
Tuomas Holopainen

Testi Traduzione

Before you my home was in the wind and surf
The birds and rain, voices of the northern lights
Then you came, I joined you beyond the aeons
As you blew, your cave bear bone and began to hum, ah

Eradicate the torment of a heavy heart
Emancipate the deaf
Sing the graceful third part
Then orchestrate an air for only you to sing
Caress it deep
It's always there to unlock the stars
To enter

Fanning the flames of a mystery
Deepening the listening, losing
Yourself to the endless symphony of now

You want to dream? Want a tale in major scale?
Where you wish to leave the hollow, to dance with Pan?
Can you hear the brave drum from the moors?
Follow the beat and leave the noise behind if we be lovers

Performance starts, come join the gathering
And you will leave with a wildflower aftertaste
Become the kind who still laughs at butterflies
Give me a home inside you until the final thank you and good night

Fanning the flames of a mystery
Deepening the listening, losing
Yourself to the endless symphony of now

Singing the tale of another man
Have you ever heard music?
It is coming, coming, coming your way
The very first song

In here
I am the silence of sound
You're gonna curing the common show
For the steady song
There, I'll greet the greedy crowd
But will never
Never, ever sing to them

Time stops
Follow me into the fog
To the hilltop
Follow the call sky-clad
Evoke the hum
Allure the sirens
All it took was time and silence

Fanning the flames of a mystery
Deepening the listening, losing
Yourself to the endless symphony of now

Fanning the flames of a mystery
Deepening the listening, losing
Yourself to the endless symphony of now

Singing the tale of another man
Have you felt it in yourself, the music?
It is coming, coming, coming your way the very first song

