Sleep at the Mercy of Nightmares
Only blood red hate and coal black greed, occupy that tiny space where a heart should be
In a world beyond fiction and TV, I speak of those who govern us with this anatomy
If you speak against them they will cut your throat, the only difference in democracy is dead men vote
Keeping the rats out of office is like breathing smoke, if you try you will die so abandon all hope
But this is evolution, the strongest survive, bad men live and good men die
A victim of circumstance who didn't choose his own life, and the pigs who don't give a fuck if he dies
Drink your propaganda with ice, I'd rather gouge out my eyes; burn the world according to Christ
Except the fact that we don't live twice. Reality is whatever you decide. A disgusting truth of a beautiful life
A beautiful face hides the perverse, but we prefer the disguise, before the body dies the mind decomposes first
And the people they hurt...
They sleep at the mercy of nightmares, day dream of a life that's not theirs
We all feed the machine that lets poverty exist; when we got taught the world some shit got missed, but this is useful in smoke and mirror politics. We voted you in and were betrayed with a kiss
It's like the higher they climb the further we sink
Temperamental men should not be paid to think. They resemble the only mammal whose skin is pink, they rule with a pen and our blood is the ink
They sleep at the mercy of nightmares, day dream of a life that's not theirs
A beautiful face hides the perverse, but we prefer the disguise, before the body dies the mind decomposes first
And the people they hurt...
I scream from my heart ideas I wish weren't just mine. We can fix what they broke one dead King at a time