I Ran (So Far Away)

Alistair Michael Score, Francis Maudsley, Michael Score, Paul E Reynolds

Testi Traduzione

I walk along the avenue
I never thought I'd meet a girl like you
Meet a girl like you

With auburn hair and tawny eyes
The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through
You hypnotize me through

And I ran
I ran so far away
I just ran
I ran all night and day
I couldn't get away

A cloud appears above your head
A beam of light comes shining down on you
Shining down on you

The cloud is moving nearer still
Aurora Borealis comes in view
Aurora comes in view

And I ran
I ran so far away
I just ran
I ran all night and day
I couldn't get away

Reached out a hand to touch your face
You're slowly disappearing from my view
'Pearing from my view

Reached out a hand to try again
I'm floating in a beam of light with you
A beam of light with you

And I ran
I ran so far away
I just ran
I ran all night and day

And I ran
I ran so far away
I just ran
I couldn't get away

I walk along the avenue
Cammino lungo il viale
I never thought I'd meet a girl like you
Non avrei mai pensato di incontrare una ragazza come te
Meet a girl like you
Incontrare una ragazza come te
With auburn hair and tawny eyes
Con capelli castani e occhi color miele
The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through
Il tipo di occhi che mi ipnotizzano
You hypnotize me through
Tu mi ipnotizzi
And I ran
E ho corso
I ran so far away
Ho corso così lontano
I just ran
Ho solo corso
I ran all night and day
Ho corso tutta la notte e il giorno
I couldn't get away
Non potevo scappare
A cloud appears above your head
Una nuvola appare sopra la tua testa
A beam of light comes shining down on you
Un raggio di luce scende su di te
Shining down on you
Scende su di te
The cloud is moving nearer still
La nuvola si avvicina ancora
Aurora Borealis comes in view
L'aurora boreale entra in vista
Aurora comes in view
L'aurora entra in vista
And I ran
E ho corso
I ran so far away
Ho corso così lontano
I just ran
Ho solo corso
I ran all night and day
Ho corso tutta la notte e il giorno
I couldn't get away
Non potevo scappare
Reached out a hand to touch your face
Ho teso una mano per toccare il tuo viso
You're slowly disappearing from my view
Stai lentamente scomparendo dalla mia vista
'Pearing from my view
Scomparendo dalla mia vista
Reached out a hand to try again
Ho teso una mano per provare di nuovo
I'm floating in a beam of light with you
Sto fluttuando in un raggio di luce con te
A beam of light with you
Un raggio di luce con te
And I ran
E ho corso
I ran so far away
Ho corso così lontano
I just ran
Ho solo corso
I ran all night and day
Ho corso tutta la notte e il giorno
And I ran
E ho corso
I ran so far away
Ho corso così lontano
I just ran
Ho solo corso
I couldn't get away
Non potevo scappare
I walk along the avenue
Eu caminho pela avenida
I never thought I'd meet a girl like you
Nunca pensei que encontraria uma garota como você
Meet a girl like you
Encontrar uma garota como você
With auburn hair and tawny eyes
Com cabelos castanhos e olhos cor de mel
The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through
O tipo de olhos que me hipnotizam
You hypnotize me through
Você me hipnotiza
And I ran
E eu corri
I ran so far away
Eu corri tão longe
I just ran
Eu apenas corri
I ran all night and day
Eu corri noite e dia
I couldn't get away
Eu não conseguia fugir
A cloud appears above your head
Uma nuvem aparece acima da sua cabeça
A beam of light comes shining down on you
Um feixe de luz vem brilhando sobre você
Shining down on you
Brilhando sobre você
The cloud is moving nearer still
A nuvem está se aproximando ainda mais
Aurora Borealis comes in view
A Aurora Boreal vem à vista
Aurora comes in view
A Aurora vem à vista
And I ran
E eu corri
I ran so far away
Eu corri tão longe
I just ran
Eu apenas corri
I ran all night and day
Eu corri noite e dia
I couldn't get away
Eu não conseguia fugir
Reached out a hand to touch your face
Estendi a mão para tocar seu rosto
You're slowly disappearing from my view
Você está lentamente desaparecendo da minha vista
'Pearing from my view
Desaparecendo da minha vista
Reached out a hand to try again
Estendi a mão para tentar novamente
I'm floating in a beam of light with you
Estou flutuando em um feixe de luz com você
A beam of light with you
Um feixe de luz com você
And I ran
E eu corri
I ran so far away
Eu corri tão longe
I just ran
Eu apenas corri
I ran all night and day
Eu corri noite e dia
And I ran
E eu corri
I ran so far away
Eu corri tão longe
I just ran
Eu apenas corri
I couldn't get away
Eu não conseguia fugir
I walk along the avenue
Camino por la avenida
I never thought I'd meet a girl like you
Nunca imaginé que conocería a una chica como tú
Meet a girl like you
Conocería a una chica como tú
With auburn hair and tawny eyes
Con cabello castaño y ojos leonados
The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through
El tipo de ojos que me hipnotizan
You hypnotize me through
Tú me hipnotizas
And I ran
Y yo corro
I ran so far away
Corro tan lejos
I just ran
Solo corro
I ran all night and day
