
Y un dólar y medio por una cerveza
Happy hour, happy hour
Hora feliz, hora feliz
Happy hour's here
La hora feliz está aquí
The long days of Shockley are gone
Los largos días de Shockley se han ido
So is football Kennedy style
Al igual que el fútbol al estilo Kennedy
Famous last words taken all wrong
Las famosas últimas palabras mal interpretadas
Wind up on the very same pile
Acaban en la misma pila
Two fifty for a decade
Dos cincuenta por una década
And a buck and half for a year
Y un dólar y medio por un año
Happy hour, happy hour
Hora feliz, hora feliz
Happy hour's here
La hora feliz está aquí
I can cry, beg and whine
Puedo llorar, suplicar y quejarme
To every rebel I find
A cada rebelde que encuentre
Just to give me a line
Solo para darme una línea
I could use to describe
Que podría usar para describir
They'd say, "Baby, eat this chicken slow
Dirían, "Cariño, come este pollo despacio
It's full of all them little bones"
Está lleno de todos esos huesitos"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Cariño, come este pollo despacio
It's full of all them little bones"
Está lleno de todos esos huesitos"
So regal and decadent here
Tan regio y decadente aquí
Coffin cheaters dance on their graves
Los tramposos de ataúdes bailan en sus tumbas
Music all it's delicate fear
La música con todo su delicado miedo
Is the only thing that don't change
Es lo único que no cambia
Two fifty for an eyeball
Dos cincuenta por un ojo
And a buck and a half for an ear
Y un dólar y medio por una oreja
Happy hour, happy hour
Hora feliz, hora feliz
Happy hour's here
La hora feliz está aquí
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Bueno, nada está muerto aquí abajo, solo está un poco cansado
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Nada está muerto aquí abajo, solo está un poco cansado
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Bueno, nada está muerto aquí abajo, solo está un poco cansado
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Nada está muerto aquí abajo, solo está un poco cansado
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Cariño, come este pollo despacio
It's full of all them little bones"
Está lleno de todos esos huesitos"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Cariño, come este pollo despacio
It's full of all them little bones"
Está lleno de todos esos huesitos"
Little bones
Full of all them little bones
Lleno de todos esos huesitos
Little bones
It gets so sticky down here
Ça devient tellement collant ici
Better butter your cue finger up
Mieux vaut beurrer ton doigt de queue
It's the start of another new year
C'est le début d'une autre nouvelle année
Better call the newspaper up
Mieux vaut appeler le journal
Two fifty for a high ball
Deux cinquante pour un highball
And a buck and a half for a beer
Et un dollar et demi pour une bière
Happy hour, happy hour
Heure heureuse, heure heureuse
Happy hour's here
L'heure heureuse est là
The long days of Shockley are gone
Les longs jours de Shockley sont révolus
So is football Kennedy style
Tout comme le football à la Kennedy
Famous last words taken all wrong
Les derniers mots célèbres pris tout de travers
Wind up on the very same pile
Se retrouvent sur le même tas
Two fifty for a decade
Deux cinquante pour une décennie
And a buck and half for a year
Et un dollar et demi pour une année
Happy hour, happy hour
Heure heureuse, heure heureuse
Happy hour's here
L'heure heureuse est là
I can cry, beg and whine
Je peux pleurer, supplier et me plaindre
To every rebel I find
À chaque rebelle que je trouve
Just to give me a line
Juste pour me donner une ligne
I could use to describe
Que je pourrais utiliser pour décrire
They'd say, "Baby, eat this chicken slow
Ils diraient, "Bébé, mange ce poulet lentement
It's full of all them little bones"
Il est plein de tous ces petits os"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Bébé, mange ce poulet lentement
It's full of all them little bones"
Il est plein de tous ces petits os"
So regal and decadent here
Si royal et décadent ici
Coffin cheaters dance on their graves
Les tricheurs de cercueil dansent sur leurs tombes
Music all it's delicate fear
La musique avec toute sa peur délicate
Is the only thing that don't change
Est la seule chose qui ne change pas
Two fifty for an eyeball
Deux cinquante pour un œil
And a buck and a half for an ear
Et un dollar et demi pour une oreille
Happy hour, happy hour
Heure heureuse, heure heureuse
Happy hour's here
L'heure heureuse est là
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Eh bien, rien n'est mort ici, c'est juste un peu fatigué
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Rien n'est mort ici, c'est juste un peu fatigué
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Eh bien, rien n'est mort ici, c'est juste un peu fatigué
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Rien n'est mort ici, c'est juste un peu fatigué
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Bébé, mange ce poulet lentement
