Chemtrails & Paperplanes
What about
What about us spending time
Watching chemtrails in the sky
What about
What about
What about
Spending time
Watching chemtrails and paper planes, honey
What about
What about
What about
What about
Us spending time
Watching chemtrails and paper planes, honey
Can’t turn back time
But that’s more than fine to me
Can’t turn back time
But that’s more than fine to me
Got a new dream
And it’s just like the the old dream
Switching channels for new things
Jumbo jets are the new thing
Keep moving
My bloodstream
It feels odd
And the sunbeams
They are melting my icе cream
Keep shining
What about
What about us spending time
Watching chеmtrails in the sky
What about
What about
What about
Spending time
Watching chemtrails and paper planes, honey
What about
What about
What about
What about
Us spending time
Watching chemtrails and paper planes, honey
What about
What about
What about
Spending time
Watching chemtrails and paper planes, honey
Can’t turn back time
But that’s more than fine to me
Can’t turn back time
But that’s more than fine to me