Let Your Glory

Let Your glory and Your presence
Come and fill this place now
Come and fill my heart now

Let Your glory and Your presence
Come and fill this place (Come and fill this place now)
Fill my heart now (Come and fill my heart now)

Your glory Lord (Let Your glory)
And Your Presence (And Your Presence)
Come and fill this place (Come and fill this place now)
Come and fill my heart (Come and fill my heart now)

Sivuselele (Sivuselele)
Oh sivuselele (Sivuselele)
Simakade sivuselele (Sivuselele)
Oh sivuselele (Sivuselele)

Let Your glory
And Your Presence (And Your Presence)
Come and fill this place (Come and fill this place now)
We need you to fill our hearts Lord (Come and fill my heart now)

Your glory (Let Your glory)
And Your Presence Lord (And Your Presence)
Come and fill this place (Come and fill this place now)
Won't you fill our hearts Lord (Come and fill my heart now)

Sivuselele (Sivuselele)
Sivuselele Simakade (Sivuselele)
Siyayiding'imvuselelo (Sivuselele)
Oh sivuselele (Sivuselele)

Let Your glory
And Your Presence (And Your Presence)
Won't you come and fill this place (Come and fill this place now)
Come and fill my heart Lord (Come and fill my heart now)

We need Your glory (Let Your glory)
And Your Presence Lord (And Your Presence)
Come and fill this place (Come and fill this place now)
Come and fill my heart Lord (Come and fill my heart now)

Siyayiding'imvuselelo Bawo (Sivuselele)
Thixo Bawo sivuselele (Sivuselele)
Sivuselele (Sivuselele)
Siyayiding'imvuselelo (Sivuselele)

Come and fill this place Lord (Come and fill this place now)
Come and fill my heart (Come and fill my heart now)
Jesus, Jesus, we need You (Come and fill this place now)
To come and fill my heart (Come and fill my heart now)

Your glory, Your presence
Is what we need now (Come and fill this place now)
Come and fill my heart now (Come and fill my heart now)

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