Corro todo el día y la noche
I couldn't get away
No podría huir
A cloud appears above your head
Una nube aparece encima de tu cabeza
A beam of light comes shining down on you
Un rayo de luz viene a alumbrarte
Shining down on you
A alumbrarte
The cloud is moving nearer still
La nube se acerca aún más
Aurora Borealis comes in view
Aparece la aurora boreal
Aurora comes in view
La aurora aparece
And I ran
Y yo corro
I ran so far away
Corro tan lejos
I just ran
Solo corro
I ran all night and day
Corro todo el día y la noche
I couldn't get away
No podría huir
Reached out a hand to touch your face
Alcé mi mano para tocar tu cara
You're slowly disappearing from my view
Lentamente desapareces de mi vista
'Pearing from my view
Desapareces de mi vista
Reached out a hand to try again
Alcé mi mano para intentar otra vez
I'm floating in a beam of light with you
Estoy flotando en un rayo de luz contigo
A beam of light with you
Un rayo de luz contigo
And I ran
Y yo corro
I ran so far away
Corro tan lejos
I just ran
Solo corro
I ran all night and day
Corro todo el día y la noche
And I ran
Y yo corro
I ran so far away
Corro tan lejos
I just ran
Solo corro
I couldn't get away
No podría huir
I walk along the avenue
Je marche le long de l'avenue
I never thought I'd meet a girl like you
Je n'ai jamais pensé que je rencontrerais une fille comme toi
Meet a girl like you
Rencontrer une fille comme toi
With auburn hair and tawny eyes
Avec des cheveux auburn et des yeux fauves
The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through
Le genre d'yeux qui me hypnotisent
You hypnotize me through
Tu me hypnotises
And I ran
Et j'ai couru
I ran so far away
J'ai couru si loin
I just ran
Je viens de courir
I ran all night and day
J'ai couru toute la nuit et toute la journée
I couldn't get away
Je ne pouvais pas m'échapper
A cloud appears above your head
Un nuage apparaît au-dessus de ta tête
A beam of light comes shining down on you
Un rayon de lumière descend sur toi
Shining down on you
Descend sur toi
The cloud is moving nearer still
Le nuage se rapproche encore
Aurora Borealis comes in view
L'aurore boréale apparaît
Aurora comes in view
L'aurore apparaît
And I ran
Et j'ai couru
I ran so far away
J'ai couru si loin
I just ran
Je viens de courir
I ran all night and day
J'ai couru toute la nuit et toute la journée
I couldn't get away
Je ne pouvais pas m'échapper
Reached out a hand to touch your face
J'ai tendu la main pour toucher ton visage
You're slowly disappearing from my view
Tu disparais lentement de ma vue
'Pearing from my view
Disparaissant de ma vue
Reached out a hand to try again
J'ai tendu la main pour essayer encore
I'm floating in a beam of light with you
Je flotte dans un rayon de lumière avec toi
A beam of light with you
Un rayon de lumière avec toi
And I ran
Et j'ai couru
I ran so far away
J'ai couru si loin
I just ran
Je viens de courir
I ran all night and day
J'ai couru toute la nuit et toute la journée
And I ran
Et j'ai couru
I ran so far away
J'ai couru si loin
I just ran
Je viens de courir
I couldn't get away
Je ne pouvais pas m'échapper
I walk along the avenue
Ich gehe die Allee entlang
I never thought I'd meet a girl like you
Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich ein Mädchen wie dich treffen würde
Meet a girl like you
Ein Mädchen wie dich zu treffen
With auburn hair and tawny eyes
Mit kastanienbraunem Haar und braunen Augen
The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through
Die Art von Augen, die mich hypnotisieren
You hypnotize me through
Du hypnotisierst mich durch
And I ran
Und ich rannte
I ran so far away
Ich rannte so weit weg
I just ran
Ich rannte einfach
I ran all night and day
Ich rannte die ganze Nacht und den ganzen Tag
I couldn't get away
Ich konnte nicht entkommen
A cloud appears above your head
Eine Wolke erscheint über deinem Kopf
A beam of light comes shining down on you
Ein Lichtstrahl leuchtet auf dich herab
Shining down on you
Scheint auf dich herab
The cloud is moving nearer still
Die Wolke rückt immer näher
Aurora Borealis comes in view
Aurora Borealis kommt in Sicht
Aurora comes in view
Aurora kommt in Sicht
And I ran
Und ich rannte
I ran so far away
Ich rannte so weit weg
I just ran
Ich rannte einfach
I ran all night and day
Ich rannte die ganze Nacht und den ganzen Tag
I couldn't get away
Ich konnte nicht entkommen
Reached out a hand to touch your face
Streckte eine Hand aus, um dein Gesicht zu berühren
You're slowly disappearing from my view
Du verschwindest langsam aus meinem Blickfeld
'Pearing from my view
Verschwindest aus meinem Blickfeld
Reached out a hand to try again
Streckte eine Hand aus, um es wieder zu versuchen
I'm floating in a beam of light with you
Ich schwebe in einem Lichtstrahl mit dir
A beam of light with you
Ein Lichtstrahl mit dir
And I ran
Und ich rannte
I ran so far away
Ich rannte so weit weg
I just ran
Ich rannte einfach
I ran all night and day
Ich rannte die ganze Nacht und den ganzen Tag
And I ran
Und ich rannte
I ran so far away
Ich rannte so weit weg
I just ran
Ich rannte einfach
I couldn't get away
Ich konnte nicht entkommen

