
Justin Deyarmond Edison Vernon

Testi Traduzione

I was unafraid, I was a boy, I was a tender age
Melic in the naked, knew a lake and drew the lofts for page
Hurdle all the waitings up, I know it wasn't wedded love, why?
Four long minutes end and it was over, it'd all be back
And the frost took up the eyes

Pressed against the pane, could see the veins and there was poison out
Resting in a raze, the inner claims I hadn't breadth to shake
Searching for an inner clout, may not take another bout, why?
Honey in the hale could fill the pales of loving less with vain
Hon', it wasn't yet the spring

Aiming and it sunk and we were drunk and we had fleshed it out
Nose up in the globes, you never know if you are passing out
No, it wasn't maiden-up, the falling or the faded luck, why? (Ooh, ooh)
Hung up in the ivory, both were climbing for a finer cause
Love can hardly leave the room
With your heart

I was unafraid, I was a boy, I was a tender age
Non avevo paura, ero un ragazzo, ero in tenera età
Melic in the naked, knew a lake and drew the lofts for page
Melico nel nudo, conoscevo un lago e disegnavo i loft per pagina
Hurdle all the waitings up, I know it wasn't wedded love, why?
Superare tutte le attese, so che non era amore coniugale, perché?
Four long minutes end and it was over, it'd all be back
Quattro lunghi minuti finiscono ed era finito, sarebbe tutto tornato
And the frost took up the eyes
E il gelo prese gli occhi
Pressed against the pane, could see the veins and there was poison out
Premuto contro il vetro, poteva vedere le vene e c'era veleno fuori
Resting in a raze, the inner claims I hadn't breadth to shake
Riposando in una razzia, le pretese interne che non avevo fiato per scuotere
Searching for an inner clout, may not take another bout, why?
Cercando un colpo interno, potrebbe non sopportare un altro round, perché?
Honey in the hale could fill the pales of loving less with vain
Il miele nella grandine potrebbe riempire i secchi dell'amare meno con vanità
Hon', it wasn't yet the spring
Tesoro, non era ancora primavera
Aiming and it sunk and we were drunk and we had fleshed it out
Mirando e affondò e eravamo ubriachi e lo avevamo chiarito
Nose up in the globes, you never know if you are passing out
Naso nelle sfere, non si sa mai se si sta svenendo
No, it wasn't maiden-up, the falling or the faded luck, why? (Ooh, ooh)
No, non era vergine, la caduta o la fortuna sbiadita, perché? (Ooh, ooh)
Hung up in the ivory, both were climbing for a finer cause
Appesi nell'avorio, entrambi stavano scalando per una causa migliore
Love can hardly leave the room
L'amore può difficilmente lasciare la stanza
With your heart
Con il tuo cuore
I was unafraid, I was a boy, I was a tender age
Eu não tinha medo, eu era um menino, eu era de uma idade tenra
Melic in the naked, knew a lake and drew the lofts for page
Melic no nu, conhecia um lago e desenhava os lofts para a página
Hurdle all the waitings up, I know it wasn't wedded love, why?
Superar todas as esperas, eu sei que não era amor casado, por quê?
Four long minutes end and it was over, it'd all be back
Quatro longos minutos terminaram e acabou, tudo voltaria
And the frost took up the eyes
E a geada tomou conta dos olhos
Pressed against the pane, could see the veins and there was poison out
Pressionado contra a janela, podia ver as veias e havia veneno por fora
Resting in a raze, the inner claims I hadn't breadth to shake
Descansando em uma raiva, as reivindicações internas que eu não tinha fôlego para sacudir
Searching for an inner clout, may not take another bout, why?
Procurando por uma influência interna, pode não aguentar outra luta, por quê?