Before you my home was in the wind and surf
Prima di te, la mia casa era nel vento e nelle onde
The birds and rain, voices of the northern lights
Gli uccelli e la pioggia, voci delle luci del nord
Then you came, I joined you beyond the aeons
Poi sei arrivato, ti ho raggiunto oltre gli eoni
As you blew, your cave bear bone and began to hum, ah
Mentre soffiavi, il tuo osso d'orso delle caverne e hai iniziato a canticchiare, ah
Eradicate the torment of a heavy heart
Eradica il tormento di un cuore pesante
Emancipate the deaf
Emancipa il sordo
Sing the graceful third part
Canta la graziosa terza parte
Then orchestrate an air for only you to sing
Poi orchestra un'aria per te solo da cantare
Caress it deep
Accarezzalo profondamente
It's always there to unlock the stars
È sempre lì per sbloccare le stelle
To enter
Per entrare
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Alimentando le fiamme di un mistero
Deepening the listening, losing
Approfondendo l'ascolto, perdendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Te stesso nella sinfonia infinita di adesso
You want to dream? Want a tale in major scale?
Vuoi sognare? Vuoi una storia in scala maggiore?
Where you wish to leave the hollow, to dance with Pan?
Dove desideri lasciare il vuoto, per danzare con Pan?
Can you hear the brave drum from the moors?
Puoi sentire il coraggioso tamburo dalle brughiere?
Follow the beat and leave the noise behind if we be lovers
Segui il ritmo e lascia il rumore dietro se saremo amanti
Performance starts, come join the gathering
Inizia lo spettacolo, unisciti alla riunione
And you will leave with a wildflower aftertaste
E andrai via con un retrogusto di fiore selvatico
Become the kind who still laughs at butterflies
Diventa il tipo che ride ancora alle farfalle
Give me a home inside you until the final thank you and good night
Dammi una casa dentro di te fino al definitivo grazie e buonanotte
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Alimentando le fiamme di un mistero
Deepening the listening, losing
Approfondendo l'ascolto, perdendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Te stesso nella sinfonia infinita di adesso
Singing the tale of another man
Cantando la storia di un altro uomo
Have you ever heard music?
Hai mai sentito la musica?
It is coming, coming, coming your way
Sta arrivando, arrivando, arrivando da te
The very first song
La primissima canzone
In here
Qui dentro
I am the silence of sound
Io sono il silenzio del suono
You're gonna curing the common show
Stai per curare lo spettacolo comune
For the steady song
Per la canzone costante
There, I'll greet the greedy crowd
Lì, saluterò la folla avida
But will never
Ma non canterò mai
Never, ever sing to them
Mai, mai per loro
Time stops
Il tempo si ferma
Follow me into the fog
Seguimi nella nebbia
To the hilltop
Sulla cima della collina
Follow the call sky-clad
Segui il richiamo nudo
Evoke the hum
Evochi il ronzio
Allure the sirens
Attira le sirene
All it took was time and silence
Tutto ciò che ci voleva era tempo e silenzio
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Alimentando le fiamme di un mistero
Deepening the listening, losing
Approfondendo l'ascolto, perdendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Te stesso nella sinfonia infinita di adesso
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Alimentando le fiamme di un mistero
Deepening the listening, losing
Approfondendo l'ascolto, perdendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Te stesso nella sinfonia infinita di adesso
Singing the tale of another man
Cantando la storia di un altro uomo
Have you felt it in yourself, the music?
L'hai sentito in te stesso, la musica?
It is coming, coming, coming your way the very first song
Sta arrivando, arrivando, arrivando da te la primissima canzone
Before you my home was in the wind and surf
Antes de você, minha casa estava no vento e na ondulação
The birds and rain, voices of the northern lights
Os pássaros e a chuva, vozes das luzes do norte
Then you came, I joined you beyond the aeons
Então você veio, eu me juntei a você além dos éons
As you blew, your cave bear bone and began to hum, ah
Enquanto você soprava, seu osso de urso das cavernas e começava a zumbir, ah
Eradicate the torment of a heavy heart
Erradique o tormento de um coração pesado
Emancipate the deaf
Emancipe o surdo
Sing the graceful third part
Cante a graciosa terceira parte
Then orchestrate an air for only you to sing
Então orquestre um ar para apenas você cantar
Caress it deep
Acaricie profundamente
It's always there to unlock the stars
Está sempre lá para desbloquear as estrelas
To enter
Para entrar
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Alimentando as chamas de um mistério
Deepening the listening, losing
Aprofundando a escuta, perdendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Você mesmo para a sinfonia infinita do agora
