
Andreas Rudolf Kisser, Igor Cavalera, Massimiliano A. Cavalera, Paulo Xisto Jr. Pinto

Testi Traduzione

Friday, October 2nd, 1992

Chaos has descended in Carandiru, the biggest penitentiary complex in south America
Over a hundred inmates dead and hundreds injured on the massacre
The police arrived with helicopters and over two hundred armed forces

They took the jail block called Pavilhão Nove and opened fire on the inmates
In a holocaust, method of annihilation
The government of the city of São Paulo cannot control the brutality of its police

Holocaust, body piles
Confrontation, mutilation
Discipline, ignorance
Conflagration, torture

Over eighty percent of the inmates were not sentenced yet
The bodies were filled with bullets and bites from the police dogs
The police try to hide the massacre saying there were only eight deaths
The violence of Brazilian cops is very well known outside of brazil
This kind of extermination is a method that they use to get rid of
the Overpopulation in the jails
The violence of the cops left the whole pavilion destroyed after the rebellion
Pavilhão Nove

Friday, October 2nd, 1992
Venerdì 2 Ottobre 1992
Chaos has descended in Carandiru, the biggest penitentiary complex in south America
Il caos è sceso a Carandiru, il più grande complesso penitenziario del Sud America
Over a hundred inmates dead and hundreds injured on the massacre
Oltre cento detenuti morti e centinaia feriti nel massacro
The police arrived with helicopters and over two hundred armed forces
La polizia è arrivata con elicotteri e oltre duecento forze armate
They took the jail block called Pavilhão Nove and opened fire on the inmates
Hanno preso il blocco carcerario chiamato Pavilhão Nove e hanno aperto il fuoco sui detenuti
In a holocaust, method of annihilation
In un olocausto, metodo di annientamento
The government of the city of São Paulo cannot control the brutality of its police
Il governo della città di San Paolo non può controllare la brutalità della sua polizia
Holocaust, body piles
Olocausto, pile di corpi
Confrontation, mutilation
Confronto, mutilazione
Discipline, ignorance
Disciplina, ignoranza
Conflagration, torture
Incendio, tortura
Over eighty percent of the inmates were not sentenced yet
Oltre l'ottanta percento dei detenuti non era ancora stato condannato
The bodies were filled with bullets and bites from the police dogs
I corpi erano pieni di proiettili e morsi dei cani della polizia
The police try to hide the massacre saying there were only eight deaths
La polizia cerca di nascondere il massacro dicendo che ci sono state solo otto morti
The violence of Brazilian cops is very well known outside of brazil
La violenza dei poliziotti brasiliani è molto conosciuta al di fuori del Brasile
This kind of extermination is a method that they use to get rid of
Questo tipo di sterminio è un metodo che usano per sbarazzarsi
the Overpopulation in the jails
della sovrappopolazione nelle carceri
The violence of the cops left the whole pavilion destroyed after the rebellion
La violenza dei poliziotti ha lasciato tutto il padiglione distrutto dopo la rivolta
Pavilhão Nove
Pavilhão Nove
Friday, October 2nd, 1992
Sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 1992
Chaos has descended in Carandiru, the biggest penitentiary complex in south America
O caos se instalou no Carandiru, o maior complexo penitenciário da América do Sul
Over a hundred inmates dead and hundreds injured on the massacre
Mais de cem detentos mortos e centenas feridos no massacre
The police arrived with helicopters and over two hundred armed forces
A polícia chegou com helicópteros e mais de duzentas forças armadas
They took the jail block called Pavilhão Nove and opened fire on the inmates
Eles tomaram o bloco da prisão chamado Pavilhão Nove e abriram fogo contra os detentos
In a holocaust, method of annihilation
Em um holocausto, método de aniquilação
The government of the city of São Paulo cannot control the brutality of its police
O governo da cidade de São Paulo não consegue controlar a brutalidade de sua polícia
Holocaust, body piles
Holocausto, pilhas de corpos
Confrontation, mutilation
Confronto, mutilação
Discipline, ignorance
Disciplina, ignorância
Conflagration, torture
Conflagração, tortura
Over eighty percent of the inmates were not sentenced yet
Mais de oitenta por cento dos detentos ainda não foram condenados
The bodies were filled with bullets and bites from the police dogs
Os corpos estavam cheios de balas e mordidas dos cães da polícia
The police try to hide the massacre saying there were only eight deaths
A polícia tenta esconder o massacre dizendo que houve apenas oito mortes
The violence of Brazilian cops is very well known outside of brazil
A violência dos policiais brasileiros é muito conhecida fora do Brasil
This kind of extermination is a method that they use to get rid of
Esse tipo de extermínio é um método que eles usam para se livrar
the Overpopulation in the jails
da superpopulação nas prisões
The violence of the cops left the whole pavilion destroyed after the rebellion
