
Michael Mills, Michael Stipe, Peter Buck

Testi Traduzione

Hey now, take your pills and
Hey now, make your breakfast
Hey now, comb your hair and off to work
Crash land, no illusions, no collision, no intrusion
My imagination runs away

I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me

I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
I am flying on a star, star, star
I will make it through the day
And then the day becomes the night
I will make it through the night

Hey now, take the U-Bahn, five stops, change the station
Hey now, don't forget that change will save you
Hey now, count a thousand-million people, that's astounding
Chasing through the city with their stars on bright

I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me

I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
I am flying on a star, star, star
I will make it through the day
And then the day becomes the night
I will make it through the night

I don't mind repeating, I am not complete
I have never been the gifted type
Hey, man, tell me something, are you off to somewhere?
Do you want to go with me tonight?

I know, I know, I know that this is changing
We walk the streets to feel the ground I'm chasing: ÜBerlin

I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
I am flying on a star, star, star
I will make it through the day
And then the day becomes the night
I will make it through the night

Hey now, take your pills and
Ehi ora, prendi le tue pillole e
Hey now, make your breakfast
Ehi ora, prepara la tua colazione
Hey now, comb your hair and off to work
Ehi ora, pettina i tuoi capelli e vai al lavoro
Crash land, no illusions, no collision, no intrusion
Atterraggio di emergenza, nessuna illusione, nessuna collisione, nessuna intrusione
My imagination runs away
La mia immaginazione scappa
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Lo so, lo so, lo so cosa sto inseguendo
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Lo so, lo so, lo so che questo mi sta cambiando
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Sto volando su una stella in un meteorite stasera
I am flying on a star, star, star
Sto volando su una stella, stella, stella
I will make it through the day
Ce la farò durante il giorno
And then the day becomes the night
E poi il giorno diventa la notte
I will make it through the night
Ce la farò durante la notte
Hey now, take the U-Bahn, five stops, change the station
Ehi ora, prendi la U-Bahn, cinque fermate, cambia stazione
Hey now, don't forget that change will save you
Ehi ora, non dimenticare che il cambiamento ti salverà
Hey now, count a thousand-million people, that's astounding
Ehi ora, conta un miliardo di persone, è sorprendente
Chasing through the city with their stars on bright
Inseguendo attraverso la città con le loro stelle accese
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Lo so, lo so, lo so cosa sto inseguendo
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Lo so, lo so, lo so che questo mi sta cambiando
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Sto volando su una stella in un meteorite stasera
I am flying on a star, star, star
Sto volando su una stella, stella, stella
I will make it through the day
Ce la farò durante il giorno
And then the day becomes the night
E poi il giorno diventa la notte
I will make it through the night
Ce la farò durante la notte
I don't mind repeating, I am not complete
Non mi dispiace ripetere, non sono completo
I have never been the gifted type
Non sono mai stato il tipo dotato
Hey, man, tell me something, are you off to somewhere?
Ehi, uomo, dimmi qualcosa, stai andando da qualche parte?
Do you want to go with me tonight?
Vuoi venire con me stasera?
I know, I know, I know that this is changing
Lo so, lo so, lo so che questo sta cambiando
We walk the streets to feel the ground I'm chasing: ÜBerlin
Camminiamo per le strade per sentire il terreno che sto inseguendo: ÜBerlin
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Sto volando su una stella in un meteorite stasera
I am flying on a star, star, star
Sto volando su una stella, stella, stella
I will make it through the day
Ce la farò durante il giorno
And then the day becomes the night
E poi il giorno diventa la notte
I will make it through the night
Ce la farò durante la notte
Hey now, take your pills and
Ei agora, tome suas pílulas e
Hey now, make your breakfast
Ei agora, faça seu café da manhã
Hey now, comb your hair and off to work
Ei agora, penteie seu cabelo e vá para o trabalho
Crash land, no illusions, no collision, no intrusion
