Who Knows


Testi Traduzione

Who knows what tomorrow will bring
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
But as for me I'll wait and see
And maybe it'll bring my love to me

Who knows
Who knows
Who knows it better than I
That it's she who's keeping me alive
Keeping the little girl as my goal
Makes my life worth living alone

Another day
Another day
Just another day
I wanna live
To share the love that only she can give
And if she don't come on home
I pray the Lord will help me carry on
Another day
Another day
Just another day (oh Lord)

Another day
Another day
Just another day
I wanna live
To share the love that only she can give
And if she don't come on home
I pray the Lord will help me carry on

Another day
Another day
Just another day (oh Lord)
For who knows what tomorrow will bring
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
But as for me I'll wait and see

Who knows what tomorrow will bring
Chi sa cosa porterà domani
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
Forse il sole, e forse la pioggia
But as for me I'll wait and see
Ma per quanto mi riguarda, aspetterò e vedrò
And maybe it'll bring my love to me
E forse porterà il mio amore a me
Who knows
Chi lo sa
Who knows
Chi lo sa
Who knows it better than I
Chi lo sa meglio di me
That it's she who's keeping me alive
Che è lei che mi tiene in vita
Keeping the little girl as my goal
Tenendo la piccola ragazza come il mio obiettivo
Makes my life worth living alone
Rende la mia vita degna di essere vissuta da sola
Another day
Un altro giorno
Another day
Un altro giorno
Just another day
Solo un altro giorno
I wanna live
Voglio vivere
To share the love that only she can give
Per condividere l'amore che solo lei può dare
And if she don't come on home
E se non torna a casa
I pray the Lord will help me carry on
Prego il Signore che mi aiuti a continuare
Another day
Un altro giorno
Another day
Un altro giorno
Just another day (oh Lord)
Solo un altro giorno (oh Signore)
Another day
Un altro giorno
Another day
Un altro giorno
Just another day
Solo un altro giorno
I wanna live
Voglio vivere
To share the love that only she can give
Per condividere l'amore che solo lei può dare
And if she don't come on home
E se non torna a casa
I pray the Lord will help me carry on
Prego il Signore che mi aiuti a continuare
Another day
Un altro giorno
Another day
Un altro giorno
Just another day (oh Lord)
Solo un altro giorno (oh Signore)
For who knows what tomorrow will bring
Per chi sa cosa porterà domani
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
Forse il sole, e forse la pioggia
But as for me I'll wait and see
Ma per quanto mi riguarda, aspetterò e vedrò
Who knows what tomorrow will bring
Quem sabe o que o amanhã trará
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
Talvez sol, e talvez chuva
But as for me I'll wait and see
Mas quanto a mim, eu vou esperar e ver
And maybe it'll bring my love to me
E talvez traga meu amor para mim
Who knows
Quem sabe
Who knows
Quem sabe
Who knows it better than I
Quem sabe melhor do que eu
That it's she who's keeping me alive
Que é ela quem me mantém vivo
Keeping the little girl as my goal
Manter a pequena garota como meu objetivo
Makes my life worth living alone
Torna minha vida digna de ser vivida sozinho
Another day
Outro dia
Another day
Outro dia
Just another day
Apenas mais um dia
I wanna live
Eu quero viver
To share the love that only she can give
Para compartilhar o amor que só ela pode dar
And if she don't come on home
E se ela não voltar para casa
I pray the Lord will help me carry on
Eu oro para que o Senhor me ajude a continuar
Another day
Outro dia
Another day
Outro dia
Just another day (oh Lord)
Apenas mais um dia (oh Senhor)
Another day
Outro dia
Another day
Outro dia
Just another day
Apenas mais um dia
I wanna live
Eu quero viver
To share the love that only she can give
Para compartilhar o amor que só ela pode dar
And if she don't come on home
E se ela não voltar para casa
I pray the Lord will help me carry on
Eu oro para que o Senhor me ajude a continuar
Another day
Outro dia
Another day
Outro dia
Just another day (oh Lord)
Apenas mais um dia (oh Senhor)
For who knows what tomorrow will bring
Pois quem sabe o que o amanhã trará
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
Talvez sol, e talvez chuva
But as for me I'll wait and see
Mas quanto a mim, eu vou esperar e ver
Who knows what tomorrow will bring
Quién sabe lo que traerá el mañana
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
Quizás sol, y quizás lluvia
But as for me I'll wait and see
Pero en cuanto a mí, esperaré y veré
And maybe it'll bring my love to me
Y quizás traiga a mi amor hacia mí
Who knows
Quién sabe
Who knows
Quién sabe
Who knows it better than I
Quién lo sabe mejor que yo
That it's she who's keeping me alive
Que es ella quien me mantiene vivo
Keeping the little girl as my goal
Manteniendo a la niña como mi objetivo
