The Court of Miracles


Testi Traduzione

Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Where the scoundrels of Paris
Collect in a lair
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Called the Court of Miracles
Hello, you're there!
Where the lame can walk
And the blind can see
But the dead don't talk
So you won't be around
To reveal what you've found
We have a method for spies and intruders
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Here in the Court of Miracles
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!

Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles
I am the lawyers and judge all in one
We like to get the trial over with quickly
Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!

Now that we've seen all the evidence
Wait! I object!
I object!

We find you totally innocent
Which is the worst crime of all
So you're going to hang!

Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Forse hai sentito parlare di un terribile luogo
Where the scoundrels of Paris
Dove i furfanti di Parigi
Collect in a lair
Si raccolgono in un covo
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Forse hai sentito parlare di quel luogo mitico
Called the Court of Miracles
Chiamato il Cortile dei Miracoli
Hello, you're there!
Ciao, sei lì!
Where the lame can walk
Dove gli zoppi possono camminare
And the blind can see
E i ciechi possono vedere
But the dead don't talk
Ma i morti non parlano
So you won't be around
Quindi non sarai in giro
To reveal what you've found
Per rivelare ciò che hai scoperto
We have a method for spies and intruders
Abbiamo un metodo per spie e intrusi
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Piuttosto come calabroni che proteggono il loro nido
Here in the Court of Miracles
Qui nel Cortile dei Miracoli
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!
Dove è un miracolo se riesci a uscire vivo!
Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles
La giustizia è rapida nel Cortile dei Miracoli
I am the lawyers and judge all in one
Io sono l'avvocato e il giudice tutto in uno
We like to get the trial over with quickly
Ci piace finire il processo rapidamente
Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!
Perché è la sentenza che è davvero divertente!
Now that we've seen all the evidence
Ora che abbiamo visto tutte le prove
Wait! I object!
Aspetta! Io obietto!
I object!
Io obietto!
We find you totally innocent
Ti troviamo totalmente innocente
Which is the worst crime of all
Che è il peggior crimine di tutti
So you're going to hang!
Quindi stai per essere impiccato!
Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Talvez você tenha ouvido falar de um lugar terrível
Where the scoundrels of Paris
Onde os malfeitores de Paris
Collect in a lair
Se reúnem em um covil
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Talvez você tenha ouvido falar desse lugar mítico
Called the Court of Miracles
Chamado o Tribunal dos Milagres
Hello, you're there!
Olá, você está lá!
Where the lame can walk
Onde o coxo pode andar
And the blind can see
E o cego pode ver
But the dead don't talk
Mas os mortos não falam
So you won't be around
Então você não estará por perto
To reveal what you've found
Para revelar o que você descobriu
We have a method for spies and intruders
Temos um método para espiões e intrusos
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Como vespas protegendo sua colmeia
Here in the Court of Miracles
Aqui no Tribunal dos Milagres
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!
Onde é um milagre se você sair vivo!
Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles
A justiça é rápida no Tribunal dos Milagres
I am the lawyers and judge all in one
Eu sou os advogados e o juiz em um só
We like to get the trial over with quickly
Gostamos de terminar o julgamento rapidamente
Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!
Porque é a sentença que é realmente divertida!
Now that we've seen all the evidence
Agora que vimos todas as evidências
Wait! I object!
Espere! Eu protesto!
I object!
Eu protesto!
We find you totally innocent
Nós te consideramos totalmente inocente
Which is the worst crime of all
Que é o pior crime de todos
So you're going to hang!
Então você vai ser enforcado!
Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Quizás hayas oído hablar de un lugar terrible
Where the scoundrels of Paris
Donde los malhechores de París
Collect in a lair
Se reúnen en una guarida
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Quizás hayas oído hablar de ese lugar mítico
