Omens, omens
I cut the weight of connection
That led myself astray
The end will justify the means
But in the end it stays the same
There's nothing left at all, nothing left to see
A restrictive empty exercise within a hollow scheme
Do you see the omens? Omens
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Omens, omens
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
An endless recitation thrown
Right through the looking glass
I'm trapped inside a parody
A fabricated past
Searching for release from all this rising stress
Charted past the point of caring
With a broken compass
Motes in the eye of God
Indulging Armageddon
The devil slits the muse's throat
And drinks her last confession
Do you see the omens? Omens
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Omens, omens
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
I've fallen out of touch with who you think I am
I can't pretend to care or bother to condemn
All this rising apathy
It's growing everyday
I can't pretend to care about how this will end
All I see are omens, omens
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
I see omens, I hear omens, I say
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Omens, omens
Presagi, presagi
I cut the weight of connection
Ho tagliato il peso del legame
That led myself astray
Che mi ha portato fuori strada
The end will justify the means
La fine giustificherà i mezzi
But in the end it stays the same
Ma alla fine rimane lo stesso
There's nothing left at all, nothing left to see
Non c'è più nulla, non c'è più nulla da vedere
A restrictive empty exercise within a hollow scheme
Un esercizio vuoto e restrittivo all'interno di uno schema vuoto
Do you see the omens? Omens
Vedi i presagi? Presagi
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Fanculo tutto, ignora i presagi
Omens, omens
Presagi, presagi
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Fanculo tutto, ignora i presagi
An endless recitation thrown
Un'infinita recitazione gettata
Right through the looking glass
Direttamente attraverso lo specchio
I'm trapped inside a parody
Sono intrappolato dentro una parodia
A fabricated past
Un passato fabbricato
Searching for release from all this rising stress
Cercando di liberarmi da tutto questo stress crescente
Charted past the point of caring
Tracciato oltre il punto di preoccupazione
With a broken compass
Con una bussola rotta
Motes in the eye of God
Granelli nell'occhio di Dio
Indulging Armageddon
Indulgendo l'Armageddon
The devil slits the muse's throat
Il diavolo taglia la gola alla musa
And drinks her last confession
E beve la sua ultima confessione
Do you see the omens? Omens
Vedi i presagi? Presagi
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Fanculo tutto, ignora i presagi
Omens, omens
Presagi, presagi
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Fanculo tutto, ignora i presagi
I've fallen out of touch with who you think I am
Ho perso il contatto con chi pensi che io sia
I can't pretend to care or bother to condemn
Non posso fingere di preoccuparmi o di condannare
All this rising apathy
Tutta questa crescente apatia
It's growing everyday
Sta crescendo ogni giorno
I can't pretend to care about how this will end
Non posso fingere di preoccuparmi di come finirà tutto
All I see are omens, omens
Tutto ciò che vedo sono presagi, presagi
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Fanculo tutto, ignora i presagi
I see omens, I hear omens, I say
Vedo presagi, sento presagi, dico
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Fanculo tutto, ignora i presagi
Omens, omens
Presságios, presságios
I cut the weight of connection
Eu cortei o peso da conexão
That led myself astray
Que me levou ao desvio
The end will justify the means
O fim justificará os meios
But in the end it stays the same
Mas no fim permanece o mesmo
There's nothing left at all, nothing left to see
Não sobrou nada, nada para ver
A restrictive empty exercise within a hollow scheme
Um exercício vazio restritivo dentro de um esquema vazio
Do you see the omens? Omens
Você vê os presságios? Presságios
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Dane-se tudo, ignore os presságios
Omens, omens
Presságios, presságios
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Dane-se tudo, ignore os presságios
An endless recitation thrown
Uma recitação interminável lançada
Right through the looking glass
Direto através do espelho