Honey in the hale could fill the pales of loving less with vain
Mel na chuva de granizo poderia encher os baldes de amar menos com vaidade
Hon', it wasn't yet the spring
Querida, ainda não era primavera
Aiming and it sunk and we were drunk and we had fleshed it out
Mirando e afundou e estávamos bêbados e tínhamos esclarecido
Nose up in the globes, you never know if you are passing out
Nariz nas esferas, você nunca sabe se está desmaiando
No, it wasn't maiden-up, the falling or the faded luck, why? (Ooh, ooh)
Não, não era donzela, a queda ou a sorte desbotada, por quê? (Ooh, ooh)
Hung up in the ivory, both were climbing for a finer cause
Pendurado no marfim, ambos estavam subindo por uma causa mais nobre
Love can hardly leave the room
O amor mal pode deixar o quarto
With your heart
Com seu coração
I was unafraid, I was a boy, I was a tender age
No tenía miedo, era un niño, era una edad tierna
Melic in the naked, knew a lake and drew the lofts for page
Mélico en la desnudez, conocía un lago y dibujaba los apartamentos para la página
Hurdle all the waitings up, I know it wasn't wedded love, why?
Superando todas las esperas, sé que no era amor conyugal, ¿por qué?
Four long minutes end and it was over, it'd all be back
Cuatro largos minutos y terminó, todo volvería
And the frost took up the eyes
Y la escarcha cubrió los ojos
Pressed against the pane, could see the veins and there was poison out
Presionado contra el cristal, podía ver las venas y había veneno afuera
Resting in a raze, the inner claims I hadn't breadth to shake
Descansando en una devastación, las reclamaciones internas que no tenía aliento para sacudir
Searching for an inner clout, may not take another bout, why?
Buscando una influencia interna, puede que no aguante otra ronda, ¿por qué?
Honey in the hale could fill the pales of loving less with vain
La miel en la paja podría llenar la palidez de amar menos con vanidad
Hon', it wasn't yet the spring
Cariño, aún no era primavera
Aiming and it sunk and we were drunk and we had fleshed it out
Apuntando y se hundió y estábamos borrachos y lo habíamos aclarado
Nose up in the globes, you never know if you are passing out
Nariz en los globos, nunca sabes si te estás desmayando
No, it wasn't maiden-up, the falling or the faded luck, why? (Ooh, ooh)
No, no era de doncella, la caída o la suerte desvanecida, ¿por qué? (uh, uh)
Hung up in the ivory, both were climbing for a finer cause
Colgados en el marfil, ambos estaban escalando por una causa más fina
Love can hardly leave the room
El amor apenas puede dejar la habitación
With your heart
Con tu corazón
I was unafraid, I was a boy, I was a tender age
Je n'avais pas peur, j'étais un garçon, j'étais d'un âge tendre
Melic in the naked, knew a lake and drew the lofts for page
Mélodique dans le nu, je connaissais un lac et dessinais les greniers pour la page
Hurdle all the waitings up, I know it wasn't wedded love, why?
Surmonte toutes les attentes, je sais que ce n'était pas un amour marié, pourquoi ?
Four long minutes end and it was over, it'd all be back
Quatre longues minutes se terminent et c'était fini, tout serait de retour
And the frost took up the eyes
Et le givre a pris les yeux
Pressed against the pane, could see the veins and there was poison out
Appuyé contre la vitre, on pouvait voir les veines et il y avait du poison dehors
Resting in a raze, the inner claims I hadn't breadth to shake
Reposant dans une dévastation, les revendications intérieures que je n'avais pas le souffle pour secouer
Searching for an inner clout, may not take another bout, why?
À la recherche d'une influence intérieure, peut-être ne prendra pas un autre combat, pourquoi ?
