I photographed you
Within my heart
To be happy
And not just the illusion
Living a life
I have for you, you for me
A union of love
Bless the Lord
You love
was recorded
In my heart
you are
Inside of me
To stay forever
I photographed you
Within my heart
To be happy
And not just the illusion
Living a life
I have for you, you for me
A union of love
Bless the Lord
You love
was recorded
In my heart
you are
Inside of me
To stay forever
2003 • A Voz Do Brasil
2010 • Made In Heaven
2006 • Mãos Vazias
2003 • A Voz Do Brasil
2005 • Notícia
2003 • A Voz Do Brasil
2001 • Igual Não Há
2001 • Igual Não Há
2003 • A Voz Do Brasil
2008 • Perfeição
2006 • Mãos Vazias
2003 • A Voz Do Brasil