Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes she is, think about it
Woman is the nigger of the world
Think about it, do something about it
We make her paint her face and dance
If she won't be aslave, we say that she don't love us
If she's real, we say she's trying to be a man
While putting her down we pretend that she is above us
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Ah yeah, better scream about it
We make her bear and raise our children
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Oh woman is the slave to the slaves
Yeah, alright
We insult her everyday on TV
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
When she's young we kill her will to be free
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Yes she is, if you believe me, you better scream about it
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
Woman is the nigger of the world
La donna è il negro del mondo
Yes she is, think about it
Sì, lo è, pensaci
Woman is the nigger of the world
La donna è il negro del mondo
Think about it, do something about it
Pensaci, fai qualcosa al riguardo
We make her paint her face and dance
La facciamo truccare il viso e ballare
If she won't be aslave, we say that she don't love us
Se non vuole essere una schiava, diciamo che non ci ama
If she's real, we say she's trying to be a man
Se è autentica, diciamo che sta cercando di essere un uomo
While putting her down we pretend that she is above us
Mentre la sminuiamo, fingiamo che sia al di sopra di noi
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
La donna è il negro del mondo, sì, lo è
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Se non mi credi, guarda quella con cui stai
Woman is the slave to the slaves
La donna è la schiava degli schiavi
Ah yeah, better scream about it
Ah sì, meglio urlare al riguardo
We make her bear and raise our children
La facciamo partorire e crescere i nostri figli
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
E poi la lasciamo per essere una vecchia madre grassa
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Le diciamo che la casa è l'unico posto dove dovrebbe stare
Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend
Poi ci lamentiamo che è troppo ingenua per essere nostra amica
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
La donna è il negro del mondo, sì, lo è
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Se non mi credi, guarda quella con cui stai
Oh woman is the slave to the slaves
Oh, la donna è la schiava degli schiavi
Yeah, alright
Sì, va bene
We insult her everyday on TV
La insultiamo ogni giorno in TV
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
E ci chiediamo perché non ha coraggio o fiducia in se stessa
When she's young we kill her will to be free
Quando è giovane uccidiamo la sua volontà di essere libera
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb
Mentre le diciamo di non essere così intelligente, la sminuiamo per essere così stupida
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
La donna è il negro del mondo, sì, lo è
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Se non mi credi, guarda quella con cui stai
Woman is the slave to the slaves
La donna è la schiava degli schiavi
Yes she is, if you believe me, you better scream about it
Sì, lo è, se mi credi, faresti meglio a urlare al riguardo
We make her paint her face and dance
La facciamo truccare il viso e ballare
We make her paint her face and dance
La facciamo truccare il viso e ballare
We make her paint her face and dance
La facciamo truccare il viso e ballare
We make her paint her face and dance
La facciamo truccare il viso e ballare
We make her paint her face and dance
La facciamo truccare il viso e ballare
We make her paint her face and dance
La facciamo truccare il viso e ballare
Woman is the nigger of the world
A mulher é o negro do mundo
Yes she is, think about it
Sim, ela é, pense nisso
Woman is the nigger of the world
A mulher é o negro do mundo
Think about it, do something about it
Pense nisso, faça algo a respeito
We make her paint her face and dance
Nós a fazemos pintar o rosto e dançar
If she won't be aslave, we say that she don't love us
Se ela não quer ser escrava, dizemos que ela não nos ama
If she's real, we say she's trying to be a man
Se ela é real, dizemos que ela está tentando ser um homem
While putting her down we pretend that she is above us
Enquanto a rebaixamos, fingimos que ela está acima de nós
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
A mulher é o negro do mundo, sim, ela é
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Se você não acredita em mim, dê uma olhada naquela com quem você está
Woman is the slave to the slaves
A mulher é a escrava dos escravos
Ah yeah, better scream about it
Ah sim, é melhor gritar sobre isso
We make her bear and raise our children
Nós a fazemos gerar e criar nossos filhos
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
E então a abandonamos por ser uma velha mãe gorda
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Dizemos a ela que o lar é o único lugar onde ela deveria estar
Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend
Depois reclamamos que ela é muito ingênua para ser nossa amiga
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
A mulher é o negro do mundo, sim, ela é
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Se você não acredita em mim, dê uma olhada naquela com quem você está