It's full of all them little bones"
Il est plein de tous ces petits os"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Bébé, mange ce poulet lentement
It's full of all them little bones"
Il est plein de tous ces petits os"
Little bones
Petits os
Full of all them little bones
Plein de tous ces petits os
Little bones
Petits os
It gets so sticky down here
Es wird so klebrig hier unten
Better butter your cue finger up
Buttere besser deinen Queue-Finger ein
It's the start of another new year
Es ist der Beginn eines neuen Jahres
Better call the newspaper up
Ruf besser die Zeitung an
Two fifty for a high ball
Zwei fünfzig für einen hohen Ball
And a buck and a half for a beer
Und eineinhalb Dollar für ein Bier
Happy hour, happy hour
Happy Hour, Happy Hour
Happy hour's here
Die Happy Hour ist da
The long days of Shockley are gone
Die langen Tage von Shockley sind vorbei
So is football Kennedy style
Genau wie Football im Kennedy-Stil
Famous last words taken all wrong
Berühmte letzte Worte ganz falsch verstanden
Wind up on the very same pile
landen auf dem gleichen Haufen
Two fifty for a decade
Zwei fünfzig für ein Jahrzehnt
And a buck and half for a year
Und eineinhalb Dollar für ein Jahr
Happy hour, happy hour
Happy Hour, Happy Hour
Happy hour's here
Die Happy Hour ist da
I can cry, beg and whine
Ich kann weinen, betteln und jammern
To every rebel I find
Jedem Rebellen, den ich finde
Just to give me a line
Nur um mir eine Zeile zu geben
I could use to describe
Den ich beschreiben kann
They'd say, "Baby, eat this chicken slow
Sie würden sagen: „Baby, iss dieses Hühnchen langsam
It's full of all them little bones"
Es ist voll von all den kleinen Gräten“
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
„Baby, iss dieses Hühnchen langsam
It's full of all them little bones"
Es ist voll von all den kleinen Knochen“
So regal and decadent here
So königlich und dekadent hier
Coffin cheaters dance on their graves
Sargbetrüger tanzen auf ihren Gräbern
Music all it's delicate fear
Musik und ihre zarte Angst
Is the only thing that don't change
Ist das Einzige, was sich nicht ändert
Two fifty for an eyeball
Zwei fünfzig für einen Augapfel
And a buck and a half for an ear
Und anderthalb Dollar für ein Ohr
Happy hour, happy hour
Happy Hour, Happy Hour
Happy hour's here
Die Happy Hour ist da
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Hier unten ist nichts tot, es ist nur ein bisschen müde
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Hier unten ist nichts tot, es ist nur ein bisschen müde
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Hier unten ist nichts tot, es ist nur ein bisschen müde
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Hier unten ist nichts tot, es ist nur ein bisschen müde
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
„Baby, iss dieses Hühnchen langsam
It's full of all them little bones"
Es ist voll von all den kleinen Knochen“
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
„Baby, iss dieses Hühnchen langsam
It's full of all them little bones"
Es ist voll von all den kleinen Knochen“
Little bones
Kleine Knochen
Full of all them little bones
Voll von all den kleinen Knochen
Little bones
Kleine Knochen
It gets so sticky down here
Ini menjadi begitu lengket di sini
Better butter your cue finger up
Lebih baik olesi jari cue Anda
It's the start of another new year
Ini adalah awal tahun baru lagi
Better call the newspaper up
Lebih baik hubungi koran
Two fifty for a high ball
Dua lima puluh untuk high ball
And a buck and a half for a beer
Dan satu setengah dolar untuk bir
Happy hour, happy hour
Jam bahagia, jam bahagia
Happy hour's here
Jam bahagia di sini
The long days of Shockley are gone
Hari-hari panjang Shockley telah berlalu
So is football Kennedy style
Begitu juga sepak bola ala Kennedy
Famous last words taken all wrong
Kata-kata terakhir yang terkenal diambil dengan salah
Wind up on the very same pile
Berakhir di tumpukan yang sama
Two fifty for a decade
Dua lima puluh untuk satu dekade
And a buck and half for a year
Dan satu setengah dolar untuk setahun
Happy hour, happy hour
Jam bahagia, jam bahagia
Happy hour's here
Jam bahagia di sini
I can cry, beg and whine
Aku bisa menangis, memohon dan merengek
To every rebel I find
Kepada setiap pemberontak yang kutemui
Just to give me a line
Hanya untuk memberi aku sebuah baris
I could use to describe
Yang bisa aku gunakan untuk mendeskripsikan
They'd say, "Baby, eat this chicken slow
Mereka akan bilang, "Sayang, makan ayam ini pelan-pelan
It's full of all them little bones"
Ini penuh dengan semua tulang kecil itu"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Sayang, makan ayam ini pelan-pelan
It's full of all them little bones"
Ini penuh dengan semua tulang kecil itu"
So regal and decadent here
Begitu megah dan dekadensi di sini
Coffin cheaters dance on their graves
Pengecut pengecut menari di atas kuburan mereka
Music all it's delicate fear
Musik dengan semua ketakutan yang halus
Is the only thing that don't change
