Dreamscapes (Interlude)
(Mixed Samples)
The rhythm's generating
What's one dream that sticks out in your mind?
I've had two
There are three sources of dreams
There were four pigeons in the house and I couldn't get them out
God sent you a dream?
"Mhm" (Like uhuh)
And I'd be like: get them right by the door to push them out and they would come back in
Another source is from yourself
It all begins, and ends with you
The other one is, from sin
I don't know what that means
[Hey?] breeze, what's cracking?
It's the snake
My dream is
About this wall that I painted
If you caught me about thirty years ago
It'd be a dream about
I see this girl
And she walks up to me
I walked into this room that was completely white
I was in a white room
And I'm starting to walk towards the walls
The wall became geometric shapes
All these dreams just starting to bleed into each other
When I have dreams
They're based on reality
I don't have
Have like, mystical, crazy dreams
Dreams are [there you know?] to warn us
My father had this kinda prophetic dream beforehand
And before [it was?] going on there
But I just, it was really trippy man
Something just seemed really off to me
We're going through, like
Under, like, these weird tunnels and like
This woman starts talking to me and she looks...
At that point it just triggers in me that I was dreaming
It's a dream
This is a dream