Strategies To Live
You can hide yourself down a deep, dark hole
Or hoist yourself on a really tall pole
Anything that’ll help you get away
You can do heavy drugs to numb the pain, or
Ask a surgeon to remove your brain
So you can fit right in and start to play
Change your face and change your name
Hide everything that brings you shame
Or go on a preemptive sneak attack
Dig deep into the viper’s pit
Embroil yourself in petty shit
Just commit ‘coz there’s no turning back
Oh, I wish I didn’t worry oh so much
Oh, I wish I could feel fine
Oh, if only all my hopes weren’t out of touch
I wish my safety wasn’t on the line
If you’re accused of doing a bad crime
Want to hide for a very very very long time
Consider all the possibilities
Make a run for President
Convince the people you are heaven sent
You might just win and then you are home free
Even if you’re caught lying
Everyone gives you points for trying
It’s not that the bear stakes well, it skates at all
Even if you destroy the world
It doesn’t matter, you can fuck every girl
And then you can go home and take your ball
Oh, I wish I didn’t worry oh so much
Oh, I wish I could feel fine
Oh, if only all my hopes weren’t out of touch
I wish my safety wasn’t on the line
In the long run everything will be fine
It will just be a matter of time, in
Twelve billion years this will all be gone
In the meantime just try to survive
The world is better with you alive
Outliving him is a reason to go on