Tutte le Canzoni
Baruch Haba (Blessed Is He Who Comes)
Cante Aleluia
Hinei Ma Tov (Behold How Good)
In Your Presence
Introit- Jerusalem Of Gold/Ma Tovu (O How Good)
Ma Tovu
Roni Roni Bat Zion
Shalom Jerusalem
Shouts Of Joy
Sing For Joy In The Lord
Sing Hallelujah
Stand Up And Give Him The Praise
Up to Jerusalem
Where Does My Help Come From
Altri artisti di Gospel
Raquel Mello
David Quinlan
Pedras Vivas
Paulo Neto (Gospel)
Ministério Sarando a Terra Ferida
Arianne (Gospel)
Ariely Bonatti
Fernanda Brum e Eyshila
Noemi Nonato
Vencedores Por Cristo
Rayanne Vanessa
Giselli Cristina
Ir. Kelly Patrícia
Fogo No Pé
Léa Mendonça
Prisma Brasil
André e Felipe
Alex Gonzaga
Aline Barros e Cia.