The Cuckoo
O the cuckoo she's a pretty bird and she singeth as she flies
She brings us good tidings and she tells us no lies
She sucks the small bird's eggs to keep her voice clear
And the more she singeth cuckoo the summer draws near
And when I have found out my joy and delight
I'll welcome him kindly by day and by night
For the bells shall be a-ringing and the drums make a noise
For to welcome in my true love with ten thousand joys
In the middle of the ocean there grows a myrtle tree
And the green leaves will whither and the branches shall die
The leaves will whither and the roots they will decay
And a false-hearted lover will soon fade away
For it's meeting is pleasure and parting is grief
And an inconstant lover is worse than any thief
For a thief he will rob you and take all you have
But a false-hearted lover will lead you to the grave
But now I have found him my own heart's delight
I will be true to my love by day and by night
I will be as true to him as the little turtle dove
Nor I never shall, no never, prove false to my love