Pouso forçado, sem ilusões, sem colisão, sem intrusão
My imagination runs away
Minha imaginação foge
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Eu sei, eu sei, eu sei o que estou perseguindo
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Eu sei, eu sei, eu sei que isso está me mudando
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Estou voando em uma estrela para um meteoro esta noite
I am flying on a star, star, star
Estou voando em uma estrela, estrela, estrela
I will make it through the day
Eu vou passar o dia
And then the day becomes the night
E então o dia se torna a noite
I will make it through the night
Eu vou passar a noite
Hey now, take the U-Bahn, five stops, change the station
Ei agora, pegue o U-Bahn, cinco paradas, mude a estação
Hey now, don't forget that change will save you
Ei agora, não se esqueça que a mudança vai te salvar
Hey now, count a thousand-million people, that's astounding
Ei agora, conte mil milhões de pessoas, isso é surpreendente
Chasing through the city with their stars on bright
Correndo pela cidade com suas estrelas brilhando
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Eu sei, eu sei, eu sei o que estou perseguindo
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Eu sei, eu sei, eu sei que isso está me mudando
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Estou voando em uma estrela para um meteoro esta noite
I am flying on a star, star, star
Estou voando em uma estrela, estrela, estrela
I will make it through the day
Eu vou passar o dia
And then the day becomes the night
E então o dia se torna a noite
I will make it through the night
Eu vou passar a noite
I don't mind repeating, I am not complete
Não me importo de repetir, eu não estou completo
I have never been the gifted type
Nunca fui do tipo talentoso
Hey, man, tell me something, are you off to somewhere?
Ei, cara, me diga algo, você está indo para algum lugar?
Do you want to go with me tonight?
Você quer ir comigo esta noite?
I know, I know, I know that this is changing
Eu sei, eu sei, eu sei que isso está mudando
We walk the streets to feel the ground I'm chasing: ÜBerlin
Andamos pelas ruas para sentir o chão que estou perseguindo: ÜBerlin
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Estou voando em uma estrela para um meteoro esta noite
I am flying on a star, star, star
Estou voando em uma estrela, estrela, estrela
I will make it through the day
Eu vou passar o dia
And then the day becomes the night
E então o dia se torna a noite
I will make it through the night
Eu vou passar a noite
Hey now, take your pills and
Oye ahora, toma tus pastillas y
Hey now, make your breakfast
Oye ahora, prepara tu desayuno
Hey now, comb your hair and off to work
Oye ahora, peina tu cabello y a trabajar
Crash land, no illusions, no collision, no intrusion
Aterrizaje forzoso, sin ilusiones, sin colisiones, sin intrusiones
My imagination runs away
Mi imaginación se escapa
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Lo sé, lo sé, lo sé lo que estoy persiguiendo
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Lo sé, lo sé, lo sé que esto me está cambiando
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Estoy volando en una estrella hacia un meteoro esta noche
I am flying on a star, star, star
Estoy volando en una estrella, estrella, estrella
I will make it through the day
Lo superaré durante el día
And then the day becomes the night
Y luego el día se convierte en la noche
I will make it through the night
Lo superaré durante la noche
Hey now, take the U-Bahn, five stops, change the station
Oye ahora, toma el U-Bahn, cinco paradas, cambia de estación
Hey now, don't forget that change will save you
Oye ahora, no olvides que el cambio te salvará
Hey now, count a thousand-million people, that's astounding
Oye ahora, cuenta mil millones de personas, eso es asombroso
Chasing through the city with their stars on bright
Persiguiendo por la ciudad con sus estrellas brillantes
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Lo sé, lo sé, lo sé lo que estoy persiguiendo
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Lo sé, lo sé, lo sé que esto me está cambiando
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Estoy volando en una estrella hacia un meteoro esta noche
I am flying on a star, star, star
Estoy volando en una estrella, estrella, estrella
I will make it through the day
Lo superaré durante el día
And then the day becomes the night
Y luego el día se convierte en la noche
I will make it through the night
Lo superaré durante la noche
I don't mind repeating, I am not complete
