
Ali Kardar, Fabian Berglund, Patrik Alvarsson, Nadia Tehran

Testi Traduzione

[Spoken Word Intro: Ali Kardar]
Döden kommer när den kommer. Man ska inte vara rädd för döden. Om jag ska dö, så dör jag även hemma, om jag ska leva så kan jag leva under de här 18 månaderna här. Men det var ingen som lyssnade eller så, så jag fick ta hans uppgift, och ta den där bilen med ammunition och köra fram

[Verse (in Finglish): Nadia Tehran]
Jahanameh man
Man aamadeh-am
Sedaamo beshnoh
Dar meezanam, man
Garmeeyeh toh
Sardeeyeh man
Beh yaadeh joonam
Too royaahe man
Rooham khosh
Delam sang
Meejoosham yah beehoosham?
Meesoozam amaa khamoosham
Ashkaayeh Sheytoon, roo doosham
Sedaayeh marg, too goosham
Daryaa maaleh delam
Daryaa maaleh delam
Too daryaa, maaleh delam

[Verse (in Farsi): Nadia Tehran]
جهنم من
من آماده ام
صدامو بشنو
در میزنم, من
گرمی تو
سردی من
به یاده جونم
تو روهایاه من
روحم خوش
دلم سنگ
میجوشم یا بیهوشم؟
میسوزم اما خاموشم
اشکای شیطون, رو دوشم
صدای مرگ, تو گوشم
دریا, ماله دلم
دریا, ماله دلم
تودریا, ماله دلم

[Bridge: Nadia Tehran]
Don't tell me, where I've been
If you ever find me
Let the flames talk, let the fire blind me
Let the devil walk me to the end that saves me
Let it take me, let it, let it take me

[Spoken Word Outro: Ali Kardar]
Jag bara vaknar och sen somnar jag, jag vaknar och sen somnar jag, jag vaknar med otroliga smärtor som var ju.. Det är inte bara smärtor från benet, det är alltså smärtor för hela själen liksom, det skär i själen liksom att.. Vad håller jag på med? Var är jag? Vad gör de med mig? Vad, vad är det som har hänt? Jag märkte inte ens att jag inte hade benet kvar

[Spoken Word Intro: Ali Kardar]
Death comes when death comes! You can’t be afraid of death. If I’m going to die I could die at home. If I’m going to live, I’m going to live through these coming hours. But they wouldn’t believe me, so I had to prove it to them. So I took his assignment and I sat in the car with all the ammunition, and drove forward

[Verse: Nadia Tehran]
My hell
I have come
Hear my voice
I knock
Your warmth
My cold
In memory of my love
In my fantasies
My hell
I'm finished
I rest in peace
My heart turned to stone
Am I burning or am I unconscious?
I’m on fire but the flames are out
My back is wet from the Devil's tears from my shower
The sound of death howling in my ears
Ocean of my heart
Ocean of my heart
In the ocean, of my heart

[Verse: Nadia Tehran]
My hell
I have come
Hear my voice
I knock
Your warmth
My cold
In memory of my love
In my fantasies
My hell
I'm finished
I rest in peace
My heart turned to stone
Am I burning or am I unconscious?
I’m on fire but the flames are out
My back is wet from the Devil's tears from my shower
The sound of death howling in my ears
Ocean of my heart
Ocean of my heart
In the ocean, of my heart

[Bridge: Nadia Tehran]
Don't tell me, where I've been
If you ever find me
Let the flames talk, let the fire blind me
Let the devil walk me to the end that saves me
Let it take me, let it, let it take me

[Spoken Word Outro: Ali Kardar]
I just wake up and fall asleep, I wake up and fall asleep, I wake up with unbelievable pain that isn’t just pain from my legs, it’s pain through my whole soul, like deep cuts going through my soul. Like what am I doing? Where am I? What are they doing to me? What happened? I didn’t even realise that my leg was gone

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