I'm trapped inside a parody
Estou preso dentro de uma paródia
A fabricated past
Um passado fabricado
Searching for release from all this rising stress
Procurando por libertação de todo esse estresse crescente
Charted past the point of caring
Mapeado além do ponto de se importar
With a broken compass
Com uma bússola quebrada
Motes in the eye of God
Partículas no olho de Deus
Indulging Armageddon
Indulgenciando o Armagedom
The devil slits the muse's throat
O diabo corta a garganta da musa
And drinks her last confession
E bebe sua última confissão
Do you see the omens? Omens
Você vê os presságios? Presságios
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Dane-se tudo, ignore os presságios
Omens, omens
Presságios, presságios
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Dane-se tudo, ignore os presságios
I've fallen out of touch with who you think I am
Eu perdi o contato com quem você acha que eu sou
I can't pretend to care or bother to condemn
Não consigo fingir que me importo ou me incomodo em condenar
All this rising apathy
Toda essa apatia crescente
It's growing everyday
Está crescendo todos os dias
I can't pretend to care about how this will end
Não consigo fingir que me importo com como isso vai acabar
All I see are omens, omens
Tudo que vejo são presságios, presságios
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Dane-se tudo, ignore os presságios
I see omens, I hear omens, I say
Eu vejo presságios, eu ouço presságios, eu digo
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Dane-se tudo, ignore os presságios
Omens, omens
Presagios, presagios
I cut the weight of connection
Corté el peso de la conexión
That led myself astray
Que me llevó por mal camino
The end will justify the means
El fin justificará los medios
But in the end it stays the same
Pero al final todo sigue igual
There's nothing left at all, nothing left to see
No queda nada en absoluto, nada que ver
A restrictive empty exercise within a hollow scheme
Un ejercicio vacío y restrictivo dentro de un esquema hueco
Do you see the omens? Omens
¿Ves los presagios? Presagios
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Que le den a todo, ignora los presagios
Omens, omens
Presagios, presagios
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Que le den a todo, ignora los presagios
An endless recitation thrown
Una recitación interminable lanzada
Right through the looking glass
Directamente a través del espejo
I'm trapped inside a parody
Estoy atrapado dentro de una parodia
A fabricated past
Un pasado fabricado
Searching for release from all this rising stress
Buscando liberación de todo este estrés creciente
Charted past the point of caring
Navegando más allá del punto de preocupación
With a broken compass
Con una brújula rota
Motes in the eye of God
Motas en el ojo de Dios
Indulging Armageddon
Indulgencia al Armagedón
The devil slits the muse's throat
El diablo corta la garganta de la musa
And drinks her last confession
Y bebe su última confesión
Do you see the omens? Omens
¿Ves los presagios? Presagios
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Que le den a todo, ignora los presagios
Omens, omens
Presagios, presagios
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Que le den a todo, ignora los presagios
I've fallen out of touch with who you think I am
He perdido el contacto con quien crees que soy
I can't pretend to care or bother to condemn
No puedo fingir que me importa o molestarme en condenar
All this rising apathy
Toda esta creciente apatía
It's growing everyday
Crece cada día
I can't pretend to care about how this will end
No puedo fingir que me importa cómo terminará esto
All I see are omens, omens
Todo lo que veo son presagios, presagios
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Que le den a todo, ignora los presagios
I see omens, I hear omens, I say
Veo presagios, oigo presagios, digo
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Que le den a todo, ignora los presagios
Omens, omens
Présages, présages
I cut the weight of connection
J'ai coupé le poids de la connexion
That led myself astray
Qui m'a mené égaré
The end will justify the means
La fin justifiera les moyens
But in the end it stays the same
Mais à la fin, tout reste pareil
There's nothing left at all, nothing left to see
Il ne reste plus rien du tout, rien à voir
A restrictive empty exercise within a hollow scheme
Un exercice vide restrictif dans un schéma creux
