I can't wait out the longest journey
Must lose the grip at the fingertip
I won't return from the circumscription
Walking past the compass now to forget my dream
Shut down my mind
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
The birds, they rise
Premonitions of the other side
Time well spent in the chapel of Eschaton
Smog of days through nights the same
Oh, the spell is kicking in
I commend the dereliction
Last look at a cityscape
Before the change
Shut down my mind
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
The birds, they rise
Premonitions of the other side
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
Shut down my mind
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
The birds, they rise
Premonitions of the other side
I can't wait out the longest journey
Non posso aspettare il viaggio più lungo
Must lose the grip at the fingertip
Devo perdere la presa sulla punta delle dita
I won't return from the circumscription
Non tornerò dalla circoscrizione
Walking past the compass now to forget my dream
Camminando oltre la bussola ora per dimenticare il mio sogno
Shut down my mind
Spegni la mia mente
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Il cuore è abbastanza coraggioso ancora?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Scopri i cieli e mostrami gli uccelli
The birds, they rise
Gli uccelli, si alzano
Premonitions of the other side
Premonizioni dell'altro lato
Time well spent in the chapel of Eschaton
Tempo ben speso nella cappella di Eschaton
Smog of days through nights the same
Smog di giorni attraverso notti uguali
Oh, the spell is kicking in
Oh, l'incantesimo sta prendendo piede
I commend the dereliction
Elogio la derelizione
Last look at a cityscape
Ultimo sguardo a un panorama urbano
Before the change
Prima del cambiamento
Shut down my mind
Spegni la mia mente
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Il cuore è abbastanza coraggioso ancora?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Scopri i cieli e mostrami gli uccelli
The birds, they rise
Gli uccelli, si alzano
Premonitions of the other side
Premonizioni dell'altro lato
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Segui gli uccelli) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
(Segui gli uccelli) 592218
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Segui gli uccelli) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
(Segui gli uccelli) 592218
Shut down my mind
Spegni la mia mente
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Il cuore è abbastanza coraggioso ancora?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Scopri i cieli e mostrami gli uccelli
The birds, they rise
Gli uccelli, si alzano
Premonitions of the other side
Premonizioni dell'altro lato
I can't wait out the longest journey
Não consigo esperar pela jornada mais longa
Must lose the grip at the fingertip
Devo perder o controle na ponta do dedo
I won't return from the circumscription
Não vou voltar da circunscrição
Walking past the compass now to forget my dream
Caminhando além da bússola agora para esquecer meu sonho
Shut down my mind
Desligue minha mente
Is the heart brave enough yet?
O coração já é corajoso o suficiente?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Descubra os céus e mostre-me os pássaros
The birds, they rise
Os pássaros, eles se levantam
Premonitions of the other side
Premonições do outro lado
Time well spent in the chapel of Eschaton
Tempo bem gasto na capela de Eschaton
Smog of days through nights the same
Neblina de dias através de noites iguais
Oh, the spell is kicking in
Ah, o feitiço está começando a funcionar
I commend the dereliction
Eu elogio a derelicção
Last look at a cityscape
Última olhada em uma paisagem urbana
Before the change
Antes da mudança
Shut down my mind
Desligue minha mente
Is the heart brave enough yet?
O coração já é corajoso o suficiente?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Descubra os céus e mostre-me os pássaros
The birds, they rise
Os pássaros, eles se levantam
Premonitions of the other side
Premonições do outro lado
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Siga os pássaros) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
(Siga os pássaros) 592218
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Siga os pássaros) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
(Siga os pássaros) 592218
Shut down my mind
Desligue minha mente
Is the heart brave enough yet?
O coração já é corajoso o suficiente?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Descubra os céus e mostre-me os pássaros
The birds, they rise
Os pássaros, eles se levantam
Premonitions of the other side
Premonições do outro lado
I can't wait out the longest journey
No puedo esperar el viaje más largo
Must lose the grip at the fingertip
Debo perder el agarre en la punta del dedo
I won't return from the circumscription
No volveré de la circunscripción
Walking past the compass now to forget my dream
Caminando más allá de la brújula ahora para olvidar mi sueño
Shut down my mind
Apaga mi mente
Is the heart brave enough yet?
¿Es el corazón lo suficientemente valiente todavía?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Descubre los cielos y muéstrame los pájaros
The birds, they rise
Los pájaros, ellos se elevan
Premonitions of the other side
Premoniciones del otro lado
Time well spent in the chapel of Eschaton
Tiempo bien gastado en la capilla de Eschaton
Smog of days through nights the same
Smog de días a través de noches iguales
Oh, the spell is kicking in
Oh, el hechizo está surtiendo efecto
I commend the dereliction
Elogio la desolación
Last look at a cityscape
Última mirada a un paisaje urbano
Before the change
Antes del cambio
Shut down my mind
Apaga mi mente
Is the heart brave enough yet?
