Trionfo di Afrodite- "Quius Deus Magis"


quis deus magis est amatis Which god is more to be sought by lovers
petendus amantibus? who are loved? Which of the gods
quem colent homines magis will people look after the more
caelitum, o Hymenaee Hymen, o Hymeneaus Hymen,
o Hymen Hymenaee? o Hymeneaus Hymen?

te suis tremulus parens
invocat, tibi virgines
zonula solvunt sinus, ---
te timens cupida novos
captat aure maritus.

tu fero iuveni in manus
floridam ipse puellulam
dedis a gremio suae ---
matris, o Hymenaee Hymen,
o Hymen Hymenaee.

nil potest sine te Venus,
fama quod bona comprobet,
commodi capere, at potest
te volente. quis huic deo who would dare
compararier ausit? be compared to this god?

nulla quit sine te domus Without you no family can give children
liberos dare, nec parens and no parent can rely on his offspring
stirpe nitier; ac potest but he can when you are willing
te volente. quis huic deo who would dare
compararier ausit? be compared to this god?

quae tuis careat sacris, A land that lacked your holy rites
non queat dare praesides would not be able to give
terra finibus: at queat guardians to its borders, but it would
te volente. quis huic deo if you were willing. who would dare
compararier ausit? be compared to this god?

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