Called the Court of Miracles
Llamado el Tribunal de los Milagros
Hello, you're there!
¡Hola, estás ahí!
Where the lame can walk
Donde los cojos pueden caminar
And the blind can see
Y los ciegos pueden ver
But the dead don't talk
Pero los muertos no hablan
So you won't be around
Así que no estarás por aquí
To reveal what you've found
Para revelar lo que has encontrado
We have a method for spies and intruders
Tenemos un método para espías e intrusos
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Algo así como avispas protegiendo su colmena
Here in the Court of Miracles
Aquí en el Tribunal de los Milagros
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!
¡Donde es un milagro si logras salir con vida!
Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles
La justicia es rápida en el Tribunal de los Milagros
I am the lawyers and judge all in one
Soy los abogados y el juez todo en uno
We like to get the trial over with quickly
Nos gusta terminar el juicio rápidamente
Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!
¡Porque es la sentencia lo que realmente es divertido!
Now that we've seen all the evidence
Ahora que hemos visto todas las pruebas
Wait! I object!
¡Espera! ¡Objeto!
I object!
We find you totally innocent
Te encontramos totalmente inocente
Which is the worst crime of all
Que es el peor crimen de todos
So you're going to hang!
¡Así que vas a ser ahorcado!
Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Peut-être avez-vous entendu parler d'un endroit terrible
Where the scoundrels of Paris
Où les scélérats de Paris
Collect in a lair
Se rassemblent dans un repaire
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Peut-être avez-vous entendu parler de cet endroit mythique
Called the Court of Miracles
Appelé la Cour des Miracles
Hello, you're there!
Bonjour, vous y êtes !
Where the lame can walk
Où les boiteux peuvent marcher
And the blind can see
Et les aveugles peuvent voir
But the dead don't talk
Mais les morts ne parlent pas
So you won't be around
Donc vous ne serez pas là
To reveal what you've found
Pour révéler ce que vous avez découvert
We have a method for spies and intruders
Nous avons une méthode pour les espions et les intrus
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Plutôt comme des frelons protégeant leur ruche
Here in the Court of Miracles
Ici, à la Cour des Miracles
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!
C'est un miracle si vous en sortez vivant !
Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles
La justice est rapide à la Cour des Miracles
I am the lawyers and judge all in one
Je suis l'avocat et le juge en un
We like to get the trial over with quickly
Nous aimons terminer rapidement le procès
Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!
Parce que c'est la sentence qui est vraiment amusante !
Now that we've seen all the evidence
Maintenant que nous avons vu toutes les preuves
Wait! I object!
Attendez ! Je m'oppose !
Rejeté !
I object!
Je m'oppose !
Silence !
Zut !
We find you totally innocent
Nous vous trouvons totalement innocent
Which is the worst crime of all
Ce qui est le pire crime de tous
So you're going to hang!
Alors vous allez être pendu !
Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Vielleicht hast du von einem schrecklichen Ort gehört
Where the scoundrels of Paris
Wo die Schurken von Paris
Collect in a lair
Sich in einem Versteck sammeln
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Vielleicht hast du von diesem mythischen Ort gehört
Called the Court of Miracles
Genannt das Wundergericht
Hello, you're there!
Hallo, du bist da!
Where the lame can walk
Wo der Lahme gehen kann
And the blind can see
Und der Blinde sehen kann
But the dead don't talk
Aber die Toten sprechen nicht
So you won't be around
Also wirst du nicht da sein
To reveal what you've found
Um zu enthüllen, was du gefunden hast
We have a method for spies and intruders
Wir haben eine Methode für Spione und Eindringlinge
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Eher wie Hornissen, die ihren Bienenstock schützen
Here in the Court of Miracles
Hier im Wundergericht
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!
Wo es ein Wunder ist, wenn du lebend rauskommst!
Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles
Die Justiz ist schnell im Wundergericht
I am the lawyers and judge all in one
Ich bin Anwalt und Richter in einem
We like to get the trial over with quickly
Wir mögen es, den Prozess schnell abzuschließen
Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!