¿Es el corazón lo suficientemente valiente todavía?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Descubre los cielos y muéstrame los pájaros
The birds, they rise
Los pájaros, ellos se elevan
Premonitions of the other side
Premoniciones del otro lado
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Sigue a los pájaros) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
(Sigue a los pájaros) 592218
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Sigue a los pájaros) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
(Sigue a los pájaros) 592218
Shut down my mind
Apaga mi mente
Is the heart brave enough yet?
¿Es el corazón lo suficientemente valiente todavía?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Descubre los cielos y muéstrame los pájaros
The birds, they rise
Los pájaros, ellos se elevan
Premonitions of the other side
Premoniciones del otro lado
I can't wait out the longest journey
Je ne peux pas attendre le plus long voyage
Must lose the grip at the fingertip
Dois perdre la prise au bout des doigts
I won't return from the circumscription
Je ne reviendrai pas de la circonscription
Walking past the compass now to forget my dream
Marchant maintenant au-delà de la boussole pour oublier mon rêve
Shut down my mind
Ferme mon esprit
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Le cœur est-il assez courageux encore ?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Découvre les cieux et montre-moi les oiseaux
The birds, they rise
Les oiseaux, ils s'élèvent
Premonitions of the other side
Prémonitions de l'autre côté
Time well spent in the chapel of Eschaton
Du temps bien dépensé dans la chapelle d'Eschaton
Smog of days through nights the same
Brouillard de jours à travers les nuits les mêmes
Oh, the spell is kicking in
Oh, le sort fait effet
I commend the dereliction
Je salue la déréliction
Last look at a cityscape
Dernier regard sur un paysage urbain
Before the change
Avant le changement
Shut down my mind
Ferme mon esprit
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Le cœur est-il assez courageux encore ?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Découvre les cieux et montre-moi les oiseaux
The birds, they rise
Les oiseaux, ils s'élèvent
Premonitions of the other side
Prémonitions de l'autre côté
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Suis les oiseaux) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
(Suis les oiseaux) 592218
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Suis les oiseaux) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
(Suis les oiseaux) 592218
Shut down my mind
Ferme mon esprit
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Le cœur est-il assez courageux encore ?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Découvre les cieux et montre-moi les oiseaux
The birds, they rise
Les oiseaux, ils s'élèvent
Premonitions of the other side
Prémonitions de l'autre côté
I can't wait out the longest journey
Ich kann die längste Reise nicht abwarten
Must lose the grip at the fingertip
Muss den Griff an der Fingerspitze loslassen
I won't return from the circumscription
Ich werde nicht von der Umschreibung zurückkehren
Walking past the compass now to forget my dream
Gehe jetzt am Kompass vorbei, um meinen Traum zu vergessen
Shut down my mind
Schalte meinen Verstand aus
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Ist das Herz schon mutig genug?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Enthülle den Himmel und zeige mir die Vögel
The birds, they rise
Die Vögel, sie steigen auf
Premonitions of the other side
Vorahnungen von der anderen Seite
Time well spent in the chapel of Eschaton
Gut verbrachte Zeit in der Kapelle des Eschaton
Smog of days through nights the same
Smog von Tagen durch Nächte gleich
Oh, the spell is kicking in
Oh, der Zauber setzt ein
I commend the dereliction
Ich empfehle die Verwahrlosung
Last look at a cityscape
Letzter Blick auf eine Stadtlandschaft
Before the change
Vor der Veränderung
Shut down my mind
Schalte meinen Verstand aus
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Ist das Herz schon mutig genug?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Enthülle den Himmel und zeige mir die Vögel
The birds, they rise
Die Vögel, sie steigen auf
Premonitions of the other side
Vorahnungen von der anderen Seite
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Folge den Vögeln) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
(Folge den Vögeln) 592218
(Follow the birds) 179375
(Folge den Vögeln) 179375
(Follow the birds) 592218
(Folge den Vögeln) 592218
Shut down my mind
Schalte meinen Verstand aus
Is the heart brave enough yet?
Ist das Herz schon mutig genug?
Uncover the skies and show me the birds
Enthülle den Himmel und zeige mir die Vögel
The birds, they rise
Die Vögel, sie steigen auf
Premonitions of the other side
Vorahnungen von der anderen Seite