A violência dos policiais deixou todo o pavilhão destruído após a rebelião
Pavilhão Nove
Pavilhão Nove
Friday, October 2nd, 1992
Viernes, 2 de octubre de 1992
Chaos has descended in Carandiru, the biggest penitentiary complex in south America
El caos ha descendido en Carandiru, el complejo penitenciario más grande de Sudamérica
Over a hundred inmates dead and hundreds injured on the massacre
Más de cien reclusos muertos y cientos heridos en la masacre
The police arrived with helicopters and over two hundred armed forces
La policía llegó con helicópteros y más de doscientas fuerzas armadas
They took the jail block called Pavilhão Nove and opened fire on the inmates
Tomaron el bloque de la cárcel llamado Pavilhão Nove y abrieron fuego contra los reclusos
In a holocaust, method of annihilation
En un holocausto, método de aniquilación
The government of the city of São Paulo cannot control the brutality of its police
El gobierno de la ciudad de São Paulo no puede controlar la brutalidad de su policía
Holocaust, body piles
Holocausto, pilas de cuerpos
Confrontation, mutilation
Confrontación, mutilación
Discipline, ignorance
Disciplina, ignorancia
Conflagration, torture
Conflagración, tortura
Over eighty percent of the inmates were not sentenced yet
Más del ochenta por ciento de los reclusos aún no habían sido condenados
The bodies were filled with bullets and bites from the police dogs
Los cuerpos estaban llenos de balas y mordeduras de los perros policías
The police try to hide the massacre saying there were only eight deaths
La policía intenta ocultar la masacre diciendo que solo hubo ocho muertes
The violence of Brazilian cops is very well known outside of brazil
La violencia de los policías brasileños es muy conocida fuera de Brasil
This kind of extermination is a method that they use to get rid of
Este tipo de exterminio es un método que utilizan para deshacerse de
the Overpopulation in the jails
la sobrepoblación en las cárceles
The violence of the cops left the whole pavilion destroyed after the rebellion
La violencia de los policías dejó todo el pabellón destruido después de la rebelión
Pavilhão Nove
Pavilhão Nove
Friday, October 2nd, 1992
Vendredi 2 octobre 1992
Chaos has descended in Carandiru, the biggest penitentiary complex in south America
Le chaos s'est abattu sur Carandiru, le plus grand complexe pénitentiaire d'Amérique du Sud
Over a hundred inmates dead and hundreds injured on the massacre
Plus d'une centaine de détenus morts et des centaines de blessés dans le massacre
The police arrived with helicopters and over two hundred armed forces
La police est arrivée avec des hélicoptères et plus de deux cents forces armées
They took the jail block called Pavilhão Nove and opened fire on the inmates
Ils ont pris le bloc de la prison appelé Pavilhão Nove et ont ouvert le feu sur les détenus
In a holocaust, method of annihilation
Dans un holocauste, méthode d'annihilation
The government of the city of São Paulo cannot control the brutality of its police
Le gouvernement de la ville de São Paulo ne peut pas contrôler la brutalité de sa police
Holocaust, body piles
Holocauste, piles de corps
Confrontation, mutilation
Confrontation, mutilation
Discipline, ignorance
Discipline, ignorance
Conflagration, torture
Incendie, torture
Over eighty percent of the inmates were not sentenced yet
Plus de quatre-vingts pour cent des détenus n'avaient pas encore été condamnés
The bodies were filled with bullets and bites from the police dogs
Les corps étaient remplis de balles et de morsures des chiens de police
The police try to hide the massacre saying there were only eight deaths
La police essaie de cacher le massacre en disant qu'il n'y a eu que huit morts
The violence of Brazilian cops is very well known outside of brazil
La violence des policiers brésiliens est très bien connue en dehors du Brésil
This kind of extermination is a method that they use to get rid of
Ce genre d'extermination est une méthode qu'ils utilisent pour se débarrasser de
the Overpopulation in the jails
la surpopulation dans les prisons
The violence of the cops left the whole pavilion destroyed after the rebellion
La violence des policiers a laissé tout le pavillon détruit après la rébellion
Pavilhão Nove
Pavilhão Nove
Friday, October 2nd, 1992
Freitag, 2. Oktober 1992
Chaos has descended in Carandiru, the biggest penitentiary complex in south America
Chaos ist in Carandiru ausgebrochen, dem größten Gefängniskomplex in Südamerika
Over a hundred inmates dead and hundreds injured on the massacre
Über hundert Insassen sind tot und hunderte verletzt nach dem Massaker
The police arrived with helicopters and over two hundred armed forces
Die Polizei kam mit Hubschraubern und über zweihundert bewaffneten Kräften
They took the jail block called Pavilhão Nove and opened fire on the inmates
Sie nahmen den Gefängnisblock namens Pavilhão Nove ein und eröffneten das Feuer auf die Insassen
In a holocaust, method of annihilation
In einem Holocaust, Methode der Vernichtung
The government of the city of São Paulo cannot control the brutality of its police
