The Beginning

Bukola Elemide

Testi Traduzione

One of us must have a last say
Words like daggers
We try to hurt each other
There's no other way until one surrenders
We've been like this for days
We've been like this for days

So when you said goodbye
With a smile on your face
I thought it was as usual
You'll be gone just for a little while
I didn't see it coming
Won't believe if someone told me

That I've been waiting for years
Been waiting for years

Even though we're near
Like we're far away
Far from far away
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Let's go back to the beginning

None of us must have a last say
I'm writing you this letter
Hoping we can make things clearer
Over all the shouting
We forget to hear each other

And I missed you for days
In so many ways

Even though we near
Like we're far away
Far from far away
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Let's go back to the beginning

(To the beginning)
You and me
(To the beginning)
Let's go back to the beginning
(To the beginning)
You and me
(To the beginning)
(To the beginning)
You and me
(To the beginning)
(To the beginning)
You and me

Let's go back to the beginning

One of us must have a last say
Uno di noi deve avere l'ultima parola
Words like daggers
Parole come pugnali
We try to hurt each other
Cerchiamo di farci del male
There's no other way until one surrenders
Non c'è altra via fino a quando uno non si arrende
We've been like this for days
Siamo stati così per giorni
We've been like this for days
Siamo stati così per giorni
So when you said goodbye
Quindi quando hai detto addio
With a smile on your face
Con un sorriso sul viso
I thought it was as usual
Ho pensato fosse come al solito
You'll be gone just for a little while
Saresti andato via solo per un po'
I didn't see it coming
Non l'ho visto arrivare
Won't believe if someone told me
Non ci crederei se qualcuno me lo avesse detto
That I've been waiting for years
Che ho aspettato per anni
Been waiting for years
Ho aspettato per anni
Even though we're near
Anche se siamo vicini
Like we're far away
Come se fossimo lontani
Far from far away
Lontano da lontano
Can you hear me?
Puoi sentirmi?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Puoi sentirmi, puoi sentirmi?
Let's go back to the beginning
Torniamo all'inizio
None of us must have a last say
Nessuno di noi deve avere l'ultima parola
I'm writing you this letter
Ti sto scrivendo questa lettera
Hoping we can make things clearer
Sperando che possiamo rendere le cose più chiare
Over all the shouting
Tra tutte le urla
We forget to hear each other
Dimentichiamo di ascoltarci
And I missed you for days
E ti ho perso per giorni
In so many ways
In tanti modi
Even though we near
Anche se siamo vicini
Like we're far away
Come se fossimo lontani
Far from far away
Lontano da lontano
Can you hear me?
Puoi sentirmi?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Puoi sentirmi, puoi sentirmi?
Let's go back to the beginning
Torniamo all'inizio
(To the beginning)
You and me
Tu ed io
(To the beginning)
Let's go back to the beginning
Torniamo all'inizio
(To the beginning)
You and me
Tu ed io
(To the beginning)
(To the beginning)
You and me
Tu ed io
(To the beginning)
(To the beginning)
You and me
Tu ed io
Let's go back to the beginning
Torniamo all'inizio
One of us must have a last say
Um de nós deve ter a última palavra
Words like daggers
Palavras como punhais
We try to hurt each other
Tentamos nos machucar
There's no other way until one surrenders
Não há outra maneira até que um se renda
We've been like this for days
Estamos assim há dias
We've been like this for days
Estamos assim há dias
So when you said goodbye
Então quando você disse adeus
With a smile on your face
Com um sorriso no rosto
I thought it was as usual
Eu pensei que era como de costume
You'll be gone just for a little while
Você se ausentaria apenas por um pouco
I didn't see it coming
Eu não vi isso chegando
Won't believe if someone told me
Não acreditaria se alguém me contasse
That I've been waiting for years
Que eu estive esperando por anos
Been waiting for years
Estive esperando por anos
Even though we're near
Mesmo estando perto
Like we're far away
Como se estivéssemos longe
Far from far away
Longe de longe
Can you hear me?
Você consegue me ouvir?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Você consegue me ouvir, consegue me ouvir?