You want to dream? Want a tale in major scale?
Você quer sonhar? Quer uma história em escala maior?
Where you wish to leave the hollow, to dance with Pan?
Onde você deseja deixar o vazio, para dançar com Pan?
Can you hear the brave drum from the moors?
Você consegue ouvir o tambor corajoso dos pântanos?
Follow the beat and leave the noise behind if we be lovers
Siga o ritmo e deixe o barulho para trás se formos amantes
Performance starts, come join the gathering
A performance começa, venha se juntar à reunião
And you will leave with a wildflower aftertaste
E você sairá com um gosto de flor selvagem
Become the kind who still laughs at butterflies
Torne-se o tipo que ainda ri das borboletas
Give me a home inside you until the final thank you and good night
Dê-me um lar dentro de você até o último obrigado e boa noite
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Alimentando as chamas de um mistério
Deepening the listening, losing
Aprofundando a escuta, perdendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Você mesmo para a sinfonia infinita do agora
Singing the tale of another man
Cantando a história de outro homem
Have you ever heard music?
Você já ouviu música?
It is coming, coming, coming your way
Está vindo, vindo, vindo em sua direção
The very first song
A primeira música
In here
I am the silence of sound
Eu sou o silêncio do som
You're gonna curing the common show
Você vai curar o show comum
For the steady song
Para a música constante
There, I'll greet the greedy crowd
Lá, vou cumprimentar a multidão gananciosa
But will never
Mas nunca
Never, ever sing to them
Nunca, nunca cantarei para eles
Time stops
O tempo para
Follow me into the fog
Siga-me para a névoa
To the hilltop
Para o topo da colina
Follow the call sky-clad
Siga o chamado do céu
Evoke the hum
Evoque o zumbido
Allure the sirens
Atraia as sereias
All it took was time and silence
Tudo o que precisava era tempo e silêncio
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Alimentando as chamas de um mistério
Deepening the listening, losing
Aprofundando a escuta, perdendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Você mesmo para a sinfonia infinita do agora
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Alimentando as chamas de um mistério
Deepening the listening, losing
Aprofundando a escuta, perdendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Você mesmo para a sinfonia infinita do agora
Singing the tale of another man
Cantando a história de outro homem
Have you felt it in yourself, the music?
Você já sentiu em si mesmo, a música?
It is coming, coming, coming your way the very first song
Está vindo, vindo, vindo em sua direção a primeira música
Before you my home was in the wind and surf
Antes de ti, mi hogar estaba en el viento y las olas
The birds and rain, voices of the northern lights
Los pájaros y la lluvia, voces de las luces del norte
Then you came, I joined you beyond the aeons
Luego llegaste, me uní a ti más allá de los eones
As you blew, your cave bear bone and began to hum, ah
Mientras soplabas, tu hueso de oso de las cavernas y comenzaste a tararear, ah
Eradicate the torment of a heavy heart
Erradica el tormento de un corazón pesado
Emancipate the deaf
Emancipa al sordo
Sing the graceful third part
Canta la elegante tercera parte
Then orchestrate an air for only you to sing
Luego orquesta un aire para que solo tú cantes
Caress it deep
Acarícialo profundamente
It's always there to unlock the stars
Siempre está ahí para desbloquear las estrellas
To enter
Para entrar
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Avivando las llamas de un misterio
Deepening the listening, losing
Profundizando la escucha, perdiendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
A ti mismo en la sinfín sinfonía del ahora
You want to dream? Want a tale in major scale?
¿Quieres soñar? ¿Quieres un cuento en escala mayor?
Where you wish to leave the hollow, to dance with Pan?
¿Dónde deseas dejar el vacío, para bailar con Pan?
Can you hear the brave drum from the moors?
¿Puedes oír el valiente tambor de los páramos?
Follow the beat and leave the noise behind if we be lovers
Sigue el ritmo y deja el ruido atrás si somos amantes
Performance starts, come join the gathering
Comienza la actuación, ven a unirte a la reunión
And you will leave with a wildflower aftertaste
Y te irás con un regusto a flor silvestre
Become the kind who still laughs at butterflies
Conviértete en el tipo que todavía se ríe de las mariposas
Give me a home inside you until the final thank you and good night
Dame un hogar dentro de ti hasta el último gracias y buenas noches
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Avivando las llamas de un misterio
Deepening the listening, losing
Profundizando la escucha, perdiendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
A ti mismo en la sinfín sinfonía del ahora
Singing the tale of another man
Cantando el cuento de otro hombre