Die Regierung der Stadt São Paulo kann die Brutalität ihrer Polizei nicht kontrollieren
Holocaust, body piles
Holocaust, Leichenhaufen
Confrontation, mutilation
Konfrontation, Verstümmelung
Discipline, ignorance
Disziplin, Ignoranz
Conflagration, torture
Brandstiftung, Folter
Over eighty percent of the inmates were not sentenced yet
Über achtzig Prozent der Insassen waren noch nicht verurteilt
The bodies were filled with bullets and bites from the police dogs
Die Körper waren durchlöchert von Kugeln und Bissen der Polizeihunde
The police try to hide the massacre saying there were only eight deaths
Die Polizei versucht, das Massaker zu vertuschen, indem sie sagt, es habe nur acht Todesfälle gegeben
The violence of Brazilian cops is very well known outside of brazil
Die Gewalt der brasilianischen Polizisten ist außerhalb Brasiliens sehr bekannt
This kind of extermination is a method that they use to get rid of
Diese Art der Ausrottung ist eine Methode, die sie verwenden, um
the Overpopulation in the jails
die Überbevölkerung in den Gefängnissen loszuwerden
The violence of the cops left the whole pavilion destroyed after the rebellion
Die Gewalt der Polizisten hat den gesamten Pavillon nach dem Aufstand zerstört
Pavilhão Nove
Pavilhão Nove
Friday, October 2nd, 1992
Jumat, 2 Oktober 1992
Chaos has descended in Carandiru, the biggest penitentiary complex in south America
Kekacauan telah melanda Carandiru, kompleks penjara terbesar di Amerika Selatan
Over a hundred inmates dead and hundreds injured on the massacre
Lebih dari seratus narapidana tewas dan ratusan lainnya terluka dalam pembantaian tersebut
The police arrived with helicopters and over two hundred armed forces
Polisi datang dengan helikopter dan lebih dari dua ratus pasukan bersenjata
They took the jail block called Pavilhão Nove and opened fire on the inmates
Mereka mengambil alih blok penjara yang disebut Pavilhão Nove dan membuka api pada para narapidana
In a holocaust, method of annihilation
Dalam sebuah holocaust, metode pemusnahan
The government of the city of São Paulo cannot control the brutality of its police
Pemerintah kota São Paulo tidak dapat mengendalikan kebrutalan polisinya
Holocaust, body piles
Holocaust, tumpukan mayat
Confrontation, mutilation
Konfrontasi, mutilasi
Discipline, ignorance
Disiplin, ketidaktahuan
Conflagration, torture
Pembakaran, penyiksaan
Over eighty percent of the inmates were not sentenced yet
Lebih dari delapan puluh persen narapidana belum dijatuhi hukuman
The bodies were filled with bullets and bites from the police dogs
Tubuh-tubuh dipenuhi dengan peluru dan gigitan dari anjing polisi
The police try to hide the massacre saying there were only eight deaths
Polisi mencoba menyembunyikan pembantaian dengan mengatakan hanya ada delapan kematian
The violence of Brazilian cops is very well known outside of brazil
Kekerasan polisi Brasil sangat dikenal di luar negeri
This kind of extermination is a method that they use to get rid of
Jenis pemusnahan ini adalah metode yang mereka gunakan untuk mengatasi
the Overpopulation in the jails
kelebihan populasi di penjara
The violence of the cops left the whole pavilion destroyed after the rebellion
Kekerasan polisi meninggalkan seluruh paviliun hancur setelah pemberontakan
Pavilhão Nove
Pavilhão Nove
Friday, October 2nd, 1992
วันศุกร์ที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2535
Chaos has descended in Carandiru, the biggest penitentiary complex in south America
ความโกลาหลได้เกิดขึ้นที่คารันดิรู ซึ่งเป็นเรือนจำที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในอเมริกาใต้
Over a hundred inmates dead and hundreds injured on the massacre
The police arrived with helicopters and over two hundred armed forces
They took the jail block called Pavilhão Nove and opened fire on the inmates
พวกเขาเข้ายึดตึกเรือนจำที่เรียกว่า ปาวิลเญา โนเว และเปิดฉากยิงใส่ผู้ต้องขัง
In a holocaust, method of annihilation
The government of the city of São Paulo cannot control the brutality of its police
Holocaust, body piles
การทำลายล้าง, กองศพ
Confrontation, mutilation
การเผชิญหน้า, การทำให้พิการ
Discipline, ignorance
วินัย, ความไม่รู้
Conflagration, torture
การเผาไหม้, การทรมาน
Over eighty percent of the inmates were not sentenced yet
The bodies were filled with bullets and bites from the police dogs
The police try to hide the massacre saying there were only eight deaths
The violence of Brazilian cops is very well known outside of brazil
This kind of extermination is a method that they use to get rid of
the Overpopulation in the jails
The violence of the cops left the whole pavilion destroyed after the rebellion
Pavilhão Nove
ปาวิลเญา โนเว

Curiosità sulla canzone Manifest di Sepultura

Quando è stata rilasciata la canzone “Manifest” di Sepultura?
La canzone Manifest è stata rilasciata nel 1993, nell’album “Chaos A.D.”.
Chi ha composto la canzone “Manifest” di di Sepultura?
La canzone “Manifest” di di Sepultura è stata composta da Andreas Rudolf Kisser, Igor Cavalera, Massimiliano A. Cavalera, Paulo Xisto Jr. Pinto.

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