Denn das Urteil macht wirklich Spaß!
Now that we've seen all the evidence
Jetzt, da wir alle Beweise gesehen haben
Wait! I object!
Warte! Ich widerspreche!
I object!
Ich widerspreche!
We find you totally innocent
Wir finden dich völlig unschuldig
Which is the worst crime of all
Was das schlimmste Verbrechen von allen ist
So you're going to hang!
Also wirst du hängen!
Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Mungkin kamu pernah mendengar tentang tempat yang mengerikan
Where the scoundrels of Paris
Di mana penjahat-penjahat Paris
Collect in a lair
Berkumpul di sarang mereka
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Mungkin kamu pernah mendengar tentang tempat mitos itu
Called the Court of Miracles
Yang disebut Pengadilan Keajaiban
Hello, you're there!
Halo, kamu berada di sana!
Where the lame can walk
Di mana orang pincang bisa berjalan
And the blind can see
Dan orang buta bisa melihat
But the dead don't talk
Tapi orang mati tidak bisa berbicara
So you won't be around
Jadi kamu tidak akan ada di sini
To reveal what you've found
Untuk mengungkapkan apa yang kamu temukan
We have a method for spies and intruders
Kami memiliki metode untuk mata-mata dan penyusup
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Seperti lebah yang melindungi sarangnya
Here in the Court of Miracles
Di sini di Pengadilan Keajaiban
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!
Di mana itu sebuah keajaiban jika kamu bisa keluar hidup-hidup!
Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles
Keadilan cepat di Pengadilan Keajaiban
I am the lawyers and judge all in one
Saya adalah pengacara dan hakim dalam satu
We like to get the trial over with quickly
Kami suka menyelesaikan persidangan dengan cepat
Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!
Karena hukumannya yang sebenarnya menyenangkan!
Now that we've seen all the evidence
Sekarang setelah kita melihat semua bukti
Wait! I object!
Tunggu! Saya keberatan!
I object!
Saya keberatan!
We find you totally innocent
Kami menemukan kamu benar-benar tidak bersalah
Which is the worst crime of all
Yang merupakan kejahatan terburuk dari semuanya
So you're going to hang!
Jadi kamu akan digantung!
Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Where the scoundrels of Paris
Collect in a lair
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Called the Court of Miracles
ที่เรียกว่า ศาลแห่งปาฏิหาริย์
Hello, you're there!
สวัสดี, คุณอยู่ที่นั่นแล้ว!
Where the lame can walk
And the blind can see
But the dead don't talk
So you won't be around
To reveal what you've found
We have a method for spies and intruders
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Here in the Court of Miracles
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!
Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles
I am the lawyers and judge all in one
We like to get the trial over with quickly
Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!
Now that we've seen all the evidence
Wait! I object!
รอ! ฉันคัดค้าน!
I object!
We find you totally innocent
Which is the worst crime of all
So you're going to hang!
Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Where the scoundrels of Paris
Collect in a lair
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Called the Court of Miracles
Hello, you're there!
Where the lame can walk
And the blind can see
But the dead don't talk
So you won't be around
To reveal what you've found
We have a method for spies and intruders
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Here in the Court of Miracles
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!
Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles
I am the lawyers and judge all in one
We like to get the trial over with quickly
Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!
Now that we've seen all the evidence
Wait! I object!
I object!
We find you totally innocent
Which is the worst crime of all
So you're going to hang!

Curiosità sulla canzone The Court of Miracles di Alan Menken

In quali album è stata rilasciata la canzone “The Court of Miracles” di Alan Menken?
Alan Menken ha rilasciato la canzone negli album “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” nel 1996 e “The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Studio Cast Recording)” nel 2016.
Chi ha composto la canzone “The Court of Miracles” di di Alan Menken?
La canzone “The Court of Miracles” di di Alan Menken è stata composta da ALAN MENKEN, STEPHEN LAURENCE SCHWARTZ.

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