Let's go back to the beginning
Vamos voltar ao começo
None of us must have a last say
Nenhum de nós deve ter a última palavra
I'm writing you this letter
Estou escrevendo esta carta para você
Hoping we can make things clearer
Esperando que possamos esclarecer as coisas
Over all the shouting
Com toda a gritaria
We forget to hear each other
Esquecemos de nos ouvir
And I missed you for days
E eu senti sua falta por dias
In so many ways
De tantas maneiras
Even though we near
Mesmo estando perto
Like we're far away
Como se estivéssemos longe
Far from far away
Longe de longe
Can you hear me?
Você consegue me ouvir?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Você consegue me ouvir, consegue me ouvir?
Let's go back to the beginning
Vamos voltar ao começo
(To the beginning)
(Para o começo)
You and me
Você e eu
(To the beginning)
(Para o começo)
Let's go back to the beginning
Vamos voltar ao começo
(To the beginning)
(Para o começo)
You and me
Você e eu
(To the beginning)
(Para o começo)
(To the beginning)
(Para o começo)
You and me
Você e eu
(To the beginning)
(Para o começo)
(To the beginning)
(Para o começo)
You and me
Você e eu
Let's go back to the beginning
Vamos voltar ao começo
One of us must have a last say
Uno de nosotros debe tener la última palabra
Words like daggers
Palabras como dagas
We try to hurt each other
Intentamos herirnos el uno al otro
There's no other way until one surrenders
No hay otra forma hasta que uno se rinda
We've been like this for days
Hemos estado así por días
We've been like this for days
Hemos estado así por días
So when you said goodbye
Así que cuando dijiste adiós
With a smile on your face
Con una sonrisa en tu cara
I thought it was as usual
Pensé que era como de costumbre
You'll be gone just for a little while
Te irías solo por un rato
I didn't see it coming
No lo vi venir
Won't believe if someone told me
No lo creería si alguien me lo dijera
That I've been waiting for years
Que he estado esperando durante años
Been waiting for years
He estado esperando durante años
Even though we're near
Aunque estamos cerca
Like we're far away
Como si estuviéramos lejos
Far from far away
Lejos de muy lejos
Can you hear me?
¿Puedes oírme?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
¿Puedes oírme, puedes oírme?
Let's go back to the beginning
Volvamos al principio
None of us must have a last say
Ninguno de nosotros debe tener la última palabra
I'm writing you this letter
Te estoy escribiendo esta carta
Hoping we can make things clearer
Esperando que podamos aclarar las cosas
Over all the shouting
Entre todo el griterío
We forget to hear each other
Nos olvidamos de escucharnos el uno al otro
And I missed you for days
Y te extrañé durante días
In so many ways
De tantas maneras
Even though we near
Aunque estamos cerca
Like we're far away
Como si estuviéramos lejos
Far from far away
Lejos de muy lejos
Can you hear me?
¿Puedes oírme?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
¿Puedes oírme, puedes oírme?
Let's go back to the beginning
Volvamos al principio
(To the beginning)
(Al principio)
You and me
Tú y yo
(To the beginning)
(Al principio)
Let's go back to the beginning
Volvamos al principio
(To the beginning)
(Al principio)
You and me
Tú y yo
(To the beginning)
(Al principio)
(To the beginning)
(Al principio)
You and me
Tú y yo
(To the beginning)
(Al principio)
(To the beginning)
(Al principio)
You and me
Tú y yo
Let's go back to the beginning
Volvamos al principio
One of us must have a last say
L'un de nous doit avoir le dernier mot
Words like daggers
Des mots comme des poignards
We try to hurt each other
Nous essayons de nous blesser
There's no other way until one surrenders
Il n'y a pas d'autre moyen jusqu'à ce que l'un se rende
We've been like this for days
Nous sommes comme ça depuis des jours
We've been like this for days
Nous sommes comme ça depuis des jours
So when you said goodbye
Alors quand tu as dit au revoir
With a smile on your face
Avec un sourire sur ton visage
I thought it was as usual
Je pensais que c'était comme d'habitude
You'll be gone just for a little while
Tu seras parti juste pour un petit moment
I didn't see it coming
Je ne l'ai pas vu venir
Won't believe if someone told me
Je ne croirai pas si quelqu'un me l'a dit
