Infinite Content

Jude Frankum, David Russo

Don't forget who started this shit
This isn’t music, it's a podcast [lol]
Alright, let's do it Jude...

2012, 2013
Sat on the floor broke on the dole
Licking ladybirds, cigs and booze, making tunes
So desperate and dreamless
One of Tony Blair’s lost children
Sat in the pouring rain beneath a tree
Zero hour contract misery
That was me
The white lads have it hard too you know
So get fucked
Lydon, Mark E, Morrissey, Liam, Wiley, Zomby
Then it was meant to be HKE
Now see the working class get squeezed out
What happened to the northern powerhouse?
Thеy slap you down if your accent's scouse
Even Livеrpool's owned by the fuckin yanks
When Rafa spit the facts i was ready for war
When Origi scored i didn't blink

2016, 2017
All these rich kid cunts stole my birthright
Satanic cunts in stilettos playing diva
PC music glasses wearing nonces
Hyperpop hypercapitalist spastics
Goldsmiths wankers who don't know shit
Shoving plastic up their arse on coke
Brainless infinity head dickheads
London toff cunts dressed down in rags
This generation of fucking freaks with glassed eyes
Porn addict pillheads humping the bed
Left is right and right is dead

2018, 2019
Generation Y me?
Millenial ghouls lost in the infinite like Kierkegaard
Lost in your own head like Kierkagaard
Too scared to kiss a girl like Kierkagaard
Have sex, get married, have kids, get flap'd
You fuckin pussies
You fucking zealous mongs
Be here right now
Twitter brained fucking smackheads
Google eyed gecko brain divs
Vaporwave plastic wanking cunts, wanking [lol]
Why'd andrew ryce stop covering HKE?
Because of that woke cunt who wrote a hit piece
Too raw, got dropped off NTS
While a Japanese princess lectures me my politics
She's on all the aristocrat sponsored Spotify playlists
Sleaford mods with their pantomine Johnny Rotten shit
About as punk as Mumford and Sons
Hopping on calls with soulless balding cunts
All sat around with your soya cappucinos and pain au chocolat
Pret a Manger spastic motherfucker
Kensington High Street liberal fuckers
Piss off
It’s all vaporwave
Planet vaporwave [lol]

2020, 2021
Dreampunk dreams are best done outside in the rain
Get off the screen and feel it
Watch the city lights flicker on the skyline
These pyramid towers built with old money
Old money makes for old music
They say the House of Windsor isn’t black enough [lol]
What a fucking travesty
Go have a moan about it on the BBC
Wearin your trabs sewn by third world slaves
Then they tell the plebs to stay at home smoking pot
Don't move, play your video games
You get 10 free games this month
Stay at home, don’t move
Free trials of Netflix so get your dicks in your hands
Don't move, it's infinite content
Don't do shit, we gotta save the environment
But fuck infinity it’s a lie
And I mean that
Anxiety never goes even if you lie
Boundlessness is an error of language
Only dimwit fuckers need a void to thrive
So don't t- [lol]
So don't talk to HKE about genre you fucking pisshead yank
When you're the one living inside my nightmare
But i'm not a solipsist, i'm not that stupid
II the world is a dream, then what is its context?

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