Adalah satu-satunya hal yang tidak berubah
Two fifty for an eyeball
Dua lima puluh untuk sebuah bola mata
And a buck and a half for an ear
Dan satu setengah dolar untuk sebuah telinga
Happy hour, happy hour
Jam bahagia, jam bahagia
Happy hour's here
Jam bahagia di sini
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Nah, tidak ada yang mati di sini, hanya sedikit lelah
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Tidak ada yang mati di sini, hanya sedikit lelah
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Nah, tidak ada yang mati di sini, hanya sedikit lelah
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Tidak ada yang mati di sini, hanya sedikit lelah
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Sayang, makan ayam ini pelan-pelan
It's full of all them little bones"
Ini penuh dengan semua tulang kecil itu"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"Sayang, makan ayam ini pelan-pelan
It's full of all them little bones"
Ini penuh dengan semua tulang kecil itu"
Little bones
Tulang kecil
Full of all them little bones
Penuh dengan semua tulang kecil itu
Little bones
Tulang kecil
It gets so sticky down here
Better butter your cue finger up
It's the start of another new year
Better call the newspaper up
Two fifty for a high ball
สองร้อยห้าสิบสำหรับ high ball
And a buck and a half for a beer
Happy hour, happy hour
ชั่วโมงที่มีความสุข, ชั่วโมงที่มีความสุข
Happy hour's here
The long days of Shockley are gone
วันยาวๆ ของ Shockley ได้สิ้นสุดลงแล้ว
So is football Kennedy style
เช่นเดียวกับฟุตบอลแบบ Kennedy
Famous last words taken all wrong
คำพูดสุดท้ายที่เ famous ถูกเข้าใจผิด
Wind up on the very same pile
Two fifty for a decade
And a buck and half for a year
Happy hour, happy hour
ชั่วโมงที่มีความสุข, ชั่วโมงที่มีความสุข
Happy hour's here
I can cry, beg and whine
ฉันสามารถร้องไห้, ขอร้องและร้องไห้
To every rebel I find
Just to give me a line
I could use to describe
They'd say, "Baby, eat this chicken slow
พวกเขาจะพูดว่า, "เบบี้, กินไก่ช้าๆ นะ
It's full of all them little bones"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"เบบี้, กินไก่ช้าๆ นะ
It's full of all them little bones"
So regal and decadent here
Coffin cheaters dance on their graves
Music all it's delicate fear
Is the only thing that don't change
Two fifty for an eyeball
สองร้อยห้าสิบสำหรับ eyeball
And a buck and a half for an ear
Happy hour, happy hour
ชั่วโมงที่มีความสุข, ชั่วโมงที่มีความสุข
Happy hour's here
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
อะไรก็ตามที่ไม่ตายที่นี่, มันแค่เหนื่อยหน่อย
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
อะไรก็ตามที่ไม่ตายที่นี่, มันแค่เหนื่อยหน่อย
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
อะไรก็ตามที่ไม่ตายที่นี่, มันแค่เหนื่อยหน่อย
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
อะไรก็ตามที่ไม่ตายที่นี่, มันแค่เหนื่อยหน่อย
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"เบบี้, กินไก่ช้าๆ นะ
It's full of all them little bones"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
"เบบี้, กินไก่ช้าๆ นะ
It's full of all them little bones"
Little bones
Full of all them little bones
Little bones
It gets so sticky down here
Better butter your cue finger up
It's the start of another new year
Better call the newspaper up
Two fifty for a high ball
And a buck and a half for a beer
Happy hour, happy hour
Happy hour's here
The long days of Shockley are gone
So is football Kennedy style
Famous last words taken all wrong
Wind up on the very same pile
Two fifty for a decade
And a buck and half for a year
Happy hour, happy hour
Happy hour's here
I can cry, beg and whine
To every rebel I find
Just to give me a line
I could use to describe
They'd say, "Baby, eat this chicken slow
It's full of all them little bones"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
It's full of all them little bones"
So regal and decadent here
Coffin cheaters dance on their graves
Music all it's delicate fear
Is the only thing that don't change
Two fifty for an eyeball
And a buck and a half for an ear
Happy hour, happy hour
Happy hour's here
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
Nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
It's full of all them little bones"
"Baby, eat this chicken slow
It's full of all them little bones"
Little bones
Full of all them little bones
Little bones

Curiosità sulla canzone Little Bones di The Tragically Hip

In quali album è stata rilasciata la canzone “Little Bones” di The Tragically Hip?
The Tragically Hip ha rilasciato la canzone negli album “Road Apples” nel 1991, “Fully Completely” nel 1992, “Live from the Vault Vol. 4 - La Luna Brussels, Belgique” nel 1994, “Hipenonymous” nel 2005, “Yer Favourites” nel 2005, e “Live at the Roxy” nel 2022.
Chi ha composto la canzone “Little Bones” di di The Tragically Hip?
La canzone “Little Bones” di di The Tragically Hip è stata composta da Gordon Downie, Gordon Sinclair, Johnny Fay, Paul Langlois, Robert Baker.

Canzoni più popolari di The Tragically Hip

Altri artisti di Pop rock