Cheer Up
I bought a ticket to the greatest show
It came to town about a week ago
But in the end, I did not go
They put a hole up in the atmosphere
I must admit it looks OK from here
Don't you think that it's hot this year?
Cheer up, I said, cheer up, before your time is up
I'm only happy when I watch TV
I got a letter about the license fee
I really thought that it was free
I recall you called me decadent
I did not know what this word meant
I think I'll take it as a compliment
Cheer up, I said, cheer up,
Before your time is up
Before my time is up
Donald, cheer up
Hillary, cheer up
Jeremy, cheer up
Boris, cheer up
William, cheer up
Pontius, cheer up
Franz, cheer up
Saint Cheer Up
Terry, cheer up
Why don't you cheer up?
Why don't you cheer up?
Why don't you cheer up?
Cheer up.