Have you ever heard music?
¿Has escuchado alguna vez música?
It is coming, coming, coming your way
Está llegando, llegando, llegando a tu camino
The very first song
La primera canción
In here
I am the silence of sound
Soy el silencio del sonido
You're gonna curing the common show
Vas a curar el espectáculo común
For the steady song
Para la canción constante
There, I'll greet the greedy crowd
Allí, saludaré a la multitud codiciosa
But will never
Pero nunca
Never, ever sing to them
Nunca, nunca les cantaré
Time stops
El tiempo se detiene
Follow me into the fog
Sígueme en la niebla
To the hilltop
Hasta la cima de la colina
Follow the call sky-clad
Sigue el llamado desnudo al cielo
Evoke the hum
Evoque el zumbido
Allure the sirens
Atrae a las sirenas
All it took was time and silence
Todo lo que se necesitó fue tiempo y silencio
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Avivando las llamas de un misterio
Deepening the listening, losing
Profundizando la escucha, perdiendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
A ti mismo en la sinfín sinfonía del ahora
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Avivando las llamas de un misterio
Deepening the listening, losing
Profundizando la escucha, perdiendo
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
A ti mismo en la sinfín sinfonía del ahora
Singing the tale of another man
Cantando el cuento de otro hombre
Have you felt it in yourself, the music?
¿Lo has sentido en ti mismo, la música?
It is coming, coming, coming your way the very first song
Está llegando, llegando, llegando a tu camino la primera canción
Before you my home was in the wind and surf
Avant toi, ma maison était dans le vent et les vagues
The birds and rain, voices of the northern lights
Les oiseaux et la pluie, les voix des aurores boréales
Then you came, I joined you beyond the aeons
Puis tu es venu, je t'ai rejoint au-delà des éons
As you blew, your cave bear bone and began to hum, ah
Alors que tu soufflais, ton os d'ours des cavernes et tu as commencé à fredonner, ah
Eradicate the torment of a heavy heart
Éradique le tourment d'un cœur lourd
Emancipate the deaf
Émancipe les sourds
Sing the graceful third part
Chante la gracieuse troisième partie
Then orchestrate an air for only you to sing
Puis orchestre un air que toi seul peux chanter
Caress it deep
Caresses-le profondément
It's always there to unlock the stars
Il est toujours là pour déverrouiller les étoiles
To enter
Pour entrer
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Attisant les flammes d'un mystère
Deepening the listening, losing
Approfondissant l'écoute, perdant
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Toi-même dans la symphonie sans fin du présent
You want to dream? Want a tale in major scale?
Tu veux rêver ? Veux-tu une histoire en majeur ?
Where you wish to leave the hollow, to dance with Pan?
Où tu souhaites quitter le creux, pour danser avec Pan ?
Can you hear the brave drum from the moors?
Peux-tu entendre le tambour courageux des landes ?
Follow the beat and leave the noise behind if we be lovers
Suis le rythme et laisse le bruit derrière si nous sommes amoureux
Performance starts, come join the gathering
Le spectacle commence, viens rejoindre le rassemblement
And you will leave with a wildflower aftertaste
Et tu partiras avec un goût de fleur sauvage
Become the kind who still laughs at butterflies
Deviens celui qui rit encore des papillons
Give me a home inside you until the final thank you and good night
Donne-moi une maison en toi jusqu'au dernier merci et bonne nuit
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Attisant les flammes d'un mystère
Deepening the listening, losing
Approfondissant l'écoute, perdant
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Toi-même dans la symphonie sans fin du présent
Singing the tale of another man
Chantant l'histoire d'un autre homme
Have you ever heard music?
As-tu déjà entendu de la musique ?
It is coming, coming, coming your way
Elle arrive, arrive, arrive dans ta direction
The very first song
La toute première chanson
In here
I am the silence of sound
Je suis le silence du son
You're gonna curing the common show
Tu vas guérir le spectacle commun
For the steady song
Pour la chanson régulière
There, I'll greet the greedy crowd
Là, je saluerai la foule avide
But will never
Mais je ne chanterai jamais
Never, ever sing to them
Jamais, jamais pour eux
Time stops
Le temps s'arrête
Follow me into the fog
Suis-moi dans le brouillard
To the hilltop
Jusqu'au sommet de la colline
Follow the call sky-clad
Suis l'appel nu
Evoke the hum
Évoque le bourdonnement
Allure the sirens
Séduis les sirènes
All it took was time and silence
Tout ce qu'il a fallu, c'est du temps et du silence
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Attisant les flammes d'un mystère
Deepening the listening, losing
Approfondissant l'écoute, perdant
