Ebisu Bridge Hypothetical
Joshua: Let's say you had a fuckin', like, y'know. Like it was possible to clone yourself. Like if you had a female clone of yourself, would you fuck it?
Brandon: Dude..
Joshua: What? Why?
Brandon: I would have IT fuck ME, I ain't doin' no work
Joshua: Alright
Santos: He's fuckin' lazy
Joshua: Yeah, but imagine-
Brandon: Yeah, i'm fuckin' lazy
Joshua: Okay, but imagine it though, it's like- It's a clone- It's a female version of yourself...
Brandon: I'd be hot as fuck, though
Joshua: Well- Okay, well hold on though
Santos: I can just marry myself
Brandon: Yeah, you so would
Joshua: Oh yeah! We talked about the fuckin' mirror thing! Like you walk out with a mirror and shit-
Brandon: Either that or a cardboard cutout- Or futanari...
Santos: I used to think-
Brandon: You know what futanari is?
Joshua: Yeah, I'm Japanese, I know this shit
Brandon: That shit's dope
Brandon: What time we leaving?
Joshua: I dunno...I dunno what we're gonna be doing after this-
Santos: Home? The fuck?
Brandon: I wanna be home by 12 so I can-
Joshua: Oh yeah, that's right- That's right...
Santos: And Gilbert's tired..
Gilbert: I just have a headache...
Joshua: You good though?
Gilbert: Yeah, now I am
Joshua: 'Cause of the music in the car?
Brandon: I'm sorry-
Santos: It was kinda loud, that's why
Brandon: You- You could have said something...
Joshua: You drank too, so like, it was probably like- Did you stomach hurt or something?
Gilbert: Yeah
Joshua: Well that's kinda why...
Santos: Imma lay down flat...
Joshua: You were laying down flat as well!
Santos: Not like this!-
Joshua: Ah, no, I can't do that, my stomach is like, hurting kinda-
Brandon: I have heartburn
Joshua: You okay?
Brandon: Yeah
Joshua: Mmkay- B'yeah, no like seriously-
Brandon: What would I do if the world was gonna end?
Joshua: Yeah, no. If you were told the world was gonna end, bud you don't- they never- They weren't specific like you weren't told like-
Brandon: I would do everything I ever wanted to do in a span of like, 2 days. Get fucked up beforehand- Light up would be the first thing...God yes!
Joshua: And what would you do?
Santos: Gilbert said he'd have sex
Gilbert: I'll have sex all day-
Joshua: Really? Tight
Santos: That's it? Now he's gonna find someone to-
Brandon: Dude, I can do that now
(Group laughter)
Joshua: The fuck you mean now, Brandon, like, you have a girl!
Brandon: Uh- Yeah I guess not technically right NOW-
Joshua: That's what I mean, going back to the clone thing
Brandon: Yeah, No...yeah, now that I think about it, I'd fuck the shit out of my clone-
Joshua: There you go...
Brandon: -If it had a pussy
Joshua: Now you're part of the conversation
Brandon: I mean even if it had a dick
Joshua: Shit, dude...You guys believe in the afterlife?
Santos: Yeah, of course
Brandon: I got shit in my ass-
Joshua: Tight
Brandon: I believe in...believing
Joshua: For some reason I keep thinking that like, when we die. We're just gonna be floating in a grayscale plain...with like, nothing, but we're just floating. We still- We're- We- We're wearing the clothes that we died in, it's like, dude...
Brandon: Dude...can I cum on my clothes?
Joshua: You could...with your clone
Brandon: Duuude
Santos: I'm fucking warm right now-
Joshua: I might be dying...
Santos: We all are
Joshua: Inside..yeah
Santos: Oh
Joshua: I've been dead...for years
Santos: It's okay, you'll be happy one day again
Joshua: Yeah, we'll see what happens...