Honey in the hale could fill the pales of loving less with vain
Le miel dans la grêle pourrait remplir les seaux d'amour moins avec vanité
Hon', it wasn't yet the spring
Chérie, ce n'était pas encore le printemps
Aiming and it sunk and we were drunk and we had fleshed it out
Visant et ça a coulé et nous étions ivres et nous l'avions concrétisé
Nose up in the globes, you never know if you are passing out
Le nez dans les globes, on ne sait jamais si on est en train de s'évanouir
No, it wasn't maiden-up, the falling or the faded luck, why? (Ooh, ooh)
Non, ce n'était pas vierge, la chute ou la chance fanée, pourquoi ? (Ooh, ooh)
Hung up in the ivory, both were climbing for a finer cause
Accroché dans l'ivoire, tous deux grimpaient pour une cause plus noble
Love can hardly leave the room
L'amour peut à peine quitter la pièce
With your heart
Avec ton cœur
I was unafraid, I was a boy, I was a tender age
Ich hatte keine Angst, ich war ein Junge, ich war in einem zarten Alter
Melic in the naked, knew a lake and drew the lofts for page
Melisch im Nackten, kannte einen See und zeichnete die Lofts für die Seite
Hurdle all the waitings up, I know it wasn't wedded love, why?
Überwinde all das Warten, ich weiß, es war keine verheiratete Liebe, warum?
Four long minutes end and it was over, it'd all be back
Vier lange Minuten enden und es war vorbei, es würde alles zurückkommen
And the frost took up the eyes
Und der Frost nahm die Augen ein
Pressed against the pane, could see the veins and there was poison out
Gedrückt gegen die Scheibe, konnte die Adern sehen und es gab Gift draußen
Resting in a raze, the inner claims I hadn't breadth to shake
Ruhend in einer Raserei, die inneren Ansprüche, die ich nicht zu schütteln vermochte
Searching for an inner clout, may not take another bout, why?
Suche nach innerer Kraft, vielleicht nicht noch eine Runde, warum?
Honey in the hale could fill the pales of loving less with vain
Honig im Hag könnte die Eimer der Liebe weniger mit Eitelkeit füllen
Hon', it wasn't yet the spring
Schatz, es war noch nicht Frühling
Aiming and it sunk and we were drunk and we had fleshed it out
Zielend und es versank und wir waren betrunken und wir hatten es ausgefleischt
Nose up in the globes, you never know if you are passing out
Nase in den Globen, man weiß nie, ob man ohnmächtig wird
No, it wasn't maiden-up, the falling or the faded luck, why? (Ooh, ooh)
Nein, es war nicht jungfräulich, das Fallen oder das verblasste Glück, warum? (Ooh, ooh)
Hung up in the ivory, both were climbing for a finer cause
Hängend im Elfenbein, beide kletterten für eine edlere Sache
Love can hardly leave the room
Liebe kann kaum den Raum verlassen
With your heart
Mit deinem Herzen
I was unafraid, I was a boy, I was a tender age
Saya tidak takut, saya masih anak-anak, saya masih muda
Melic in the naked, knew a lake and drew the lofts for page
Melic dalam keadaan telanjang, mengenal sebuah danau dan menggambar loteng untuk halaman
Hurdle all the waitings up, I know it wasn't wedded love, why?
Melompati semua penantian, saya tahu itu bukan cinta yang terikat, mengapa?
Four long minutes end and it was over, it'd all be back
Empat menit berlalu dan semuanya berakhir, semuanya akan kembali
And the frost took up the eyes
Dan embun membeku di mata
Pressed against the pane, could see the veins and there was poison out
Menekan terhadap kaca, bisa melihat urat dan ada racun di luar
Resting in a raze, the inner claims I hadn't breadth to shake
Beristirahat dalam kehancuran, klaim dalam diri yang tidak bisa saya goyang
Searching for an inner clout, may not take another bout, why?
