Lover of My Soul [Album]
Jesus You're the lover of my soul
From the very first time I heard about You
That You loved me so
I began to feel a little strange
I couldn't understand a thing
But as time goes on it felt so good
To know that You love me so much
Oh Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
Yeah eh eh eh Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
Let me hear you say of my soul
Eh I didn't know that there's someone who'd ever love me like He does
Oh how You care for me
And now I have a sound reason
To give Him all of my praise
And now I can start to praise His Name
Now and for the rest of my life
Oh Jesus You are the Lover of my soul
Oh oh oh oh oh Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
You are my Help my Shield the Giver of life
Though I stumble though I stumble I will not fall for You hold my hand
To You oh Lord to You oh Lord I lift up my soul and my heart
I love You
Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
Yeah eh eh eh eh Jesus Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
Nobody like you nobody like you none compares to Him Jesus
Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
King of kings El Shaddai Prince of Peace Jesus
Jesus, You're the Lover of my soul
Jehovah Prince of Peace Oh Jesus
Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
Nobody like You Jesus
None can compare to You Jesus
You brought me out of a deep muddy clay
Placed my feet on the rock to stay
Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
What manner of love is this
That You would lay Your life down just for me
Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
Demons tremble at the mention of that Name Jesus
Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
None could ever compare to You
None could ever compare to You
Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
Where would I be without You
Where would I be without You Jesus
Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
You have won my affection You've captured my heart
Oh what love is this Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
I'm so grateful I'm so grateful I'm so grateful for You Jesus
Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
For the Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower
The righteous run in and they are safe
Jesus Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus You're the Lover of my soul
Jesus Yes You are
Yes You are Jesus
Yes You are Jesus
Yes You are Jesus Jesus You're the Lover of my soul