Oh woman is the slave to the slaves
Oh, a mulher é a escrava dos escravos
Yeah, alright
Sim, está certo
We insult her everyday on TV
Nós a insultamos todos os dias na TV
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
E nos perguntamos por que ela não tem coragem ou confiança
When she's young we kill her will to be free
Quando ela é jovem, matamos sua vontade de ser livre
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb
Enquanto dizemos a ela para não ser tão esperta, a rebaixamos por ser tão burra
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
A mulher é o negro do mundo, sim, ela é
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Se você não acredita em mim, dê uma olhada naquela com quem você está
Woman is the slave to the slaves
A mulher é a escrava dos escravos
Yes she is, if you believe me, you better scream about it
Sim, ela é, se você acredita em mim, é melhor gritar sobre isso
We make her paint her face and dance
Nós a fazemos pintar o rosto e dançar
We make her paint her face and dance
Nós a fazemos pintar o rosto e dançar
We make her paint her face and dance
Nós a fazemos pintar o rosto e dançar
We make her paint her face and dance
Nós a fazemos pintar o rosto e dançar
We make her paint her face and dance
Nós a fazemos pintar o rosto e dançar
We make her paint her face and dance
Nós a fazemos pintar o rosto e dançar
Woman is the nigger of the world
La mujer es la negra del mundo
Yes she is, think about it
Sí, lo es, piénsalo
Woman is the nigger of the world
La mujer es la negra del mundo
Think about it, do something about it
Piénsalo, haz algo al respecto
We make her paint her face and dance
La hacemos pintarse la cara y bailar
If she won't be aslave, we say that she don't love us
Si no quiere ser esclava, decimos que no nos ama
If she's real, we say she's trying to be a man
Si es auténtica, decimos que está intentando ser un hombre
While putting her down we pretend that she is above us
Mientras la menospreciamos, pretendemos que está por encima de nosotros
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
La mujer es la negra del mundo, sí, lo es
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Si no me crees, echa un vistazo a la que está contigo
Woman is the slave to the slaves
La mujer es la esclava de los esclavos
Ah yeah, better scream about it
Ah sí, mejor grita al respecto
We make her bear and raise our children
La hacemos parir y criar a nuestros hijos
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
Y luego la abandonamos por ser una vieja madre gorda
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Le decimos que el hogar es el único lugar donde debería estar
Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend
Luego nos quejamos de que es demasiado ingenua para ser nuestra amiga
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
La mujer es la negra del mundo, sí, lo es
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Si no me crees, echa un vistazo a la que está contigo
Oh woman is the slave to the slaves
Oh, la mujer es la esclava de los esclavos
Yeah, alright
Sí, está bien
We insult her everyday on TV
La insultamos todos los días en la televisión
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
Y nos preguntamos por qué no tiene agallas o confianza
When she's young we kill her will to be free
Cuando es joven, matamos su voluntad de ser libre
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb
Mientras le decimos que no sea tan lista, la menospreciamos por ser tan tonta
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
La mujer es la negra del mundo, sí, lo es
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Si no me crees, echa un vistazo a la que está contigo
Woman is the slave to the slaves
La mujer es la esclava de los esclavos
Yes she is, if you believe me, you better scream about it
Sí, lo es, si me crees, mejor grita al respecto
We make her paint her face and dance
La hacemos pintarse la cara y bailar
We make her paint her face and dance
La hacemos pintarse la cara y bailar
We make her paint her face and dance
La hacemos pintarse la cara y bailar
We make her paint her face and dance
La hacemos pintarse la cara y bailar
We make her paint her face and dance
La hacemos pintarse la cara y bailar
We make her paint her face and dance
La hacemos pintarse la cara y bailar
Woman is the nigger of the world
La femme est le nègre du monde
Yes she is, think about it
Oui, elle l'est, pensez-y
Woman is the nigger of the world
La femme est le nègre du monde
Think about it, do something about it
Pensez-y, faites quelque chose à ce sujet
We make her paint her face and dance
Nous la faisons se maquiller et danser
If she won't be aslave, we say that she don't love us
Si elle ne veut pas être esclave, nous disons qu'elle ne nous aime pas
If she's real, we say she's trying to be a man
Si elle est authentique, nous disons qu'elle essaie d'être un homme
While putting her down we pretend that she is above us
Tout en la rabaissant, nous prétendons qu'elle est au-dessus de nous
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
La femme est le nègre du monde, oui elle l'est
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Si vous ne me croyez pas, regardez celle avec qui vous êtes
Woman is the slave to the slaves
La femme est l'esclave des esclaves
Ah yeah, better scream about it