No me importa repetir, no estoy completo
I have never been the gifted type
Nunca he sido del tipo dotado
Hey, man, tell me something, are you off to somewhere?
Oye, hombre, dime algo, ¿vas a algún lugar?
Do you want to go with me tonight?
¿Quieres ir conmigo esta noche?
I know, I know, I know that this is changing
Lo sé, lo sé, lo sé que esto está cambiando
We walk the streets to feel the ground I'm chasing: ÜBerlin
Caminamos por las calles para sentir el suelo que estoy persiguiendo: ÜBerlin
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Estoy volando en una estrella hacia un meteoro esta noche
I am flying on a star, star, star
Estoy volando en una estrella, estrella, estrella
I will make it through the day
Lo superaré durante el día
And then the day becomes the night
Y luego el día se convierte en la noche
I will make it through the night
Lo superaré durante la noche
Hey now, take your pills and
Hé maintenant, prends tes pilules et
Hey now, make your breakfast
Hé maintenant, prépare ton petit déjeuner
Hey now, comb your hair and off to work
Hé maintenant, peigne tes cheveux et au travail
Crash land, no illusions, no collision, no intrusion
Atterrissage forcé, pas d'illusions, pas de collision, pas d'intrusion
My imagination runs away
Mon imagination s'envole
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Je sais, je sais, je sais ce que je poursuis
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Je sais, je sais, je sais que cela me change
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Je vole sur une étoile dans un météore ce soir
I am flying on a star, star, star
Je vole sur une étoile, étoile, étoile
I will make it through the day
Je vais passer la journée
And then the day becomes the night
Et puis le jour devient la nuit
I will make it through the night
Je vais passer la nuit
Hey now, take the U-Bahn, five stops, change the station
Hé maintenant, prends le U-Bahn, cinq arrêts, change de station
Hey now, don't forget that change will save you
Hé maintenant, n'oublie pas que le changement te sauvera
Hey now, count a thousand-million people, that's astounding
Hé maintenant, compte un millier de millions de personnes, c'est stupéfiant
Chasing through the city with their stars on bright
Courir à travers la ville avec leurs étoiles brillantes
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Je sais, je sais, je sais ce que je poursuis
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Je sais, je sais, je sais que cela me change
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Je vole sur une étoile dans un météore ce soir
I am flying on a star, star, star
Je vole sur une étoile, étoile, étoile
I will make it through the day
Je vais passer la journée
And then the day becomes the night
Et puis le jour devient la nuit
I will make it through the night
Je vais passer la nuit
I don't mind repeating, I am not complete
Ça ne me dérange pas de répéter, je ne suis pas complet
I have never been the gifted type
Je n'ai jamais été du type doué
Hey, man, tell me something, are you off to somewhere?
Hé, mec, dis-moi quelque chose, tu pars quelque part ?
Do you want to go with me tonight?
Veux-tu venir avec moi ce soir ?
I know, I know, I know that this is changing
Je sais, je sais, je sais que cela change
We walk the streets to feel the ground I'm chasing: ÜBerlin
Nous parcourons les rues pour sentir le sol que je poursuis : ÜBerlin
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Je vole sur une étoile dans un météore ce soir
I am flying on a star, star, star
Je vole sur une étoile, étoile, étoile
I will make it through the day
Je vais passer la journée
And then the day becomes the night
Et puis le jour devient la nuit
I will make it through the night
Je vais passer la nuit
Hey now, take your pills and
Hey jetzt, nimm deine Pillen und
Hey now, make your breakfast
Hey jetzt, mach dein Frühstück
Hey now, comb your hair and off to work
Hey jetzt, kämme dein Haar und ab zur Arbeit
Crash land, no illusions, no collision, no intrusion
Absturzlandung, keine Illusionen, keine Kollision, keine Störung
My imagination runs away
Meine Fantasie läuft davon
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Ich weiß, ich weiß, ich weiß, was ich verfolge
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Ich weiß, ich weiß, ich weiß, dass das mich verändert
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Ich fliege auf einem Stern in einen Meteoriten heute Nacht
I am flying on a star, star, star
Ich fliege auf einem Stern, Stern, Stern
I will make it through the day