Saya berjalan di sepanjang jalan
Tak pernah terpikir aku akan bertemu dengan gadis sepertimu
Bertemu dengan gadis sepertimu

Dengan rambut cokelat kemerahan dan mata cokelat keemasan
Jenis mata yang membiusku

Dan aku berlari
Aku berlari sangat jauh
Aku hanya berlari
Aku berlari sepanjang malam dan hari
Aku tidak bisa lepas

Awan muncul di atas kepalamu
Seberkas cahaya menyinari dirimu
Menyinari dirimu

Awan itu semakin mendekat
Aurora Borealis muncul di pandangan
Aurora muncul di pandangan

Dan aku berlari
Aku berlari sangat jauh
Aku hanya berlari
Aku berlari sepanjang malam dan hari
Aku tidak bisa lepas

Mengulurkan tangan untuk menyentuh wajahmu
Kamu perlahan menghilang dari pandanganku
Menghilang dari pandanganku

Mengulurkan tangan untuk mencoba lagi
Aku mengambang dalam seberkas cahaya bersamamu
Seberkas cahaya bersamamu

Dan aku berlari
Aku berlari sangat jauh
Aku hanya berlari
Aku berlari sepanjang malam dan hari

Dan aku berlari
Aku berlari sangat jauh
Aku hanya berlari
Aku tidak bisa lepas

Dan aku berlari
Aku berlari sangat jauh
Aku hanya berlari
Aku berlari sepanjang malam dan hari

Dan aku berlari







คุณกำลังค่อยๆ หายไปจากมุมมองของฉัน


















[Enstrümantal Giriş]

[Verse 1]
Yürüdüm cadde boyunca
Düşünmezdim tanışacağımı senin gibi bir kızla
Tanışacağımı senin gibi bir kızla
Kumral saçları ve ela gözleri
Bu gözler beni hipnoz ediyor anında
Hipnoz ediyor anında

Ve koştum, koştum uzaklara doğru
Sadece koştum, koştum gün ve geceler boyu
Kaçamadım bi' türlü

[Verse 2]
Bir bulut belirir başının üstünde
Bir ışık huzmesi üstten aydınlatır seni
Üstten aydınlatır seni
Bulut yaklaşıyor hala
Kuzey ışıkları belirir karşında
Işıklar belirir karşında

Ve koştum, koştum uzaklara doğru
Sadece koştum, koştum gün ve geceler boyu
Kaçamadım bi' türlü

[Gitar Solosu]

[Verse 3]
Uzattı elini dokunmak üzere yüzüne
Yavaş yavaş kayboluyorsun gözümde
—luyorsun gözümde
Elini uzatıp tekrar denedi
Uçuyorum ışık huzmesinde seninle
Bir ışık huzmesinde seninle

Ve koştum, koştum uzaklara doğru
Sadece koştum, koştum gün ve geceler boyu
Ve koştum, koştum uzaklara doğru
Sadece koştum ama kaçamadım bi' türlü

Curiosità sulla canzone I Ran (So Far Away) di A Flock of Seagulls

In quali album è stata rilasciata la canzone “I Ran (So Far Away)” di A Flock of Seagulls?
A Flock of Seagulls ha rilasciato la canzone negli album “Aurora Borealis - The Greatest Hits”, “A Flock of Seagulls” nel 1982, “I Ran” nel 1982, “Telecommunications” nel 1992, “Wishing” nel 1995, “The Best Of A Flock Of Seagulls” nel 2005, “We Are the '80s” nel 2006, “Pure '80s Hits” nel 2008, e “Ascension” nel 2018.
Chi ha composto la canzone “I Ran (So Far Away)” di di A Flock of Seagulls?
La canzone “I Ran (So Far Away)” di di A Flock of Seagulls è stata composta da Alistair Michael Score, Francis Maudsley, Michael Score, Paul E Reynolds.

Canzoni più popolari di A Flock of Seagulls

Altri artisti di New wave