Ah oui, mieux vaut crier à ce sujet
We make her bear and raise our children
Nous la faisons porter et élever nos enfants
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
Et puis nous l'abandonnons pour être une vieille mère poule
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Nous lui disons que la maison est le seul endroit où elle devrait être
Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend
Puis nous nous plaignons qu'elle soit trop ignorante pour être notre amie
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
La femme est le nègre du monde, oui elle l'est
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Si vous ne me croyez pas, regardez celle avec qui vous êtes
Oh woman is the slave to the slaves
Oh la femme est l'esclave des esclaves
Yeah, alright
Oui, d'accord
We insult her everyday on TV
Nous l'insultons tous les jours à la télévision
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
Et nous nous demandons pourquoi elle n'a pas de courage ou de confiance
When she's young we kill her will to be free
Quand elle est jeune, nous tuons sa volonté d'être libre
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb
Tout en lui disant de ne pas être si intelligente, nous la rabaissont pour être si bête
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
La femme est le nègre du monde, oui elle l'est
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Si vous ne me croyez pas, regardez celle avec qui vous êtes
Woman is the slave to the slaves
La femme est l'esclave des esclaves
Yes she is, if you believe me, you better scream about it
Oui, elle l'est, si vous me croyez, vous feriez mieux de crier à ce sujet
We make her paint her face and dance
Nous la faisons se maquiller et danser
We make her paint her face and dance
Nous la faisons se maquiller et danser
We make her paint her face and dance
Nous la faisons se maquiller et danser
We make her paint her face and dance
Nous la faisons se maquiller et danser
We make her paint her face and dance
Nous la faisons se maquiller et danser
We make her paint her face and dance
Nous la faisons se maquiller et danser
Woman is the nigger of the world
Die Frau ist der Nigger der Welt
Yes she is, think about it
Ja, sie ist es, denk darüber nach
Woman is the nigger of the world
Die Frau ist der Nigger der Welt
Think about it, do something about it
Denk darüber nach, tu etwas dagegen
We make her paint her face and dance
Wir lassen sie ihr Gesicht bemalen und tanzen
If she won't be aslave, we say that she don't love us
Wenn sie keine Sklavin sein will, sagen wir, dass sie uns nicht liebt
If she's real, we say she's trying to be a man
Wenn sie echt ist, sagen wir, sie versucht, ein Mann zu sein
While putting her down we pretend that she is above us
Während wir sie herabsetzen, tun wir so, als wäre sie über uns
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
Die Frau ist der Nigger der Welt, ja sie ist es
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Wenn du mir nicht glaubst, schau dir die an, mit der du zusammen bist
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Die Frau ist die Sklavin der Sklaven
Ah yeah, better scream about it
Ah ja, besser schreien darüber
We make her bear and raise our children
Wir lassen sie unsere Kinder gebären und großziehen
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
Und dann lassen wir sie im Stich, weil sie eine fette alte Glucke ist
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Wir sagen ihr, dass das Zuhause der einzige Ort ist, an dem sie sein sollte
Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend
Dann beschweren wir uns, dass sie zu weltfremd ist, um unsere Freundin zu sein
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
Die Frau ist der Nigger der Welt, ja sie ist es
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Wenn du mir nicht glaubst, schau dir die an, mit der du zusammen bist
Oh woman is the slave to the slaves
Oh, die Frau ist die Sklavin der Sklaven
Yeah, alright
Ja, in Ordnung
We insult her everyday on TV
Wir beleidigen sie jeden Tag im Fernsehen
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
Und fragen uns, warum sie keinen Mut oder Selbstvertrauen hat
When she's young we kill her will to be free
Wenn sie jung ist, töten wir ihren Willen, frei zu sein
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb
Während wir ihr sagen, sie soll nicht so schlau sein, machen wir sie dafür runter, so dumm zu sein
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
Die Frau ist der Nigger der Welt, ja sie ist es
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Wenn du mir nicht glaubst, schau dir die an, mit der du zusammen bist
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Die Frau ist die Sklavin der Sklaven
Yes she is, if you believe me, you better scream about it
Ja, sie ist es, wenn du mir glaubst, solltest du besser darüber schreien
We make her paint her face and dance
Wir lassen sie ihr Gesicht bemalen und tanzen
We make her paint her face and dance
Wir lassen sie ihr Gesicht bemalen und tanzen
We make her paint her face and dance
Wir lassen sie ihr Gesicht bemalen und tanzen
We make her paint her face and dance
Wir lassen sie ihr Gesicht bemalen und tanzen
We make her paint her face and dance
Wir lassen sie ihr Gesicht bemalen und tanzen
We make her paint her face and dance
Wir lassen sie ihr Gesicht bemalen und tanzen