Ich werde den Tag überstehen
And then the day becomes the night
Und dann wird der Tag zur Nacht
I will make it through the night
Ich werde die Nacht überstehen
Hey now, take the U-Bahn, five stops, change the station
Hey jetzt, nimm die U-Bahn, fünf Haltestellen, wechsle die Station
Hey now, don't forget that change will save you
Hey jetzt, vergiss nicht, dass Veränderung dich retten wird
Hey now, count a thousand-million people, that's astounding
Hey jetzt, zähle tausend Millionen Menschen, das ist erstaunlich
Chasing through the city with their stars on bright
Jagen durch die Stadt mit ihren hellen Sternen
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Ich weiß, ich weiß, ich weiß, was ich verfolge
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Ich weiß, ich weiß, ich weiß, dass das mich verändert
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Ich fliege auf einem Stern in einen Meteoriten heute Nacht
I am flying on a star, star, star
Ich fliege auf einem Stern, Stern, Stern
I will make it through the day
Ich werde den Tag überstehen
And then the day becomes the night
Und dann wird der Tag zur Nacht
I will make it through the night
Ich werde die Nacht überstehen
I don't mind repeating, I am not complete
Es macht mir nichts aus zu wiederholen, ich bin nicht vollständig
I have never been the gifted type
Ich war noch nie der begabte Typ
Hey, man, tell me something, are you off to somewhere?
Hey, Mann, sag mir etwas, bist du auf dem Weg irgendwohin?
Do you want to go with me tonight?
Willst du heute Abend mit mir gehen?
I know, I know, I know that this is changing
Ich weiß, ich weiß, ich weiß, dass das sich verändert
We walk the streets to feel the ground I'm chasing: ÜBerlin
Wir gehen die Straßen entlang, um den Boden zu fühlen, den ich verfolge: ÜBerlin
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Ich fliege auf einem Stern in einen Meteoriten heute Nacht
I am flying on a star, star, star
Ich fliege auf einem Stern, Stern, Stern
I will make it through the day
Ich werde den Tag überstehen
And then the day becomes the night
Und dann wird der Tag zur Nacht
I will make it through the night
Ich werde die Nacht überstehen
Hey now, take your pills and
Hei sekarang, minum obatmu dan
Hey now, make your breakfast
Hei sekarang, buat sarapanmu
Hey now, comb your hair and off to work
Hei sekarang, sisir rambutmu dan berangkat kerja
Crash land, no illusions, no collision, no intrusion
Mendarat keras, tanpa ilusi, tanpa tabrakan, tanpa gangguan
My imagination runs away
Imajinasiku melarikan diri
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Aku tahu, aku tahu, aku tahu apa yang aku kejar
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Aku tahu, aku tahu, aku tahu ini mengubahku
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Aku terbang di atas bintang menuju meteor malam ini
I am flying on a star, star, star
Aku terbang di atas bintang, bintang, bintang
I will make it through the day
Aku akan berhasil melewati hari ini
And then the day becomes the night
Dan kemudian hari berubah menjadi malam
I will make it through the night
Aku akan berhasil melewati malam itu
Hey now, take the U-Bahn, five stops, change the station
Hei sekarang, naik U-Bahn, lima pemberhentian, ganti stasiun
Hey now, don't forget that change will save you
Hei sekarang, jangan lupa bahwa perubahan akan menyelamatkanmu
Hey now, count a thousand-million people, that's astounding
Hei sekarang, hitung seribu-juta orang, itu menakjubkan
Chasing through the city with their stars on bright
Berlari melintasi kota dengan bintang mereka yang bersinar terang
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
Aku tahu, aku tahu, aku tahu apa yang aku kejar
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
Aku tahu, aku tahu, aku tahu ini mengubahku
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Aku terbang di atas bintang menuju meteor malam ini
I am flying on a star, star, star
Aku terbang di atas bintang, bintang, bintang
I will make it through the day
Aku akan berhasil melewati hari ini
And then the day becomes the night
Dan kemudian hari berubah menjadi malam
I will make it through the night
Aku akan berhasil melewati malam itu
I don't mind repeating, I am not complete
Aku tidak keberatan mengulang, aku belum lengkap
I have never been the gifted type
Aku tidak pernah menjadi tipe yang berbakat
Hey, man, tell me something, are you off to somewhere?
Hei, teman, katakan sesuatu, apakah kamu akan ke suatu tempat?
Do you want to go with me tonight?
Apakah kamu ingin pergi bersamaku malam ini?
