He stood facing men starving thousands One basket of bread one of cod
How did he do it? No one went hungry. That’s how we knew
And soon we met up with a blind man perceived that his vision was flawed
Until our young buddy put a hand to his forehead. That's when we knew
He was the lamb he was he was the lamb he was he was the lamb, he was god
“I'm sorry,” he said, “but I'm leaving.” On supper we blew the last wad. And if he was frightened
well he sure didn't show it. That's how we knew ...
“But surely you can live forever,” the question we posed with a prod
“Enough is enough is enough,” was his answer. That's when we knew ….
He was god he was the lamb he was he was god he was the lamb he was
He was god he was the lamb he was he was god was the lamb was the lamb