Do you see the omens? Omens
Voyez-vous les présages? Présages
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Foutre tout, ignorer les présages
Omens, omens
Présages, présages
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Foutre tout, ignorer les présages
An endless recitation thrown
Une récitation sans fin jetée
Right through the looking glass
Directement à travers le miroir
I'm trapped inside a parody
Je suis piégé dans une parodie
A fabricated past
Un passé fabriqué
Searching for release from all this rising stress
À la recherche d'une libération de tout ce stress croissant
Charted past the point of caring
Cartographié au-delà du point de se soucier
With a broken compass
Avec une boussole cassée
Motes in the eye of God
Poussières dans l'œil de Dieu
Indulging Armageddon
Se livrant à l'Armageddon
The devil slits the muse's throat
Le diable égorge la muse
And drinks her last confession
Et boit sa dernière confession
Do you see the omens? Omens
Voyez-vous les présages? Présages
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Foutre tout, ignorer les présages
Omens, omens
Présages, présages
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Foutre tout, ignorer les présages
I've fallen out of touch with who you think I am
J'ai perdu le contact avec qui vous pensez que je suis
I can't pretend to care or bother to condemn
Je ne peux pas prétendre me soucier ou me donner la peine de condamner
All this rising apathy
Toute cette apathie croissante
It's growing everyday
Elle grandit chaque jour
I can't pretend to care about how this will end
Je ne peux pas prétendre me soucier de comment cela se terminera
All I see are omens, omens
Tout ce que je vois, ce sont des présages, des présages
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Foutre tout, ignorer les présages
I see omens, I hear omens, I say
Je vois des présages, j'entends des présages, je dis
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Foutre tout, ignorer les présages
Omens, omens
Omen, Omen
I cut the weight of connection
Ich habe das Gewicht der Verbindung abgeschnitten
That led myself astray
Das mich in die Irre geführt hat
The end will justify the means
Das Ende wird die Mittel rechtfertigen
But in the end it stays the same
Aber am Ende bleibt es gleich
There's nothing left at all, nothing left to see
Es ist nichts mehr übrig, nichts mehr zu sehen
A restrictive empty exercise within a hollow scheme
Eine einschränkende leere Übung innerhalb eines hohlen Schemas
Do you see the omens? Omens
Siehst du die Omen? Omen
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Scheiß drauf, ignoriere die Omen
Omens, omens
Omen, Omen
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Scheiß drauf, ignoriere die Omen
An endless recitation thrown
Eine endlose Rezitation geworfen
Right through the looking glass
Direkt durch den Spiegel
I'm trapped inside a parody
Ich bin in einer Parodie gefangen
A fabricated past
Eine erfundene Vergangenheit
Searching for release from all this rising stress
Suche nach Befreiung von all diesem steigenden Stress
Charted past the point of caring
Gezeichnet jenseits des Punktes, sich zu kümmern
With a broken compass
Mit einem kaputten Kompass
Motes in the eye of God
Staubkörner im Auge Gottes
Indulging Armageddon
Indulging Armageddon
The devil slits the muse's throat
Der Teufel schlitzt der Muse die Kehle auf
And drinks her last confession
Und trinkt ihr letztes Geständnis
Do you see the omens? Omens
Siehst du die Omen? Omen
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Scheiß drauf, ignoriere die Omen
Omens, omens
Omen, Omen
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Scheiß drauf, ignoriere die Omen
I've fallen out of touch with who you think I am
Ich habe den Kontakt zu dem verloren, wer du denkst, dass ich bin
I can't pretend to care or bother to condemn
Ich kann nicht so tun, als ob ich mich kümmere oder mich dazu bringe zu verurteilen
All this rising apathy
All diese steigende Apathie
It's growing everyday
Es wächst jeden Tag
I can't pretend to care about how this will end
Ich kann nicht so tun, als ob ich mich darum kümmere, wie das enden wird
All I see are omens, omens
Alles, was ich sehe, sind Omen, Omen
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Scheiß drauf, ignoriere die Omen
I see omens, I hear omens, I say
Ich sehe Omen, ich höre Omen, ich sage
Fuck it all, ignore the omens
Scheiß drauf, ignoriere die Omen