I know, I know, I know that this is changing
Aku tahu, aku tahu, aku tahu ini mengubah
We walk the streets to feel the ground I'm chasing: ÜBerlin
Kami berjalan di jalan untuk merasakan tanah yang aku kejar: ÜBerlin
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
Aku terbang di atas bintang menuju meteor malam ini
I am flying on a star, star, star
Aku terbang di atas bintang, bintang, bintang
I will make it through the day
Aku akan berhasil melewati hari ini
And then the day becomes the night
Dan kemudian hari berubah menjadi malam
I will make it through the night
Aku akan berhasil melewati malam itu
Hey now, take your pills and
เฮ้ ตอนนี้ กินยาของคุณสิ
Hey now, make your breakfast
เฮ้ ตอนนี้ ทำอาหารเช้าของคุณ
Hey now, comb your hair and off to work
เฮ้ ตอนนี้ หวีผมและไปทำงาน
Crash land, no illusions, no collision, no intrusion
ตกลงมา ไม่มีภาพลวงตา ไม่มีการชน ไม่มีการรุกราน
My imagination runs away
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
ฉันรู้ ฉันรู้ ฉันรู้ว่าฉันกำลังไล่ตามอะไร
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
ฉันรู้ ฉันรู้ ฉันรู้ว่าสิ่งนี้กำลังเปลี่ยนแปลงฉัน
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
I am flying on a star, star, star
ฉันกำลังบินบนดาว ดาว ดาว
I will make it through the day
And then the day becomes the night
I will make it through the night
Hey now, take the U-Bahn, five stops, change the station
เฮ้ ตอนนี้ ขึ้นรถไฟใต้ดิน U-Bahn ไปห้าสถานี เปลี่ยนสถานี
Hey now, don't forget that change will save you
เฮ้ ตอนนี้ อย่าลืมว่าการเปลี่ยนแปลงจะช่วยคุณได้
Hey now, count a thousand-million people, that's astounding
เฮ้ ตอนนี้ นับคนหนึ่งพันล้านคน นั่นน่าทึ่งมาก
Chasing through the city with their stars on bright
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
ฉันรู้ ฉันรู้ ฉันรู้ว่าฉันกำลังไล่ตามอะไร
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
ฉันรู้ ฉันรู้ ฉันรู้ว่าสิ่งนี้กำลังเปลี่ยนแปลงฉัน
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
I am flying on a star, star, star
ฉันกำลังบินบนดาว ดาว ดาว
I will make it through the day
And then the day becomes the night
I will make it through the night
I don't mind repeating, I am not complete
ฉันไม่รังเกียจที่จะทำซ้ำ ฉันไม่สมบูรณ์
I have never been the gifted type
Hey, man, tell me something, are you off to somewhere?
เฮ้ คุณ บอกฉันบางอย่างสิ คุณกำลังจะไปที่ไหนเหรอ?
Do you want to go with me tonight?
I know, I know, I know that this is changing
ฉันรู้ ฉันรู้ ฉันรู้ว่าสิ่งนี้กำลังเปลี่ยนแปลง
We walk the streets to feel the ground I'm chasing: ÜBerlin
เราเดินบนถนนเพื่อรู้สึกถึงพื้นที่ฉันกำลังไล่ตาม: อูเบอร์ลิน
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
I am flying on a star, star, star
ฉันกำลังบินบนดาว ดาว ดาว
I will make it through the day
And then the day becomes the night
I will make it through the night
Hey now, take your pills and
Hey now, make your breakfast
Hey now, comb your hair and off to work
Crash land, no illusions, no collision, no intrusion
My imagination runs away
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
I am flying on a star, star, star
I will make it through the day
And then the day becomes the night
I will make it through the night
Hey now, take the U-Bahn, five stops, change the station
Hey now, don't forget that change will save you
Hey now, count a thousand-million people, that's astounding
Chasing through the city with their stars on bright
I know, I know, I know what I am chasing
I know, I know, I know that this is changing me
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
I am flying on a star, star, star
I will make it through the day
And then the day becomes the night
I will make it through the night
I don't mind repeating, I am not complete
I have never been the gifted type
Hey, man, tell me something, are you off to somewhere?
Do you want to go with me tonight?
I know, I know, I know that this is changing
We walk the streets to feel the ground I'm chasing: ÜBerlin
I am flying on a star into a meteor tonight
I am flying on a star, star, star
I will make it through the day
And then the day becomes the night
I will make it through the night

Curiosità sulla canzone Überlin di R.E.M.

In quali album è stata rilasciata la canzone “Überlin” di R.E.M.?
R.E.M. ha rilasciato la canzone negli album “Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage 1982-2011” nel 2011 e “Collapse Into Now” nel 2011.
Chi ha composto la canzone “Überlin” di di R.E.M.?
La canzone “Überlin” di di R.E.M. è stata composta da Michael Mills, Michael Stipe, Peter Buck.

Canzoni più popolari di R.E.M.

Altri artisti di Alternative rock