Mencari kekuatan dalam diri, mungkin tidak tahan untuk ronde lain, mengapa?
Honey in the hale could fill the pales of loving less with vain
Madu di hujan bisa mengisi ember cinta yang sia-sia dengan kesombongan
Hon', it wasn't yet the spring
Sayang, itu belum musim semi
Aiming and it sunk and we were drunk and we had fleshed it out
Menargetkan dan itu tenggelam dan kami mabuk dan kami telah menguraikannya
Nose up in the globes, you never know if you are passing out
Hidung di atas bola dunia, kamu tidak pernah tahu jika kamu pingsan
No, it wasn't maiden-up, the falling or the faded luck, why? (Ooh, ooh)
Tidak, itu bukan perawan yang naik, jatuhnya atau keberuntungan yang memudar, mengapa? (Ooh, ooh)
Hung up in the ivory, both were climbing for a finer cause
Terjebak di gading, keduanya memanjat untuk tujuan yang lebih mulia
Love can hardly leave the room
Cinta hampir tidak bisa meninggalkan ruangan
With your heart
Dengan hatimu
I was unafraid, I was a boy, I was a tender age
ผมไม่กลัว, ผมเป็นเด็กชาย, ผมอายุยังน้อย
Melic in the naked, knew a lake and drew the lofts for page
เมลิคในที่เปลือยกาย, รู้จักทะเลสาบและวาดห้องให้หน้าหนังสือ
Hurdle all the waitings up, I know it wasn't wedded love, why?
ข้ามความรอคอยทั้งหมด, ฉันรู้ว่ามันไม่ใช่ความรักที่แต่งงาน, ทำไม?
Four long minutes end and it was over, it'd all be back
สี่นาทียาวนานผ่านไปและมันก็จบ, ทุกอย่างจะกลับมา
And the frost took up the eyes
Pressed against the pane, could see the veins and there was poison out
กดหน้าติดกระจก, สามารถเห็นเส้นเลือดและมีพิษออกมา
Resting in a raze, the inner claims I hadn't breadth to shake
พักผ่อนในความเสียหาย, การอ้างอิงภายในที่ฉันไม่มีลมหายใจที่จะสั่น
Searching for an inner clout, may not take another bout, why?
ค้นหาอำนาจภายใน, อาจจะไม่รับมือกับการต่อสู้อีกครั้ง, ทำไม?
Honey in the hale could fill the pales of loving less with vain
Hon', it wasn't yet the spring
ที่รัก, มันยังไม่ใช่ฤดูใบไม้ผลิ
Aiming and it sunk and we were drunk and we had fleshed it out
Nose up in the globes, you never know if you are passing out
จมูกขึ้นไปในโลก, คุณไม่มีทางรู้ว่าคุณกำลังหมดสติหรือไม่
No, it wasn't maiden-up, the falling or the faded luck, why? (Ooh, ooh)
ไม่, มันไม่ใช่การเป็นสาว, การตกหรือโชคที่จางหาย, ทำไม? (โอ้, โอ้)
Hung up in the ivory, both were climbing for a finer cause
ห้อยอยู่ในงาช้าง, ทั้งคู่พยายามเพื่อเหตุผลที่ดีกว่า
Love can hardly leave the room
With your heart
I was unafraid, I was a boy, I was a tender age
Melic in the naked, knew a lake and drew the lofts for page
Hurdle all the waitings up, I know it wasn't wedded love, why?
Four long minutes end and it was over, it'd all be back
And the frost took up the eyes
Pressed against the pane, could see the veins and there was poison out
Resting in a raze, the inner claims I hadn't breadth to shake
Searching for an inner clout, may not take another bout, why?
Honey in the hale could fill the pales of loving less with vain
Hon', it wasn't yet the spring
Aiming and it sunk and we were drunk and we had fleshed it out
Nose up in the globes, you never know if you are passing out
No, it wasn't maiden-up, the falling or the faded luck, why? (Ooh, ooh)
Hung up in the ivory, both were climbing for a finer cause
Love can hardly leave the room
With your heart

Curiosità sulla canzone Michicant di Bon Iver

In quali album è stata rilasciata la canzone “Michicant” di Bon Iver?
Bon Iver ha rilasciato la canzone negli album “Bon Iver” nel 2011, “Bon Iver, Bon Iver” nel 2011, e “iTunes Session” nel 2012.
Chi ha composto la canzone “Michicant” di di Bon Iver?
La canzone “Michicant” di di Bon Iver è stata composta da Justin Deyarmond Edison Vernon.

Canzoni più popolari di Bon Iver

Altri artisti di Alternative rock