Makes my life worth living alone
Hace que valga la pena vivir solo
Another day
Otro día
Another day
Otro día
Just another day
Solo otro día
I wanna live
Quiero vivir
To share the love that only she can give
Para compartir el amor que solo ella puede dar
And if she don't come on home
Y si ella no vuelve a casa
I pray the Lord will help me carry on
Rezo al Señor para que me ayude a seguir adelante
Another day
Otro día
Another day
Otro día
Just another day (oh Lord)
Solo otro día (oh Señor)
Another day
Otro día
Another day
Otro día
Just another day
Solo otro día
I wanna live
Quiero vivir
To share the love that only she can give
Para compartir el amor que solo ella puede dar
And if she don't come on home
Y si ella no vuelve a casa
I pray the Lord will help me carry on
Rezo al Señor para que me ayude a seguir adelante
Another day
Otro día
Another day
Otro día
Just another day (oh Lord)
Solo otro día (oh Señor)
For who knows what tomorrow will bring
Porque quién sabe lo que traerá el mañana
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
Quizás sol, y quizás lluvia
But as for me I'll wait and see
Pero en cuanto a mí, esperaré y veré
Who knows what tomorrow will bring
Qui sait ce que demain apportera
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
Peut-être du soleil, et peut-être de la pluie
But as for me I'll wait and see
Mais pour moi, j'attendrai et verrai
And maybe it'll bring my love to me
Et peut-être qu'il m'apportera mon amour
Who knows
Qui sait
Who knows
Qui sait
Who knows it better than I
Qui le sait mieux que moi
That it's she who's keeping me alive
Que c'est elle qui me maintient en vie
Keeping the little girl as my goal
Garder la petite fille comme mon objectif
Makes my life worth living alone
Rend ma vie digne d'être vécue seule
Another day
Un autre jour
Another day
Un autre jour
Just another day
Juste un autre jour
I wanna live
Je veux vivre
To share the love that only she can give
Pour partager l'amour que seule elle peut donner
And if she don't come on home
Et si elle ne rentre pas à la maison
I pray the Lord will help me carry on
Je prie le Seigneur de m'aider à continuer
Another day
Un autre jour
Another day
Un autre jour
Just another day (oh Lord)
Juste un autre jour (oh Seigneur)
Another day
Un autre jour
Another day
Un autre jour
Just another day
Juste un autre jour
I wanna live
Je veux vivre
To share the love that only she can give
Pour partager l'amour que seule elle peut donner
And if she don't come on home
Et si elle ne rentre pas à la maison
I pray the Lord will help me carry on
Je prie le Seigneur de m'aider à continuer
Another day
Un autre jour
Another day
Un autre jour
Just another day (oh Lord)
Juste un autre jour (oh Seigneur)
For who knows what tomorrow will bring
Car qui sait ce que demain apportera
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
Peut-être du soleil, et peut-être de la pluie
But as for me I'll wait and see
Mais pour moi, j'attendrai et verrai
Who knows what tomorrow will bring
Wer weiß, was der morgige Tag bringen wird
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
Vielleicht Sonnenschein, und vielleicht Regen
But as for me I'll wait and see
Aber was mich betrifft, ich werde abwarten und sehen
And maybe it'll bring my love to me
Und vielleicht bringt er meine Liebe zu mir
Who knows
Wer weiß
Who knows
Wer weiß
Who knows it better than I
Wer weiß es besser als ich
That it's she who's keeping me alive
Dass sie es ist, die mich am Leben hält
Keeping the little girl as my goal
Das kleine Mädchen als mein Ziel zu behalten
Makes my life worth living alone
Macht mein Leben lebenswert allein
Another day
Ein weiterer Tag
Another day
Ein weiterer Tag
Just another day
Nur ein weiterer Tag
I wanna live
Ich möchte leben
To share the love that only she can give
Um die Liebe zu teilen, die nur sie geben kann
And if she don't come on home
Und wenn sie nicht nach Hause kommt
I pray the Lord will help me carry on
Ich bete, dass der Herr mir hilft, weiterzumachen
Another day
Ein weiterer Tag
Another day
Ein weiterer Tag
Just another day (oh Lord)
Nur ein weiterer Tag (oh Herr)
Another day
Ein weiterer Tag
Another day
Ein weiterer Tag
Just another day
Nur ein weiterer Tag
I wanna live
Ich möchte leben
To share the love that only she can give
Um die Liebe zu teilen, die nur sie geben kann
And if she don't come on home
Und wenn sie nicht nach Hause kommt
I pray the Lord will help me carry on
Ich bete, dass der Herr mir hilft, weiterzumachen
Another day
Ein weiterer Tag
Another day
Ein weiterer Tag
Just another day (oh Lord)
Nur ein weiterer Tag (oh Herr)
For who knows what tomorrow will bring
Denn wer weiß, was der morgige Tag bringen wird
Maybe sunshine, and maybe rain
Vielleicht Sonnenschein, und vielleicht Regen
But as for me I'll wait and see
Aber was mich betrifft, ich werde abwarten und sehen

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