That I've been waiting for years
Que j'attends depuis des années
Been waiting for years
J'attends depuis des années
Even though we're near
Même si nous sommes proches
Like we're far away
Comme si nous étions loin
Far from far away
Loin de loin
Can you hear me?
Peux-tu m'entendre?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Peux-tu m'entendre, peux-tu m'entendre?
Let's go back to the beginning
Retournons au début
None of us must have a last say
Aucun de nous ne doit avoir le dernier mot
I'm writing you this letter
Je t'écris cette lettre
Hoping we can make things clearer
En espérant que nous pourrons rendre les choses plus claires
Over all the shouting
Au milieu de tous ces cris
We forget to hear each other
Nous oublions de nous écouter
And I missed you for days
Et tu m'as manqué pendant des jours
In so many ways
De tant de façons
Even though we near
Même si nous sommes proches
Like we're far away
Comme si nous étions loin
Far from far away
Loin de loin
Can you hear me?
Peux-tu m'entendre?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Peux-tu m'entendre, peux-tu m'entendre?
Let's go back to the beginning
Retournons au début
(To the beginning)
(Au début)
You and me
Toi et moi
(To the beginning)
(Au début)
Let's go back to the beginning
Retournons au début
(To the beginning)
(Au début)
You and me
Toi et moi
(To the beginning)
(Au début)
(To the beginning)
(Au début)
You and me
Toi et moi
(To the beginning)
(Au début)
(To the beginning)
(Au début)
You and me
Toi et moi
Let's go back to the beginning
Retournons au début
One of us must have a last say
Einer von uns muss das letzte Wort haben
Words like daggers
Worte wie Dolche
We try to hurt each other
Wir versuchen, uns gegenseitig zu verletzen
There's no other way until one surrenders
Es gibt keinen anderen Weg, bis einer aufgibt
We've been like this for days
Wir sind seit Tagen so
We've been like this for days
Wir sind seit Tagen so
So when you said goodbye
Also als du auf Wiedersehen gesagt hast
With a smile on your face
Mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht
I thought it was as usual
Ich dachte, es wäre wie üblich
You'll be gone just for a little while
Du wirst nur für eine kleine Weile weg sein
I didn't see it coming
Ich habe es nicht kommen sehen
Won't believe if someone told me
Würde es nicht glauben, wenn mir jemand erzählt hätte
That I've been waiting for years
Dass ich seit Jahren gewartet habe
Been waiting for years
Seit Jahren gewartet habe
Even though we're near
Obwohl wir nahe sind
Like we're far away
Als wären wir weit weg
Far from far away
Weit von weit weg
Can you hear me?
Kannst du mich hören?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Kannst du mich hören, kannst du mich hören?
Let's go back to the beginning
Lass uns zum Anfang zurückkehren
None of us must have a last say
Keiner von uns muss das letzte Wort haben
I'm writing you this letter
Ich schreibe dir diesen Brief
Hoping we can make things clearer
In der Hoffnung, dass wir die Dinge klarer machen können
Over all the shouting
Über all das Geschrei
We forget to hear each other
Wir vergessen, einander zuzuhören
And I missed you for days
Und ich habe dich tagelang vermisst
In so many ways
Auf so viele Arten
Even though we near
Obwohl wir nahe sind
Like we're far away
Als wären wir weit weg
Far from far away
Weit von weit weg
Can you hear me?
Kannst du mich hören?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Kannst du mich hören, kannst du mich hören?
Let's go back to the beginning
Lass uns zum Anfang zurückkehren
(To the beginning)
(Zum Anfang)
You and me
Du und ich
(To the beginning)
(Zum Anfang)
Let's go back to the beginning
Lass uns zum Anfang zurückkehren
(To the beginning)
(Zum Anfang)
You and me
Du und ich
(To the beginning)
(Zum Anfang)
(To the beginning)
(Zum Anfang)
You and me
Du und ich
(To the beginning)
(Zum Anfang)
(To the beginning)
(Zum Anfang)
You and me
Du und ich
Let's go back to the beginning
Lass uns zum Anfang zurückkehren

Curiosità sulla canzone The Beginning di Aṣa

Quando è stata rilasciata la canzone “The Beginning” di Aṣa?
La canzone The Beginning è stata rilasciata nel 2019, nell’album “Lucid”.
Chi ha composto la canzone “The Beginning” di di Aṣa?
La canzone “The Beginning” di di Aṣa è stata composta da Bukola Elemide.

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