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Toi-même dans la symphonie sans fin du présent
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Attisant les flammes d'un mystère
Deepening the listening, losing
Approfondissant l'écoute, perdant
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Toi-même dans la symphonie sans fin du présent
Singing the tale of another man
Chantant l'histoire d'un autre homme
Have you felt it in yourself, the music?
L'as-tu ressenti en toi, la musique ?
It is coming, coming, coming your way the very first song
Elle arrive, arrive, arrive dans ta direction la toute première chanson
Before you my home was in the wind and surf
Bevor du kamst, war mein Zuhause im Wind und in der Brandung
The birds and rain, voices of the northern lights
Die Vögel und der Regen, Stimmen des Nordlichts
Then you came, I joined you beyond the aeons
Dann kamst du, ich schloss mich dir jenseits der Äonen an
As you blew, your cave bear bone and began to hum, ah
Als du bliesst, deine Höhlenbärenknochen und begannst zu summen, ah
Eradicate the torment of a heavy heart
Eradiziere die Qual eines schweren Herzens
Emancipate the deaf
Befreie die Tauben
Sing the graceful third part
Sing den anmutigen dritten Teil
Then orchestrate an air for only you to sing
Dann orchestriere eine Melodie, die nur du singen kannst
Caress it deep
Streichle sie tief
It's always there to unlock the stars
Sie ist immer da, um die Sterne zu öffnen
To enter
Zum Eintreten
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Die Flammen eines Geheimnisses schürend
Deepening the listening, losing
Das Zuhören vertiefend, verlierend
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Dich selbst in der endlosen Symphonie des Jetzt
You want to dream? Want a tale in major scale?
Willst du träumen? Willst du eine Geschichte in Dur?
Where you wish to leave the hollow, to dance with Pan?
Wo du das Leere verlassen möchtest, um mit Pan zu tanzen?
Can you hear the brave drum from the moors?
Hörst du die mutige Trommel von den Mooren?
Follow the beat and leave the noise behind if we be lovers
Folge dem Beat und lass den Lärm hinter dir, wenn wir Liebende sind
Performance starts, come join the gathering
Die Vorstellung beginnt, komm und schließe dich der Versammlung an
And you will leave with a wildflower aftertaste
Und du wirst mit einem Geschmack von Wildblumen gehen
Become the kind who still laughs at butterflies
Werde derjenige, der immer noch über Schmetterlinge lacht
Give me a home inside you until the final thank you and good night
Gib mir ein Zuhause in dir, bis zum letzten Dankeschön und gute Nacht
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Die Flammen eines Geheimnisses schürend
Deepening the listening, losing
Das Zuhören vertiefend, verlierend
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Dich selbst in der endlosen Symphonie des Jetzt
Singing the tale of another man
Die Geschichte eines anderen Mannes singend
Have you ever heard music?
Hast du jemals Musik gehört?
It is coming, coming, coming your way
Sie kommt, kommt, kommt auf dich zu
The very first song
Das allererste Lied
In here
Hier drinnen
I am the silence of sound
Ich bin die Stille des Klangs
You're gonna curing the common show
Du wirst die gewöhnliche Show heilen
For the steady song
Für das stetige Lied
There, I'll greet the greedy crowd
Dort werde ich die gierige Menge begrüßen
But will never
Aber werde niemals
Never, ever sing to them
Niemals, niemals für sie singen
Time stops
Die Zeit hält an
Follow me into the fog
Folge mir in den Nebel
To the hilltop
Zum Hügelgipfel
Follow the call sky-clad
Folge dem Ruf des Himmels
Evoke the hum
Evoziere das Summen
Allure the sirens
Locke die Sirenen
All it took was time and silence
Alles, was es brauchte, war Zeit und Stille
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Die Flammen eines Geheimnisses schürend
Deepening the listening, losing
Das Zuhören vertiefend, verlierend
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Dich selbst in der endlosen Symphonie des Jetzt
Fanning the flames of a mystery
Die Flammen eines Geheimnisses schürend
Deepening the listening, losing
Das Zuhören vertiefend, verlierend
Yourself to the endless symphony of now
Dich selbst in der endlosen Symphonie des Jetzt
Singing the tale of another man
Die Geschichte eines anderen Mannes singend
Have you felt it in yourself, the music?
Hast du es in dir selbst gespürt, die Musik?
It is coming, coming, coming your way the very first song
Sie kommt, kommt, kommt auf dich zu, das allererste Lied

Curiosità sulla canzone Music di Nightwish

Quando è stata rilasciata la canzone “Music” di Nightwish?
La canzone Music è stata rilasciata nel 2020, nell’album “HUMAN. :||: NATURE.”.
Chi ha composto la canzone “Music” di di Nightwish?
La canzone “Music” di di Nightwish è stata composta da Tuomas Holopainen.

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